"No clue...Can you find them Yachiru?"
"I know..." Kenpachi sighed "I wish there was something to do..."
"I know Yachiru, no one wants to fight..." Kenpachi sulked.
Kenpachi walked around Carrying Yachiro on his shoulder.
Peoples!! I finally decided to get on!!! *hugs friends* 31755
Kenpachi Zaraki please^^ I would've been Hinataro, but Someone *coughJapcough* threatened me^^ So Kenny is fine^^
Buddy List Catch The Rain Chaser007 darkelven123 DestinyStar Dual Wielder eastercat GateKeeper Goimez hitna3510 Hunted Hunter Ienzo JapAnimeFanatic KairiXRiku kaseykockroach keybladeofdarkness4 kikame La Sofa Peace-and-War riku sora kairi own Rikus#1fangirl. Roxma Silent Nocturne Spike TheChosenOne tummer73 Vex123 XarenTheTwilitAngel Xemnas7355 ~Muffin~
Rukia blinked. "Nothing wrong. Hi Tamera, I'm Rukia Kuchiki. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Rukia bowed.
Rukia blinked. "Oh it's no problem! Umm.. Who are you, if you don't mind me asking."
Ooc: Helps a bit thanks^^ Ichigo roamed the halls looking for Anna Rukia wondered around looking for Sasuke.
Ooc: Soooo confused as at least one of you know my internet has been mean to me lately -_-;
Ichigo sighed when he finally left the room. Why does she like him?! Ichigo sulked towards the front entrance.
Ichigo walked to the doorway. "I'll be back later Anna" Ichigo smiled and walked outside.
Ichigo turned to the doorway after hearing a cough. "Oh...hello Zeke...."
Ichigo sighed and looked away from her, not wanting to respond to her last statement.
"I'm surprised they don't have a bed reserved for you by now^^" Ichigo gently placed her on the bed in the corner.
Ichigo smiled back at her. "Okay then." Ichigo walked through the doors.
Zexion wandered through the house looking for a library. Sora found people standing and talking and decided to mingle with the person with the fiery red hair.
"Good! You sure you wanna go in there? Seems like everytime we do, something bad happens^^" Ichigo joked.
Ichigo smiled at Anna. "You okay now?"