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  1. StardustXtreme

    ~Nintendo High, Demonology Classroom~

    Vergil cast an eye over his students and stood up, not caring if some were late. "So, you lot are my students for this year. I'll make a few rules clear, I'm not here to coddle you, hold your hand, if anyone's late, I'll just see it as someone not putting the effort into their studies and, if you are, I'll tell you to leave this classroom and never return until next year, your headmaster, Al Mualim asked me to teach your about the world of demons, and I'll be completely honest, I don't like the old man but he had something that interested me and he paid me for it." Vergil said clearly and calmly, hands resting on the pommel on Yamato.

    "Now who here brought their copies of demon-issued books that the faculty recommended?" he asked and saw hands go up. "Well, congratulations, you all just brought paperweights better served as toilet paper, they are merely edited by the human populace that no one would know what's true or not, The Vatican being one of these circles, but I've procured an item of much more... original scriptures which your headmaster so kindly allowed me to use during this class, so please, take your copy and return to your desks." Vergil said, nodding his head slightly to an empty table stacked with somewhat red books that seemed demonic with skulls engraved upon them. "Be grateful for the chance to learn from this, the Vatican and the government would ban this book from seeing the light of day."

    ~Nintendo High, Entrance~

    Yu saw RIse, Yukiko and Chie at the front gates, surprised they had school uniforms, he imagined that someone must of transferred them in, but who? the Kirijo group or the Shiroganes?, either way, he wasn't too bothered by it, it was nice seeing the others again. "So you came after all." He said with a small smile.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme

    ~Nintendo High, School Entrance~

    Gai looked at the scene with a puzzled expression. "is someone important here or something?" he asked Marvelous

    Tsukasa's voice came as he shrugged at the sight he saw with his shoulders. "I sincerely doubt that, they are with the JIA most likely to try and protect the students who attended here since we have...quite a wide array of different abilities converging on this one spot, I'd be surprised if the S-types won't choose to attack this place cause of that." Tsukasa duly said as Haruto walked with koyomi.

    "Probably because with so many here, we'd probably have a chance to fight back instead of being a few teams." He added in and tsukasa looked at the man. "Wizard?" He asked and Haruto nodded.


    Vergil sat with Yamato, as his pommel, awaiting for the students to arrive. "That old man needs to get his head checked, I don't coddle weaklings." vergil muttered in distaste.

    ~Kazu's room~

    Kazu stretched out and yawned a bit, cleaning himself up for the day, and putting his trademark cap on, if he recalled, he had something called Demonlogy or something today, but what came first was Card Games. "Can't be worse than the Sacred Beast Cards... that's for sure." he muttered and stretched himself.

    ~Yu Narukami~

    Yu was advancing towards the school entrance, bag on shoulder, he smiled that Nanako was looking forward to seeing Rise again, plus, he did recall Yosuke somewhat giving him a call about meeting an Arisato, Minato that is and how his ass got kicked thoroughly and about the gap of difference between their powers, even though he had Susanoo, which was odd, He thought Yosuke's Persona evolved further than that, maybe the third tier of change was albeit temporary? He had no answer to that question. "I'm not surprised about that, they are our senpai, so it's only natural they'd be someone more powerful than I'm capable of, of the World Arcana that is... perhaps Minato's true potential is in a much more rarer Arcana than my own." He thought to himself, most likely, Minato and Minako had access to Persona Fusion and created some truly powerful aspects.

    Oh and Teddie stayed over at their place and well, let's just say Nanako and Teddie became very joyful but eh somehow had a feeling Yosuke will take him back if he bugs the hell out of him, well, he seriously doubted the Shirogane's would allow such a thing, heck, he never personally seen what her home or grandfather even looked like, just only guy who made them on that searching quest to rediscover Naoto's childhood.

    "Why do I get the feeling her grandfather will be more...imitating than Uncle?" He thought with a hint of nervousness.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 20, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme

    ~Before the end of the day~

    ~Yu Narukami~

    Yu gave a smile at the prospect of seeing everyone again. "Looking forward to it Rise, I'll pass the message along, see you later." he answered to her, waiting for her reponse.


    Syraoran was a bit confused. "Could he be like that woman when Sakura came to Kyoto? A spirit left behind in a book?" he asked the Guardian beast.


    Haruto took the ring out. "Might as well test it, right Koyomi?" he asked her, slipping the ringer onto his right middle finger.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme


    Tsukasa was unceremoniously dragged by Natsumi without so much as a protest, it wasn't much of a surprise since he's been around the Hikari's for quite a while, besides, what right did Natsumikan have for worrying about him? Was it because of what Tokyo experienced and she was concerned for his wellbeing or something else? He didn't wish to ponder on such things, but what Tommy said did ring true. "Meh, if the grandparents come to attack again, I'll just beat them again, I honestly don't understand how we could have such trouble with them." He thought to himself, then again they lived somewhere where they couldn't attack their base of operations directly, so maybe that's why they lasted this long.


    Haruto tried to recall about this ginger haired youth with a thoughtful expression. "I don't honestly recall that." He said rather admittedly, looking at the box. "Well, what did he make?" he asked, changing the subject ever so slightly.

    ~Syaoran, Sakura and cake lover-

    Syaoran looked at Sakura who asked him this question, it was true, Sakura did mange to capture all the cards after passing Yue's Judgement Test whereas, he did not, how should he answer this? "Our family came to support the tragedy of lost lives during the attack, but my mother said something was about to go down and that I should remain here until it's passed." he explained to her and continued. "Still, that man, Roger Bacon, he seemed to know of Clow Reed and the Cards along with you Keroberos, why is that, have you ever met him before?" Syaoran asked the Guardian Beast.

    ~Yu Narukami~

    Yu was heading back to the Dojima Redidence with Teddie, he liked seeing Nanako but somewhere in his mind, he felt he just missed a hilarious scene with Yosuke, then again, it was just a feeling until he phone started ringing, he found it odd, he wasn't expecting a call at this hour, well not unless it was after Midnight for nearly a whole year, he got it out and flipped it open, and he had a bit of a smile, it seemed an old friend was calling and answered the phone, putting it to his ear. "It's been a while, Rise." He said with a smile, he did wonder why she'd bother calling him at this time.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    I'll have to add in a leave of absence for a few days, I just learnt on the 15th, I had a close family member pass away in his sleep, my grandfather, So I might return sometime this weekend or next week, but right now, it's on hold.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme
    well, it's time to announce this.

    Anime Effect:
    2 Level 1 Monsters
    Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. When an opponent's Xyz Monster declares a direct attack, if you have no cards in your hand and you control no cards: You can Special Summon this card from your Extra Deck. When this card battles a monster, that monster's ATK becomes 0 until the end of the Battle Phase. When this card is destroyed: Destroy all monsters on the field, also return all Spell and Trap Cards that were destroyed this turn to the same location (hand, field, or Deck) and position they were in before they were destroyed. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; during the Battle Phase this turn, this card gains ATK equal to the total Ranks of all face-up monsters currently on the field x 1000, until the end of the Battle Phase.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. StardustXtreme


    Tsukasa merely gave a slight nod at tommy who reckoned Tsukasa himself was his own team, he supposed that was kind of true, considering he had 9 Rider Cards to transform into, then again his Illusion card only created 2 copies of himself, besides it wasn't like he bragged about it until Natsumi asking and pestering him about what Tommy meant by in battle.

    "None of your business there, Natsumikan, what gives you the right to eavesdrop on people's conversations?" Tsukasa asked her very directly.

    ~Wajima SHop~

    Haruto just smiled at Koyomi's shy expression. "Anything happen while I was out?" He asked her.

    ~Syaoran's home~

    Syaorna came in with tea ona tray as well cake, knowing Keroberos, aptitude for food.

    ~Albert SImon~

    Albert took a moment to remember his initiation into the Order, it seemed his age was catching up to him nowadays. "Truly incredible of how time flies..." He thought and smiled, Perhaps he and Al Mualim were of the same age of one being older than the other, he delving into curses while Albert studied demonology, though the darkest of demons, perhaps even the ruthless ones.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme


    Decade's transformation faded as Tsukasa was approached by tommy and his comment on being the first honoured threat to Zedd. "Not my problem, if I can handle three at once, then it'll be easier next time." Tsukasa duly spoke as if it didn't bother him. "Moving on, what brings you here Oliver?" He asked him.


    Vergil did not care much about what the kid made, at least it wasn't pizza, Dante would order it at any chance he got, next think he knew, there'd probably be a person with bright orange and declaring a love for Ramen.


    Haruto soon snuck in and smiled seeing Koyomi sleeping before sitting beside her.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    ~Temporal Tower~

    Clanging noises were heard from behind Marvelous and he raised an eyebrow in turn, seeing the most unusual sight, a suit of armour running literally towards the entrance with a blonde haired woman with a ponytail with his arms crossed. "Zangyack Marvelous?" Joe asked and Marvelous spoke. "Doubt it if they are literally running for their lives." He responded.

    "Maybe we can ask them?" Gai suggested and Marvelous stared. "Not our business, besides we got a treasure to take." before noting the suit of armor and woman finally came closer enough to be in contact with them.

    "We are the 35th Super Sentai though, we should at least hear them out." Gai said rather insightfully and Marvelous looked at the two. "What are you two running away from?" he asked them rather directly.

    ~ichigo and Aoi~

    Aoi blinked did that woman just break the fiurth wall without any effort whatsoever? Oh by the way, the girls bodies were revealed to the group after Cole's electric wake-up call and needless to say Ichigo had his eyes covered but in true teenager fashion, peeked through them.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme

    ~Tsukasa Rider copies and himself vs Rita, Zedd and Goldar~

    Blade pulled out a card, similar to the one sued by Decade and slid it into the Decadriver on his belt. "Attack Ride: Metal!" as Blade's form was coated in metal, deflecting the sharp sword of Goldar, or rather cause sparks before counterattacking with a slash.

    Decade was struck with the lightning but leapt back. "See? A Grandma always repeats what she hears, going senile already." Decade muttered as Faiz stood beside him and Decade pulled out another card. "Try and manage this old timers." Decade said and slid the card into the belt. "Final Form Ride: F-F-Faiz!" the belt called out and Decade stood behind the named Rider copy. "This is going to tickle a bit." He put his hands literally into Faiz's back before it transformed into a weapon.

    Decade fired three shots at Rita, Zeed and Goldar respectively as an explosion occurred but they still were alive, just smoking coming their bodies armour. "Time to finish this in one strike." Decade removed a hand on the side of the huge weapon without much effort in holding it up and slid a gold card in.

    "Final Attack Ride: F-F-Faiz!" The top section of the gun fired a red arrow straight at them and connecting with one of the villains, opening a sort of hole out the other end in which eh fired and caused a mighty explosion, Decade tossing the weapon in the air before it dematerialized into thin air, having only been a Illusion copy of himself using that Rider's power.

    "Hm?" Decade said in wonder as the three villains miraculously remained alive, though, a bit more worse or wear. "Still alive after that? That's certainly elderly stubbornness if I ever saw one." Decade said dryly. "Want to go for round two?"


    Yu wasn't going to deny Naoto's hidden messege stare, he knew women can cook...provided they used a cookbook beforehand and it seemed Minato ran off with his sister maybe it was to save his wallet from being damaged further?

    [COLOR=#ffff99]"Well, I think we should get going Naoto, after all, we got a team to bring back together." [COLOR=#ffffff]Yu said to her.


    Ankh stared at Kimberly, something about her was slightly off, though he never really paid much attention to the woman.


    Vergil sighed, seeing the look of wonder from Dante, it was obvious his brother was going into another world. [COLOR=#4da6ff]"[I]I fear for the woman who actually marries this idiot."[/I] [COLOR=#ffffff]Vergil thought in perhaps sarcasm.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    ~Deserted Riverbank~

    Decade pulled out a card as the energy beams came cascading towards him and he slid it into the belt and hit the sides. "Attack Ride: Invisible!" As Decade faded from their eyes, making the trio of Rita, Zedd and Goldar wondered where he'd gone.

    "Attack Ride: Blast!" The eblt called out, drawing their attention to where it would come from but then, they were shoot from behind by richoting bullets as Decade stood there, Ride Booker in Gun Mode. "Looks like I'll be able to give you guys a special service." He said and drawn out another card and slid it intot he belt, hitting it again. "Attack Ride: Illusion!" as two more copies of Decade appeared beside the original, one being bare handed and the other wielding the Ride Booker in Sword Mode.

    "So try this." The three Decade's each held a different Rider card and slid them in, the Sword Decade hit his belt after insertion of his card. "Kamen Ride: Blade!" It called out while the bear handed Decade done the same but it was a different rider. "Kamen Ride: Kiva!" and finally the original transformed into a different rider as well. "Kamen Ride: Faiz!"

    The three Riders stood and charged forth, Kiva who gut punched Rita while Blade clashed swords with Goldar's own sword and finally, Faiz firing upon Zeed whow as forced to guard with his Z Staff.

    "I know Zordon and everyone else might berate me for harming a woman, but I think they can make a exception, right... grandma?" KIva/Decade asked rudely.


    Ankh begrudgingly entered the apartment with Eiji and Hina, not at all interested.

    ~Furukawa Bakery~

    A blue haired youth saw an old man chasing a woman with bread in his mouth and sighed. "Never a dull moment with those two huh." He muttered and entered inside, seeing a bushy haired girl drag an unconscious man. "Someone must of tasted Sanae's bread if it's caused that, surely they couldn't anything more scarier than that." He muttered and entered the bakery. [COLOR=#4da6ff]"Nagisa, I'm home."[/COLOR]

    ~Yu Narukami~

    Yu gotten a strange sensation, almost a chill down his spine, almost if he found another unified soul who experienced the horrors of female cooking first hand, but little did he know, a bread maker was the cause of it all, creating possibly variations of Mystery Food X. [COLOR=#ffff4d]"[I]At least the girls I know can cook.... right?[/I]"[/COLOR] Yu thought a bit hesitantly, if Chie and Yukiko taken almost a year to perfect their cooking, then it couldn't be that bad, he had to wonder if Minako knew how to cook and not render anyone unconscious, at least Naoto knew how to cook than just randomly getting ingredients unlike certain people.

    "Where will you two be staying though? Aren't you kind of avoiding Kirijo-san?" Yu asked the twins, Teddie would be a small problem, unless of course, he didn't mind sleeping on the couch in Dojima's until Yosuke and the others arrived, plus, he highly doubted Naoto's family would put up Teddie in their household, plus, knowing the bear, he'd try to peek on Naoto in the bathroom.


    Vergil looked at Nero as his words rung true. [COLOR=#4da6ff]"How true, that's the only thing we'd ever agree on, but these S-Types sound like a good challenge, but it's unfortunate they pick the most inappropriate times to appear so I cannot test my skills against them." [/COLOR]He said with a very slightly annoyed tone.


    Aoi too would be sleeping, though, next to his sister and why? cloesest bed there was, no question.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme

    ~Tsukasa with Nostalgic villain's~

    Tsukasa stayed in stance as Goldar gave a small laugh, but the brainy one with his Z staff was more smarter in actually talking, offering a chance to join them. "Oh? Just because I made some plain old facts to a teenage girl, it brings you guys down and personally talk face-to-face, I should be honoured." He said dryly and continued. "Crush them all you say? You do realise I'm a Rider as well, unless you plan on me being the remaining one.." He said almost thoughtfully

    "Sorry, but my powers are linked to the Grid, so if even if I decided to rebel and crush your foes, they'll be useless, besides... I work for no-one, I'm just... a passing through Kamen Rider, remember that." He said and flipped the card in his hand. "Henshin." He said and hit the sides of his belt after sliding the card in. "Kamen Ride: Decade!" the belt called out and there stood Decade where Tsukasa once stood.

    "Let's go." He said, dusting his hands together.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~
    Shotaro gave a sigh at Phillip's answer. "Yeah, it'll be odd if you were removed from the school for no reason, well, luckily, Eiji and Gentaro are also there along with nearly everyone else, so I doubt they'd make an attack on Nintendo High especially what the students are capable of." He had to give a slight smile at that image.

    Vergil raised his eyebrow ever so slightly, staring at the two white headed males talking of Frollo. "That man? Calling him more fouler than a demon is almost laughable Dante." Vergil said with his hands resting on Yamato's hilt. "If you're telling me a human is more fouler than any demon we've come across, then you are getting weak." Vergil finished calmly.

    ~Yu narukami~

    Yu nodded in response to Minato's answers and stretched his arms out, wondering what the time was.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme
    I simply searched the card name in Cardfight! Vanguard and pasted it into Paint, after that just cut the Grade, Trigger and such until the monster is only left then save it and then create-a-card, afterwards, upload said image and done.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. StardustXtreme
    Here's some decent examples of some created cards I made.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 8, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. StardustXtreme

    ~Detective Agency~

    Shotaro stared at his partner's answer to the question he posed, was it the Museum again? "Can't be the Museum could it?" He muttered with his eyes cast upon a white fedora hat that was slightly damaged at the rim. "If someone's really after you, I think we should keep you out of sight until we figure out who it is, plus... you aren't much of a fighter." He added, but he didn't want to keep Phillip cooped up in here just because of that reason alone.

    ~Yuri and Blanca~

    Yuri kept stroking the animal before getting up and stretching his arms out and placed hands behind his head as he walked down to the living room to sit on a couch.


    Ankh was dragged by Hina's monstrous strength. "I can walk woman!" He said in frustration, how this woman looked so ordinary and yet so strong was something no one's been able to explain at all, not even within her brother's memories was there a explanation.

    ~Dante, Vergil and Nero~

    Vergil just gave a light nod at Nero indicating where his brother was. "it seem things have been... interesting as of late?" He asked Nero, he wasn't one to strike up conversation, but at least the boy was more tolerable than his brother.


    Marvelous sat in a chair with a leg crossed over another. "I don't want to hear that from you Basco." he said rather seriously. "I still don't like what Zordon was thinking, making you a Gokaiger." he said with a tone of contempt as Joe stopped his sit-ups at 500. "Yeah, but nothing we can do about it Marvelous, unless you plan to go against Zordon." He added as Gai was surprised.

    "What? Go up against him!? but he made us Gokaigers and everyone else to protect this city!" He protested in surprise as Marvelous spoke. "He did, but what we do in our time is for us to decide, besides, I'm not one to backstab a person who gave us this power, but we need to grow stronger than before since those S-types beat us quite thoroughly, and I prefer we were the ones to kick their butts than them doing it." He answered.


    Tsukasa paused for a moment and turned his head, he was in a deserted riverbank, seeing a rather strange woman with a staff and he routfit seemingly like she was a another being entirely, it was Rita Repulsa, one of Zordon's enemies, he highly doubted that she'd willingly come down herself, unless she was that stupid. "What do you want?" He asked, produced his Decade Card and Belt Buckle on, but not transforming.

    ~Aoi and Clair~

    Aoi and Claire eventually made it home and first thing they did? lay on a bed to stop aching.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme
    Happy 2014 to all those in the world!
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 3, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. StardustXtreme
    Not that I recall.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    ~Ankh, Eiji and Hina~

    Ankh just merely ignored Eiji. "Do what you want." He answered with arms crossed.

    ~Ramen Place~

    Yu chuckled lightly at Minato's appearance of age and correctly assuming his age and Naoto's questioning of the door, she probably wouldn't understand it, a door leading to a room with a long nosed man named Igor and Margaret whom she met before when they went to rescue Marie but he had to appreciate Naoto's choice of not prying into what the Velvet Room was as she literally shut down any notions of refusing the gratitude from Minato, he had to smile, she certainly did have a way with words and he nodded at Teddie's question to see Nanako.

    "Just take one thing at a time Naoto." He said and flipped open his phone from his pocket and switched it on with his watch being in plan sight showing <1m and eh flipped through his contacts. "We should exchange numbers at least so we can contact each other." Yu suggested to them.

    ~Vergil's whereabouts~

    Vergil entered the room seeing Nero sat in his chair and his brother nowhere to be seen. "...." Vergil had nothing against this youth personally, his brother just took him under his wing and said he had potential, and he did admit, the boy shown some promise, wielding a broadsword one-handed and somehow having the ability to channel flames into it's blade without any demonic power, but it was the arm that was intriguing, from what was said, kid had it the day he was born so it's possible eh was born between a human and demon, oh how he pitied the demon who fallen for such a woman.


    Yuri touched the red hand printed mark where he was slapped, it was worth it. "Should learn to appreciate someone would actually look at it huh boy?" Yuri asked Blanca, rubbing his head.


    Shotaro looked at Phillip as Hermione departed. "Yeah, at least she isn't prying into our status as Double." Shotaro trailed off and looked thoughtful.
    "Why did Yummies appear during the ceremony?" He asked in confusion.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme

    ~Ramen Place~

    Yu heard Mianko's option of finding the Door to the Velvet Room and he had to give a small smile at that answer. "That door can appear anywhere..." He thought n a small chckle, of course Naoto and Teddie wouldn't understand it. "No could of Nao-chan." Yu added to Naoto's words, affectionately calling her by that name. "I supposed our own reflected our hearts, it is a mysterious thing after all." Yu said whimsically. "I'll give the others a call afterwards, it'll be nice to see the team again." Yu gave a smile, reminiscing the times they spent together, the case, the fun time, the sad times, everyone he met.

    "I'm grateful for becoming what I am, without it, I most likely wouldn't of made an effort to create bonds and just seen my year at Inaba as dull and boring, doing part-time jobs and never getting a chance to know my relatives or even make friends with my school-mates, let alone a girlfriend. Sure, we've risked our lives constantly, fighting Shadows, learning secrets no-one wanted to even share, but we pulled through and became what we are, I wouldn't trade it for anything." Yu sad, closing his eyes with a smile and placed his chopsticks down.
    ~Aoi and Clair~

    Aoi gave a few joints of pain as he ad Clair were shouldering each other back to their plce. "Okay... that coulda gone better... Ow ow ow..." Aoi groaned in pain.

    ~Alice's Place~

    Yuri crossed his arms and stared out of a window, overlooking the town, the girl hadn't bothered to kick him out at all, probably because she found it rude to send someone out on a rioting country, and the voice in is head actually became silent and not bugging him, well, unless you count the monster's souls inside of him being quit as well knowing who was in charge but he noticed a door ajar and he tilted his head ever so slightly in confusion and walked towards it, peeking through and seeing quite possibly, the greatest sight man should ever witness, a cute woman wearing underwear and no bra, he could see her curves, everything and he only did the one thing all me do, grin at the sight of heaven.
    "....So worth it...!" He thought with a smile, doing his utmost to burn this image in his mind.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    This mainly due to more popular cosplays circling in, like Attack on Titan, Pokémon, Naruto, just mainly most easy ones to make, some of the really good ones are like gems to be found.

    My most favourite one thus far had to be the Witch-King of ANgmar from LOTR, it was really impressive, there was Voldermort another time I went as Yusei and knelt before him, pledging to spread the word of the Dark Lord to the 5D's universe or introduce the Death Eaters to Card Games.

    It's those ones I enjoy, sure the Con is for all anime nerds to come together and get hard-to-obtain merchandise, but I go for almost mainly the costumes and just see whoever pops up, there was a Dark Kalin from Switzerland I did bump into with Dark Signer Runner Helmet.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 22, 2013 in forum: The Playground