<_< >_> Just pointing out this quote...
Bradley stood along the wall watching them pile into a car. I wonder if they know there's an infirmary on campus... He frowned and walked around the school.
Bradley Rushed to a group of people chanting for a fight. Oh God I hope they don't do this! I'll help whoever it is...
Ichigo heard the couple mention Biology. Looking at his list he realized thats what he had next too. Swelling up his courage he walked over to the two. He was sure he looked strange with straightened hair and Black clothing on but still... "Excuse me," Bradley said, "You two have Biology next? Mind if I go with you?"
Agreed only read the book ^-^
Ichigo walked pass two other people standing in the hallway. Cute couple He thought.
Bradley walked down the hall. Over a day here and he still hadn't met anyone. Doesn't bug me in the slightest He lied to himself.
Ooc: My computer was broke -_- What'd I miss?
A: This is the wrong section for this someone should tell a mod... B: I am praying Halloween Town is going to be in it!!!!
Ooc: Technically my person has met no one. ^-^ Bradley walked slowly to his first class. Pulling out his list he discovered it was Art. Hmm...Art II Wonder if anyone will be in there... He continued to make his way towards the art room.
What's This in your pants Wow...Poor Jack...
Bradley sulked to school dressed in Black as usual. He looked up at the sky. At least the rain will be a welcoming for me... He walked through the doors.
Name: Bradley Age: 14 Grade: 9th Classes: Art, Drama, Geometry, Biology, English Honors Biography: An intelligent boy who appears to be emo at first glance, but on closer inspection is really friendly and nice Personality: Dark and Dreary Family: Has an annoing little brother and Overprotective Parents Appearance: Dresses in Black shirts and Blue Jeans; Wears collars occasionally Created by: Xemnas7355 Ooc: This character is actually me...Weird...lol
I wish to kill the entire human population! Now will it work? :3
Oooooh I love Death Note and Blood+ I also Like: Fruits Basket Host Club Trinity Blood W Juliet
lol Agreed!!^^ NBC Is the best movie in the world!!! And Bleach is my favorite anime!!
O.O I think I just threw-up a little...
O.O Yes... As for the game: Killer!! I loved it!! I didn't expect that from a DS game!!
As previously stated: Ghostbusters...Hmm...Gives me the urge to replay Luigi's Mansion...
Hmm slightly gives me the urge to replay Luigi's Mansion...