So I was really bored and needed a new wallpaper, so I decided to Dream Theater it up. Spoiler Windows 7 must be the slow child of the Windows OS family when it comes to image resizing, since in PS it was much larger than how it is when I uploaded it to PB. Either that or my PS setting are weird. Or something. If someone knows what the problem could be with that, then please do tell. Anyway, yeah, it's simple, but cnc please?
Entries are due in by Sunday, July 18th.
I for one think that sprite tags have a rather interesting flare that differs from tags involving other kinds of stocks. Seeing as this hasn't been the theme in a good while, this will be how we go about it this week. A sprite of some kind must be the focal of your sig for this week.
There was a topic for TMV, but it's rather old, so I shall start a new one. This band is easily one of the most interesting experimental rock groups I've ever heard. My personal favorite album by them is Octahedron. The chorus of the song Teflon has managed to be stuck in my head for weeks. Thoughts on this band?
[Yes, I stole this from /b/] It's very simple: you are the final boss. Choose your quote before the big showdown with the protagonist, your location, and your battle music.
Computer's broken, phone's gone. Yay me. I might be computer-less from anywhere between a few days and two months (at most). I have my mom's old work laptop for now, but it doesn't have MSN, and the internet connection is depressingly bad (I'm currently using an iPod touch). Considering how long this message is taking me to type, I won't be posting much. I'm sorry to all my friends who have had to deal with my laptop's frequent overheating; at the very least, after all this is said and done, we won't have that issue anymore. Ciao for now.
I got really excited, then about a quarter of a second later, I remembered that half of them were dead. iTunes loves to play with my emotions.
Alrighty, folks, here are your entries for this week's SotW. Voting closes on Friday, May 21st. Danny Phantom Jade Laplace
Deadline for entries is Friday, May 14th.
Alright, kudos to Chevalier for this idea. All brushing that you do (if any) must be done with the circle brush (normal or soft), and you must use the following C4D in some way: Spoiler Deadline for entries is Friday, May 14th. I feel so safe knowing that guys in spandex and leather are looking out for me.
I have a final exam tomorrow, and one for every day of the week up until Thursday. Motivate me to study.
Underneath a shell, this lovely scene. Spoiler
You're a whore. That is all.
Alrighty, you guys know the drill: choose your three favorites out of the bunch. Voting ends Thursday, April 22. Here are your entries: Code: Misty Code: jojoj13 Code: Laplace Code: Amethyst Heart
Enter your completed works for this week's contest here. Deadline is Thursday, April 15th.
Yep, it's that time again. Freestyle time. No restraints this week outside the regular rules of the site of course. You can make any kind of sig for entry. Deadline is Thursday, April 15th.
Anyone who wants some, get yo' asses in here and post.
What I learned: Spoiler 1. Obesity really is an American thing more than anything. You lucky bastards. 2. Roman shopkeepers don't like it when you knock over shelves in their stores. They yell at you. In Italian. And it's really scary. 3. France is the manliest country ever because for a mere couple of euros, you can order pain with your dinner. *bad-dum-crash* 4. Mock the Week is the funniest show of all time. OF ALL TIME. 5. Speaking in Spanish to Italians and French people can make other Americans think you're cultured. 6. Getting fifty people with tons of luggage onto two sleeping cars of an international train within ten minutes is pretty annoying. 7. My classmates are cultural ******s. 8. The Leaning Tower of Pisa presents oh-so many possibilities for poses other than the cliche leaning your hand against the tower thing. 9. Gelato is the greatest food ever.
So yea, I'm going on a school trip tomorrow to Europe for ten days. Landing in Rome, then going to Florence, then to Paris, then finally to London. I've been looking forward to this for more than a year. So yea, those of you whose addresses I creepily know, if I get the chance, expect a postcard. Anywho, see you guys on Tuesday the sixth.