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  1. StardustXtreme
    Lol, nice, only Cosplayers I seen mostly are Jaden's Zane's or Yusei's where I go, or Yugi's. I should know, I was a Yusei.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 22, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. StardustXtreme

    ~Ramen Stand~

    Yu looked at Naoto who suggested they locate Yuuchi Komura, it was a lead there but he and the Twins would probably know of someone else who can provide that information. "There's him, but I think I might know someone who can also help, well three people." he said and thought back to Igor, Margret and Marie as it seemed Marie had the power over the weather nowadays, since she made it sunny for his holiday visit.

    Perhaps he should put in a call to the others and see if they could get here. "I think Rise-chan will be a bit difficult to come over here." he said as he finished his bowl, she did get back into Idol Business after he left Inaba, Yosuke was a part-timer along with Teddie, unless Yosuke needed his paychecks and Kanji was helping sell his dolls at Tatsumi Textiles, Yukiko was going to take over the Amagi Inn and Chie wanted to be a police officer.

    "Because well, where will everyone stay if they are coming from Inaba? I know for a fact, Uncle Dojima isn't going to be able to accomdate us all, and staying at a hotel will burn a hole in their pockets before long." Yu pointed out to the others.

    Yu looked to Minako pondering on how his friends gained their Personas whiel they already had theirs and Yu sweat dropped at remembering Kanji's. "Let's just say secrets are shared that didn't need to be heard or seen... Though I didn't need to face my Shadow at all, I just called upon my Persona, my friends say I got nothing to hide or something, maybe because I kept transferring schools and never really connected with people since my family always works, in fact, we barely even have time to communicate at all, it's mainly business in the house." Yu rubbed his fingers at his temples on his forehead.

    "Trust me, if there's a family I prefer to be with, it'll be Uncle and Nanako, hell, I probably know them more than my own parents and that's saying a lot." He admitted flatly.


    Albert stepped through the doors, catching the last words between Ashe and Larsa and he clapped, his cane looped on his hand. "Lady Dalmasca and Lord Solidor, such an honour to see two families working together to help the cause." he said, gathering attention and he bowed ever so slightly. "Ah forgive my intrusion on your conversation, but I was rather moved by your speech Archdeacon and wished to compliment your choice of words." he said with a faint of a smile.

    "Now if you'll kindly excuse my presence, I look forward to our paths meeting once again Gentlemen, ladies." eh said and left through the main doors before walking down the pathway.

    "So, the rich are offering support in such dire times, what a change... hm?" Albert's eye caught a bespectacled teen playing on a handheld console and somehow avoiding collisions with people or inanimate objects, he seemed to be a student, but to know his surroundings like that. "My goodness... children these days..." he said and shook his head slightly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme

    ~Ramen Stand-

    Yu cchuckled in his thoughts at naoto's displeasure about the seemingly bottomless appetites the Arisato's had at their disposal. "Hey, it was just only one Mega Beef Bowl, that thing was a challenge in itself especially for the reward of not paying anything." he jokingly protested and heard Pharos's words. "I don't know if Izanami could be considered a Shadow or not, the Sagiri themselves were vastly different than any other Shadow we faced before, plus she existed on our side when I first came to Inaba." he drawled and took another bite.

    "Though now that I think about it, I recall on our Gekkoukan Trip, a teacher explained a story of Izanami and Izanagi and I started out with Izanagi when I unlocked my power which begs me to wonder, are Persona's incarnations of gods through our psyche or is it something more complex than that? If so, are there such things as Gods existing beyond the realm we claim to know and lend support to those who bear the power?" Yu said rather intelligently before Pharos's question of his friends coming.

    "They will, we're a Team and always look out for one another, we worked so hard to get where we were before to find the truth shrouded in fog, I believe in the bond we all share and that is something I will never part with." he said with a calm expression

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    "We never get much business anyway, only when it's cases pertaining cats or something someone lost, we get most times, besides most people seem to go to the Mouri Kogoro, The Sleeping Detective nowadays, they say he can solve any crime." Shotaro said with a sigh.

    "From what I hear about him, he lives with his daughter Ran who is a black-belt and won the championships and some kid called Conan Edogawa, but he's never come around here, since well, what's there to solve when you seen it worldwide on TV?" He asked them.

    "there was this great detective at a young age though, Shinichi Kudo before Kogoro came and he worked with the police on occasion, but strangely, no-one heard much from him since like..." he said thoughtfully. "The rollercoaster murder incident at Tropical land, a well known Theme-Park." he finished.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro smiled at Hermione as she given him and he palced it on the desk. "Thank you Mione-chan." He said to her and continued to type into the typewriter about recent events.

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    Yu nodded at the Ramen stand and he explained about Shinjiro Aragaki's predicament and the Dark Hour's cause to label deaths as accidents, at least it wasn't like in the TV World as he walked in with Naoto and Teddie and took a seat, it wasn't Aiya's but it'd do.

    "It's like the TV World all over again, the police wouldn't believe such a thing as a hidden hour or anything supernatural." He muttered and sighed. "Besides, if we said any of those things, they'd ask for proof and how could we prove a Persona killing someone, we found it hard to believe the Midnight Channel kills those who we see appear, we're just lucky and being persistent in catching him then he confessed everything to them." he gave a sigh.

    "After all, who can take words of a high schooler seriously when something like that happens?" he asked.

    ~Ankh and Eiji~

    Ankh just took his ice cream and munched on it, looking out to the city. "Nothing we can do but wait until the pesky Yummy takes form." he thought in an irritating tone.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme

    ~Hot Srpings or AKa, Fanservice activated!~

    Aoi and Ichigo had the sudden unpleasant sensation of being piled on and the groaned out in reaction until well, they heard feminine voices and Ichigo paled. "Did I just hear...girls?" he asked with a grunt as Aoi was face flat on the ground cause of a Nerd and a guy wielding a lightsabre, Ichigo had well, the brown faced man and the skeletal fedora guitar wielding with Merlin ever so on top.

    "Gee, I don't know, if this weight off my back stops crushing me and meeting the stone cold floor... I'm kind ain pain and thankful my spine is still intact." Aoi grumbled.

    ~Gokai Galleon~

    Marvelous smiled and got up from his chair. "let's go everyone, I want to see what we're dealing with here and hope there's some treasure to nab along the way." he said with a smirk.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme

    ~Leaving Hospital~

    Yu heard about a dog named Koromaru having the ability to use a Persona, somehow, that didn't surprise him as much as it should, after all, he formed a Social Link with a Fox and Teddie was originally a Shadow able to harness a Persona, whose to say animals can't summon them? He heard Minato asking him rather calmly but with a serious underlying tone behind it about some pills used to suppress a Persona and if he heard of it. "First I heard of it honestly, whenever we tried to supress our Shadow Selves by admitting they weren't a part of us, they'd go berserk and kill that person, two people died that way but how could we have known about it from just based off a Channel that airs at Midnight supposedly showing your soul mate." Yu said rather dryly.

    "Are you suggesting one of your own took these pills to suppress their other self?" He asked them with a eyebrow raised.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro came in after Phillip's words. "What a day." he said and headed for his desk, removing his fedora from his head and got some paper and slid it into a typewriter.


    Tsukasa finished his photo shots and headed off for the main city before bumping into a blue coated male with white hair and the man spoke. "Look where you're going." he said and Tsukasa stared him. "I could say the same to you." he said and noticed his appearance looked similar to a certain Red Ranger, but his hair was slicked back and he primarily wore blue and held an O-Katana as opposed to a huge broadsword.

    "Dante? No." He corrected himself and the man raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. "I see you know my brother." he said and Tsukasa didn't nod or shrug to the answer. "I do not pity whoever works with him, it's one less thing on my mind."

    "That's some family love." Tsukasa said sarcastically and Vergil gave a no reaction to the comment and started walking past him as Tsukasa turned to watch him go by.

    ~Marvelous and Gokaigers~

    Marvelous and the Gokaigers were in a empty construction site, it was decided to use this place as a training ground to get stronger, of course Don kinda protested to this while Joe found it to be a good idea.

    ~Ankh and Eiji~

    Ankh gave a annoyed tick. "It's gone, the Yummy presence, that Kazari is sure a slippery cat." he said annoyingly.

    ~Kazu Tokua~

    Kazu stretched out in his bed, relaxing before pulling his feet over and using a empty desk to bring out his cards and filter through them.

    ~Haruto Souma~

    Haruto sat by a nearby donut shop, waiting his order of plain sugar donuts.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme


    Yu gave a small chuckled at the relationship between the Arisato's and the 100 burgers, he wouldn't be surprised if there were some people with that capacity to stomach more than their bodies could allow, then again swallowing down the Mega-Beef Bowl was a challenge itself as it took Understanding to accept it as a whole, Knowledge to set the proper pace, Courage to attack the meat in dedication to keep on eating, that was what it was.

    "None that come to mind honestly, I don't know anyway that's a good place for a meal." He said thoughtfully, his regular dining areas weren't around, well Aiya's and Junes for that matter, then again, there'd probably be any kind of fast-food restaurant somewhere within Toshima.


    Tsukasa walked briskly in his steps as he was heading back, hands in his pockets before finding a rather nice landscape to take a photo of.


    Marvy helped out and stared at the young girl passed girl with a huge turtle. "Good job big turtle!" she complimented Bowser as the girl called herself Fuuka Yamaghishi, it was a name to go by at least. "We should get her somewhere to rest then we'll plan our next move!" She said confidently.

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    A man wearing a rather elegant blue jacket and holding a O-Katana with white hair sleeked back walked rather casually among the streets, ignoring the stares of other civilians, why should he care what they thought about him? "I hope there will be something somewhat entertaining in this city... these humans are so easily interested in the unnatural." the man thought.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme

    ~Toshima, Marvy~

    Marvy nodded to Broccoli and wen to help Lady Noire as Aoi was tackled by Clair and Violette and Gris's comments, gently pushing off Clair as to not embarrass him further. "We just got lucky Claire, if they were serious when our shares were being taken away, we might not have survived." He said said rather seriously, it bothered him the Shares power was depleted for that moment, were the people's faith wavering because of the S-types?

    ~Toshima, Rangers, Gokaiger and so~

    Tsukasa looked at Billy, "Let Alpha and Zordon fix the problem, after all, if they want us to work together, they fix their own problems, not us." he said with a shrug and started walking away. "Where are you going?" Haruto asked and Tsukasa turned his head. "Somewhere where there isn't a fight going on, I want to take my photos, after all, I'd rather fight my own way, not by the orders of someone else, but if our paths do meet, I'll fight alongside you again." he said and walked off, raising his hand off as a signal and placed them in his pockets.

    "Let him be, Tsukasa-san has his own way of justice." Shotaro said as he cancelled his transformation as did everyone else. and Haruto stared at the retreating Rider as Marvelous crossed his arms. "I like his attitude, it's almost pirate-like, then we'll protect the Earth our own way." Marvelous said and turned on his heel as Joe followed him, Gai looking at them going. "B-but aren't we supposed to last longer as a team!" and Marvelous spoke. "Gai, you saw how we were easily beaten today, we're going to train so we can get stronger, after all, we have no intention of protecting Earth, they already got guys protecting it already, all we do is...kick the ass of anyone who gets in our way!" he declared and continued on.

    Haruto wondered if Marvelous was referring to the Rangers and the remaining Riders, did Marvelous really trust them to protect the Eartth?


    YU nodded at Naoto who denied she was staring at Minato's body, he gave a small smile, they didn't walk away without injuries either and Pharos had clung onto his jacket after being called, surprising him slightly, talking about the Great Seal and Nyx and how their injuries were healed cause of that and he heard Minato's words. "I suppose you are my senpai then in that regard." He smiled and Minato suggested they all meet again and perhaps have a mock battle and pharos's and Minako's suggestion of being friends.

    "We'll see what happens Minato-senpai." he said with a smile and Teddie's vocal words of seeing the others again, he nodded, perhaps he could make a caal yo Yosuke later and if they can rebuild the Investigation Team once more and looked at Minako. "Well first, I think we should attend to Minako-senpai's stomach before anything else, she sounds like she could eat a Mega Beef Bowl challenge." He said and a small laugh escaped his lips, remembering the hardships of that challenge, everyone was surprised he managed to stuff that down and not throw up, truly, it was a challenge in itself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    ~Toshima, Staggered Spandex!~

    Explosions occurred on the Riders, Gokaigers and Rangers as the explosive spells made contact and the dust cleared, revealing rather weakened warriors with their weapons dug into the ground and on their knees or lying face down or on their backs, smoke coming off the suits, it was quite lucky, they were quite durable to survive such attacks but of course it would still hurt like hell and if enough damage is done, their transformations would disappear, the suits weren't invincible after all.

    "They still had this up their sleeve? Sneaky monsters." GokaiRed said with a bit of heavy undertone as Joe stared up at the -Stypes, struggling to stand again but his body wouldn't obey and Gai was trying the same. "If we don't get up...the Earth will be...!" he didn't want to think of what would happen if they fallen here.

    "What arrogant creatures." Decade muttered as he too was on his knee and the Ride Booker to be used as support. "Now I'll really destroy them all." he said with a bit of boast as Wizard was the same. "We are...the final hope for everyone who lives on this, I won't give into despair!" he stated with convinction as Double spoke in Shotaro's voice. "Heh, that's right... we won't give up, we won't make the inhabitants of this word shed tears again." he added.

    ~Toshima, CPU's~

    Aoi smiled, the new band of CPU's was more than enough for CFW Magic to handle and looked at them. "Let's go for an all-out CPU bash!" he cried out and charged forward towards Magic, sword raied as blue flames covered his blade and he struck where Magic fell. "Take this, Super Special Move! BLUE FLAME!" he said, slicing across Magic's body.

    ~Persona Crew~

    Yu wasn't surprised about Minato's comment about Elizabeth's strength, after all, he faced her during the Grand Prix and noticed Pharos's eyes gazed upon him talking about a contract but he seemed to know Izanami, he wondered if this child knew her but Minato's question blew that thought away and he riddled them cryptically, something about a bigger ordeal and the only hints were about a tree and how far the roots would go, if he recalled, Igor said something about a great mystery being forced upon him and if he didn't see through it, his future would be forever lost, that came in the Inaba Murders and the Fog as Naoto asked them if the other members of his team knew what the twins knew but it seemed it was up to certain amount.

    "Of course, how else would you explain about the Velvet Room to someone? Yosuke did wonder how many Personas I held once, but I couldn't just possibly tell them I see Cards before me and I grab one to gain a new Persona or a Arcana." Yu thought to himself, only people who knew at least one of the existence of a Velvet Room resident was Margret during their Winter Vacation to save Marie, he did jokingly turn Igor and the Velvet Room into a Ghost Story, then again, there was the Culture Festival and Margret somehow came posing as a fortune teller, man, was he lucky that AI didn't get the answer she wanted.

    "Well, my team is kind of... spread out at the moment." Yu admitted, it was only by luck that Naoto happened to come by to investigate the attack and Teddie being well, Teddie, he didn't know what the others were up to nowadays, from what he gathered, Yosuke still was a part-timer at Junes along with Teddie, Yukiko was learning how to manage the Amagi Inn so she can take over, Rise went back to her Idol work and boy, did her return cause a spark in the fanbase and Kanji was running the textile shop, making dolls or whatever there was despite his appearance.

    "But I suppose I ought to bring them back together." He said with a thoughtful expression, it would be nice to return to those times again, then again, when was anything ordinary for the Investigation Team?

    ~Toshima, Marvy, Broc and Shiki~

    "Just...what is he?" Marvy asked as she watched Shiki cover for them and his wounds healing rather quickly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme
    Little announcement:

    Me and WhiteRose-Aki have traded one character each she has control over Gentaro Kisaragi and I in return, have Vergil (Devil May Cry Incarnation).
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme


    Yu listened to the conversation and Pharos's unexpected appearance, then again, he seemed to have just appeared out of nowhere, almost like a ghost or similarly, but then Minato and Minako shown their bookmarks, being platinum and jade respectively, and he knew what that referenced to the Persona Compendium and he put his hand in his jack and pulled out a rather similar bookmark but golden funnily enough.

    "Margret gave me mine, she did mention Elizabeth-san." he said and stared at them. "Of course, I did have to fight her so I suspect you both did as well." he said with a hidden painful expression, velvet Room residents weren't exactly ones to hold back and were a right dilemma to fight, so they'd probably faced that situation as well.

    ~Toshima, Marvy~

    Marvy nodded at her. "Then let's go save Neppy!" She said to her with a confident expression on her face.

    ~Toshima, Battle CPU~

    Aoi felt a sudden drop of energy within his body from Arforie's attack and he dropped out of HDD before to the ground and crashed to the ground as he stabbed his sword into the ground and used it as support to stand. "The hell? I feel weaker all of a sudden... did that last attack absorb my power?" he thought to himself, that seemed impossible as shares were based on the people's faith in the CPU's so, either the old hag had many believers behind her or someone done a backstab and converted the faith of the people to Arforie.

    ~Toshima, Spandex's~

    Decade slashed a S-Type with his sword and ran ah and along the blade. "Let's hurry and finish this and get to the centre of all this, any objections?" he asked as W removed the Cyclone and Joker memories and switched them out with two different ones and done the transformation motion. "HeatMetal!" As Kamen Rider W was red and silvery metal with a staff latched on his back.

    "Sounds like an idea, let's settle it." Shotaro's voice sounded from W as Fourze nodded and removed a Switch. "Then i'm going to try this!" he replaced the Rocket Switch with the Elek Switch and switched it on, his arm covered in gold and wielding a sword and sliced an S-type, shocking but shocking himself in the process.

    "Luppachi magic touch to go, Luppachi magic touch to go!" Haruto's driver sounded as he scanned a ring. "Koi-nee! Special... Kick Strike, Saikou!" as Wizard's foot was engulfed in flames and he chartwhelled and abck flipped before leaping in the air to deliever a Rider Kick to a S-tybe.

    "Gokai Change!" Gokai red called out as his suit transformed into a different one, becoming MagiRed as the Mobirates called out. "Magiranger!" as Joe changed into ShinkenBlue as his mobirates called out. "Shinkenger!" and Gai done the same, only with a different suit. "MegaRanger!"
    MagiRed sent a torrent of fire at his enemies while ShinkenBlue sliced with perfect precision and MegaSilver firing with his gun mode.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme

    [Spoilers for Persona 4 shall be placed here, fi you haven't completed the game or watched the animation, then do not this read this as there'll be no direct interaction with the current plot]

    Yu listend intently at Minato and Minako's explanation, the Twelve Shadow's, Nyx's creation, Strega, SEES, Tartarus, everything, the idea of there being no tomorrow or today was unfathomable before Minako slapped her brother about this Ikutsuki betraying them, it seem their team went though a lot, especially considering the circumstances before being asked if there was anything else.
    "Then I suppose by your mention of the Universe, that means you were a 'Wild Card' in your battle." he said, he knew Naoto and Teddie wouldn't understand the true meaning behind those two words, but Yu had to guess they entere dteh velvet Room and met with the residents, as he recalled Margret speaking about her younger sister, Elizabeth who left for unknown reasons.

    "Our time as persona Users was dangerous as well, but we didn't have the Dark Hour or Tartarus as you call it, we entered literally a TV that held a world within it where the Shadows dwelled, we had a killer using that method, throw someone in the TV and when the Fog came on our side, the Fog in that world lifts and the person would die." he explained and placed his hand back in his pocket. "Initially it was to find out what happened and my partner wanted to find out and from there we formed the Investigation Team after one my classmates was thrown inside, from there we learnt about Ameno-Sagiri, the one who was in control of the fog, the plan was to cover the world in Shadows, living an existence where the Truth would stay hidden." Yu took a moment to breathe and calm himself.

    "The killer was a man I befriended during my tenure at Inaba who had manipulated Naro Namatame, the man who had an affair with the announcer Mayumi Yamano, Namatame thrown my friends in and..." He clenched his fist tightly. "Nanako-chan." he said with some underlying anger. "She was only a child and we...came close to losing her because of it.... but we learnt Nanatame wasn't the true culprit or the killer at all, his intentions were sounds, but misguided by the true killer, his name... is Tohru Adachi, he killed Yamano-san and konshi-san, and we learnt that Ameno-Sagiri was the cause behind the Fog, a God."

    He looked at teddie and Naoto respectively and sighed.
    "We defeated him, lifting the fog in both worlds, but later we learnt it was condensed into another friend I made, Marie and helped her from her fate, but, there was a master behind the whole case, watching as we all run around, her name... was Izanami, I don't know fi she could be comparable to Nyx, she... only desired mankind's happiness, but e made the choice to decide our own decisions and find the Truth we all searched for." he closed his eyes to remember everything that had occurred.
    "We had come a long way to be where we are now, and I'm sure you agree, your team as SEES done the same, so I would like to ask you one thing, can we perhaps work together? We may be Persona Users who experienced things no one would go through and... I think our powers will needed now more than ever to combat what we're facing." Yu offered his hand to the twins.

    ~Toshima, Riders, Rangers & Gokaigers-

    Gokai Red fired his gun at a few of the weaker S-types as Joe masterfully used his sword to strike them down with Gokai Silver used his trident as Decade decided to unveil a Kamen Rider and pulled out a card and sloid it into his Decadriver and hit the sides. "Kamen Ride: Hibiki!" Decade form transformed into that of the corresponding Rider, wielding two shakers which lit on fire and he swung them, the fire becoming projectiles.

    "You too?" CycloneJoker asked with Shotaro's voice and he jumped back from a weaker S-type and removed Joke Memory from the slot and slid it in the slot on his waist. "Joker! Maximum Drive!" it called out as CycloneJoker became surrounded ina small cyclone that raised his in the air and Shotaro called out. "Joker Extreme!" The ride slipt down the middle slightly and descended upon the S-type in question, causing an explosion.

    "Rider Rocket Drill Kick!" Fourze came with his arm becoming a rocket literally with one of his feet turned into a yellow drill, cruising through some of the S-Types

    "Connect~ Please!" Wizard's Driver sounded as a fire magci circle appeared beside him and he stuck his hand in and pulled out a weapon that resembled a gun and he twirled himself on his foot, firing as bullet coated in red energy were fired around, some about to hit allies had they not curved around with magic and connected with their enemies.

    "Saa, It's showtime..." He said coolly.

    ~AOi vs CFW Magic?~

    Aoi was immediately put on the defensive thanks to his comments by Magic and to back up, soone ror later, he'll be pinned down had Grey and Indigo Hearts saved him from that fate and he nodded at Grey Heart. "Just dandy." he said and heard the comment of owing Indigo. "Hai hai, just make sure the reward isn't an expensive one." he muttered and and brought his sword straight against the trident that blocked Magic's scythe and caused the lcoked weapons to unconnect and with rather timed precision, both he and Grey heart kicked Magic in the stomach to gain some room.

    "Well, let's hurry and wrap this boss fight up shall we?" He asked his fellow Hearts.

    ~Toshima, with Marvy~

    Marvy smiled at a familiar face, it was Broccoli. "Oh goodness me, Broccoli!" She said with a smile before some had interrupted them and Broccoli looked to where this person was and she did as well, threatening them if Broccoli had not added he sucked on at communicating. "Indeed, how rude to say that to a child, he wouldn't make a good father, that's for sure." Marvy inputted.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme

    ~Command Centre, Transformation Montage is a-ago!~

    Tsukasa shrugged and brought out his Kamen Ride card as he place dteh belt around his waist, it strapping around him as SHotaro did the same, but Phillip's Driver magically appearing on his own and Haruto scanning the hand buckle with a ring. "Driver On~!" it called out as Tsukasa slid in the Kamen Ride: Decade card. "Henshin." he said and slid the card in and hit the sides as SHotaro pushed in the Cyclone memory that transferred from Phillip's right slot into his own and doen the same with his Joker Memory. "Henshin!" he said and pushed the sides, forming a W with his belt as Gentaro put on the Fourze Driver and flipped four Switches Haruto flipped the plastic over his ruby ring and scanned it. "Henshin."

    "Kamen Ride: Decade!"
    "CycloneJoker!""3, 2, 1...."
    "Flame, Please~ Hi~ Hi~ Hi~ Hi!~"

    The eblts all sounded at once as Kamen Riders Decade, Double, Fourze and Wizard took their forms as Marvelosu gave a smirk and brought out hi Gokai Red key and Mobirates, same with Joe and Gai and they spoke. "Gokai Change!" As they transformed respectively into Gokai Red, Blue and Silver respectively.

    Ankh gave an annoyed look and simply raised his hand and his body changed to a mass of silver coins before reforming into his Greeed like self.


    Aoi was pushed by CFW Magic, taking a moment to steady himself, it seemed like the old hag had a devote lackey before promising to send him to his grave, of course, Clair took this moment to literally punch Magic in the face and send him bouncing along the ground with her sisterly rage. and Aoi sweatdropped. "And that's why I prefer staying on her good side."
    he thought to himself.

    "What, that old hag is more beautiful? No thanks, I'd rather go with someone who isn't wrinkly and cranky like she lost her chance twenty years ago." He answered to Magic.

    Marvelous or in this case, Marvy somehow ended up in Toshima as well, wielding her kunai, lost as ever until the fighting broke out, now she was trying to stay alive. "Oh if only I had some time to use one of my scrolls." She said and jumped back, his ample...assets bouncing stiflingly in her outfit.


    Yu sweatdropepd at Minako's... reaction and Teddie cheer for the scenario, he did note the name of Pharaos being like Teddie and asking if she could keep him. "You wouldn't want him, he uses bear puns way too much and flirts with nearly every girl he lays his eyes on." he said with a sigh and refocused himself. "and I assume your Minako-san... have some questions we like you to answer, we aren't the police or anything of the kind, well except for Naoto whose a Detective, we come to ask about what happened a year ago." he explained and opened up his hand.
    "Because we have experienced what you have, the power of Persona." he finished.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme


    Yu followed Naoto to the reception desk and asked for the rooms where the Arisato twins were based but lo and behold, a voice asked if they were looking for him, it was a surprise to say the least, either Naoto having the Fortune Arcana made them this lucky or fate or something done this, but he was surprised Minato sounded close to Yosuke in terms of voice, then again, Adachi sounded almost like him if he didn't have a lower tone.

    "Yes, I'm Yun Narukami, this is Teddie and Naoto Shirogane, we come to see you and your sister regarding 'certain' events that transpired during last year, we already met Kirijo-san and Yamagishi-san before finding you." He said calmly, those two names and last year would make some dots in his predecessor's head to connect.

    "So if possible, might we return to your room so we can discuss this in private?" He asked him.

    ~Command Centre~

    Ankh gave a annoyed stare. "This is the important call? just some more humans joining in?" ebfore the robot, Alpha explained Toshiam was in trouble and Tsukasa shrugged at the orders. "Just get a audio application installed in these then we shouldn't have to teleport back her a lot." he said as Gentaro grinned. "Alright! two new buddies! I'm Kisaragi Gentaro and I'm going to be buddies with everyone!" he said, brushing a hand past his hand and pointing energetically at them.

    "Let's just get going, we can't let Toshima to weep any longer." he said as Haruto gave a nod.

    "Then, let's make this showy!" marvellous said with a smirk, arms crossed as Joe flexed his wrists. "Just don't get in my way." he said as gai grinned. "Alright! Let's do it!"

    ~Toshima District: Aoi and Clair~

    After much defibrillation, Aoi and his sister had decided to scout Toshima in flight as CPU's, it was better than walking to sya the least, but the two saw a fight scene going on, between some old lady wielding a large gold, black, and purple axe to attack well, a civilian, well he sure looked like one with his plumber outfit and abotut to be struck down.
    "Come on sis, time for our fighting debut!" Aoi called out and with as much speed as a HDD could be possible with, he shot downwards, barely blocking the axe that swung for Luigi and brought black blade up to defend, creating sparks between the two weapons.

    "CPU Blue heart on the scene~!" he said and brought his foot up, kicking Arforie in the stomach to send her back a bit.


    Syaoran took a moment to think, he knew Sakura's brother was the overprotective kind and he wouldn't have alarm belsl go off unless he thought the cut came from the riots that occurred.

    "We'll head to my place then." he said in conclusion.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro smiled before noting his communicator on his wrist started activating as did Phillip's. it was obviously a important call if that started going off. "Looks like we got a meeting to attend to partner." he said looked at Hermione, she'd obviously be left alone here and without anyone to watch over her, he could ask Santa-chan or Watcher to do it if they were around, but sadly that wasn't the case.

    "Phillip, leave her with our number for the Stag Phone." He said and pressed the button, him disappearing in a purple light beam the elft the building.

    ~Riders, Gokaigers and Rangers~

    Tsukasa, Gentaro along with marvellous, Joe, Gai, with their other members too the call as Tsukasa gave a annoyed expression. "Better be worth it, I swear they should install an audio function." He said and pressed the button as did the others, turning into beams of Red, Blue, Grey, White and Magenta.

    ~EIji and Ankh~

    Ankh got the beeper and he had to an annoyed look. "What does that big head want now?" he grumbled to himself.

    ~Wajima Shop~

    Haruto too got the beep and nodded to Koyomi. "I'll be back soon Koyomi." he said and pressed it, vanishing in a red light as well.


    Syaoran stared at the place Roger bacon once was and Sakura's surprise at that kidn of magic of living longer. "It's not impossible, but that would go against the laws of nature, magic like that is either locked away to never be used, if it were an vengeful spirit like in we faced when you came over to Hong Kong and you were drawn in because you had the cards." Syaoran explained, it was true some magic could alter the nature of a human and go against it, but not without paying a cost in return, Clow Reed did create the Cards and that took very exceptional magic to even produce.

    "But still, it's amazing he managed to evade the Sword Card, since it can cut through anything." he noted.

    ~Yu Narukami~

    Yu joined them in the chair and nodded at Naoto's question, she was more deeper in the investigation work as her time as a Shirogane, fo course, her help was invaluable to the team with her abilities and giving new insight to the culprit, if they didn't have her on the team, they'd probably would thought Mitsuo Kubo was indeed the true culprit, from he heard about the unstable boy last time, he was still in prison for taking Mooroka's life as a copycat killer, of course the real killer was behind bars thanks to their investigation.

    "Nyx a Shadow?" he couldn't exactly deny that option, after all, Teddie was one and so was the Reaper was one of possibly the hardest Shadows to face along with the Sagiri, Kusumi-no-Okami and Izanami, even Margret herself was a challenge along with Elizabeth, what could Nyx have done to warrant such consequence to the Twins?


    After much skipped fashion and plot that would be too inconvenient, Aoi and his sister Clair had somehow arrived in Toshima weirdly, either their driver was really bad with directions despite having satellite navigation installed or the plot demanded they be there, naturally, they assumed it was the first option.

    "Remind me to never again, hire Captain Slow as our chauffeur ever again." Aoi said to his sister, yes their driver was James May but how did eh get the job? Simple, it was the best they could find, Richard Hammond was off in America trying to become a American and Jeremy Clarkson was well, Clair never liked powerful speedy vehicles, and the Stig? He wasn't available per usual.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme

    ~Kirijo Enterprises Minato Branch~

    Yu mentally face palmed at Teddie's Bear pun, sure the bear was humorous and so, but the bear pun jokes did grow old during the year, of course he couldn't blame Teddie, he was pretty much alone most of his life in the TV and only lived perhaps a year at most in their world but his eyebrows raised up from eharing about the reference of the Velvet Room and Igor, so this Minato met him.

    "Now I got to meet this guy." he thought as Mitsuru opened the door for them to leave, maybe not a demand but a sign of them taking up enough of her time and walked out with Naoto and Teddie in tow when they left eh building, hand to his chin. "Nyx, Evokers... the Arisato twins... did our Senpai really have it more rougher than we did?" He asked aloud, he certainly understood the Evoker situation would stress anyone out to summon their Persona at the cost of their stamina, especially when you trick yourself to shoot your head off, all the Investigation Team had to do was summon their persona through the stress of battling monsters and cutting or crushing their card, so their method was less dangerous, though the stakes in fighting Shadows wasn't something all teenagers go through in their lives.

    "But we don't have a description of what these twins even look like." he also mentioned, sure eh could ask Naoto to look up their profles or Uncle Dojima, though, the latter would be doubtful since Uncle had a hard time understanding what his nephew did and accepted it thanks to saving Nanako, but right now, Dojima and Nanako were being a proper family thanks to his time at inaba.

    ~Riders, Gokaigers and Sentai~

    Tsukasa noted Ryotaro's shifting and Gentaro had an arm wrapped around Kengo's shoulder as Marvelous spoke. "So we just sit back and let everything sort itself out?" he asked and Tsukasa shrugged. "Only thing us humans can do, no doubt Saxon will get a nice bonus in election votes, course, I don't care much for politics, who wants to be tied down by lots of paperwork and run a country when you can travel freely." he said and Gai spoke. "But, without that, there'd be mayhem all across the country and who knows what could happen..."

    "Meh, I suppose that's true." Tsukasa answered.

    ~Riders II-

    Shotaro gave a sigh as he reached the Detective Agency, he managed to arrive after getting a taxi that wasn't affected by the riots seeing as revolgarry and the Hardboiler motorcycle was with it, he was kind of glad he had the Lost Driver, left to him by his Mentor, Soichiki Narumi who handed it to Zordon who then passed it to him, saying there will possibly be times when Phillip isn't available for transformation, plus SHotaro was the fighter of the two as Phillip never got out much and didn't have a stronger body, but so far, Shotaro only used the Joker Memory and didn't want to try and use the other two Memories at his disposal which were Metal and Trigger respectively, Phillip could use the Driver as well to perhaps become Kamen Rider Cyclone, Heat or Luna or... use the Seventh W memory, but Phillip swore to never use it again after what it done to him last time they used it.

    "I'm home, Aibou, Mione-chan." SHotaro called out (A/N: Aibou means Partner in Japanese)

    Ankh took the Cell medals with a smile, absorbing them into his hand and looked at the other Core Medals he stolen from Kazari, the Lion and another Cheetah medal, that brought them up to these Medals.

    2x Taka, 2x Kujaku, 2x Condor, 1x Batta, 1x Lion, 1x Tora, 2x Cheetah, 1x Gorilla

    "So Kazari still has most of Uva, Gamel and Mezul's Medals, what an annoyance." he muttered, since the Core Medals were in sets of 3 for Head, Body and legs with their Tenth medals destroyed, they were incomplete homunculi, of course He knew Eiji could of used a Combo here but there was the risk of exhaustion afterwards.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme

    ~Kirijo Enterprises Minato Branch~

    Yu gave Mitsuru a stare as fuuka left to attend to some business and the revelations of the Arisato twins being put into a comatose sleep. "Nyx? Who's that?" he thought in confusion, was this Nyx as strong as Izanami, possibly more so before his battle reflexes honed after a year of the Midnight Channel started to ring alarm bells in his mind, similar to how Nanako's strange concoction of chocolate made with suggestions of the girls respectively when Kirijo summoned her Persona, it certainly allured a powerful presence and was about to strike Naoto had he not grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him, despite the close proximity of the chain whip and he gave Mitusuru a stare and let go of Naoto's arm.

    "My friends went though a lot to gain their Persona, Kirijo-san, we all did, we risked our lives countless times to find the truth, but you do not have the right to attack someone just to observe if their Persona will emerge under stress, we never had to, we obtained the façade to overcome life's hardships, that is what our Persona's are, a part of ourselves we once refused to accept but our journey made us face that truth." Yu said, he hand materialising a Persona card, spinning. "I never forced any of my friends to join my team, they chose of their own free will, and as their Leader, it's my job to help and protect them, even if it's against another Persona User like you, Kirijo-san."

    Yu clenched his hand and behind him as a new form appeared behind him as it seemed a White Izanagi formed behind him, he knew who this was, the power of the World, forged by the bonds he shared with everyone he met in Inaba, this was his Ultimate persona, unlike the other's Persona's who evolved during winter into their third states.

    "I suggest you back down Kirijo-san, even if you are our senpai in Persona usage, it doesn't change the fact what you're doing right now is wrong, all we did was come to ask about we spoken, we aren't here to fight." he said, his eyes giving a very calm but serious stare at Mitsuru. "And if I am as you say, the same as the Arisato twins, then I hold a lot more Personas than you and able to switch freely between them and I can quite possibly overwhelm you." he finished.


    Syaoran nodded his eyes gave a stare at where Roger Bacon once was. "Still, he managed to accurately determine the Freeze Card was a Clow Card." he noted and looked at Kero. "Ever heard of Roger Bacon before?" he asked him, he couldn't help but feel somewhat dark magics lingered around Roger Bacon.

    ~Albert Simon~

    Albert returned to Crystal Order's HQ, smile plastered on his face. "How interesting, Clow Reed, you never cease to amaze me, even with your passing from this world." he said rather thoughtfully, even if he were a Magician by trade, he had to respect the man he mentioned, a truly remarkable man that this world shall never experience again. "I think Japan's just gotten a lot more intriguing." he had to hold back a small laugh escaping from his lips.

    ~Ankh vs Kazari~

    Ankh reverted to his human state but kept his gauntlet arm intact, a scowl forming on his features. "Right side of Joker? What nonsense is he babbling about?" He said arrogantly and leapt off from where he was, now as time to take care of any residential Yummies but Luigi's burst of power did impress most combantants and Ankh gave a smirk. "More Cell Medals for me." He casually walked over to the pile of scattered Medals and picked them up, absorbing them.

    ~Riders at Memorial~

    "Alright, let's hurry up and finish the last few and retreat." he said and pressed the Maximum Drive button once again. "Joker! Maximum Drive!" it called out and Shotaro pressed it again. "One more time!" he said as the sound repeated again and both of Joker's fist were covered in purple flame. "Rider Double Punch." He said and punched two Yummies in the stomach, causing them to explode and spewing out Cell Medals.

    ~Riders, Sentai, and Rangers-

    Marvelous nodded. "Fine, let's get going." he said to them as Fourze nodded and Decade shrugged.


    Yuri had followed ALice and stayed with her, despite their... first introductions.


    Haruto had retreated with Koyomi to Wajima's shop.


    A long nosed man closed his eyes as his assistant, Margret sat beside her and he materialized a stack of cards and spread them out, and flipped them, smiling. "Interesting... it seems we'll have returning Guests to confront a new foe, how utterly remarkable." he said with a smile, he loved to see new potential that his guests always seemed to have, but perhaps the most fondly was the Arisato Twins, able to create the power of the Universe and his previous guest, creating the World, sadly, he hasn't been able to see the twin's and the boy who wielded the World returned after his journey was completed as Margret told him of the Narukami boy was somewhat in a Grand Prix and encountered Elizabeth.


    Vanille stretched and watched the scene unfold.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    ~Kirijo Enterprises Minato Branch~

    Yu looked at Mitsuru as her eyes set upon his being, as if scanning him and she offered her Evoker, whatever that was, it was probably something they'd use their personas, he did recall Fuuka having one, the Grand prix also mentioned in passing, he remember that annoying tournament and he stared at her briefly. "I thought you couldn't summon a Persona in the real world." he said, remembering how, then again, Yosuke did attempt it in school when they had to present Rise as Kanamin's cancellation due to Naoto's kidnapping previously, then again none of them ever attempted it in the Real World, but he thought about it, if Izanami was able to take her form in the Real World before entering the TV, would it have been possible?

    "But I'll try Kirijo-san." He picked up the Evoker and held it, it was definitely giving a small rush of adrenaline, perhaps because it was modelled like one but for some reason, he didn't feel scared of it at all, perhaps because he wielded swords and fought his life dozens of times and put it to the side of his head and he felt a beat of sweat tricked down as he pulled the trigger, an audible banging noise and a being forming behind him, a rather familiar one, his first Persona, Izanagi, standing rather imposingly within the room.

    "Izanagi." he said with a smile, he feel a bit drained, maybe cause the thought of shooting yourself in the head was stressing, and he wondered if the same could be done with their method and he lowered the Evoker down by his side and raised his left hand up, focusing with nothing but on a Persona as from nowhere a blazing blue card revolving form from thin air and landed in his hand, still turning and he clenched, the card shattering as Izanagi disappeared in a flash of blue flame and from it, a new being emerged one of his powerful Personas, Yoshitune.

    " does work in the real world.." He thought as he dismissed him, looking at Mitsuru, she had a surprised look. "So, these twins are the same as me, Perhaps they met Igor?" he thought and recalled something. "Judging by your expression and defence of the Twins, something happened to them to make fall into this comatose state, was this during your time as a Persona User? because during the Grand Prix, Only people I saw during the Grand prix were you, a boxer and Aigis-san, if you three weren't the only ones, they'd be leading your mission into the TV world." he said calmly.

    ~ANkh sv Kazari~

    Ankh fired a tornado of flame to combat the whirlwind only to receive a punch to the chest that went inside and he sprayed out Cell Medals and he gave a laugh, but a small one. "I should say that to you, Kazari." he said and punched his fist into him, causing him to spray out Cell medals and he slammed his hand through Kazari arm, causing his hand to become Cell Medal felt then like he had something. "Gotcha." he brought a foot up and kicked the feline back as he sprouted his wings and sat atop on one of the balconies of a building and in his hand were a Lion and two Cheetah Medals which he shown proudly. "Like taking fish from a kitty, Eiji!" He thrown EIji one of the Cheetah Medals.

    "You want my Medals Kazari, you'd have to try harder than that, Unless you plan on using the other Core Medals and become a Berserk Mega Greeed like how Mezul and Gamel were?" he asked rather rhetorically.

    ~Albert vs CardCaptors~

    Albert watched the girl run blindly towards him, her magical sword coming for him and moved to the side, looping the cane around her neck to pull her with the momentum and she fell tot he ground. "Silly girl, you should watch where you are swinging such a dangerous toy, someone can get hurt you know." He said to her, tutting.
    "Force, know my plight, release the light.... Lightning!" Albert heard and turned only to leap back a far few meters away from where he stood as the ground had a hole in it, Syaoran bearing his sword. "A magic user?" Albert questioned before Syaoran produced a card and thrown it to the ground.

    "Freeze card! Trap our foe within your icy walls, Freeze!" He stabbed the tip of the card with his blade and Albert's eyes widened a bit as a big whale of a creature emerged and icy trenches coming for him and he mustered a dark energy to collide with it, causing a small smoke explosion. "I see, so you both hold the power of Clow Reed, no, his magical cards... interesting, he never failed to impress me, even to this day, I suppose I shall take my leave." he tipped his hand and Syaoran charged at him only for a magical teleportation circle to appear under him and he disappeared within a flash.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme

    ~Albert vs the Cardcaptor! Wait... you serious?~

    Albert watched the young girl chant and formed a wand from the key she held and using some magical card to transfigure it into a sword and he clapped. "What marvellous magic young lady, I take my hat off to you." he said with a smile and removed his hat and bowed and placed it back on his head. "Now, I'd hate to harm one with as much magical potential as you, but alas, my hand has been forced. " he said and the invisible demon charged forth, slicing off one a sleeve of her uniform and some blood tricking from her arm.

    "If I empower my little friend, he can sever off your limb without any worries." he said calmly as the creature charged again only for Syaoran to slice it with his sword as the creature, fell, slain in two.

    "How unfortunate, I was fond of him." Albert said with a saddened tone.


    Ankh gave a stare at him and gave a low laugh. "You sure are confident Kazari, Fine, I'll tear your Core Medals out and keep them for myself." he said as Cell Medals covered his body and completely changed as Ankh looked at his hand briefly and shot it out, a ball of fire flying at him.

    Kamen Rider Joker round housed a Yummy as OOO joined his side and he flicked his wrist. "Let's take care of these and try and stop any innocent bystanders getting harmed EIji." he said and ducked from another Yummy and punched him upwards, giving him air time and done so again before pressing the Maximum Drive Slot again. "Joker! Maximum Drive!" It called out as he spoke clearly. "Rider... Kick!" he said and charged forward at another leaping to perform a aerial sidekick as his right foot was out, covered the same purple flame as before and another explosion was caused before he noticed Saxon about to be attacked by a stray yummy and he ran forth delivering another kick to the Waste Yummy as he flicked his wrist again. "Get going!" he said, no, perhaps told him to.

    ~Decade and others~

    Decade back chopped a rioter to unconsciousness and the people were starting to crowd around the Riders and Sentai who were doing everything they could and he dusted his hands together. "Looks like they think we support Jones, tsk, might as well use this." He pulled out the Kabuto Card and slid it in. "Kamen Ride: Kabuto!" becoming Kamen Rider Kabuto and he pulled out another card, the rioters pausing because of this strange transformation and he slid in a card which said Clock Up.

    "Attack Ride: Clock Up!" the belt said as he hit the sides when he slid the card in, him becoming a blur, or rather, for him, time slowed to almost grinding halt or in very slow motion as he ran between rioters, knocking them out, sorting most, if not all foo the ones in the vicinity of the restaurant as he paused, time speeding up for him as it returned to normal and eh became Decade again.

    "That should do it." He said and pulled the sides of the belt, detransforming into Tsukasa with a annoyed look as Fourze done the same. "Yosha, now we should hide out until this blows over." Gentaro said and Tsukasa gave a small nod. "Good idea for once."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme


    Yu nodded at Naoto's suggestion, he was just glad Nanako wasn't around with him, knowing her, she'd probably be at home, locked indoors by Uncle's orders while eh tried to hold the rioters off. "Good idea, who knows what'll happen at this rate." he agreed immediately, taking the other side of Fuuka. "C'mon Teddie, we're leaving." He said to his friend who took up the task of walking behind Fuuka.

    ~Syaoran and Sakura~

    Syaoran scanned the area, people were either cheering or retreating to their homes, and they couldn't exactly use their magic here. "We'll just have to run and find somewhere safe, if, anyone tries to attack us, I'll knock them out." He said as he grabbed her hand and began to run.

    ~Other Memorial locations~

    Ankh gave a glare as kazari as his right hand changed to it's gauntlet like state and gave a sneer. "Kazari, still up to your old crafty ways, looks like you got collared at last." he said and produced three medals, the Taka, Tora and Batta medals. "Eiji!" he thrown them at him with such accuracy towards him.

    Vanille meanwhile followed Fang by her awkward pull.

    Haruto looked at Koyomi and put on the Connect Ring. "Connect, Please~!" The belt said as a magic flame circle appeared and from it, the Machine Wingeras he took off a helmet and handed Koyomi one.

    Yuri meanwhile, decided to follow Alice, close behind her before bypassing her and knocking out any of the rioters that came in their path.

    "Go with the Chief Phillip, we can't let her or the city cry cause of this." Shotaro said as he put on the Lost Driver, similar to the Double Driver but it only had one slot and he pulled out the Joker Memory and pressed it. "Joker!" The USB Stick called out and he slotted it into the belt, a purple flame emitting from it as the belt hummed, the Gaia Memory connectors running across his face and he spoke. "Henshin." he said and pulled the Memory sown, making the belt half a W as body armour parts formed around him and created a new Rider as he flicked his wrist. "Kamen Rider... Joker." he said with a serious tone and charged forth at the Yummies and punched one, sending it flying into a rows of unsat chairs after some people left and he removed the memory. "Let's duel!" he said and slid it into the slot of his hip. "Joker! Maximum Drive!" It called out as a purple flame surrounded his fist. "Rider Punch." he said as he charged forth and punched the Yummy with it, causing it to explode in Cell Medals.

    ~Riders and Sentai~

    "We'll go and stop them!" he said as he went out and put on the Fourze Driver, flipping the Switches "3, 2, 1!" the belt said as Gentaro pulled the lever. "Henshin!" The transformation sequence had started againa nd from it, Kamen Rider Fourze took over as he bent forward arms crossed and cried out. "Space kittta!"

    Marvelous gave a sigh. "Sorry, but we don't run from problem, we prefer to face them head on and smash them, that's how we live." marvellous said as he along with Joe and Gai walked to exited the restaurant, unmorphed to beat back any rioters that dared pick a fight with them as Tsukasa got up. "What a bother." he said, dusting his hands together as he placed his hands in his pockets and brought out the Decadriver as he placed it on his waist, and brought out his Kamen Ride card ans slid it in the belt. "Kamen Ride: Decade!" The transformation took palce as he walked through the door as he stood beside Fourze.

    "Let's just get this over with, I want to finish my meal." He said and Fourze nodded before the two charged into the rioters, restorting to putting them into an unconscious state.

    ~Atop a Building~

    Albert stared at the much made chaos the rioted the streets and he merely sipped some tea, looking very unbothered with the mayhem. "Such a deceitful move, Saxon... using that judge to further your ambitions." he complimented, raising the cup to the person in question. "The Order will certainly use this to our advantage, hm?" he took a moment to notice Sakura and Syaoran running and leapt down in front of them, tea still in his hand.

    "I sense almost a powerful magic coming from you girl." Albert questioned as Syaoran got in front of her protectively. "Who are you?" he asked and Albert bowed slightly. "I'm Roger Bacon, my dear child, now answer my question or..." One of the streetlamps fells from sort of sharp blade as a miniature demon with a scythe hovering nearby him. "You take part in my friend's favourite past-time."

    -Katsuragi Residence~

    Keima sat his chair, six screen of dating Sims powered by the various consoles and a special bar made to control, all six consoles, he had momentarily paused to take a small breather and that's when eh heard the riots, pushing his glasses up. "You 3-D beings have no concept of peace and quiet, what a annoyance." he said and turned up the volume on each TV to drone out the sounds and he raised his hands. "Now back to the conquest, God of Conquest mode, activate!" he cried out as his ahnds moved as afterimages, dialogue on the screens flashing by fast as within his mind, trails of red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange formed in his head, of the routes that the games were taking and selecting the choices, this was one Keima Katsuragi, an Otaku in Dating-Sims and to the Internet, known as the God of Conquest having conquered over 1,000 dating sims.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home