O.O My heart stopped beating... THANK YOU!! *Gets on knees crying*
...I feel loved.... 34799
No offense to anyone here, but most self-proclaimed fans of this musical are either Depp, Carter, or Burton fans. And even though I happen to be a fan of all three, I loved this musical before I'd even heard of Burton's rendition of it. I mean honestly, how many of these people had even heard of Stephen Sondhiem before this? This is one of my favorite musicals and I really want to see it, but...all the blood O.O And I'm kind of disappointed in the fact that they killed "God, That's Good" and that they cut most of the humor of "A little Priest" Other than that it seems like it'd be great! Helena Bonham Carter=Aweeeesoooome
*sigh* So these parents actually believe that if a fellow student writes their childs name in the notebook they'll perish? Sure it seems like a list of people they want dead, and they should be punished for that, but not for the fact that any of this will happen! I mean if the words "Death Note" were written on an ordinary notebook what would they do then? I tend to doodle on my notebooks and if I just so happened to scrwal the words Death Note on my science notebook what could they -the teachers- do? Honestly the whole thing seems overdramatized...
*sigh* I leave you people for a month and this is the furthest you get!? -.- Anyways Hi! 34795
Eeek!! Jack Plushy!!! *hugs* Me better now *saves scyth*
Wow I Have a lot...Well: Life is Like a Boat by Rei Fu Sally's Song by Catherine O'Hara What's This? by Fall Out Boy Houki Boshi by Youhna
Ooc: Is every character getting a girlfriend/boyfriend XD Bradley walked silently and aimlessly around the campus.
Ooc: Me ish lost... XD Ichigo walked aimlessly around campus with Rukia by his side. Kenpachi was back in his dorm with Yachiru.
The plot I felt was actually really solid considering other anime movies I've seen. And I really felt connected to the characters...like Senna...T.T I know I felt it was slightly rushed like during some of the final battle sequences. coughKennycough lol You're not the only one waiting for the new one! And that'd be Capitain Hitsugaya to you^^
Technically that was behind^^ Umm...This is about the movie not the series... But in the series I believe you mean Rukia.
lol That would've been weird XD lol Kenny's fight was too short... But honestly poor Senna... T.T
My friend bought her album for me and I really like it! I think she's really talented!! Has anyone else heard her before?
Has anyone seen this movie? I watched it subbed and I nearly cried it was so sad... Anyway anyone else watched it? Your thoughts are appreciated!
Oh my God!! I loved the Outsiders!! I thought it was such a good book!! It was sad though...
*eye twitches* Are you saying gummi bears are in a movie with such grandeaur as the Nightmare Before Christmas???? *takes out scyth*
The Nightmare Before Christmas!!! Although I also think it's an easter movie and valentine's day and thanks giving and.... *lists other random holidays*
*Kicks Pole* That's for running into me when I was jogging!!
32237 Hewo!! How are joo peoples??
*calls kitty* Yes I'd like a cheese pizza with a medium Dr. Pepper please!