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  1. Mexony
    I'm going there next week on Thursday. ( Finally, I actually go somewhere after staying at my house ever since summer vac. start :) )

    But I'm wondering, if anyone has been there before... what's it like?

    ( I have the urge to ride the boat thingy, going across water what a bliss!)
    Thread by: Mexony, Jul 29, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mexony


    It's good to take breaks once in a while. So I'll miss *waves*
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  3. Mexony
    I'm kinda and not kinda annoyed by those glowing heartless'.

    Throughout the game they give you challenges, some are hard yet we defeat them.

    The heartless you're talking about are annoying to fight, when they pop out and use their magic on the player (you). But I know it was apart of the game.:)
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Mexony

    Clear day

    Something came to my mind and I wanted to share it. : ]

    Clear day

    It's a clear day when it's warm and windy.
    Not a gray cloud in sight.
    Blue sky, white clouds a perfect thing to watch.
    Relaxing on the grass with no sound.
    Feeling the wind blow through your hair, was a bliss.

    When the sun comes out, it shines on us.
    Proving that everythings fine, for the day.
    When the birds chirp, it's music.
    Surroundings become music.

    While children play, their hearts beat.
    Adults watch and enjoy the day.
    Trees cover us up to shade.
    When we're tired we will rest.

    And remember the clear day we seen.

    And oath; thou shall not forget

    Now that I'm looking at this poem, it sounded kinda cheesy...yet it was fun to type.
    Thread by: Mexony, Jul 29, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Mexony
    And I'm still collecting :)


    Post by: Mexony, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. Mexony
    August 16...very long time for me.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mexony
    Run- Eric Walters: A really interesting book, with Terry Fox in it ( an inspiration to me ) showing how he raises things and the life of Terry and the young main character.... Currently..I'm still reading it.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  8. Mexony
    Ah listening to things relax me, from being alone with no one in sight.

    In the night the crickets begin to sing, sending echo's in my heart. A nice feeling, really love listening to the crickets at night. It's like my lullaby.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. Mexony
    Wow! Thanks every one :) This Saturday all the new and previous character re-uniting.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. Mexony

    Ew... I see. True it happens, alot. Insects seems to be clever to survive a ride. ( Hehe that ryhmed)
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  11. Mexony

    Really want to watch the movie Mama Mia... it's very interesting to me.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Competitions
  12. Mexony
    Your avatar and username, you're cool.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mexony
    Yesh, it pretty much worries me of what I eat, mostly fruit. I always think worms and bugs are in my apple. Other fruits I have a feeling that an insect or bug was crawling over my food.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. Mexony

    Thankyou, Jack returned back to his home , but don't worry. He'll appear next Saturday with the reuinion of all the characters and new ones.:)
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 26, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. Mexony
    Hello everyone! I'm back with the story. The title you see is still KHCtE 2, just different title:) I was meant to post the story somewhere in August or September but I just couldn't wait and just..went on ahead! Glad to be back, they're new things in this story, you can add up more character ( up to 3) which is your choice, we can now visit other worlds (eg. Halloween Town) and other more stuff.

    I made groups for each chapter, so it wouldn't be hard to keep track:)

    Group 1: Mexony, Rexmildd, Tybic, Karla, Keath, Luke, Jorrel, Ginji and Valerie- Eden.
    Group 2: Danny, Lynn, Len, Dr.Nywn, Amber, Xaale, Ampex, Austin
    Group 3: Jack, Angel, Marcus, Kirsty, Rinn, Sebax, Zoe, Jessica and Jordan.
    Group 4: (soon to be put on, kind of lazy..)

    If you liked to make a new character or join please, fill this out. This is so I can know what your character actually is, previous people whom have joined and have not recieved a private message from me about you character's update... please do so, fill out your previous character's info. ( eg. mexony, lynn, austin, rexmildd, muxene, etc)

    Name: (character's)
    Age: ( Your choice)
    Location: ( somewhere on Earth)
    Appearance: ( In picture of description)
    Weapon and/or Power:
    Anything else? :

    There is also a character list, showing the characters and the member's name. ( Those whom joined)

    Character List: ( I will edit this Monday)

    KH World visited:

    New Worlds: ( If you have an idea please share the idea)

    1.Magnet World

    I will edit this post later on, but for now...let's read the prolouge. With the help from Shades (editor) credits to him! And please enjoy, *scrolls*

    Kingdom Hearts Returns to Earth


    The night was dark, never before has it been a black night. The sound of shoes clattering against the hard cement floor grew louder.
    "I really enjoyed that world. Earth. Is it?"Her assistant crept over to the corner looking up into her wild face.

    "W-What are you going to do?" he nervously asked.

    She looked over and gave himan evil smile. She then turned andlooked out the window with a surprising gasp. A series of twinkling lights rained down, flashing past like a meteor. Was it-

    " Shooting stars!" her eyes widened, she then glanced over to her assistant with a grin.

    As she smiled, her wrinkles became visible, what was she planning to do. Wish for something bad or-

    "I wish for... Kingdom Hearts to come to Earth." She looked back at her assistant.

    "Pete, I hope you enjoy going on a trip to Earth. We're back in business."

    Pete perked up, straightening his back and then nodded to her response.

    "I won't let you down, Maleficent!" Pete nodded once more time,running off towards the big woodendoor.

    "I'll start the Gummi!" he ran off, giving his respect with a salute.

    Maleficent laughed, and swished her cape back. "Mexony, we all know you wished for this. Don't be ashamed..." she wickedly glared.

    She walked over toher computer scanner. As she did a chart of the population of Kingdom Hearts appeared and one by one, the population of each world was slowly falling. Maleficent smiled, Her wish. It worked.

    "It's working." she took hold of her staff and with a wide grin, she walked off; heading out the door. Who knew what she was up to.

    ~Gummi Ship~

    Pete bounced in the Gummi Ship’s seat. He fastened his seatbelt, buckling it tight so he wouldn’t fall over like last time. He started the Gummi’s engine, giving a loud roar. Pete grinned and looked over to the tinted blue window, seeing Maleficent making an approach with a figure beside her.

    “Can’t believe he was reborn!” Pete scoffed, facing forward.

    Maleficent entered, walking side by side with the figure. Both sat in their seats, buckling themselves in.

    “Did you bring the bombs?” Pete asked looking over to the figure.

    The figure nodded, holding the bag up, showing proof to the suspicious assistant.

    “All in here.”

    Maleficent shot him a glare. “43… you better not fail this time!”

    43 nodded and opened up the bag, revealing a mount of black little bombs. HB, Heartless Bombs. The dangerous weapon Maleficent was going to use against Earth But so far… her plan was going as expected. For now, Maleficent will take it slow and easy.

    “These bombs will be planted on the surface of Earth. In each continent: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and Antarctica. When each bomb explodes, it’ll spread a large group of heartless’ slowly chewing up Earth, a perfect plan.” 43 said, looking over to Maleficent with a weak smile.


    “43, you will be in charge of setting the bombs on each continent. If you fail, you’ll die without mercy. But on your way to set the bombs, use the blue device I have given you to check and see if you uncover any glowing hearts. If the device detects a glowing heart, report to me. So I can grab their hearts and turn them into a huge heartless, ready to take my orders.” Maleficent chuckled.

    43 nodded, looking up at Maleficent. He took a glance around and saw a bunch of black boxes laid against the four walls. Inside the black boxes were the HB’s. Why was Maleficent going to use that much… if she taking revenge?

    “When our first batch finishes, we’ll take another batch and plant them across the worlds. Making the heartless chew up each of the worlds, beautiful!” Maleficent evilly grinned.

    ~ Now~

    “ Pete! There’s Earth, approach to plate 4F and 6Q!” Maleficant ordered, getting the bombs out, powering up.

    “Yes ma’am!” Pete nodded, speeding up the Gummi Ship, giving it a greater boost to its engine.

    “Earth. Plan one, plant the bombs.” 43 smiled, setting the bomb’s timer as the gummi ship raced through the clouds towards its first target.

    To be continued

    What'd ya think? With the help from Shades, things were set right! Please comment if you'd like, Scheduling, chapters will now be on Saturdays.
    Thread by: Mexony, Jul 26, 2008, 81 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Mexony
    This is really good, it was funny at some paragraphs, which was really good. Keep up the good work VaKh87.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Mexony
    I don't quite get it, yet later this image will pop up in my head.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mexony
    Figured I start the story...before all my memories go away. Well, hope you like it, credits to the DN creators and credits to the people whom have started a dn story before me. This story came up to my head while I was working on my hit story KHCtE 2 and while drawing pictures.

    I found Death Note

    Chapter one

    The new season has sprouted now, Autumn. Down In New York, leaves were falling in it's place, the concrete ground. The colours were yellow, red and orange, the main ones. Children were laughing, oh how happy they were that they don't realize what's coming tp them in the future.

    " Renjiro! Oi, are you day dreaming again! You look like those people who have no mind!" yelled out a girl.

    Renjiro was his name. Renjiro has crimson hair, dark hazel eyes, a peach skin, he had asian eyes. He was half english and half asian. He wore a black coat with dark nazy blue jeans, his shoes were black with the logo "Nike" printed on them. He wore a scarf over his neck, he also wore a black thin hat. On his back was his school bag. The joy of learning.

    Renjiro looked down, snapped out. His eyes widened but then went smooth.

    "Sorry Suki, I guess I was thinking of something." Renjiro said, coming up with an excuse to hide his real expression.

    Suki smiled.

    " Well whatever!" she giggled, covering her left hand over her cute mouth.

    Suki wore a pink jacket, she wore white leggings and brown skirt, her boots were brown also. Her hair was in a pony-tail, the colour of her hair was dark brown, her eyes were hazel, she had the same eyes and skin as her big brother Renjiro. Behind her back, dangled a brown bag, her school bag.

    " We better hurry Suki before be both get a lecture for being late again." he glared at Suki for a second and then smirked at her, with his cheeks in a light pink tone.

    " As again, whatever bro!" she moaned.

    ~ Home~

    Renjiro and Suki entered their home. Inside their home was nice and warm, there was a small carpet layed across the entrance, there were brown chocolate hooks, up ahead was a hall way, north was the kitchen, west was the closet room and east was the way to the the living room. On the side nearby the door were the stairs. The second floor was just above them two.

    "Don't forget to take off your shoes." Renjiro reminded her little sister Suki.

    Suki pouted, she wasn't in the mood for taking her shoes off, lazy girl. Renjiro himself had already taken off his shoes, he placed his coat on the brown chocolate hook, aslong with his scarf and hat.

    " If I take off my shoes... do I get a snack?" Suki innocently smiled.

    Renjiro turned around , facing her sister. He nodded in a response to the answer, "yes". Renjiro took his school bag off his bag, and then held it in his left hand.

    " Mom and dad are abit late, so I'll be up in my room. Make sure to check whom it is at the window and slowly make a peek through the curtains to see who is at the door." Renjiro ordered calmly, just to let Suki know what to do.

    Suki nodded and saluted.

    ~ Renjiro's BedRoom~

    The room was dark, the only light that showned was his lamp that was on. Renjiro walked over and threw himself on his bed, landing on his back, the matress moved up and down as an echo. He sighed and turned his head over to his school bag.

    " Is it right to check out the Note book?" Renjiro asked himself, with a little worried face.

    Renjiro reached his hand in his school bag, digging for something. A notebook. With Renjiro's hand releasing out his school bag, there it was. A black notebook, about 15 centimetres or more, on the cover had the words printed " Death Note"

    " Death Note..."

    End of chapter one.
    Thread by: Mexony, Jul 24, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Mexony
    Wish I can vote for everyone, but that's not exceptable. Again I vote Shades, to ask plenty question. I have no yet seen him on the round chair. *click* I have alot to ask.
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mexony
    *bow* I appreciate you, hehe. *gives drinks*
    Post by: Mexony, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone