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  1. Mexony

    No, your theory isn't re****ed. I kind of thought that when I played the third time. I really like the game.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Mexony
    This is very good news:) Thanks Xaldin.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Mexony
    Tee hee I didn't think that would actually happen, although it took me some time to actually know what was going on.. I was clueless for ten minutes, trying to figure out my score..

    I got 79 WPM.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 19, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mexony
    That is very good, it all flows very well. *thumbs up* Keep it up.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Archives
  5. Mexony
    Vegtables or Fruit?
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mexony

    I have all the Kingdom Hearts Mangas until now. I'm waiting for KH 2 vol 3 to come out. But I would like to see alot of action, it seems that most of the battles are...short?
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Mexony
    [​IMG] Harvest Moon :)

    Post by: Mexony, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Competitions
  8. Mexony

    im new =P

    Welcome to the kh website! Hope you have a good time here, make sure you read the rules in each Forum.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Mexony

    Thankyou! Glad it catches your interest. Next chapter should be expected on Saturday in the afternoon or evening.

    Well, I don't feel any different. But my age though, I feel kind of special for this good day. Thankyou, right away I'll be typing chapter 4.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. Mexony

    That is true, then he must've died on his way escaping..
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Mexony
    I like both TDI and 6teen but I miss alot of shows from them. Both t.v shows are very interesting to me.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Mexony
    Well, it could be a quick escape before he died, which was what I always thought. But ever since I defeated Demyx in the last battle. I always wondered why he faded away in bubbles and ashes. But later, if he did escape quickly, he would've died somewhere else.. ( I have no idea what I'm trying to say)
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Mexony
    Heehee, thankyou everyone:D *gives cake*
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Mexony
    Well, here's the new chapter for this Saturday. I'm very excited, anime day, my birthday, playing games...yesh. Finally I'm 13, an age I wanted to be since August.:)

    So, here in this chapter I was very lazy to type, so this was all done by Friday. Thanks to my editor Shades and helper, Rexmildd, thing's are going fine:) *scrollls*

    Kingdom Hearts Returns to Earth
    Chapter 3: Another step

    Danny looked up. He sighed, find out myself. Well… at least I got my first clue. This all deals with Maleficant. Danny took a glance around his surroundings, nothing but the surface and walls.

    “ After fighting, I’m bored.” He sighed, putting his hand over his head.

    “ Ha… imagine going to a different world.” Danny said.

    “ Oh but you can…” said a female voice.

    Turning around was a lady in a purple cloak, in her hand held a black warp ball.

    “ If you have the ability to control the portals, then you’ll have the ability to portal anywhere. Even different worlds.” Said the female.

    Danny perked up, he stared down at the lady but then after, cocked his head to the side.

    “ Wait… before I accept your scam thingy, who’re you?” he asked.

    The female nodded, she reached for the hood, pulling it down. Revealing her face, was blonde hair, blue eyes and an innocent look. She looks like Namine…wait Is she?

    “ Your name?” Danny asked, crossing his arms.

    “ Namine.” She answered.

    “ I knew it.” He grinned.

    “ Knew what?-“
    “ Nothing!”

    Namine nodded, she then walked over to Danny. She stared in to his eyes.

    “ Do you have the ability to portal?” Namine asked, still looking in to his eyes.

    Danny shook his head, “ No, I don’t think so.” He said.

    The blonde haired female nodded, she lifted her left hand up, holding the black warp.

    “ Once I give you this, you’ll only have ten times to warp around.” Namine said clearly.

    The boy nodded, he them felt a presence going through his hand, it must’ve been the warp. Namine took a step back and nodded to Danny, letting him know that he had the ability. Danny shook his head, he took a glance at his hand and then, Namine.

    “ Wait…why are you giving me this ability?” he asked.

    “ All Earthlings are in trouble. From my presence I can feel Maleficant planning something.” Namine closed her fist.

    “ Then I’ll stop her..” Danny said, opening his hand wide.

    Namine looked up at Danny, watching him creating a portal of his own. Slipping out Danny’s hand was a purple and black color, making it’s way out.

    “Focus on you location.” Namine said, Danny nodded.

    Pride Lands.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    “ I see” Lynn nodded, understanding Len’s story.

    “ So, we can be partners. Right?” Len asked, taking out her weapon. Lynn looked at Len and nodded with a smirk going across her face.

    “ Sure thing, but we need to find more people. Never know if heartless appears out of nowhere and then…boom! They attack you.” Lynn said, taking her weapon out in a stroke.

    “ True.” Len responded.

    Both females looked over their shoulders. Just to make sure there were no heartless sneaking up on them.

    “ Right now, I feel no presence of darkness surrounding me, so we’re safe.” Lynn said. Her weapon disappeared from her hand, and so did Lens.

    The two of them began to walk. Up ahead of them was a trail of grass and little pebbles. There is a possible chance of a heartless though. Obstacles could be up ahead too. Len thought, slowly switching her eyes to the left and right. She was making sure that it was safe, although it doesn’t feel safe. With all the heartless going around and marching allover Earth… it could be impossible to defeat them all. Then again, it could be possible. There are many people who can wield a weapon on their hand, some don’t.

    While the two female’s were walking, the sky began to turn pinkish-black. A weird combination for those two colors.

    “ Look.” Len said, pointing her index finger up in the sky. Lynn looked up, her eyes closed for a moment and then re-opened.

    “ That could be a sign of other Kingdom Hearts character’s arriving on planet Earth.” Lynn breathed.

    The two looked at each other and then back at the sky. “ Or maybe, heartless’.” Len said, taking her weapon out. Lynn gasped, she looked at Len with her eyes widened.

    “ Look out!” Lynn yelled, she jumped over to Len and pushed the side of her arm. Pushing her to the surface of grass. Len squinted her eyes and looked up.

    “ Thanks.” Len patted her shoulder. Lynn nodded, she looked up as well.

    “ Talk about a-“

    “Huge Heartless…”

    Looking up a heartless was all black, with pink stripes and yellow eyes. It’s feet were shaped like a dog’s paw. From the looks of it’s paw, it haw nails, huge ones.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *

    Dr.Nywn looked around, he saw nothing but empty streets, once again.

    “ Ok, what do you want?” Dr.Nywn asked, narrowing his eyes.

    “ I want your potion.” Said the voice.

    “ And why?”

    “Because why? Hmm?”
    “ I need it.”

    “Well, there’s plenty of potions out there!” Dr.Nywn pointed out.

    “ True, but yours is homemade-“
    “Lab made!” Dr.Nywn corrected the voice.

    “Listen Nywn, I’m tired of your attitude, now if you just give me your potion then there won’t be a probably, alright?” the voice said, with a sigh at the end.

    “ Not in a million years! This took me a long time, just for one potion!” Dr.Nywn yelled.
    Dr.Nywn’s chin lifted up automatically. A punch in the chin. Nywn flew across and landed on the concrete again, his head bumped on the back, making a beating feeling coming from behind his head.

    “Ouch.” Nywn rubbed his head and released his weapon out.

    “ Shoot!” A ball of mini cubes came out attacking out in mid air.

    “ Now… appearance!” Dr.Nywn commanded. Sparkles fell from the sky, landing all over and floating smoothly. When the sparkles finally landed, an figure was standing on the rooftop.

    “ Like hiding I see.” Dr.Nywn massaged his temples.

    “ Bring down.” He commanded, the figure’s leg was pulled down, bringing his whole body to the concrete.

    The figure cursed out words and then looked up with a fair smile.

    “ You’re lucky.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Amber glared at the heartless.

    “ I fight you guys and you return!?” Amber complained.

    “ Oh no, we simply were brought here.” He said, tightening the rope.

    Amber kicked her feet in the air, trying to break through. She struggled around, swarming in different positions.

    “ Ha! There’s no way missy!” the heartless said, walking over, in front of her. He looked at Amber, and then licked his lips.

    “ Your heart has a sweet taste.” He said, rubbing his hands.

    “ Ah, close your mouth..” Amber taunted. She brought saliva out from her mouth and spat it out, hitting the heartless’s face. The heartless growled and wiped this spit off of him. He shot a mean stare at Amber and walked out in circles.

    “ You seem like a tough cookie.” He said, under his breath.

    “ I like cookies” she perked up, smiling at the heartless.

    “And so do I!” said a male voice.

    The heartless looked up, with in a second he didn’t get a good look on the human being. It’s foot smashed- attack the heartless’ face.

    “ Woo- huh?” Amber cocked her head, as she stared at the figure in a black cloak, she can sense the aroma of it.

    “ Demyx!” Amber cheered, grinning at the team mate she saw from last time.

    Demyx it was, Demyx turned around and gave Amber a thumbs up.

    “ Long time no see..” he said , holding his Sitar.

    “ True that! I is stuck in rope!” Amber said, fiddling her fingers.

    Demyx nodded and pointed his Sitar at the ropes. His Sitar shot out a purple bubbles, landing on the rope. The rope popped, as if it was a bubble itself.

    Amber grinned and rubbed both her arms.

    “ Those things were tight!” she sighed.

    Demyx took Amber’s hand and pulled her up from the floor.

    “ Shall we?” he winked.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    "Time?" Ampex's eyebrow raised up.

    " Yeap, I mean... they can't just arrive here in a snap." Xaale said, wiping her forehead. Ampex nodded in agreement.

    " Should we head out?" Xaale asked, looking at Ampex. The boy nodded and pointed straight ahead from them.

    " If we walk on our North, then there could be a chance of seeing something interesting." Ampex said, bring his weapon in front of his chest. Xaale nodded and then took a good look up ahead.

    " Seems like we can walk through it." Xaale shrugged, she took a step forward and so did Ampex.

    As the two walked, there was a dark presence surrounding them. It was almost like a rollercoaster, coming to a complete stop. The atmosphere now had a different...scent.

    " Do you smell that?" Ampex put his right hand over his nose, plugging it from the smell. Xaale also covered her nose.

    " Yeap, it smells like burning stinky socks." she said, waving her other hand through the smell.

    A wind then blew across, blowing the trees, grass , Ampex and Xaale. Both two were flying from the wind. It was strong and hard to block. But it did help. Help then go a little farther on their trail.

    " Lucky the wind came." Xaale grinned.

    " Yeah, but it almost feels like a heartless is going through my body, time to time." Ampex said, putting his hand over his chest.

    Xaale looked over her shoulder, right there was a black red headed heartless. " You're right. A heartless!" Xaale threw her weapon over at the heartless, to slash it in half. The red headed heartless dodged Xaale's attack and then spat out a firey ball. Heading straight for Ampex.

    " Dodge it!" Xaale yelled. Ampex nodded, the firey ball got closer. By the time it got closer, there was a force. A force filled with no movement.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Austin turned around and jumped back, with his eyes wide open and body still.

    " Le- ah- Leon!?" Austin was shocked.

    Across from Austin, was Leon. A man from Hollow Bation. He looked the same. Although he grew an inch of hair.

    " What're you doing here?" quizically he asked, still he was shocked.

    Leon let out a chuckle and took out his sword. Resting it behind his back he took a quick scan of Austin. He's good. Leon said in his mind.

    " Let me ask you a question. What's your name and what're you doing here?" Leon pointed his index at the male.

    " Me? I'm Austin and I live here!" Austin placed his hand on his chest, leaning forward.

    " Tsk, Tsk. I mean what are you doing here? Fighting in a place like this?" Leon said, narrowing his eyes.

    " Well, I fought before. And, heartless were here- so I brushed them off to the garbage. Yeap." Austin smiled with a snicker.

    " Fighting is serious, you know that right?"
    " Ofcourse I do!"
    " No you don't."
    " Yeah- I do."
    " Fine."

    Austin looked around and found something. Something was laying on the ground.A heartless object?

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Eden looked up the branch, staring at her enemy. From the looks of it, the branch looks like it's going to snap in half and break down.

    " ..." Eden rolled her eyes and shot her weapon out.

    " Flame arrow!" she yelled out, bursting, came five arrows with little bits of flame all over.

    The heartless jumped down from the tree, sending out leafs, shaped like kunai's. Eden dodge rolled and threw out a kunai. The kunai ran over, scratching the side of the heartless.

    " Well, seems you are quite to the level." the heartless struck his hand out to the sky. The cloud changed it's color from black to white.

    " Come out...heartless!" he demanded, falling from the sky were heartless. All of them were shadow heartless'. Theres so many! How can I fight all of them? Eden thought to her self. Her mind was mixed up, now stand many heartless'. She has no help but herself .

    " Scared now, are you?" the heartless laughed out loud, bursting to tears. Eden looked up and clenched her hand, she looked straight in to the heartless' eyes.

    " I'm not weak nor scared. Many to one, I'll defeat you." Eden muttered under her breath. Her hand glowed, in to a purple color. Inside her hand was magic.

    * * * * * * * ** * * * * **

    To be continued.

    Sorry if it was short. Next week shall be the new chapter. Please leave a comment if you'd like to.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. Mexony
    Today on the 16th, I turned 13 years old. Yay me:)
    Thread by: Mexony, Aug 16, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mexony
    That was a very good chapter! Long and I enjoyed it, really liked the description you put in. Keep up the great work. :)
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Mexony
    You ate cheese... yellow cheese.
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mexony

    Yeah? in my head after reading I thought about the lines I typed were cheesy... I need to think abit more...

    Thankyou everyone for the comments isn't my birthday yet... it's on the 16th *thumbs up*+

    Post by: Mexony, Aug 11, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. Mexony
    Indoor or Outdoor?
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mexony

    Yeap, I wish I can use my sis's camera but it's charging, but thanks. I never realized I had mad skills...
    Post by: Mexony, Aug 10, 2008 in forum: Production Studio