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  1. StardustXtreme

    ~Dojima Residence~

    Yu quietly watched a sthe news reporter declared the victims and the fall came upon Harriet Jones, it was no surpruse there, the goverment did plan this and had to eb prepared to face the consequences should such a attempt fail, but he was concerned for the hostages, he had to wonder if Chie, Yukiko, Rise, Naoto, Marie and other fmeales he knew from Yasogami were alright but Marie would proabaly be because of what her power was most likelly, but the others, but the Investigation Team couldn't summon their Personas in the real world, perhaps he should try and contact the Team.

    "Sorry Nanako-chan, can you lower the volume down for a minute?" He asked her as he got out his phone and looked through the list of contacts, if he knew someone who would know to get infomation from the police or what's currently going on, it would be Naoto Shirogane and pressed call, putting the cell phone to his ear. "How long has it been I wonder? A couple of months since the case was closed?" He thought to himself, waiting for a answer

    -School Gates-

    Gentaro firmly grasped Ami's hand ad gently fist bumped it before tapping over her knuckled hand and underneath. "Yosh, we're Buddies now!" he said before Kengo asked him about another scout seeing what the problem was with the new Switch. "it's worth a try, I mean, what have we got to lose?" he asked his friend.


    Tsukasa raised an eyebrow slightly at that thought, of the old and new generations coming together. "Well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens, after all, I doubt the goverment is taking this invasion and abducting women easily, no doubt, there's some backlash already." He said to her.

    -Crystal Order~

    A young gentleman wearing a top hat and holding a cane emrged from the shadows, he did seem very british but his eyes cast itself upon the area. "Oh my, it seems I missed a quite interesting show." he said in a rather saddened tone. "I see you've recruited another to our cause, a splendid idea, but as you say Mister Mualim, our existence must be kept secret, I shall see to it this young lady is escorted to the infirmary of your school and ensure her memories are as you say, forgotten." he said to the man and looked to Haytham. "Ah, Master Kenway, I believe I may have a mission for your fellow associate, Charles Lee was it? I need him to track down a young woman, a Miss Alice Elliot and bring her to me alive, she has... shall we say, a power that may help our Order even further?" he asked him.

    ~Streets of Tokyo~

    A youth with brown hair walked through the streets, his attire being very strange, especially witha white cross on the back on his brown jacket and wore no undershirt, this was Yuri Hyuga, a traveller, following some annoying voice's directions and that lead him to Tokyo, he swore when he finds the cause of all this, they better be ready for a fight for dragging him literally everywhere.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    SHotaro looked at Phillip, mouth dropped. "Well excuse me for wanting good material aibou sicne I can't access everything in the Library!" He said to him and sighed. "Least we have a sponsor, but we can't rely on him all the time." He noted.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, May 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    Name: Tidus​
    Occupation: Blitzball Player/Student​
    Series Character is from: FInal Fantasy X/X-2​
    Other: A Star Player of the Blitzball Pro League, the Zanarkand Abes before somehow ending up in Nintendo High by unusual cirmcustances and plays for their local team, the Besaid Aurochs after discovering the Abes were out of play for a long while, most likely, a time experiemnt sent him back to the past or the to the future, he has becoem however, good friends with Yuna Braska when he first met her.​
    Name: Yuri 'Volte' Hyuga​
    Occupation: Traveller​
    Series Character is from: Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant​
    Other: A Youth who harnesses the power of Soul Fusion, a extraordinary power that enables him to take monster's souls and then can change into a monster to a paticular element composing of Dark, Light, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth and In special cases, enable to fuse with monsters to claim their souls, currently, he only has access to Dark, but if he meets a certain someone, it will open the door for his other forms.​
    Name: Albert Simon​
    Occupation: Magician​
    Series Character is from: Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant​
    Other: A British warlock who uses powerful magic. He is calm and collected,, he works for the Crystal Order, abeit, behind the scenes , he searches for Alice Elliot, a woman with mysterious powers to bring about his own ideals upon the world.​
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme

    ~Dojima Residence~

    Yu shook his head lightly. "I have no honest idea Nanako-chan, but at least they know not to kidnap children." He said reasurringly to her, last time she was worried, the killer was still at large with the strange murders, plus she was healthy and her usual self after the case calmed down.

    ~School gates~

    Gentaro patted Kengo on the back, smiling. "Enough to hear about the Astroswitches." he smiled and ran a hand through his hair. "I'M kisaragi gentarou, the man who will befriend everyone in this school!" He said, offered his ahnd to AMi witha grin.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro too followed inside and sat his usual place, ebhind a desk witha typewriter instead of a computer funnily enough and placed his fedora down on the table. "We had no new clients yet either aibou." he said with a sigh.

    ~Tsukasa and Sakura~

    Tsukasa gave a small interested look at Sakura who told her secret, she personally knew the three riders, from this infomation, it was either she witnessed them in civillan form or she was a Rider, funnily enough, he wasn't too far off the marker there. "Well, we had a newer egneration appear, I believe Den-O, Decade, Double,, OOO and Fourze are their names, btu Decade's rather interesting, it appears he can become other Riders as well." he sai,d intentionally giving otu the little tidbit of infomation.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme



    Haruto nodded at Edward, at least this person was perceptive in that regard as Tidus rubbed his hair sheepishly. "Well...yeah... I am her Guardian, we met on Besaid Island after Sin attacked where I was rescued." he said rather honestly.


    Marvelous nodded at Luka's words. "I'd trust you as far as I can see you Basco." He stated and turned on his heel to rejoin the ship and well command it

    OOC: Short I know but will post longer when I get an diea on what my characters will do.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    Erm no? I wouldn't.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  6. StardustXtreme

    ~Dojima Residence~

    Yu slid the door shut as he entered the room and Nanako welcomed him home as usual and he nodded. "Yeah Nanako, I'm glad your dad came to pick you up." he said to her with a smile, he was thankful the invaders haven't kidnapped Nanako, but it seemed to be teenagers or such, besides, he couldn't summon his Persona in the real world as evidenced during the Rise Concert in Junes when he and the others helped Rise sing on stage.

    "I suspect the others are watching this on the news I imagine." he thought, the recent Inaba murder case was shut thanks to Adachi confessing about his crimes, he imagined Naoato was proabbaly part of the force to solve this strange invasion, but he didn't receive a text or call from the young Detective, msot likely being busy, he did fondly remember all of his friends and their items of friendship, he recalled he had a Detctive's Badge made by naoto, being the only 1 of two in existence made by her hand and awatch that shows the distance between them when she given to him for Christmas Day which eh still wore mind you.

    "Wonder how everyone's doing." He stopped his train of thought to focus on the TV which was always onw hen nanako was around.


    Tsukasa looked at her as she asked him how life treated him and he placed his hands in his pockets. "Same as always, fangirls crowding here and there, seen as a rival to Michiru Kaiou, ivnasion of otherworldly monsters, just the usual." he said dryly. "Even had some enter the school grounds."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme
    I'm free for a Duel, Need to go Yuma once in a while.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  8. StardustXtreme
    OH Hell yes for Naoto (Twilight) and You Aerith ^-^, I guess Narukami's gonna be having Naoto as a girlfriend then~! Well, when it does occur.

    Name: Igor​
    Occupation: ???​
    Series Character is from: Persona Series​
    Other: A mysterious individual who resides in the Velvet Room with a assistant, only those with a contract and bear the 'Wild Card' can enter this room, he offers his services by fusing Personas to form newer and more powerful ones, he helped many remarkable guests on their journey and witnessed remarkable feats of seeing the neve rbefore seen Universe Arcana but most recently he aided Yu Narukami who never swayed to easy ways out from discovering the truth behind the 'fog' and witnessed the birth of the World Arcana, after the guests have completed their contract.​
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    ~Castle Baron~

    Asbel fished a hand into a bag that carried the inventory of his travels, a map was provided for them and he examined it, noting their location. "Well, we are here." He palced the map down on the floor for them all to see as he indicated a finger over the destination of Baron. "So we got to eitere go around Mt. Gulg or through it, then through Wutai and onto Lhant Hill, i imagine transport will be provided for to reach the island unless our enemy plans on having us swim." he said suggestively.


    Tidus caught up witH Cecil and Rydia after finding a Map, all he did was trim his clothes to be more appiorate. "Big problem, we're far away from this Thor place, it would probaly take a day or two if we keep moving and not stop in any towns." he said to them, showing them.

    ~Balamb Fields~

    Squall just gave a hn and looekd at the Map he pocketed out, they were along way from their destination, even more so, it woudl perhaps take two to three days even if they travelled light and avoided any stops.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme

    ~Tsukasa's Location~

    Tsukasa's ears picked up a sound. "An ocarina? No... the sound is similar but..." he thought and followed it to see Sakura Hongo, a gradudate of this School and he clapped, rather slowly, mind. "Impressive as always, Miss Hongo." he said to her, after all, he didn't knwo ehr true idenity and neither did she when he was Decade for that matter either, two Kamen Riders, face to face, one of the old generation and one of the new generation.


    Yu was heading back to his Uncle's to check up on his cousin, nanako and oof course Dojima.


    SHotaro sighed and nodded at Hermione. "Alright, I suppose it'll eb rude of keeping otu chief away from the place she owns, we'll have to go on foot then since you proabbaly don't like motorcycles."


    Gentarou did indeed follow Kengo who did bluntly ask for a trade and he watched, he shouldn't interfre with this just yet, but he was talkign to alot of girls.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme


    Haruto put his hands in his pockets and spoke. "They are my familars, they haven't let me down yet." he said to ehr ebfore Edward voiced his words of Rydia's faith wavering and not trusting him. "She has every right not to trust me, after all we only just met so there's not faith in my abilites since you all only seen the Connect Ring's power." He said to honestly.

    Tidus looked at Yuna thoughtfully and approached Lukya. "Hey um...Lukya." he said to her, hopinh to start a conversation.


    Marvelous looked at Nepgear, arms crossed. "Exactly, apart from this so called quest to obtain these 'disks', what do you have to offer in return for this trip?" he asked them, he doubted these 'disks' or whatever didn't have some Great Sentai Power.

    ~???, The Skies~

    Tsunayoshi used his flame propulsion to accelerate through teh skies, he recently rested in a nearby forest and so far, haven't come across anyone nearby, but if he did, it would be helpful to least be soem form of company.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    It's also a ZW that doesn't state you cna onyl control 1 copy of it on the field, so let's throw in three equipped.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  13. StardustXtreme
    Rank Up Magic - Numeron Force
    Target 1 face-up Xyz Monster you control; Xyz Summon 1 "Number C" monster with the same Type and 1 Rank higher than that target, using the target as the Xyz Material (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on the new Xyz Monster), then negate the effects of all cards currently face-up on the field, except the monster Special Summoned by this effect.

    Basically Xyz Version of Super Polyimerzation except it's for your own monsters, Combine that with this.

    Number C38: Utopia Ray Victory
    3 Level 5 monsters
    If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. While this card has a "Utopia" monster attached to it as an Xyz Material, it gains this effect.
    ● When this card targets an opponent's face-up monster for an attack: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; until the end of the turn, negate the effects of that monster, also this card gains ATK equal to the ATK of the attack target.

    Oha nd a new Synchro Dragon Monster too.

    Celesital Dragon
    Level 11
    1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
    Must be Synchro Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card's Synchro Summon cannot be negated. When Special Summoned, card effects cannot be activated. If this card attacks, it is unaffected by other card effects until the end of the Damage Step.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 23, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. StardustXtreme
    Exactly, besides, 1 copy of the God Cards is more than enough.

    and as much as I hate to admit it, I think I'm going to be Tsukumo Yuma as well due to his Utopia Monsters and the deck build I made for a Utopia/Machine type deck.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. StardustXtreme

    ~WIth Fang~

    Noel heard Fang's complaint, he didn't really anything to comment to that. "AT least the palce is safe, that's the main thing." he said to her while placing his wepaon back on his back.

    ~WIth the others~

    Haruto watched as the meteors were taken care of and Tidus was amazed. "So...we're safe?" he asked with uncertainty and Haruto merely nodded. "Seems like it, but it was some incredible power to even cast such a thing, even more so to push it back." he said as he munched on a plain sugar donut. "I should also see if there's any others around this town, so excuse me for a moment." he said and brought out another ring and palced it on his left middle finger and placed it over his belt buckle. "Garuda, Please~" it said before a plastic model from a working kit appeared and formed to a small bird which he palced the ring in his chest, bringing the creature to life, he done the same two more times but with different creatures. "Unicorn, Please~, Kraken, Please~" as the three small toy-like creatures were standing at the ready.

    "Please search out and see if there's any residents okay?" the three PlaMOnsters nodded and went on their way.

    ~Lowee, Pirates...and CPU's?~

    Marvelous looked at the youths before them, whow ere they, but Harold took over before he could speak. "WHo are you girls?" he asked the leader, Nepgear it seemed to be.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme

    ~WIth Gentarou~

    Gentarou looked at Kengo. "Let's locate her and return the laptop then we'll get the Switch back!" He said to his friend, it was a improtant for Fourze for have all his Switches available for battle especially if those Invaders come down again.


    Marvelous looked to Luka. "What do you think? We let them abduct you and Ahim to save them?" he asked the two girls as Gai looked at him. "But Marvelous! What fi we used some magic to look like we're girls thenw e can wreck the place?" He asked him and Marvelous looked thoughtful.


    Tsukasa merely looked up at the sky, arms crossed.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme

    ~Baron castle~

    Asbel was petted on the head by the woman who named herself Martel and she spoek to him about the bonds he formed, could she read minds? he didn't know but as Martel was still touching him, a voice echoed within her head, it was Lambda speaking privately with teh Goddess as Asbel shown no reaction of the conversation on. "A Goddess is what you proclaim yourself to be but you nothing more than a lifeform of the world with a life span, I do sense a great flow of power within your body which isn't the kind of energy I seen, but can you deal with the passage of time as those you know will one day be taken away by that very same flow?" he asked before continuing after a few seconds silence.

    "Live to see what future holds within the world and see where the future generations take their course, Child of the World Tree." he said before turning silent.

    Asbel blinked and nodded, he knew what she meant, his bonds to Richard and the others was his strength.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme


    Shotaro thought for a moment. "Females and... S-Types." he said to Phillip and looked to Hermione. "Phillip si connected the Gaia Library, a source of all the Earth's infomation, menaing he could look up anything that the Earth experienced in it's lifetime, he needs keywords to narrow down the results of what we need." he whispered to her, so he didn't interupt Phillip's search. "Any results, aibou?" he asked his partner.


    Gentarou managed to dive for the computer and catch it, luckily, not breaking it. "it's alright Kengo, we'll get it back when someone realizes it's Fourze's when he fights, though..." he trailed off, thinkign about when he saw this computer. "Oh! This is that blue haired girl's computer, Mercury or something!" he said, comign to a conclusion.


    Yu nodded at Rhyme's question. "Yeah, I onyl transfered here due to my parent's constant work so I'm living with my uncle and his daughter, Nanako." he said to her and listened to Rhyme's explatnation. "A pokemon huh, I heard only people with cabale training can handle these creatures, which is a rare thing in the world..." he thought before lookign out the window, he hoped Nanako was alright at her school.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme
    Masaru saw the carnage ocuring and he was surprised such a attack could of occured in a Safe Zone, he thought buildings were immortal object, soemhow, it was achieved and he was concerned, could Kayaba be behind this? "No, he wouldn't ruin his world like this, especially with that complex he shown on Day One, but if so, how woudl anyone be able to bypass the coding? A developer of the game?" he thought to hismelf, ti wasn't entirely possible but fi the game's coding were manpluated, that would mean they would probably bypass the Safe Zone limitations and commence Pking without a Duel Argeement.

    "I doubt that, Kayaba wouldn't just let it all run wild, knowing our minds would be stressed out from such a ordeal, plus there are children in this world, who never even played such a game like this, he wouldn't dare let them die within a village." he stopped his train of thought as Star's words brought him back to reality, she drawn her sword and declared Masamune the title he was known for, of course, she'd react that way, no-one really liked Masamune after what he did when the first dungeon was being cleared and killing a Player that could fo been stopped if Star didn't drag him away and the others in the group found his tactics and stratgies very thoughtful and a leader at best.

    "I highly doubt it Star." he said as he stood beside her, arms crossed. "I'm sure as you know, the towns are Safe Zones and buildings are Immortal objects as well, ony yway you'd bypass the coding is if you're a developer of the game, you're free to command the code, like a GM or change the game's data in the Real World, which he cannot do cause he cannot Log Out, if he had the abilty to do this, he'd need to Log Out or become a GM, which Kayaba Akihiko never declared there was any GM's other than himself as he watches over us all." he said, his reasoning actually having good points.

    "Even if he did occur this damage which is unlikely, why is Mya's store untouched even though the burning buildings are relatively close to her store? Wouldn't he have let that burn to the ground too if his intentions were this? " he asked.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme

    ~Castle Baron~

    Absel's blue and purple eyes looked upon Zidane and Martel Zidane called her, it was obivously a surprise to the young male with a tail, which was a strange sight to see, then again, he wasn't complaining. "We got to get to this Isle of Thor." he suggested to them, Lambda within him remaining quiet.


    "Well, as much I don't want to get rid of my sword, perhaps we could get tot he Isle of Thor and petition to be restored to our ages to be effective in battle?" he suggested "But where is this Isle of Thor for that matter?" he asked in confusion, there wasn't just a map ahnded out was there?

    ~Balamb Fields~

    Squall raised his Gunblade, or rather, attempted to at Golbez, he obivously didn't attack or bothered to, this man was in the same predicament as them, and he'd never discard his Gunblade, not after the years of training to master one.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home