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  1. StardustXtreme
    I hereby reserve and I checked the thread for this character, but alas, no-one has done so.

    Guan Yinping (Dynasty Warriors 8)
    Keima Katsuragi (The World God Only Knows)

    and as for my character list.

    In Use

    Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Gentaro Kisaragi [Kamen Rider Fourze]​
    Shotaro Hidari [Kamen Rider W]​
    Yu Narukami [Persona 4/Golden/The Animation]​
    Captain Marvelous [Kazoku Sentai Gokaiger]​
    Joe Gibken [Kazoku Sentai Gokaiger]​
    Gai Ikari [Kazoku Sentai Gokaiger]​
    Yuri Hyuga (Shadow Hearts & Shadow Hearts Covenant)​
    Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts & Shadow Hearts Covenant)​
    Tidus (Final Fantasy X/X-2)​
    Igor (Persona)​
    Li Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura)​
    Haruto Souma (Kamen Rider Wizard)​
    Oerba Dia Vanille (Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2)​
    Ankh (Kamen Rider OOO)​
    Bartz Klauser (Dissidia 012: Duodecim)​
    Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider DIEnd (Kamen Rider Decade)​
    Oliver [Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch]​
    Kazu Tokura [Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force OC)​
    Aoi (Hyperdimension Neptunia OC)​
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Aug 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme

    ~Shinjuku Building 109-

    Tsukasa donned the armour of Decade as Marvelous, Joe and Gai became Gokai Red, Blue and Silver respectively as Gentarou became Fourze and Haruto with his Wizard Wing.

    "Let's make it showy, everyone!" Gokai Red declared and he changed into ShinkenRed whle Joe became GekiBlue and Gai, into Shurikenger as as ShinkenRed brought out Rekka Daizantou in firing mode and fired a barrage of red flames upon the Lakitu S-Type as GekiBlue summoned an aura-like creature. "Gekiwaza: Ten Ten Dan!" He called out as the projection took on a form of a jaguar as Shurikenger swung his sword, letting it hit the morpher he usually uses in that form. "Super Ninpou: Secret Hitting Thousand Knock!" As thousands of the ball slammed into the S-Type.

    "Connect, Please~" Wizard's belt sounded as a magical flaming circle appear beside him and stuck his hand in it and pulled it out, wielding the Wizarswordgun in gun mode as he placed hisleft hand over the hand motif as it called out. "Come on a Shooting, Shake Hands! (Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi~), Shooting Strike!~" The weapon aleld out before he pulled the trigger, shooting fireballs of magic at the Dogoo's

    "Attack Ride: Blast!" Decade's Decadriver sounded as he pulled out his the Rider Booker previously beforehand and pulled the trigger, ricocheting bulelts connected with the enemy as Fourze flipped a Switch. "Rocket On~" the ebllt called out his his right arm up his elbow became a rocket and he lauched himself at the Dogoo's as well. "Rider Rocket Punch!" he cried out as Double removed the Cyclone and Joker Memoires and switched them out for a Yellow and Blue one, respectively inserted in the left and right sdes. "LunaTrigger!" as Double's halves became the respective colours, Trigger Magnum in hand and he fired, orbs of light literally zigzagging around the allies attacks and finding their mark.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    I edited that

    I edited that
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jul 30, 2013
  4. StardustXtreme

    ~Narumi Detective Agnecy~

    Shotaro heard the communicator beep and he nodded at Phillip and pressed the button, vanishing in a purple light out of the agency.

    ~Wajima Resideince~

    Haruto heard the communicator beep as well, looking at it, it was form his own phone, telling him to arrive at Zordon's base, obicously he hadn't met the others or Zordon for that matter, courtesy of the White Wizard's mysterious ways. "Looks like I got some work to do, you head on to the Memorial and I'll catch up Koyomi." he said to her and vanished in a flash of red.

    ~EIji & ANkh~

    Anhk gave a an bored sigh. "That idiot should be fine without us, he's got those pirates and Rangers." but alas, his words fell on deaf ears as Eiji vanishied. "Idiot, I'll just scout out on this memorial, they'll be some desire to harvest." he said and headed for the designated area.

    ~Kengo & Gentarou~

    Gentaro gave a nod. "Yosh, let's go!" he said as he vanished in a flash of white for his teleportation colour.


    Marvellous, Joe and Gai too, teleported to the Commander in Red, blue and Grey respectively, Navi's prediction on their minds~

    ~Yuri, ALice and Blanca~

    Yuri shrugged at Blanca's growling. "Easy boy, it's not like I'm going to do naughty things with her." he said offhandedly.


    Li was scouting through the many people coming to attend and bumped into someone rather...familiar? He'd spot that hair anywhere and that magical power. "Sakura?" He asked in surprise.


    vanilla soon came down for breakfast, dressed in her usual attire, seeing as it the most comfortable form of clothes she likes. "Oh hey Fang, what's on?" She asked her long-time friend.

    ~Command Centre~

    Tsukasa crossed his arms, having answered the call immediately when everyone had arrived and Zordon talk of explanations later. "Not before you explain to us what we're supposed to accomplish here, right now, everyone's grieving because of the damage caused by these Abductors, despite the fact we allowed the government to attempt to do things and look at where we're at now, I'm not taking orders from anyone, I'll simply destroy what will stand in my way and while we're at it, when were you going to tell us of your previous Riders?" he asked him as Gentarou blinked.

    "Previous Riders? You mean, there's some who came before us?" the youth asked as Tsukasa nodded slightly. "Ichigo, Nigo and V3, the first three Riders, oh I met them and we discovered each other's little secret, and who are you?" he asked Haruto.

    "Haruto Souma, the White Wizard sent me." he said, holding up his Wizard Ring of Flame Style to show everyone. "I suppose I am Wizard, Kamen Rider Wizard." he introduced himself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    Takeru gave a annoyed groan. "We need everyone to pitch in! Not just stand there and be a target!" He thought to himself, they had to interrupt this spell and he was up next with two others after him, should he use another Arte to cause more damage?

    "I'll use a normal attack and follow up quickly with an Arte, how many daggers left?" he did a mental count of five left, the other daggers were scattered on the field, so he charged forth, and dug his hand into grabbing the grips of his five daggers and as soon as Mist moved, he thrown them with rather accurate aim at Kain and he ran past her and whispered in a low enough tone. "Borrowing this." he said and grabbed what there was of the hilt and felt her grip loosen enough, perhaps in affirmation of what he planned to do and he sliced with Mist's blade as he executed a Hyper Slash soon after in succession before delivering a sideways swipe with Mists sword to Kain's midriff and leapt back only to stand in front of the young girl, protecting her.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme

    In light of Yu-G-Oh! Reserves and Yusei her being Abridged one who wants to date a Motorcycle, I hereby present, my new character!

    Name: Kazu Tokura
    Description: A youth who is never seen without his red trademark hat and love of the Duel Monsters Card Game, he's just an easy going male who befriends those he encounters, he ahs experience in Duel Runners as much as Yusei Fudo himself, but he never shows this information much, preferring to walk and help others, some say he has a special aura that draws people to him.
    Occupation: Student at Nintendo High
    Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force 4-6
    Other: (Red male)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop~

    Yuri had followed in pursuit and was walking behind Alice. "Someone told me to come and find you, some damned voice, so like it or not princess, you're struck with me." he said casually. "And no, I'm not here to kill you or anything, so tell Snowball there to keep his paws back." He said calmly, his arms crossed.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro looked at the change Hermione underwent thanks to Phillip. "Looks good partner, I suppose we ought to get moving." he said and picke dup his fedora hat and placed it on his head with Windscale outline din grey on the side.

    ~Wajima Resdience~

    Haruto was biting into a plain sugar donut before Koyomi spoke out her feelings, mid-bite, he stared at her and removed his donut. "I see... well, now's a good as time as any, I'll be transferring into Nintendo High starting today, so, I can keep an eye out on you and other occurrences while being close by." He told her, he was planning on making this a surprise for her.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    Oh I knew how you felt, if the Leader died in battle, Game Over~ This is why you stick mostly to Auto-Battle so the commands are set in for you, and only use the commands manually when you need to focus Healing or Reviving, I wished that even if the Leader died, it'd switch to someone else for you to control.

    There's also grinding not for Levels, but CP, and there's like two decent spots where the enemies respawn for you to CP grind, even though it'll take some time to max ALL your Roles.

    FF13-2 on the other hand, rectifies the Leader System of when that Leader dies, you switch over to the other character.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  9. StardustXtreme
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  10. StardustXtreme
    Takeru heard the girl's order of getting in quick and he ran in behind her. "Move!" he said as the female warrior managed to do so, him activating Hyper Slash mere moments after she activated hers, thus, the two powerful Artes were in close succession with each other,, but there wasn't enough succession attacks to keep Kain on the defensive.

    "I might have an idea to end this quickly, but it depends highly on the other's cooperation to work together..." he thought before instinctively rolling to the side to avoid any shots that may come his way.

    "And I don't want him to realise this and prepare for it... How to do this..." His thoughts pondered.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme
    You should see me with Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires, I only brought that on PSN as I wondered what it was like, having Japanese names and seemed RPG-ish, with you grinding your troop strength up or Weaponry or making your country happy, prepare for invasions or defending your land, as well creating your own Character to join in Generations of Chaos Scenario.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 21, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. StardustXtreme

    ~Flower Shop~

    Yuri had finished his meal and stretched. "Well, that's me all sorted." he said as Bartz looked at him. "Not staying?" he asked him as Yuri looked at him. "Yeah, can't freeload anymore than needed, see you." Yuri said and was heading for reception to take the front door when he saw a young woman waiting patiently and he stopped walking.

    "Isn't she... the one who that annoying voice talked about? The description does match..." He thought, but how would he explain that some voice in his head lead him to her? "You're that Elliot girl aren't you? Bout time I found you." he said rather bluntly.

    ~Albert Simon~

    Albert sat at a café watching passers-by as he sipped what the waitress aid was Green Tea, a healthy concoction which he did find it very accommodating, but he found it pleasant, no word from Kenway about his suggested plan, meaning something else either came up or Miss Elliot was a master of hiding. "So it begins, the Day of Mourning." he said calmly, he planned to attend the memorial, practically to keep up appearances and to respect those who passed on, he was working with the Order sure, but the didn't mean his emotions had be reigned in like a heartless person, life was a treasure that is too precious to be lost, especially with this much of a casualty.

    "And so, those have come to pass shall be forever remembered in stone for the generations to look upon and quietly pray that their souls, shall pass onto into the afterlife and watch over them." he said rather poetically and paused for a moment. "Not my strongest suit...." he sipped his tea once again.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme
    Takeru watched as attack after attack came for Kain, with three getting damage in return so that'll be bullets used up there and ran forward again and rolling literally right past Kain, getting behind him as he knelt on the ground, fanning out three small daggers and tossed them, the sharp edges soaring to his back, if Kain planned to block those, the arrows would get him if he turned, so he was being pincer attacked.

    "...." he was silent as he leapt back to avoid any shots coming his direction, preparing to deflect any bullets that may come his way.

    "While admirable in taking this many at once, he surely must know he's outmatched and will be hard pressed to not be backed into a corner... yet, I cannot help but be concerned, either he has a powerful Arte concealed in his sleeves or his title of Guardian Captain isn't merely for show, but rather experience..." he thought to himself, he knew never to judge a book by it's cover, one of the lessons he learnt on the road.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme

    ~Wajima Residence~

    Haruto moved quickly, catching Koyomi's fallen form and moved her hand over the Driver Buckle as it spoke. "Please, Please~" it said as mana flowed within Koyomi, improving her condition greatly, seeing as she needed mana constantly to keep her alive. "You should of said you were low on mana Koyomi." he said to her.

    ~Sirius's Apartment~

    Ankh bit into his ice creama, savouring the taste every second, it was his favourite for a reason, even if people ask why he doesn't eat breakfast like a normal person or such, but then again, he didn't really honestly care, escpaiecally with have an elevated bed raised up high enough to cause damage should one roll over.

    ~Detectntive Agency~

    Shotaro looked up from his desk at Hermione's question. "Yeah, we're going there, especially since there will be important hotshots going too, to held carry the service out and I don't doubt those above could see this as a good chance to cause more damage to the city." he said to Hermione.

    ~Hongo house~

    Tsukasa looked at the girls quizzically, asking about Riders and riding off and he gave them a stare, either one of had that sixth sense of caution during the night or something, they did add in the p word as well and placed a hand in his pocket and pulled out the Decade card he used to transform with between his index and middle fingers, showing the girls as he casually stared at them. "Do I even need to answer, Showa Era?" he asked them.

    ~Gokaiger house~

    "We're going, and even if there is some government or something, if those aliens come back, we won't listen to them, Earth needs better protectors than that Jones woman." Marvelous said after some thought, they didn't take orders from anyone anyway, they were vagabonds, no rules applied to them.

    ~Kengo's House~

    Gentaro finished styling his hair up. "Yosha, let's go!" he said and went to join his friend, with a smile.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
    Takeru heard the gunshots and raised an eyebrow and followed after it, meeting Kain who had apparently had a three barrel pistol in his hands, a new craft that would make the daggers look like merely toys as a conversation spun from one of the females before he looked to scared mayor, it seemed he was too frightened to continue the rebellion and sided with the enemy to get into their good graces as saying 'Here's your rebels on a silver platter.'

    "At least he had the decency to fight than kill someone with their guard down, there's at least some honour in that." he said, hand resting on his sword as it remained sheathed.

    "Two pistols, twin barrels can equal up to two shots with four bullets coming for you, while there's the chance of reload time and cleaning his weapon to get it ready for use again since these projectile weapons suffer the same fate, even with my reflexes, deflecting bullets with throwing knives is not a wise idea, unless I can get in close and use one seeing they are concealed fairly well." Takeru gave it some thought before the archers, fired a respective arrows and an Arte following behind.

    "Arrows have quite a speed to boost and you'd need fast reflexes just to see one, and an arte..." Takeru withdrawn his sword and rested the blunt edge against the front of his shoulder. "Going forth." he said and ran to slice Kain sideways, across his midriff.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme


    ~Detective Agency~

    Shotaro was sitting at his desk, drinking good old fashioned coffee for the long day today, it was a sunny day too had if not been for the incident yesterday, but there was nothing that could change the facts of that time, so, humanity will just have to take it and move on with their lives as usual.

    ~Hongo house~

    Tsukasa was awake for ten minutes before Sakura's entrance came and she greeted him and it was only fair to do the same in response. "Same to you, guess breakfast is ready." he said and got out of bed, in his usual attire.

    ~Gullwings' Apartment~

    Yuri stretched after Beast had left, apparently, still being asleep at that time and placed hands behind him. "Right, just eat for now then I'll head out." he said and went to check as Bartz greeted him. "Nice to see you aren't sleeping in." he said as Yuri nodded and Tidus joined them.

    ~Wajima Residence~

    Haruto was at the living room, eating some cereal, today was the memorial of those who died, so naturally, he was going to attend.

    ~New Li Residence~

    Li stretched after unpacking everything he brought with him last night with Wei, the family butler, today, the Li clan was going to help prepare the memorial, as well as passing rights to the dead respectfully, all he hoped was that Sakura was okay, since her name didn't come up on the list of the dead.

    ~Gokaiger's hangout~

    Marvelous was eating heartily with the food Don and Gai prepared with the others, even they were troublemakers, they still weren't heartless enough to pay their respects and attend the memorial as well.
    ~Dojima Residence~

    Yu looked out from his room window, he knew there was no school today due to the memorial, and he and Nanako with his Uncle were going, he had no doubt Naoto would be attending it as well as he headed downstairs.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme
    Takeru watched with mere interest of the others as the announcement came, a team up with other would occur sometime as Mist was the bubbly girl who wanted everyone to let go and enjoy themselves as the toher female too went to join in the festival, a mage and swordsman training each other and a child, it was certainly a ragtag group of people to put it simply, what would his mother say at a time like this?

    "She'd be wondering if I found a Lord to follow after." he thought and decided eh too, should join this festival, especially since such a chance wouldn't come by every day.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme
    Takeru walked across the dirt trodden path, giving a little humming tune before noting a growling noise, it was a wolf, or rather, three of them, eying him hungrily as if he was the special dish of the day and he gave a sigh, his black scarf flapping in the gentle breeze of the wind and the glorious sunlight coming down upon the field.

    "Why am I not at all surprised?" He muttered quietly to himself, he had two chocies, run or stand his ground, naturally, he was going for the first option, especially since he knew he had the skill to combat these easily enough, that and his parents wouldn't be too happy if he wasted their lessons together, becoming rather skilful with the O-Katana, a short sword and a pouch of throwing knives hidden away. "Fine... bring it."

    The wolves needn't to hear more, as they took this invitation gladly and charged at him as he relaxed into his stance, resting his right hand on the katana sheathed at his left hip and as soon as they leapt, he immediately unsheathed it diagonally, catching one of them unawares and drawing blood, severing one of their hind legs and into it's body a little as the first one fell due to blood loss.

    The other two cautiously decided to surround him and Takeru followed their movements accordingly and moved, charging at a wolf as he spun the katana into a reverse grip, slicing across it's side as it tried to chew his arm off, creating a huge gash on it's side before shifting his weight to block a vicious pair of teeth coming for him as the last wolf unfortunately, got the steel blade in it's mouth, cutting and he flung it off, staring at the injured creature,

    "Leave now, unless you want to end up like your companions." he said sternly, and the wolf whimpered and left before he swung his sword, getting the blood off and re-sheathed it and continued on as the two dead bodies merely disappeared into the air, to return to the ground.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme

    Daniel wasn't surprised, after all, this wasn't Shibuya or anywhere close to it, but she surely couldn't be Shiki, she was nothing more than someone's creation, and if this girl was cosplaying as her, why be out at this time of night when she'd be home by now? "I see you're dressed up as Shiki, but-" he paused for a moment, seeing something move, with yellow eyes coming from being, partly because his scooter's lights shone behind her and formed a Shadow Heartless and his eyes widened considerably. "Heartless!? Now I MUST be dreaming!" But then instinctively, he grabbed Shiki's arm and pulled her behind him, also helping her narrowly avoid a claw scratching from behind as more had of the small dark creatures formed around them.

    "Must be a dream... I'll just pinch myself and wake up..." he muttered to himself and did just that, however, it didn't have the affect he desires, apart from feeling pain on his arm from it,

    "Okay, not a dream then." He muttered and the Heartless begun their pounce as he unstrapped his helmet and removed it, letting his black hair free and held it by the strap, whacking a Heartless with the crash helmet, sure, it didn't have the desired effect of destroying it, but it did knock it down.

    "Okay think! Heartless can only be slain by a Keyblade, while other weapons do destroy them but they just respawn later on... so it's either run... or run." he thought to himself in a slightly panicked tone.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme

    Daniel looked out in the darkness, riding his scooter, with the lights on, of course, health and safety and the Highway Code were things that had to be followed, and he'd rather keep his limbs intact from a crash or such, sad part was, he didn't' wear the bright green jacket to show drivers he was on the road, but there wasn't many drivers this late at night to his knowledge.

    "I swear, it crashed around here..." he muttered to himself, keeping eyes on the road and saw a person in the distance as his eyes did adjust to the darkness and he blinked. "Why is there someone all the way out here? Did their vehicle break down or something?" he asked himself, now he knew you shouldn't pick up strangers on the road for a hitchhike, since there could be consequences or long travel involved and it was nowhere near the apartment, but he wasn't so cruel to leave someone out in the cold. Texas can be hot in the daytime, but night was a different story entirely, take the Rub' a Kali Desert for one, incredibly hot during day, cold at night.

    "Can't hurt to see the problem..." he muttered to himself once more and continued on, coming closer and the light shining upon the figure and he pulled up and pulled his goggles up onto his helmet, to see the person more clearly and he had to drop his jaw at what he was seeing.

    "The hell? Either she's a VERY good cosplayer or I'm dreaming." He thought in surprise, it was Shiki from The World Ends with You, perhaps one of his favourite games produced by Square, but how she managed to keep those shorts on despite it looking about ready to fall on, exposing a bit of her hips in the process.

    "Are you lost Ma'am?" he asked politely after managing to recompose himself quickly, he was a respectful person who knew staring for too long would cause a bad situation, that and he brought himself up on respecting the other gender.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jul 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home