~Library~ Yu listened rather intently as did Teddie, listening and hanging on each and every word that Naoto spoke and said she was going to attend the memorial before Naoto personally told him her feelings, it was no small secret in the Investigation Team honestly, sure Chie had a fiery determination to protect those she cared about or protecting the weak, desiring to become a police officer, Yukiko having a hidden resolve and conviction to protect the place she lived, as well as inheriting the Amagi Inn which she initially denied, RIse was an Idol and have such a bubbly personality but was conflicted as who she really was but even though her Arcana is Lovers, he didn't see her that way, not to mention the press and fans would be outraged and who knew what else could happen as Idol business is very dangerous grounds but Naoto, something about her sparked something in him, maybe it was because of her trying to discover who she really was by trying to cross the gender wall while having such a intelligent mind if not, comparable to his own and finally, she gave helpful insight into the Investigation when they discovered the Killer was still at large despite having caught Mitsuo Kubo along with Adachi being the true culprit later on, she truly was a Fortune. "My mind hasn't changed a bit since that day." He said, looking back on that fond but saddening memory, the day he had to leave Inaba due to his parents work and having to bid farewell to everyone, but as Yosuke said, distance didn't matter between them all, they would always be a apart of each other's lives and that bond would never sever from it, he had to chuckle in his head, in a way, it was like a Social Link, in fact, it probably was, he forged an unbreakable bond with everyone, if he had to be honest, Inaba was and always will be, his second home no matter where he was. "Well, let's get going then Sensei, Nao-chan!" Teddie said to them and Yu gave a small nod, getting up from his seat, pushing the chair back in the process. "Alright, let's go, although Ted, you might want to change out of that." he said, it was kind of true, Teddie wearing his bear suit would be seen as strange to onlookers, he only prayed he wore something underneath that hot suit, most likely he did. ~Headmaster's Office~ Kazu merely shrugged and exited the room, Akiza being surprised. "That didn't take long." She said and Kazu sighed. "A meeting's held there, most likely, it'll take a while." he pinched the bridge of his noise. "And knowing Headmaster's, it'll involve something like 'saving the world', it better not be a repeat of the Shadow Riders or Nightshroud with his Trueman lackeys, what I wouldn't give for one year free of saving the world from disaster." he thought with a sigh. "How about you show me to the local cafeteria? I haven't eaten much from my flight." He asked Akiza who nodded shyly. "T-This way." She said and walked down a hallway with Kazu following behind her. "I pray to the Gods, there better not be a random box of Sandwiches and finding out what you get after you bite into it, those Godlen Eggwichs are a nightmare." He prayed.
Okay then.
~Nintendo high- Kazu nodded at Akiza's introduction, if she didn't want to talk about her past, that was alright in his book, besides, would she believe the things he went through on Duel Academy? "Probably not." He concluded as they reached the principal's office and Kazu was about to knock on the door until it opened when a girl with green and another with pink hair themed after devils walked by. "That was... an interesting sight to see." he thought to himself, it was their attire to more precise. "U-Um." Kazu's thoughts were brought to a stop when Akiza's voice, barely audible to his ears spoke. "M-Might I join you after you're done?" Akiza asked rather shyly and he smiled gave a smile. "Sure, why not?" he answered and Akiza nodded meekly as Kazu entered into the office, his back slung over his shoulder, taking in the view if Ali Mualim. "Either this school supports all clothing styles or it'll be a rather interesting time here." He thought to himself and spoke. "Kazu Tokura, Silfer Red Graduate of Duel Academy." he answered as a student would, question is, did this Headmaster know the strange occurrences that happened at Duel Academy, well the fact there was Shadow Riders, Sacred Beasts sealing underneath it, a religious cult that attempted to take over. Duel Academy being transported to another world for a few days only to return of course the Nightshroud incident where people were disappearing from all over the world, his mind then focused on the female woman in the room, a green-haired one wearing a white dress that seemed almost fashioned as roman's while she held a strange staff. "Something tells me, it won't be a peaceful time here." He thought and waited for the man to speak. ~Aoi and Clair's Home~ "I suppose we should." He answered and Clair nodded in response at that answer. "We'll close up here and head down there." AOi said as theyd id just that. ~Library~ Teddie blinked. "i'll try my best, but my nose isn't all that good, I think Rise-chan would have better luck." Teddie pointed out which was true to Yu, teddie was more of a frontline fighter after Rise's Persona proved to be better for recon and Teddie decided to train while Rise was healing, and from it, he grew an inside. "Aptahy Syndrome?" Yu took this moment to think, he recalled that, apparently, people were becoming unresponsive and it happened in Tatsumi port if Naoto wasn't able to find him or locate him, then teddie's sniffing abilities wouldn't be much help and even if Rise were here, they couldn't use their Personas outside of certain conditions. "It might be best to locate Yamagishi-san first and ask her directly, either that or Uncle might have some information to go on." he said to the two of them, he didn't want to involve his Uncle in their business, especially since he wa sjust an innocent bystander and the results of Nanako being kidnapped were there too, but then again, Dojima did start to believe him and his friends, especially when saving Nanako. "Unless..." He took a moment to think, Tatsumi Port had a school there, Gekkoukan High and it has it for children Nanako's age, the Apathy cases happened there and the Persona-users were stationed there too... maybe... "The school there was founded by the Kirijo Group, and the syndrome occurred on the island, what if Yamagishi-san was a part of that?" he asked Naoto
~Library~ Yu looked at Naoto as she asked if they had to fight again, he had to sag his shoulders at that, the battles they experienced were something no teenager would have to go through, especially the dangers of the Shadows and how close they came to death at times, Rise's Shadow being a prime example had it not been for Teddie, not to mention every fight they had against Shadows was one for life, had it not been for his ability to house various Personas on the fly, they'd have a tougher time with the dungeons. "Maybe, but even so, we can't just ignore this when people's lives are in danger." He said with certainty in his voice. ~Aoi and Clair's House~ Aoi heard his sister's complaints of finding an Oracle to bear the brunt of the work, he did want one as well, but you can't just put an advert saying 'Oracle Needed!" and rubbed his forehead. "I swear, we need to find someone's whose competent but there's nothing like that around, not to mention what this place undergone, and that memorial being held." he muttered. ~Nintendo High School Entrance~ Kazu listened to the girl's apologies and simply waved it off as he started to follow her but then came a rather shy question, he had to hold back a chuckle at this sudden change in personality but he simply let a smile form on his lips, it seemed like there was a fellow player of the game he loved in this school after all. "Of course I do, I am a graduate from Duel Academy." he said and decided to see what this girl was wearing, it seem it was based after the Victorian style of dress, quite unique he to admit, but he was never one for fashion these days, but from what it sounded like, that woman, Sunset was going to be a strict room-mate for this girl, obviously wanting to be charge. "Reminds me of that stupid Dorm complex of Obelisks looking down on Slifer's." He thought to himself, granted, there was some Obelisks who were friendly to other students, and the Academy quite possibly changed for the better after what it went through. "Oh that's right, how rude of me, I'm Kazu Tokura and you are?" He asked rather politely. ~Memorial~ Ankh merely waved it off as Haruto felt Koyomi's hand on his own, smiling at the girl.
~Library~ Yu listened rather intently to Naoto's rather deep suspicions, he wasn't surprised she couldn't summon her Persona in the real world, Yosuke tried that during practice for Rise's concert in Junes with those shakers, but the TV World and now that alternate space he was in when those creatures attacked the 109 building had the capabilities of summoning a Persona, however when the words about Adachi came, he too had a shiver up his spine, the man who was the one to start the whole serial case, but he was now in jail and confessed to his crimes. "That is a good idea, but if she's like Rise, she's the back-up, wouldn't that mean there'd be a team she'd be working with?" he asked and paused for a moment, the Apathy Syndrome was known back in those years, he could vaguely recall that being on TV, but then again, he was transferring schools left and right because of his parents work, staying for like a few months at best, Inaba was the only time he gotten a full year and he made some great memories as well as bad ones. "Adachi might of witnessed such a thing in theory, I mean, he did have a Persona." One that was the complete opposite of his Izanagi, yet strangely enough, he was able to create that thanks to the Social Link with the man. "But Izanami gave me, Adachi and Namatame the power, maybe there's other beings out there like Sagiri or Izanami herself." he theorized, after all, if Izanami was hiding as a gas station attendant throughout all that time, it wouldn't be surprising if there was another being like that, lingering in their world and Marie was one too, or rather, her name being Mariko on the weather channel, controlling literally the weather in Inaba and perhaps the whole world, one thing was for certain, never mess with her temper. To others in the library, they were ignored, after all, they were kids, so no surprise there. ~Aoi and Clair's Home~ Aoi nodded in albeit in defeat, at least he managed to pacify his adoptive sister's rage and crossed his arms. "So, any updates?" he asked her. ~Nintendo High Entrance~ Kazu nervously laughed at the red haired girl's rude answer, learning it to be Sunset Shimmer and that the girl with her took it upon herself to say it was for her, that was probably not the politest thing to say to someone who was in that mood. "It's like Camula all over again... at least she doesn't steal your soul." He thought and gathered himself when the girl asked him how she could help. "She reminds me of Alexis a bit, at least she has the decency to be polite." He thought and answered. "I'm a transfer here, I believe I need to find the Headmaster's office and get settled in, so perhaps you could help me find it?" he chuckled a bit nervously, putting a hand behind his head sheepishly, he was alight with sense of direction, but this school was big for it's size, so he might get lost and end up in probably on the other side of the school. ~Memorial~ Haruto sat in the free seat next to Koyomi with a bag of donuts on his lap. "Glad I made it in time." he said with a smile and noted his fellow Rider, Eiji and Shotaro in the crowd as Ankh gave a glare at Eiji. "I never should of made that deal." he said irritated. "So, what's the point in all this? You humans are confusing." He asked. ~Sakura and Li~ Li nodded, he scanned his eyes across the crowd, there quite some...interesting people around to say the least.
He can make the mistake of calling the the Abductors S-Types, not everyone knows everything.
~Library~ Yu gave a smile at Naoto pitching her voice higher, just as he liked it before she reverted to her usual tone, explaining the situation and he looked at the strange creatur,e it felt familiar to the Fox back at the Shrine in a way then Teddie somehow found them and crying out in happiness, drawing quite a bit of attention from the onlookers and he put a finger to his own lips. "Keep it down Teddie, this is a library, silence is the rule here, so long as we don't disturb everyone else." he said to the bear, then again, they'd attract attention with that bear suit still on him, then again, it was nothing unusual. "I'm not surprised, Tokyo's a wider scale than the rural town of Inaba, thought, it seems S-Type is a word that people want to forget especially since the havoc they've caused for today to be a memorial for everyone." Yu finished, closing his eyes as he sighed in perhaps frustration, he was just glad that Nanako and Uncle Dojima wasn't one of the dead before taking his time to gather his thoughts. "Although, I've encountered them." he noted Naoto's eyebrows raise at that answer. "At the 109 building in Shibuya, I can't explain it clearly but it felt like it was another world, much like the TV, there were the city's protectors fighting against them which strangely enough, looked similar to Neo Featherman R show, but that's not all." He took a breather. "I was able to summon my Persona in that realm, but surprised me more is I found another persona user, quite possibly similar to Rise-chan, her name from I heard is Fuuka Yamagishi" He said to her. "Is it highly possible there were other Persona Users before our Investigation Team?" he asked, letting this question hang in the air. ~AOia nd Clair's Home~ Aoi was facing the wrath of his adoptive sister literally being ticked off and berating him as he raised his hands in defence. "I haven't! I only went for a short break due to the stress of work, and I firmly believed in your abilities to handle the situation!" he answered. "But I got you a souvenir!" he said and dug his hand into a hammer space where somehow only the CPU's knew how to create to carry the endless amount of materials or money without much hassle, bringing out a nice blue dress with sapphires embedded into it's edges. ~Nintendo High~ Kazu was approaching the entrance to the school, bag on back before spotting a red haired female, no, more like burgundy-coloured hair as she was re-entering the compound, he might be able to get some help on where to go and called out to her. "Excuse me, Ma'am!" he broke into a little run to catch up with her. ~Memorial~ Ankh appeared behind Eiji. "Here you idiot, unfortunately, all the ice cream stores are shut for this annoying memorial." he said irritated. ~Marvelous and others~ Marvelous grinned and started to eat with his fellow mates.
~Aoi and Clair's Home~ Aoi stepped through the door and placed his blue suitcase down, he was sure Clair was somewhere around here, either rbored out of her mind or annoyed she had been saddled with paperwork while he went on vacation, she was a bit of the everyday tsundere-type fo character, he'd have to make up for it, either that or she reserved a special back log of work for him to do. "I'm home~!" he called out throughout the house. ~Library~ Yu was steadily approaching the Library in question and entered it's doors as they automatically opened without any time wasted and turned his phone to vibration mode before then and used his eyes to scan the desks before coming to rest upon the familiar cap he recognized and gave a small smile at the corner of his mouth and approached the table, weaving through the gaps and his watch started a small beep, he had to chuckle lightly in his head, it was the distance between himself and Naoto as they wore the same watch she custom build herself, to show how close they were, of course it only worked for a set amount of distance then it is rendered useless and took a seat as she was into reading her news article, not bothering to ask about who she had with her. "it's good to see you again, Naoto." he finally spoken to his female friend, or rather, his girlfriend, letting a smile emerge from his expression. ~Where was Marvy?~ Marvy was lost... again. she left eh airport and had no clue where she was, she was in a central park, how she got there, well, she didn't know. "I knew I should of gotten a taxi..." She mumbled to herself, she was a ninja sure, but she didn't feel the need to cheaply ride transportation, then again, she could always hitch a ride on a top of a lorry or something. ~Kazu tokura~ Kazu Tokura heaved his red backpack as he approached Nintendo High, while in his other hand was handheld phone to tell him where to go, funnily enough, the phone was in red casing with a DA logo on it. "So, this is the new school huh...?" he asked himself, he surveyed the grounds, there didn't seem to be much relating to Duel Academy thus far, then again, they had facilitates like P.E or such, so it wasn't purely based on Duels, then again, after the incidents at Duel Academy involving a Superintendent wanting to rule the world with three dangerous cards, a alien organism bent on the world worshipping him, a psychopathic Duel Monster who wanted to merge all twelve dimensions and finally, a beign who wanted to have human bond's disappear so eh could take over the world had it not been himself and other young Duelists like Jaden stopping Nightshroud's scheme, graduation came and he and his fellow Slifer Red left the island without much farewells, course, that didn't stop him from keeping in contacts with his friends. And now, he gets a invitation from the headmaster, possibly due to his inherent abilities of hearing Duel Spirits or wanted to spread the game of Duel Monsters among the students seeing it was a good recreational activity, of course, he didn't need to know he had a ability to summon the actual monsters themselves.
-Shibuya: 109 Building- Tsukasa merely shrugged. "You better hope you got enough money to cater around." he said to Sakura, her wallet will probably suffer quite a bit of a dent from this offer of food. "We should probably decline, me and Phillip have a memorial and a Chief to watch over, so we'll see you guys later." he said, giving and one fingered salute before heading off. "Then I should do the same, I have someone who needs me at her side, I'll be around." Haruto said and walked off as Marvelous grinned. "Free food is always welcome, let's get eating!" he said without any hesitation. ~Memorial~ Syaoran nodded to Sakura and watched. ~Yu~ Yu had to chuckle lightly, it seems the lady with the blue oversized coat had a slightly bad experience, maybe from a Mystery Food X? He didn't elt it ponder his thoughts and headed around the corner and as he kept walking, he flipped his phone out, checking the time. "Should get to Naoto, she's probably waiting at the Library." he mumbled and headed for that particular direction.
Takeru watched his companions in the forest as a fire got going and someone suggested they introduce themselves, Rechelle he believed was her name? He took it to note and knew teamwork was going to be a vital piece within this group. "A good point of getting everyone together, I'm Takeru Yuanji, if you heard of my surname before, then I'm not surprised." he said, simply waving that off.
-Shibuya: 109 Building- Tsukasa gave a mere shrug. "Do what you want." he said, taking the moment to fiddle with his camera around his neck as Gentaro smiled. "Yosha, let's eat until our stomachs are full!" he said happily as Shotaro looked at his fellow Riders, did those three know his boss? Sokichi Narumi? He had to wonder as Haruto chuckled at Gentaro's boundless energy. "So long as there's donuts, I'll partake." He inputted. Marvelous gave a smirk. "Be prepared to have a low budget." he said as Joe crossed his arms as Gai nodded with the same energy Gentaro had. Elsewhere, Yu was heading for the an exit, or perhaps, more the point, approach Fuuka Yamagishi, he had to simply know about her, with his boundless Courage being Heroic, he was able to approach without much worry, but he decided to let the other girl wait for her answer, so he waited patiently. ~Airport~ Another flight had come in and from the arrivals queue of people, a Red Hatted individual was easily spotted among those with his hat shading his eyes a she carried a simple camper's backpack with a Gold Duel Disk peeking out from it, he was a travelling Duelist named Kazu Tokura, he wasn't bothered by the masses of people, apparently, his family sent him here to take part in Nintendo High, despite it not being a central hub for Card Games, but he never really complained much. A blue youth was also exiting the departures and stretched with a blue suitcase on wheels. "Ah finally, that holiday was great!" he said with a sigh of relief, this was Aoi, the first ever male CPU as a experiment, he did have a sister who was working here and well, literally landed her with the work while he snuck off for a holiday, no doubt, she'd give him a right good talking too, that and they weren't known by other CPU's either for that matter. "Right, off home we go, unless by some miracle, everything fell apart with her at the helm." he muttered and headed for home.
Takeru took out a number 1 from the basket, this indicated he was going to the forest, which he didn't care about, it was just another mission handed down, so he didn't really complain much, nor did he spent any Gald due to the fact he was quite comfortable with what he had, plus changing for a different weapon would force you to adapt to it's new weight, plus, he was confident in skills of survival, but not overly so he'd be arrogant even though he taken no damage at all in that last battle. "It was merely luck and nothing more than that, even I must admit, there is such a thing in this world." His thoughts ran across his mind before being interrupted by a woman's voice, a completely different one he recalled from yesterday. "Um, excuse me. Can we help?" She asked and with her was another female, possibly companions, they were armed so that indicated they weren't defenceless. "You must be the others we been hearing about." he said calmly.
-Shibuya: 109 Building- Their minds were ridden, Tsukasa was annoyed it got to him as well as the Gokaiger males, but it seemed there were looking for a Harbinger,w ahetever that was, he let his transformation die out along with the others, revealing their true identities tot he SHowa Riders until Dnate voiced his opinions and Sakura was talking to him as she said ti was honor to meet him, obviously playing they never met card, despite telling the others anyway. "Whatever you say Kamen Rider Number One." he said plainly, his thoughts distracted until Gentaro smiled and waved to IF's fallen form. "Yo, good job there girl!" he said cheerfully to IF, oblivious to what eh just did earlier. -Yu- Yu felt his mind being invaded, but Izanagi within him tried it's best to protect his mind, though failing, it was odd though, Izanagi should of stayed as his true form, but reverted back after the Final Battle, perhaps cause this Izanagi was his true power, the number zero, being one of infinite possibilities, especially with Skill Cards he collected through his year and it was quite strong, until a girl summoned a persona, but with a gun and he was surprised. "A Persona? But she never appeared on any Midnight Channel..." he thought to himself, it did look like it was used for analysis since there was no weaponry on it, but who was this mysterious girl? He had this question being the forefront of his mind, he'd have to tell his lover and correspondent, Naoto Shirogane and see if she could dig up any information within the police force.
Reserving. MarvelousAQL (Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory)
You know where I am, and I'm not spending anything lol
-Shibuya: 109 Building- The order for the strongest attack came from Phillip as Shotaro removed the Trigger memory and slot into the Trigger Magnum as it spoke. "Trigger~ Maximum Drive~!" it called out as W aimed the blue gun at the opponents. "Trigger Full Burst!" the two-in-one Rider said at once as Blade's Transformation switched back to Decade gave a mere shrug. "As you wish it, Leader." he said sarcastically and slid in a gold edged card into the belt and hit the sides. "FInal Attack Ride: D-D-Decade!" it called as larger holographic images of that same card lined up in a rowed and he leapt forward intot he air, passing through each card, gaining more speed with each one, with a kick at the ready. "Right! I'm taking part in this too!" Fourze said and switched the magic Hand Switch for the Rocket Switch and filled it and another switch on his belt, number 3 apparently as the familiar rocket module appeared on Fourze and he leapt up, using the rocket's propulsion and one of his feet literally changed into a yellow drill, spinning wildly. "Rider Rocket Drill Kick!" Fourze cried out. Gokai Red, Blue and Silver joined his fellow team members in executing a Final Wave. "Gokai Slash!" as Silver thrown his trident at the opponent. ~With Sakura~ Li just nodded at Sakura's suggestion, it was a good idea to say the least, but a few rows of seats away, Albert scanned over the population that were attending, he gave a small wry smile and tilted his hat over his eyes, perhaps in respect or just to keep himself hidden.
~Shibuya: 109 Building- Haruto was quite impressed at OOO's capabilities and spoke. "I can do that too." he said and shifted the belt's hand to rotate then placed his right hand with an Ring on his finger "Copy, Please~" it said as a magical circle similar to the one before appeared beside him and a duplicate of Flame Wizard appeared beside him and he resumed it again and repeated the process as two more Wizard's forms and he gave a small cocky laugh before scanning another ring. "Very Nice Special~ Kick Strike! Saiko~~" as the Four WIzard's somersaulted and leapt itnot he air, fire surrounding his foor and connected with some of the minor enemies. "So take out the main resource and they stop spawning? Gotcha." He said and slashed one of the Tanooki Dogoo-S coming for him, disappearing in particles. "Damned pests!" he said, producing a card from behind him and slid it in the Decadriver and hit the sides of it, closing it. "Kamen Ride: Kabuto!" it said before Decade's armour changed to the correspodnign Ride ron the card and he produced another card. "Attack Ride: Clock Up!" Decade/Kabuto vanished in a blur to the naked eye slicing through many of the smaller fry and he paused for a moment as it cancelled out, back to Decade as SHinkenRed/GokaiRed stood back to him with him. "Think you can keep up with a pirate?" he asked Tsukasa who spoke in turn. "I should say that to you, let's go." he said as ShinkedRed changed. "Gokai Change!" as he became Hyper Shinken Red, complete with Kyroyu Sword. "Super Ranger!" as Decade slid in another card. "Kamen Ride: Blade!" as Decade became Kamen Rider Blade and the two rotated around, attacking any creatures that dared attack the other. Fourze meanwhile gave a grunt as he leapt back switching the Rocket Astroswitch off. "Then let's go with this!" he said and removed the Rocket Switch and replaced it with a pink one and flipped it on. "Magic Hand On~" as on his wrist was a strange mechanical hand and grabbed literally IF by the ankle and humorously, swung her around with the strange contraption. "Relax, Astronauts eat lateral G's for breakfast, here we go... Girl...SWINGBY!" he declared and the mechanical hand let go of IF's ankle, sending her literally soaring at the main enemy. ~Memorial Site~ Li nodded to Sakura and sat with her. "Still got that stuffed animal I see." he said to him in mild annoyance. ~Lower building of SHibuya 109~ Yu Narukami was drawn by the commotion and luckily enough, Nanako or Uncle Dojima weren't nearby s they attended the place but some stray Dogoos found him and he gave a blank expression. "Shadows? No... they don't seem like it." he muttered and jumped back from one, all thanks to honing his skills in the TV world, but he couldn't summon his Persona here, this was reality, not the TV world and dived down the side into an alleyway only to find it blocke doff. "Great job Yu, you boxed yourself in with jelly dogs." he said sarcastically and turned around, he had no weapons on hand which he cursed and he was ready to accept what was to come before hearing something. "...mmo...me....Tho...are...th...." The voice whispered and he could of sworn it being familiar and closed his eyes, straining to listen as the Dogoo's moved in closer. "Yu....Ca....out...my......name!" the voice cried out and Yu opened his eyes, seeing a familiar blue card and gave a smile, he didn't know how this was possible, but he'll take it and the card revolved around his hand. "Let's go... Izanagi!" he cried out, clenching his fist as the card shattered and a blue aura appaeared behind him and there stood the Persona Yu begun his journey with, Izanagi as it stared down at the small Dogoos and Yu pointed at the monsters. "Zio!" he cried out as Izanagi extended it's hand in the same manner and electricity crackled and violently destroyed the Dogoo and Izanagi leapt forward, it's sword drawn to slice another.
Takeru watched only in silence as Kain left the battlefield via smoke bombs, he didn't get injured in the battle not to his amazement,, you had to be nimble and accurate with Knives as well as a sword to carry, he supposed he should owe it all to his training and his parents, the prayer hymn moving to restore those who were tired out or injured, he didn't require any of this, personally due to the fact he was used to it and the mayor was forgiven of what he done and apologizing for the trouble. "That remains to be seen, people's minds change ever so quickly." his thoughts spoken, then again, the people trusted in their own military and not in the vagabonds from different villages, he also heard more people were yet to arrive, possibly due to their point of origin were further away than anyone else here, he handed Mist back her own sword wordlessly and went to retrieve his knives before placing them in a specialized pouch on his person. "Also, there is the fact I'll be working with these people instead of alone, or being spilt into groups, if so, I wonder who my companions would be and if I'll find a worthy candidate to serve under." Takeru's thoughts processed this quietly.
Fine fine -waves hands in defeat-
Where does it say that in this thread? Cause my search only came up with you having the Guans in Cove.