Quoted for perfection XD
O.O Lies!!!! Anyway I found it hard to choose between Metroid and Zelda they are both my favorites...In the end though I chose Zelda because of all the better games in the series coughOcarinacough
*rolls eyes* Amazing how much has changed huh?
Unlike most people I think the graphics were a nice change kind of cartoony I liked the Phantom Hourglass a lot more than the Wind Waker though
O.O That just gives me even more reason to hate the Ice Climbers T.T
Well... Who you gonna call? THE EXCORCIST!!
Family!!! I ISH BACK!!!! Fear Me!
...And you are? 32113
Hey peoples!! Miss me? 32111
No making fun of emo kids!!! Tis mean!!! Besides I am ready to kill the next person who calls me emo!! *End Psycho Moment*
<_< That was classified information >_> But yesh!! Errr... No... But I have this!! *waves around notebook*
Nah uh!!! Me bought it at Hot Topic!! XP
Oh yeah?! Well do you have this?! *pulls out Jack Skellington poster* With this! All will bow before me!^^
The god of a new world order I've been really busy lately^^ My plans will overpower yours!!
Yayz! The only person who missed me!!! :glomp: I missed this place^^
Time to initiate the second phase of my domintation plans!! And say hi to peoples I've missed^^ Soo... Hi peoples!!! ...did anyone miss me???
Aww me loved that game^^ I think he goes on with his life Cause Well he just doesn't seem like he would be one to go with other pirates...
"Yeah I feel it, I just can't sense where it's comming from..."
Kenpachi smiled "Really? Someones here?"
Kenpachi sighed "Fine then we'll just stay here bored..."