I'm trying to do this whole graphic art thing again. Be as nit-picky and critical as you feel is necessary. I wanna git gud.
We are approaching the point in our development as a species where we will most likely be able to develop a computer simulation in which conscious entities can be generated. If and when such an outcome is reached, the following question will be on the forefront: if we can simulate conscious entities, is it not likely that we are ourselves the product of some simulation? How do you respond?
Because you know they deserve it. Banned for posting way too many suggestive images. Pervert.
Read the title, Jesus Christ. Hi.
Post ITT and I'll give you a specific reason why.
Seriously? No active thread? After the insanity that was last night's episode? Surely there have to be people around here who like this show as much as I do.
Guys, check out this sweet new FF XIII gameplay trailer!
In six days I'm going to be taking the most important exam of my life. Realizing how big of a milestone that day will be, it's naturally made me think back deeply on my last few years. Some events come more vividly to mind than others: making new life-long friends, beginning the only two relationships I've ever been in, sobbing through the end of both of those relationships, drastically changing my plans for the future, and seeing friends and loved ones die. Lots of ups and downs were had, but one constant throughout that time -- save for a few periods of absence -- was being on this website. It may seem silly -- hell, it probably does -- but this forum really has strongly impacted my life. Over the years it may have gone through more face lifts than most of Hollywood, but it's largely remained the same -- no matter what the veterans may try to tell you. Having this place as an anchor to a simpler time in my life is something I'm genuinely grateful for. Even if a lot of my old war buddies have gone, there are still a lot of you on here that I consider friends. Even those of you that don't know me or only know me as an acquaintance give this community the qualities that originally drew me in. This is really becoming more of a sappy ramble than I intended it to be. I guess what I'm trying to say is, thanks. Thanks a lot. Goodnight, KH-V.
Hello, KH-V denizens, I come to you in an hour of dire need. Or something. Basically, I have a not-so-average situation with a girl, and I wanna know what you guys think about it. I befriended this girl (let's call her Rose) at college at the beginning of this spring semester. We had a class together the previous semester, but didn't really start talking until we had a project to do together. Ever since we've been pretty good friends, hanging out at my apartment a lot and talking a fair amount. We have a lot of views on life in common and I'm really good at making her laugh. We had become such fast friends that she went as far as to ask if she could move in with me and my all-male roommates next semester (though she eventually decided to move in with one of our mutual female friends). Not-so-slowly but surely, I developed a pretty big crush on her. Definitely worth noting, though, I had also recently broken up with my girlfriend of three years, and Rose knew about that. Anyway, about two months into our friendship, my roommates as well as a different mutual female friend all really thought that Rose had a thing for me. One night, while walking her home from my apartment as I always do, I asked her out. However, I worded it horribly, and this train wreck is where the complication of this complication story comes from. Me: Hey, Rose, are you free this weekend? Rose: I think I am, why? Me: Well, I was wondering if you'd want to go out with me this weekend? Rose: Yeah, sure! I just gotta make sure I'll be on campus; I'll let you know! Once I got back to my apartment, we started talking about a b!tch of a test we had in class the next day. Shortly after, she sent me this: "Hey, when you said, 'go out with you' you didn't mean 'in a relationship' going out, did you? I don't really want a boyfriend right now. It's really noting to do with you. If that's not what you meant, I'm sorry if I made things awkward." I assumed she was just giving me the whole, "it's not you, it's me" speech and that she wasn't interested, so I decided to reply, "Oh, nah, I just meant hangout as friends! No awkwardness at all, don't worry!" to which she replied just as excitedly as before when we were talking in person, saying she'd let me know if she was free. My roommates and other friends have told me that I should have stuck to my guns and not backpedaled like that, and I've regretted my choice ever since. But still, throughout the rest of the semester, we were just as good friends as we had always been, though we talked a bit less towards the end when finals started up, but hey, sh!t happens. One more thing that might be significant: towards the end of the semester, I admitted to our mutual female friend that I still have a big crush on Rose. Flash forward to the end of last month. I deactivated my Facebook so I could focus on studying for the MCAT. The day after I deactivate my profile, I get the first text from Rose since school let out earlier that month. "YOU DON'T HAVE A FACEBOOK ANYMORE?!" right down to the capslock shouting. We've texted everyday since, sometimes with me starting the conversation, sometimes with her. A lot of the time it's about how she's doing in her summer course, or asking for help with her summer course work (a subject that she knows I like a lot and am really good at). A good amount of the time she'll text me randomly about stuff that seems to serve no other purpose than to get me to talk to her. (Something like "Wow, my local college's library is so much bigger than the one at our school!") And that brings us to today. I guess my question is, is there a chance that she might be interested in being more than friends? Should I ask her out when I see her next semester if we're still as close as we are now? Thanks for powering through this mammoth of a story. Much obliged!
http://team.forsvarsmakten.se/english/#/private/9dxVH1kFej Swedish Military Teamwork Game. Let's go.
Don't go easy on me. Anything that could be improved upon that you notice, comment on it. I wanna get as much constructive criticism as I can so I can get back in the swing of things. Thanks, gaiz.
I used to have a lovely pirated Adobe Photoshop CS5 for all of my image editing needs, but then that computer crapped out. Now I have to deal with freeware since I'm not able to pirate anymore. God, it's like, do the developers even know what a user-interface is? Or user-friendliness, for that matter? Photoshop is the easiest program in the world to master by comparison. Anyone else have to make this horrible transition?
The Mandarin Chinese phrases ”谢谢“ and “泄泻” are pronounced in almost the same exact same manner; both are pronounced “xie-xie”, but the former only has one harshly pronounced “xie”, whereas in the latter both are stressed. The first phrase is the most common way to say “Thank you” in Mandarin Chinese. The second means “diarrhea”. Know the difference.
Any watchers of this amazing program on here? My god. This show alone warrants a Netflix subscription. Just finished season one and I'm itchin' for them to release season two. The performances (especially Kevin Spacey's) are just phenomenal, and the writing is pretty consistently good throughout. I've never been one for political drama, but sweet Jesus. Addicting show. Quick synopsis: Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) is the United States Congress House of Representatives Majority Whip. A new president is elected to the White House, and he had led Frank to believe that the position of Secretary of State would be his. Frank doesn't get the position, so he formulates a plan to get back at the president and attain the political power he was after.
Let's have at it. How are you all?
The basic mythology behind this game was once the religion of an entire civilization. People attested to the fact that this stuff actually happened (save for Kratos and blahblahblah). Imagine if, like, four-thousand years from now we have video games with stories featuring the likes of Muhammad, Jesus, and Abraham brawling it out. That'd be a game worth buying on release day. Anyway, that's what's been eating me at this unholy United States East Coast hour. How are you all?