"Anna...What else is it? I know it's not just that... what else is it?"
"Anna I told you I loved you, why are you doing this..." Ichigo dodged her attack.
"Thanks Oriheme." Ichigo dodged another attack.
"Everyone stop! This is between Anna and me....So Anna you plan on killing everyone who objects to you?" Ooc: I liked Oriheme's flower attack^^
"Oriheme stay back!" Kenpachi Jumped. "Yachiru" he yelled.
Ichigo backflipped. "Anna why are you doing this? Isn't it bad enough you killed me emotionally? Now you want to do it physically?" "I think we should help him!"
Rukia frowned. "What the he-...Why is she attacking him?!"
Ichigo leapt, dodging her attack. "I'm not stupid Anna..."
"I know Yachiru, but that's a GOOD thing. A hallow is a manifestation of spiritual hatred. In other words a rouge spirit." Ichigo shrugged her off and sprinted away, looking for a safe place to hide from the world.
Ichigo sank. He knew she'd say that too.. Why can't anything just go right for me... He sulked towards the front lawn. "Oh is that all? Just enjoy your time here^^ Hey Anemone"
Ichigo sighed. He knew she'd say that. "Anna...I'll always love you..."
Ooc: Really funny Jap...*glares* Ichigo walked out his dorm and began walking towards the front lawn. "Does she really love him more than me..." Rukia climbed up the tower with Anemone and Yahciru. "What'd you say about the Soul Society?"
Will I ever win at poking? :poke:
Ctr Does you love me?^^ Also Why is Omar crazy?! O.o?