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  1. StardustXtreme
    Username: StardustXtreme
    Name: Takeru Yuanji
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Class: Swordsman
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Likes: Respectful people, Swordsmanship, Relaxing
    Dislikes: People who abuse their rights, arrogant people, the cold and chaotic situations
    Personality: A kind hearted male who looks to improve his skills, even taking the time to listen to a complete stranger's request, provided it was reasonable enough, but when eh meets someone he doesn't like or anything similar, he'll become quiet and just never reply only when needed, but he will voice his opinions and beliefs if needed as well.
    Goal: Simply to keep the peace as a Wandering Swordsman, he prefers being like the wind, never staying in one place for too long as it gives him a chance to see the world and it's people.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    Just search for Gokai Black, a self-created Ranger by someone, it looks menacing enough.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme
    I'm surprised there are two likes just for my image, guess Tall Tale is more known than I thought.

    I suppose I should take a KH character as well, Ventus sounds good to me.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    <_< >_>

    That'd be me having Marvelous due to back then, Gokaiger wasn't even a thought and I got into Super Sentai from Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger (Power Rangers Jungel Fury), and when Gokaiger came, I knew I had to claim Marvy since it is the 35th anniversary of Super Sentai and be able tot ake on previous Ranger Incarnations and make a completely mixed up team of different Rangers.

    But as for your Gokai Killer, you may want to show what his Ranger form is like as so we have an idea, but Killer sounds well, too cruel for a Ranger, granted DinO thunder's Japanese counterpart had the White Ranger named AbareKiller, but it kind of doesn't fit with the pirate theme, as far as I know, be Gokai Black or Gokai Hunter, as there are actually fanarts of there being GokaiBlack despite the show never having a Black Gokaiger even though the GokaiGalleon Buster does have a Black Charge, this does indicate there would of been one had it not been for Don being able to take on all the Green & Black Incarnations as those colours were mostly rotated.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme


    Aoi blinked for a brief period of time, as if to register what was occurring before him, or rather to him as he had well, womanly assets with cat-like features, somehow, he got the feeling this was all from that deranged person who spoke absolute nonsense. "Well... this is certainly going to break the Parental Guidence Rating." he said rather surprised.

    Dean was less calm. "The hell!? This isn't...well...RIGHT! I'm a guy for Filgaia's sake! if the guys saw me like this...I'd...never live it down...!" he said in perhaps a scared tone while Johnny 5 was looking himself over.

    "Oh... I'm like Stephanie! Except with more...humanly additions... breasts I believe these are called and the protrusions are cat Ears and a tail, how intriguing!" he said with fascination,


    Marvelous stood for a moment. "Why did I get the strangest feeling something that shouldn't happen, happened on my ship?" he asked and Noel shrugged. "Beats me, let's just continue on."
    ~Dimensional Veil~

    Black mage was roaring with laughter at Bushy's antics of getting the plot more humorous, it made him dance with joy... not literally but you get the picture. "Oh, Comedy gold! Why isn't this guy like those other comedians?!" he asked and Narutaki sighed.

    "Black Mage, for the last time, stop breaking perception, else the world will be ela dona different destructive path, where everyone runs in a panic."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme

    Daniel stretched his arms out as he gave a small yawn, tonight was supposed to be the Meteor Shower or so the forecast and the news predicted that would go over the States, he never did take much notice of News Channels or Radio or anything of that level, he just wasn't even mainly interested in the events that occurred elsewhere in the world, then again, only reason he was out on a night like this was due to the buzz this meteor shower had going for it.

    "I swear, if Mom didn't nag me so much, I'd be relaxing or sleeping in bed for that matter." he mumbled to himself, he was on the balcony of an apartment he was staying in as the fees were paid for a course he was working in, Computers mainly seeing as he enjoyed that with a back-up of mathematics and mechanics, the third mainly to just maintain his scooter, it would a 3-5 year stay and no-one very much intruded on his privacy or anything, letting him do things at his own pace.

    "Well then, where are you then?" He asked the starry night sky and then, the Meteor Shower had begun, answering his question and he looked up, watching the sight, it was quite the spectacle. "Okay, I'll admit it, this is worth staying up..." or so he thought as one of the Meteor pieces came rather close to the apartment and crash landed about a mile away from the campus.

    "...I'm going to check it out, not like anyone else is here since they all went either back home for the holidays or to get best viewing spot, heh, how lucky am I?" he asked himself and went inside to get his jacket and scarf on, it wasn't a cold night but a fairly warm one, courtesy of the countries' climate and he went to grab the keys and lock the door to his room after switching the lights off and proceeded to the Parking Lot where he found his scooter parked up and got on it, first putting a helmet on and ignited the engine, and drove off in the direction of where the Meteor Fragment landed, if he was lucky, he may get dibs on a rock no-one else could claim.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme
    Mister, never insult the great state of Texas...
    And sure-o's
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    May I Join as well?

    Name: Daniel Gray
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Country: US, New York
    Personality: A calm and serious individual in battle, but actually, a friendly person when befriended, even when he doesn’t know people, he’ll help them, but he does step back when the situation calls for it.
    Brief Bio: A calm but carefree youth who believes in following your own path rather than go on one someone else has set for you, thus, he has the air of relaxation most times, this does get on his parents nerves as they want him to get a good job to support himself but he never had much of a desire for it, he does like RPG’s of other worlds or such as it gives a lot of imagination and some good thoughtful stories that could leave an impression as he mainly loves Japanese songs
    Keyblade: Rejection of Fate
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Theme Song: None as of yet
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme
    I'm shifting Dean Stark (Wild Arms 5) back into my reserves and switching him out with one of my Reserves, which one, well, secret~


    Also reserving

    Takeru Shiba/Shinken Red (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme


    Marvelous uncrossed his legs as Doc brought up the landmass on the viewing screen and stood up. "Let's go and find out, Bird, you'e watching the ship." Marvelous ordered to Navi as Aoi looked upon the view. "First time I seen this Landmass, wonder whose CPU of it?" He asked himself as the crew begun to disembarked onto the landmass.

    "Looks more like a town build around steam, huh." Yuri duly noted and stretched his arms as Harold looked at the sight. "Guess so, this is kinda like in the old 1800's but how they manage to keep this landmass afloat must be powerful magic or something." He pointed out.

    ~Noire's House~

    Ichigo took a moment to try and comprehend what Vert said. "Red lightning?" he thought to himself in mild confusion but decided to shrug it off and stretched his arms out and legs seeing as he was awake.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    ~Gullwing's Apartment~

    Tidus smiled at Yuna when he saw her before the Doctor literally left in the same blue box and rubbed behind his head with a hand. "Sorry, he literally dragged me along without any explanation at all, strange guy though, especially inside that box of his." he said to his girlfriend, embarrassed.

    ~Sirirus's House~

    Ankh's voice was heard. "You better keep that promise Eiji, or you will regret this." he said as he gave him a glare, raising his gauntlet-like limb fashioned after a bird as Vanille giggled. "it's a wonder how they actually get along, takes all kinds I suppose."
    ~Tokyo Airport~

    Coincidentally, A plane from Hong Kong had arrived and from a mass of people leaving the plane, Syaoran observed his surroundings with his Guardian, Wei, his mother sent him off quickly to observe and see what there could be done while she the rest of the Li Clan will arrive tomorrow in the early recesses of the morning to support the funerals and to see if there were any survivors in the destroyed buildings, but also, by sending him, it was to check if Sakura was alright as their family were descendants of Clow Reed and the young girl being the new Master of the Clow Cards, they had to be sure.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    Awesomeness is all I can say,
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme
  14. StardustXtreme


    Tidus was still trying to understand what just happened, he went into a blue box that was bigger on the inside, which shouldn't be possible yet it did and now they moved from Nintendo High to the Apartment by simply being in it? one thing was for certain, he wasn't going to try and logically explain it.


    Yuri took a moment to process what Rikku said, did she mean that girl from before to stay here rather than her? or did she think of something different among those lines? He had to admit, Rikku did somehow have a charm about her but he wasn't very interested in it, probably because of his constant travelling and hearing voices in his head was more important at the time.

    "Uh, no, that's quite alright, I'm sure she has other things to attend-" he said before being cut off by an most unusual sound almost like whooshing and he blinked, wondering what the hell it was.

    ~Sirius's House~

    From above Fang's room, a yell could be heard. "Eiji! That's my ice cream!" He said in most annoyed shout possible, yup, someone had taken the sacred yumminess that is ice cream away from him.

    Vanille looked up as she brought the tray of tea to Sirius and sat down. "Looks like another one of those days huh?" She said with a small giggle, Ankh and Eiji always seemed to the liven the place up.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
  16. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Oh why?

    Oh why?
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jun 13, 2013
  17. StardustXtreme
    You're awfully relaxed miss Tsundere.
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jun 13, 2013
  18. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Gosh what?

    Gosh what?
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jun 13, 2013
  19. StardustXtreme
  20. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    or is it, Pervert?

    or is it, Pervert?
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jun 13, 2013