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  1. StardustXtreme


    Ankh looked over the people, his eyes that of a hawk. "Everywhere, as I figured, someone would this opportune moment to gather more Yummies." he said, perhaps a bit impressed at the scale of Cell Medals that would be harvested from this lot. "No doubt that feline, Kazari is behind this." he muttered annoyingly.

    ~Riders, Rangers and Gokaigers~

    Marvelous was about to finish his meal until a chair smashed through the restaurant's window and he looked up. "What the hell?" he looked over and saw the masks, people yelling some woman named Harriet Jones to be removed from her seat and he raised an eyebrow. "Why's there a riot going on!?" Gai asked in surprise as Tsukasa gave an unimpressed look.

    "Judging by their language of words, they want the current Minister to be taken down, figured it was only a matter of time, she exactly didn't think of the consequences when attempting a rescue mission, there was bound to be a backlash at some point, though I didn't think it'll be this soon." he muttered as Gentaro blinked. "So, you're saying they want someone else in charge?" he asked and Tsukasa shrugged his shoulders. "If it's someone more competent than her decision-making, then yes, she'll be forced to retire if this lot keeps up." he said duly.

    "Then we should stop them before someone gets hurt!" Gai said and Tsukasa gave a dry smirk. "You can try, but there's millions in japan who'll just do the same thing, besides, we are but a few voices in this riot, would anyone sit down and listen to a bunch of teenagers? I'd highly doubt that, those who have power and high social standard would grab their attention like a moth to a flame." he explained.

    ~Headmaster's Office~

    Kazu almost wanted to glare at the headmaster for his response, believing it all it be some imagination. "He's just senile and old, I doubt he ever felt the need to save the world."" he took his dorm key and schedule as he left in a hurry and he sighed. "By the three Egyptian Gods, why did I agree to this Chancellor Sheppard?" he muttered to himself and filled out the form and left it on the table and picked up his backpack.

    "Wonder if it'll be the same as before?" he wondered and headed for his Dorm room and checked inside, it seemed he was the once again, the only occupant for a room, despite the fact there was two beds and so on. "Figured as much."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme

    ~Persona Users~

    Yu heard the names that Fuuka mentioned, Aigis did ring a bell somewhat and tried to remember where it was. "Why do I feel like I know this Aigis?" He thought and realised who it was, that girl he met during the P4 Grand Prix briefly as he took note of Fuuka's stare and how they were on the same side, he hoped so, but Minato and Minako, they sounded like siblings btu then fuuka's words came abck, she said he felt like just like a few people she knew, this being Aigis-san and the twins apparently.

    "Could she mean they are Wild Card''s too?" He thought, he never did ask Igor if there were any Persona Users before him or even about other guests in the Velvet Room, only ones he knew were either those in the Investigation Team or Margret, was she too a Wild Card or was it merely one of the abilities of being a resident? He did recall Elizabeth who said Margret was her older sister.

    "Yeah we should wait, I think I want to meet these people Fuuka-san works with and go on from there." he concluded in his thought as the memorial had begun.


    Ankh perked up and looked around cautiously, his eyes narrowing and he gave a annoyed look. "I hear Cell medals, Eiji." He said lowly, looking around cautiously, he had no desire to see this thing or the dancers for that matter.

    ~Sakura and Syaoran~

    Syaoran smiled back, he could feel the emotions in the air, no magical energies to report, though there was a slight uneasiness which eh couldn't pinpoint exactly.

    ~Headmaster's Office~

    Kazu sighed when he got a small telling off for manners, he personally didn't care, after all he'd been through, it was to be expected and he did say he had straight A's unlike most Slifer Reds and then the question came and he let himself looked at him. "So long as you don't have any powerful cards that is sealed underneath this school, a hell-bent alien wanting to brainwash the world, a crazed Spirit, otherworldly adventures and the avatar of Darkness taking all of humanity save for a few survivors to beat him, then no, there's no questions." Kazu said rather dryly and he thought. "Oh who am I kidding? If it went on that long, I doubt it'll stop here even if it isn't a Duel Monster academy." he thought and sighed lowly under his breath.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme

    ~GokaiGalleon, heading for Temporal Tower~

    Alarms rung out and Marvellous stared up at the viewing screen, they had arrived at their destination it seemed. "Looks like we're here, professor, take us down in front of it and everyone prepare to disembark." He ordered loudly.

    ~Lastation, Ichigo and Aoi, Hot Springs EVENT!~

    "Tell me again why we're here?" Ichigo asked as Aoi thrown his clothes into one of the baskets provided. "Because we can freshen up? I mean, from what you told me so far about your journey, you battled a lot of foes and never took a break, so maybe you should deserve some relaxation, besides, I never experienced a Hot Spring before and the guide to Lastation here." he held up what seemed to be a Travel Guide promoting Lastation. "That a Hot Spring is a definite attraction one must visit during your stay here." he said the put the pamphlet in with his basket and ichigo nodded, the two men hanging the towels over their shoulders.

    Ichigo was quite well toned for his age, it wasn't a surprise from learning hand to hand combat at a young age, beating up bullies with enough strength to stamp them through solid concrete, and of course he daily job as a Substitute Shinigami, it was a wonder he was still in his teens, Aoi on the other hand wasn't as impressive, then again, most people in Gamindustri didn't have things like six packs or anything, they just level up and remain the same, just with improved strength and so on.

    The two men entered one of the sides that labelled MEN on a revolving panel, however, little did they know to their utmost ignorance, a certain White Sister played with it and well, they were entering uncharted waters as the glass door slid open, the mist from the Hot Springs covering most of the place.

    "Impressive." Aoi said and Ichigo shrugged a bit. "It's just a hot public bath." he said as they headed for the main attraction, the spring itself, btu a sthe mist was beginning to part, silhouettes wer ein the mist. "Oh, we're not the only ones here it seems. "
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Sep 29, 2013
  5. StardustXtreme

    ~Memorial, with Persona Users~

    Yu followed Naoto's direction and they had managed to grab three seats behind Fuuka Yamagishi and she asked him a question, if he went to Gekkoukan High, he did nod at that question, it was only for a social studies trip provided by the school as Naoto asked her questions, the girl turned pale and looked about ready to faint until he spoke. "Naoto, give her some room to breathe." he said and watched her lean back and he looked at Fuuka.

    "As my friend said, we're looking into the incidents that are mentioned but there's something else I want to tell you if I may." he was using his maximum efficiently understanding of the girl and spoke one word. "Persona." he said in a whisper, loud enough for her to hear, if she understood the meaning behind that specfic one word.

    ~Headmasters sOffice~

    Kazu stepped inside after the invitation and set his bag down beside him as he stood, staring at Al Mualim who sat behind his desk, arms at his sides, he knew the Headmaster was bound to have a file on him about his time at Duel Academy and the various incidents it went though in the last few years, what with Shadow Riders, a religious cult of the Society of Light, Duel Academy being sent to another dimension for a week and finally the incident of Trueman or rather more directly, Nightshroud removing every Duelist in the world except himself and Jaden Yuki by bringing everyone back and beating him, saving the world from his desire to rule..

    "I hope to Silfer the Sky Dragon, there won't be anymore saving the world from power-hungry people who want to control the world, I could do with one year without putting my life on the line." he thought to himself, but if it happened that many times in a row, he somehow had a feeling it'd happen again.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme

    ~Tokyo Street~

    Yu nodded at Naoto's suggestion and walked alongside her and Teddie to the memorial, it was truly the best place to find someone they needed to find, but of course it served to pay respect to those who lost their lives, he knew how those families must feel, losing someone they loved as he experienced a similar situation with Nanako, thankfully, she was strong despite her heart stopping for those few minutes.

    "It feels like that day again." Yu said quietly within earshot of his friends, the subject was rather a touchy and very personal one to the Investigation Team.


    Kazu watched as Akiza departed from the room after thanking him for playing with her and placed his deck back within it's box and picked up his backpack. "I hope the headmaster is available now." he muttered and went back to the office, knocking on the door.

    ~Riders and Sentai/Rangers~

    Tsukasa nodded at Sakura's answer and he laid back in his chair as the other Gokaigers did so.


    Syaoran and Sakura sat in their seat, watching the empty stage.

    ~Fang and Vanille~

    The announcement of the funeral starting in ten minutes was plenty of tiem for vanilla or prepare some tea for everyone in Sirius's house, after all, they weren't going to attend, but it paid to have some respect for those passed away and she closed her eyes in the kitchen. "All those families... mourning for their loved ones." She said solemnly and brought her fingers together to form her signature prayer, that those who died would find peace.


    Tidus watched on TV with Yuna and the others along with Bartz, it did remind him of his mother a bit.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    Yu nodded in agreement about the spiritual senses, there were so many things people don't know about humans or their abilities, plus if Komura-san keeps the outher one, Kutani in check, there might be something to gain from it, well, less creepier ways to put it simply. "I guess so, I think he could tell my powers were stronger than you both." he duly noted and remembered Igor's words, that he was a Wild Card, able to house up to thirteen different Persona's at one time or maybe because of the power of the World Arcana and the power Izanagi-no-Okami held, being able to destroy Izanami's true form.

    "Then again, I shouldn't be surprised, Marie is one of those people." he thought, she was called Mariko on the local news channel of Inaba and had complete control over the weather in that regard, not to mention being Izanami-no-Mikoto, a beign who wished to protect humanity and grant it's wish and not to mention being able to cast lightning in the real world as a testament to that when Yosuke and Teddie tried to peep in the girls after they rescued Marie from the Hollow Forest.


    Kazu smiled and soon the game was on, the two of them trading blows with every move they made, he had to admit though. "She certainly has talent in this game, but judging by her Deck's monsters and abilities, it seems focused around giving effect damage as well filling up the field with tokens but her Black Rose Dragon allows her to wipe the field clean, if I didn't know any better, it's based on devastation tactics or stalling for enough time, especially with her monster's second effect." His thoughts wandered, but from her reactions, she was being almost like she had a scared projection of spirit everytime she played a card based on either destruction or attacking.

    "If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's frightened of something, or she's just plain nervous like Syrus." he thought as the game continued, with Akiza gaining a victory.

    -Riders/Sentai and Rangers-

    Marvelous stared and spoke. "If you say we are the start of Sentai, then why are there Keys pertaining to other groups? If we count all the Keys, that's a total of 34 Sentai Teams."

    "Then the Kamen Riders before myself are the same, but instead, Sakura's generation are known as Showa while from Kuuga's then on, it's Heisei to Kiva then Neo-Heisei for me and the oncoming Riders, such as Double, OOO, Fourze and now Wizard." Tsukasa pointed out.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    I'm going to list my characters, cause well they are being updated.

    Tsukasa Kadoya [Kamen Rider Decade]
    Gentaro Kisaragi [Kamen Rider Fourze]
    Shotaro Hidari [Kamen Rider W]
    Yu Narukami [Persona 4/Golden/The Animation]
    Captain Marvelous [Kazoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    Joe Gibken [Kazoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    Gai Ikari [Kazoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    Yuri Hyuga (Shadow Hearts & Shadow Hearts Covenant)
    Albert Simon (Shadow Hearts & Shadow Hearts Covenant)
    Tidus (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
    Igor (Persona)
    Li Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura)
    Haruto Souma (Kamen Rider Wizard)
    Oerba Dia Vanille (Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2)
    Ankh (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Bartz Klauser (Dissidia 012: Duodecim)
    Kazu tokua [Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force OC]
    Keima Katsuragi [The World God Only Knows]
    MarvelousAQL [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]
    Aoi [Hyperdimension Neptunia OC]
    Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider DIEnd (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Oliver [Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch]​
    Tomoya Okazaki [Clannad/Clannad: After Story]
    Inuyasha [InuYasha/InuYasha; the Final Act]​
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme
    I'll explain in the thread
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  10. StardustXtreme
    I'm sure you know but the decks must be fifty cards exactly with 16 Triggers, this means 4 of Stand, Heal, Critical and Draw and this also includes your Starting Vangaurd (The aforementioned Grade 0 you stand at the start)

    And if you are using Japanese cards that haven't been released at all, kindly state the Card's name as well as ability it has.

    I suggest starting with a Trial Deck as so to get started with no edits and the opponent also uses a Trial Deck so you can get a feel for the game.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  11. StardustXtreme
    This will also help out.

    And now, the Triggers.
    Trigger Effects

    (Note: All +5000 Power boosts from triggers only last for the current turn. This also applies to the +1 Critical effect from a Critical Trigger.)
    • [​IMG] Draw Trigger
    When revealed during a Drive Check or Damage Check, select 1 of your own Units and it gains +5000 Power, and draw 1 card. Draw the card immediately after the Trigger is revealed (before your next trigger check, in case of Twin Drive or more than 1 Damage).
    • [​IMG] Critical Trigger
    When revealed during a Drive Check or Damage Check, select 1 of your own Units and it gains +5000 Power, and select 1 of your own again and it gains +1 Critical. Power and Critical gains may be applied to different units.
    • [​IMG] Heal Trigger
    When revealed during a Drive Check or Damage Check, select 1 of your own Units and it gains +5000. When the damage you've received before the Heal Trigger is equal or more than your opponent's, you can put one card in your Damage Zone into your Drop Zone.(You cannot put more than 4 Heal Triggers in a deck.)
    • [​IMG]Trigger
    When revealed during a Drive Check or Damage Check, select 1 of your own Units and it gains +5000. Then choose a Rear-Guard Unit and restand it.
    1. For trigger effect to activate, you must have at least 1 unit that is of the same clan on the field as the trigger unit.
    2. You must choose which unit of yours to receive the trigger boost before checking for the next trigger (in multiple trigger checks, e.g. Twin Drive!! effect).
    3. Trigger effects are compulsory to activate.
    Next is Skill Effects:
    • [​IMG]Boost
    Grade 0 and 1 Units have this ability. When declaring an attack with a Unit and a Grade 0 or 1 Unit is behind the attacking Unit, you may put the Unit to Rest and add its power to the attacker (only last for that battle).
    • [​IMG] Intercept
    Grade 2 Units have this ability. While one of your Units are being attacked and a Grade 2 is in a front-row Rearguard circle, this Unit can move to the Guardian Zone and become its Guardian. Afterwards its treated as if it was Called as a Guardian.
    Another type of Intercept is a S Special Intercept. This is a Unit skill which increases the Unit's Shield value if a Unit in the Vanguard Circle is from a certain Clan; for example Knight of Truth, Gordon or Dragon Knight, Berger.
    • [​IMG] Twin Drive!!
    Grade 3 Vanguards have this ability. When you attack with your Vanguard you can Drive Check two times.

    Unit Abilities Next~
    • [​IMG] Automatic Ability:
    This ability takes effect whenever a specific condition or timing is met. The condition or timing is written as "When ~" or "At ~".
    • [​IMG] Activate Ability:
    This ability can be used during your Main phase, once the conditions are met and you are able to pay the costs in [?]. This ability can be used repeatedly during the same Main phase as long as the cost is paid.
    • [​IMG] Continuous Ability:
    If no requirements are specified, this ability is active even in hidden places like the hand and your deck.

    Paying Cost.

    You pay costs by flipping (x) cards from the top of your your Damage Zone face down. You may not use Damage Zone abilities if you cannot flip cards in your Damage Zone face down. There are 4 different types of costs each identified by a different icon and each requires different types of costs.[1]
    Types of Costs are:

    • [​IMG] Soul Blast (X):
      • Retire X cards from Soul (Send X cards from the stack under your Vanguard to the Drop Zone. You may choose the cards to send).
      • Especial Soulblast : A kind of cost with a series of any clan during your Battle Phrase.

    • [​IMG] Soul Charge (X):
      • Send the top X cards of your Deck to your Soul (The stack underneath your Vanguard)
      • [Example : CEO Amaterasu's soul charge, you put it directly below CEO Amaterasu]

    • [​IMG] Counter Blast (X):
      • Flip X cards from the Damage Zone face-down.
      • Especial Counterblast : A kind of cost with a series of any clan during your Main Phrase.

    • Mega Blast : Retire 8 cards from Soul and Flip 5 cards from the Damage Zone face down. This is referred to as "Mega Blast" in the manga/anime.
    • Persona Blast : A community-made term which refers to an effect where an identical copy of the card needs to be discarded from your hand as part of the cost.

    As for Grades, it goes from Grade 0 respectively up to Grade 1, Grade 2 and then Grade 3, your Vanguard will be slowly ascending up the levels each of your Turns should you have that cooresponding Grades ready, now the Rear guards you Call to the field must be of an equal Grade to your Vanguard or Lower.

    There is also Limit Break! an ability given to most Grade 3's when you have 4 or more of damage, giving a extra advantage in your move or there's Ultimate Break, where as it's instead activated with 5 Damage, only a few Grade 3's can utilize it as it's it will be that monster's strongest form, like for Example, Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion The Blood when he rides on top of Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, called a Cross Ride.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. StardustXtreme
    I'd try to.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  13. StardustXtreme
    Then I'm Paladin-oriented.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. StardustXtreme
    I did say out of guess.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. StardustXtreme
    I'm guessing Aqua Force is your Clan.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. StardustXtreme

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    Yu filed away the name, Ryou Kutani in his head but was widening his eyes a little. "He can sense the Persona?" he was surprised, was this Ryou another Izanami? Fortunately, not as he said to be descended from a Wolf until another male, white haired was telling Ryou off and his name seemed to be Komura along with scaring Ryou slightly well, as he said that the boy's power will likely be more than what Ryou possessed, possibly referring to the Wild Card or perhaps the World Arcana, Izanagi-no-Okami as Komura approached them, playing with Naoto's fox.

    "I'm sorry, but who are you and more to the point, what are you?" Yu asked the man in a polite tone.


    Kazu smiled at Akiza's stuttering answer and reached behind him, unlatching a Deck Box cover that was attached to his belt and removed his deck, placing, his Extra Deck on the left side and his main deck on the right, there would be no need for Duel Disks today, just a normal standard table duel.

    "We'd start with normal rulings, 4000 Life Points and it'll be Single, no Antes or bets, agreed?" He asked her.


    "AkaRed, you met him?" Marvelous inquired to Sakura as Tsukasa looked at him. "Whose he?" he asked and marvellous leant back, arms crossed. "He was our Captain of the Red Pirates, a notorious space crew that annoyed the Zangyack to no end and he collected Ranger Keys scattered across the universe, mainly of the Core Members, but the Zangyack attacked him one day and so AkaRed stayed behind giving Zordon Navi and the Galleon all."

    "That and AkaRed is the spirit of all Red Sentai members~! Or so they say." Gai said excitedly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme

    ~Confrontation Time is a-go!~

    Yu smiled and walked alongside with Teddie and Naoto with her strange creature, he would have to ask that at a later untils he accidently bumped into a green haired male only for that male to get really intimate with her and Yu had the common sense not to blow up and get angry at the sight before him, only time he lost his cool was with Nanako's kidnapping, but someone had the decency to hit on a girl with her friends nearby? That took either guts or the man simply didn't know Naoto was taken.

    "Which Persona would be suitable to show she's my girlfriend? Yoshitune could Hassou Tobi him into eight pieces, Kohyru could burn him to a crisp and revive him, or maybe I'll use Beezlebub and have him use Megidolaon to completely render him into nothing or use a combination Magatsu Izanagi, Izanagi and Izanagi-no-Okami with all the most devastating Skills Cards I used on them?" Yu considered in his thoughts and he spoke.

    "Mind explaining why you just decided to creepily sniff my girlfriend?" Yu asked very calmly, a hand in his pocket and his tone unyielding. "Because from what I can see, you just forced yourself upon her and said she smelt good and you liked it, now, give me a good reason why I should decide to let you suffer my girlfriend's wrath and support her for charging you on sexual harassment or I report you for it, I'm sure my Uncle and my girlfriend's grandfather will be more than happy to see to it as they are members of the police." he said rather calmly with his eyes giving a cold stare.


    Tsukasa listened to the story, he wasn't surprised about DenLiner's appearance in the tale, it was a train that travelled through time and it's goal was to keep the timeline on the right track so to say, because if not, the consequences can result in a alternate reality where the people perceive it as reality whiel those from the normal timeline would see if as alternate, from he gathered, only Singularity Points like Ryotaro can not be affected by changes, something to do with laws of time or something, DenLiner also happened to be home to Ryotaro's Imagin.


    "I doubt it if the schools closed for the day." Kazu said and sat across from Akiza, taking note of her deck, he could now confirm she was a Duelist and he had a corner-like smile appear on his mouth, it was nice to see the game still reaching out to people. "Are you silently asking for a game?" he asked rather politely, he knew he couldn't see her deck, back in Duel Academy, whoever eh tagged with had to have a certain degree of trust between them to show him their decks and even allow him to change them to fit their Tag Duels.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    Four ZW's, one Victory = Let the asskicking commence!
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 10, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  19. StardustXtreme
    Then in light of this...
    Name: Inuyasha​
    Description: A half-demon born of Lady Izayoi and Inu no Taishou (English Translation: Great Dog Demon) and half-brother to Sesshomaru, he was originally a troublesome half-demon until a Priestess named Kikyo turned his heart around, however, Onigumo or known as Naraku, secretly desried to keep Kikyo to himself and set up the betrayal between them, ending with Kikyo's death and Inuyasha being sealed for fifty years, at first glance, he looks 17 years old but in actual fact he is over 200, as a half-demon, he is granted otherwise, supernatural abilities that humans dream of, heightened sense of smell, sight and hearing with stamina that few dream of with superhuman strength to pick up a boulder up to 10 tons, also as a demon, he has regenerative abilities such growing back a canine tooth after one is forcibly wrenched out or survive a fist through his gut, however, there are drawbacks, his sense of smell can get overloaded and as he is a half-demon, there is one day he becomes a human completely, by the night of the New Moon which occurs once every month, the symbolization of this will he jet black hair and brown eyes.​
    Inuyasha however, can become a dangerous beast when separated from his sword the Tessaiga, become a Full Blooded Demon as his sword is what keeps it in check, with each separation his intelligence slowly disappears, hence he keeps his sword on him at all times, that doesn't mean however, the Tessaiga is merely a buffer for him, it too is capable of dealing damage to his foes as called one of the Swords of Conquest, the Sword of man by it's creator and it is capable of slaying 100 demons in one sweep as well gaining new abilities, such as backfiring a opponent's attack with his own, destroy demonic or holy barriers and recently, gained the power to enter the Netherworld and even enter or exit pocket dimensions such as advancing forward in time or even going to a dimension within the Shikon Jewel, he regularly argues with Kagome at times, but he loves her but refuses to admit this.​
    Occupation: Demon-Slayer​
    Series Character is from: Inuyasha/InuYasha the Final Act​
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme

    ~GokaiGalleon, Next Stop~ Temporal Tower!-

    Marvelous sat in his chair, arms crossed as the other crewmembers, that being his fellow Gokaigers, the Rangers, Yuri Hyuga and whoever else was on board at the specific time.

    "is it me or somehow I get the feeling someone forgot to reply for a long while?" he asked himself in confusion.

    ~Lastation, Aoi & Ichigo Meet!~

    Aoi stretched, the girls were apparently taking a Hot Spring bath and he saw an unusual sight, a orange haired youth with way too much of a cleaver to be a sword. "Who are you?" he asked politely as Ichigo blinked. "Ichigo Kurosaki, Subsitute Shinigami." he answered and Aoi blinked.

    "Aoi, CPU of Castfield and Lord Blue Heart." he said and Ichigo was surprised. "Wait, so you're like Vert?" he asked curiously and Aoi nodded. "Well, yeah, apart from the fact I'm quite possibly the one male CPU around and just came back to well, this realm, Arfoire kind of sealed my landmass into an alternate dimension so the other CPU's barely even know who and what I am, are you one of her Followers?" He asked and Ichigo's cheeks were a faint red.

    "U-Um, not exactly." he said and Aoi stared at him. "You make it sound like you're together or something." He said and little did he know, he was actually bang on the money,, well unless you count the number of times Noire was a cushion for freefalling people.

    ~Crack between Dimensions, otherwise shall be known as White Space~

    Black Mage was leaning back on a sunbed, wearing somehow, some sunglasses, a mirror to reflect the sun and umbrella before lowering them. "Buzz off, I'm enjoying a vacation." he grumbled at some higher up he knew just decided to post to keep in continuity.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home