What the hell are you doing up at this hour?
Yea, I got a new smudge brush set. Decided to have some fun. CnC, my children.
I have a problem. I pressed Ctrl + W to see what your location was, and all it did was make my browser- oh God damn it.
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529328,00.html ... Well fuck.
Reaper Review - Mewtwo Atlas - Charizard Cam - Dragonite HayabusaZeroZ - Alakazam ICSP - Dugtrio Kaxej - Hitmonlee The Graceful Assassin - Sunkern supersoravsdarkriku90 - Magikarp ... That was fun.
Giving a new twist to this amazingly terrible fad.
I'm trying to practice stocks so I don't suck at them. CnC GO.
Turn on the news. I am not shitting you.
I'm proud to say that I'm probably the only other person on this forum who knows the song that the lyrics in your sig are from.
I need a way to slow down the frame rate of a .gif I made.
I'm digging that sig of yours.
I love children's video games.
Oh lol. .
Seriously, man? Seriously?
Rayku and Xaale are together now. Commence 10 pages of "D'awwwwwwwww."
Because you asked so nicely... and it's getting a bit ridiculous.