I don't mind it. It was a good song.
-Outside Government Building- After finishing the X-Borgs and Bruisers, Kira and her teammates took their helmets off then looked at Marvelous and the others. Kira was the first to speak, "I don't know who this Zordon is, but I guess you guy deserve to know how we got our morphers. It was about a year ago, I still don't get it but Gia was having us take a alternate route to her house and we ended up near some kind of scientist lab." Gia and Emma kept quiet, remembering that day as Kira explained the origin of their powers to the Gokaiger males. -Flashback: A year ago, Unknown Scientist Lab- While Gia, Kira, and Emma were walking outside the lab, discussing their classes that they had that day, inside the lab, the four test subjects, Troy Burrows, Noah Craver, Jake Holling, and Orion sat in their conjoined room, wondering when they would ever be free. Noah looked at Troy, who was looking out of the window, he was going to ask him something when the guard said they needed to return to testing. Troy sighed and left the window, leading his companions to the lab. The scientists smiled, hoping to make the four into a team stronger than the Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, and Gokaigers. Before they could begin the testing, there was a explosion, sending some of the morphers flying. A strange figure appeared, saying that he would make the four his slaves to rule the world. Kira, Gia, and Emma who had been close by and seen the invaders attack, hid behind a wall and watched the events. Gia took notice of the morphers that had flew in their directions, she whispered to Kira, "Kira, we need to do something. Lets use those weird devices." Kira looked at them, and grabbed the yellow stone which became a silver bracelet around her waist while Gia and Emma grabbed the other devices, the trio suddenly felt a surge of power flow through their bodies and their outfits changed. Without thinking, they ran toward the figure and began to attack while Troy and his companions grabbed their devices then managed to flee the scene, though Jake looked starry eyed at watching Gia. Watching the events was a mysterious cloaked figure. -Present Day: English Class- Troy shook his head as he walked into his English class. He wanted to forget what happened a year ago, he and his companions were free from that strange lab and Kira, Gia, and Emma were using their powers to protect the city with the other teams. Troy wished that Jake didn't want to use his powers just to impress Gia, that wasn't the right reason to use them. -Advanced Calculus- Noah and Orion walked in the Advanced Calculus classroom, also wanting to forget the events of a year ago.Noah looked at Orion who still didn't say anything about his past before the lab. But he was thankful that Orion and Troy found a place for them to live and stretched. -Gym- Jake ran to the boys locker room, ready to get stronger to impress Gia. Though his companions doubted that would ever happen, Jake just smiled and was ready to train for that dream. -Drama Classroom- "Welcome, everyone." Kuja said, stepping from the mini-stage that was in the classroom. "I am Kuja and I hope you will abide by the rules of my class. Or you will exile from this class like Romeo was exiled from Verona." There was a awkward silence, not only for his little speech but also for his rather unique outfit. Hinako wondered how she got the job of teacher assistant to this class in the first place. -French Classroom- Sirius was looking over his class, smiling and wondered where Eiji was when he saw Philip enter the class. "What are you doing here, Philip?" He asked, confused. Philip said,"Eiji is busy with something else, so I decided to volunteer instead. I have read many books on the French languages. Hello, everyone. I am Philip, the school librarian." Sirius sighed and took roll call of everyone. -Flower Shop- "If you're looking for a place to stay, the apartments just above the shop have a spare room." Aerith said, smiling. "If you're willing to help in the shop, than no rent is required." -Inisde Government Building- "Japan is very beautiful. I'm so happy to be here with you, Olaf, and Elsa." Anna said to Hans, smiling at him. Elsa turned to Kuzco and smiled, giving a small laugh before wondering about things back at Arendelle and Marina.
Name: Troy Burrows Description: Troy was one of the test subjects in creating the morphers that Kira and her team uses. After her team had obtained, Troy and the three other test objects managed to escape with their own morphers to use. However, Troy doesn't use it, knowing that Kira and her team, along with the other teams, would be able to protect the city. Occupation: Student/Megaforce & Super Megaforce Red Series the Character is from: Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce Other: Spoiler: Troy Name: Noah Craver Description: Noah is another of the test objects as well as a smart student at Nintendo High. Much like Troy, despite having the same morphers as Gia and Emma, Noah feels that they, along with Kira and the other teams, would be able to protect the city without them. He secretly watches Gia, Emma, and Kira to see how they work with their different powers. Occupation: Student/Megaforce & Super Megaforce Blue Series the Character is from: Power Rangers Megaforce & Super Megaforce Other: Spoiler: Noah Name: Jake Holling Description: Jake is the third test subject as well as another student at Nintendo High. He has a obvious crush on Gia, who ignores his advances. Unlike his companions, Jake wants to use his powers with his morphers, mainly to impress Gia and hopes for her to fall in love with him. He is the only one of the group who has two different colors for his forms. Occupation: Student/Megaforce Black & Super Megaforce Green Series the Character is from: Power Rangers Megaforce & Super Megaforce Other: Spoiler: Jake Name: Orion Description: Orion is the fourth test object and most mysterious of the group. He wouldn't say where he is from or who his family is, though he has told his friend he has been a orphan. Orion isn't sure what to say about Kira and her team or his powers with his morpher, but he mainly agrees with Troy and Noah that they will be able to protect the city without their help, with him adding that they would only help when needed. Occupation: Student/Super Meagforce Silver Series the Character is from: Power Ranger Super Megaforce Other: Spoiler: Orion
Reserving: Gia Moran - Megaforce Yellow (Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce) Troy Borrows - Megaforce Red (Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce) Orion - Super Megaforce Silver (Power Rangers Super Megaforce)
One more week of school, yes!
-Inside Government Building- "Thank you, Hans. I would love one." Anna said, taking the drink when Hans offered her a drink. Elsa was approached by Kuzco, asking her to go and see Porta Vista's beaches. She smiled and said, "Thank you for the offer, sir. I'll think about it." She bowed and went to get a drink. -Outside Government Building- Kira slashed through a X-Borg and ran alongside Marvelous, gripping her Ptera grips and jumped, ready to slash at Vekar. But he teleported out, fighting the remaining X-Borg, Gia said, "Figured he'd chicken out and run. Kira, lets finish off those remaining X-Borgs and Bruisers then head back to school." Kira nodded and used her Ptera Scream to help out, Emma and Gia helped by using the abilities of Mystic Force and Tubro, fighting alongside Don and Basco. -Modern History Classroom- Dante woke up at the sound of the bell and yawned, stretching. He wiped his mouth of the drool and stood up, stretching. Billy sweatdropped as he finished reworking the communicators and Dante walked out to grab a bite. He still rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stretched, cracking his neck. Dante yawned and looked at his communicator, smiling. -Gym- "Man, I can't believe that Gia missed my awesome game play to help the girls wins." Fang said, bumped that Gia had to leave suddenly. Tommy set up her next class, saying, "It's not too bad, Fang. Sides, there will be other times. There, you're all set for your next class. I need to head out for a bit." He stood up and headed out while Fang admired his work of a volleyball net and balls. -Nurse's Office- Koyomi sat in the nurse's office and gasped for air, feeling weak. She waited for Haruto to appear and refill her mana, Koyomi wondered how he was doing in his classes. -Animal Center- Eiji was still thinking about how to fight what kind of Yummy Kimberly will have when it comes out when he saw Tommy enter. "Tommy, what are you doing here?" He asked, closing the O Holder. Tommy reached into his pocket and pulled out three ice creams, he said, "I need to talk with Ankh." Eiji sweatdropped, thinking, 'He came, prepared.' -Children's Card Games 101- "Yami, Yugi, it's great to see you again." Ishizu said, smiling at them. "I came by to say hi and wish you luck on this new school year. Also, you have a new student, Akiza Izinski." Akiza turned light red and bowed, "It's a pleasure to be in this class, sir. I hope to have a great time in this class." "I'll come by once in a while to say hi. Yugi, you'll heal up in no time, I'm sure." Isizhu said, patting her head and went to hug Yugi. She headed to the door and waved at them, leaving. Akiza always thought about how mysterious Isizhu was but she was also so friendly. -Flower Shop- Aerith saw Harold walk by the shop, and smiled, running out to him. "Excuse me, sir. Would you like to buy a flower in memory of the departed on Tuesday? They're not cheap, only 5 yen." chaos smiled at Aerith hiding her excitement for a new costumer.
-Inside Government Building- Elsa nodded, gently taking the pen and signing her name. Anna noticed how calm she was and smiled, knowing if she was nervous or scared, her ice powers would appear and that would possibly ruin this important deal for Arendelle. When Elsa finished, she put the pen down and took a deep breath, smiling at Anna and at the others. -Outside Government Building- "We came to help you girls." Don said, gasping when he saw that Gia and Emma had the same ability to change as they did. Taking out the Green Shinkenger Key and changing into the Green Shinkenger, Don ran and joined them. Basco changed into the black Megaranger and joined the girls as well. Kira looked, with her teammates as well as Marvelous's teammates fighting the X-Borgs and Bruisers, she asked, "Hey, Marvelous. Are you willing to team up with me and go after the spoiled prince?" Ahim and Luka watched the fight from the ship, the two of them cheering for their teammates and saw the powers that Gia and Emma had. Ahim guessed that Marvelous would bring them back to the ship to ask about their powers. -Children's Card Game 101- Akiza calmly entered the classroom and found Isizhu there. "Isizhu, where are you doing here?" She asked, walking up to her. Isizhu smiled at her and said,"Well, I know the teacher who teaches this class. He and I are good friends, and I know his son. I came by to say hello and wish him good luck on this year." Akiza nodded and went to her seat. -Flower Shop- Lenne was helping at the flower shop ever since she came and gave Yuna a surprise visit. Aerith was in the back, arranging some flowers when chaos came to water, he heard Aerith sigh and asked, "What's wrong, Aerith?" "Well, to be honest, it seems a lot more quiet and lonely without Bartz. But I couldn't ask him to stay, he had a promise to keep and I need to respect that." She said, chaos smiled and rubbed her back. -The Gullwings- Yuna and her friends were in the drama class as the teacher, Kuja, appeared and prepared his lesson. Yuna still couldn't believe that Lenne came to visit her and tried to calm down. Rikku cuddled her cousin, helping her calm down while Paine just sat quiet. Belle was also in the classroom, reading a book while waiting.
-Outside Government Building- Basco appeared, changing into his Gokai form. Kira and her team looked at the group, Kira asked, "What are you all doing here?" Surprised at the new arrivals, Vekar shouted, "Don't tell me what to do! I decide if I want to come down on Earth. Bruisers, appear!" As he shouted, the Bruisers appeared, almost the same amount as the X-Borgs. Kira asked, "Emma, Gia, are you ready to go Super Mega?" "Just cover us with your Ptera Scream, and we'll probably go Legendary as well." Kira nodded, saying "Captain, you and your team better cover your ears." Taking a deep breath, Kira screamed loudly, emitting a yellow shockwave to the X-Borgs and Bruisers, making them and Vekar cover their ears in pain. Similar to the Gokaigers, Emma and Gia inserted their keys into their morphers and shouted. Spoiler: Super Mega morph (skip to 0:46) "Super Megaforce Yellow!" "Super Megaforce Pink!" After changing to outfits that were similar to Ahim and Luka's, Gia and Emma inserted different keys, Gia changed into the Yellow Magiranger, or as she called, Mystic Force while Emma changed into the Pink Carranger, or Tubro. They reentered the battle in their new forms, and used their new weapons on the Bruisers and X-Borgs. Vekar was shocked at the new forms, Kira stood back to back with Marvelous and gripped her Ptera Grips. Luka and Ahim watched the fight from the Galleon, hoping the boys would be able to help them. -Inside Government Building- Elsa smiled when she was called, calmly sipping her drink while Anna smiled at her, holding her hand. -Modern History Class- Having no class to teach at the moment, Dante was fast asleep on his deck, snoring and drooling. Billy sweatdropped, wondering how he could be the Modern History teacher, related to Vergil, and the Red Power Ranger. He sighed, adjusting his communicator. -Animal Area- Eiji went to the animal area to clear his head about Kimberly and leaned against the wall, wondering if Ankh knew about the Yummy inside her and what to do when it came out. He looked through O Holder and tried to figure what Cores to use when the Yummy appeared.
-School Dojo- Changing back to normal, James looked at Saix in surprise, he said, "Uh, okay, then.... I'll be leaving then. See you later." He ran off, heading back to Remus's home, his mind on the fight and Saix knowing he was the Black Ranger. -Moon Palace- Zedd hit his fist on the railing, furious at someone who interrupted the fight and ready to create a new monster to destroy the Rangers. Rita rubbed her forehead as though she had a headache from what happened. -Outside the Government Building- Teleporting down outside the government building with a few X-Borgs, Vekar smiled and said, "Soon, I will have a beautiful queen for my own. My father will be pleased with me, unlike my useless older brother." -Music Classroom- While practicing her violin, Kira's new communicator began to go off and she stopped, saying, "Sorry, I need to get this fixed. I'll go do that right now." Running out of the room, Kira summoned her other communicator and spoke, "What is it, Emma?" "Seems like our old friend, Prince Vekar, has come down to Earth for a visit. He's at the government building." Emma said, Kira thought for a moment and said, "Try to get a hold of Gia, and we'll use our new communicators to get there." Kira did wonder if it was the same mysterious person who told Emma where Vekar was as who told them before. -Gym- Gia gasped for air and had a weird feeling about something, Fang looked at her and asked, "You okay, Moran?" "Yeah, just tired, Professor Fang." She said, after thinking for a bit, Fang said, "How 'bout you sit out? I'll take over." Tommy sweatdropped as Fang ran onto the court and watched Gia run to the locker room. Making sure she was alone, Gia answered her morpher, "What's up? "Vekar's come down. We're gonna teleport over there." Kira said. Gia nodded, then pushed a button on her communicator, suddenly teleporting away. -Nintendo Elementary- "Oh, yeah. I think we're in class 82." WilyKat said, trying to remember what class number he and his sister were in. Larsa stood up and said, "I'll show you the way. I'm in class 07 myself." Sakura changed her shoes and headed to her classroom while Larsa showed the Wilys the way to their classroom. -Inisde the Government Building- "It's a honor to be here." Elsa said, bowing at them. Anna bowed as well, "Yes, I am honored as well. I hope we all have a great time here." Elsa and Anna headed to their seats to sit down. -Outside the Government Building- Before Vekar could head to the entrance, Kira, Gia, and Emma suddenly appeared in front of him from the teleports. Surprised, he shouted, "What are you three doing here?! Shouldn't you be in school?" "We should, but we thought it was more important to see what business you wanted this time." Gia said, standing casually. Emma asked, "What are you doing here, anyway?" "I am here to make the beautiful queen that is visiting here my bride." The girls kept quiet, remembering how a queen from a far away country was visiting to make trade deals with the prime minister before laughing out loud. Getting really mad, Vekar stomped his foot and asked, "What's so funny?! As a prince, I must take a royal woman as a bride!" "Yeah, but we just can't see someone being with a brat like you." Kira said, catching her breath. Getting very very mad, Vekar ordered the X-Borgs to attack them, Kira smiled as her Yellow Dino Gem changed into her Dino Morpher and Emma and Gia pulled out their Gosei Morphers. "Ptera Power, Dino Thunder!" "Go Go Megaforce!" Spoiler: Kira's morph (skip to 0:46) Spoiler: Emma and Gia's morph (skip to 1:00) Activating their morphers, Kira's clothes vanished in a flash of light and she did a backflip with her uniform forming, landing on the ground with it cracking as some lava came out then her helmet forming on her head. Doing the same as Kira, Gia and Emma's clothes suddenly changed into their uniforms and they also did backflips as the spirits of their animals appear going to them and formed their helmets. "Claw of the Tiger, Megaforce Yellow!" "Flame of the Phoenix, Megaforce Pink! Now they were completely transformed, Kira and her team stood ready for the attack.
-Government Building- Stepping out of the limo, Elsa and Anna smiled and curtsied before them, Elsa stood up first and said, "Hello, I am Elsa, queen of Arendelle. It's a pleasure to meet you two." "Hello, I'm Anna, Elsa's younger sister and the princess of Arendelle." Anna said, smiling and looking at them. -Armada Mothership- Watching on a montior from the deck of the mothership, Vekar saw Elsa and Anna exit the limo and was suddenly in love with Elsa's beauty. "Forget the Action Commander, I will go down to Earth myself! I will make that that queen my queeen!" He declared, leaving everyone in shock and surprise by his declaration. -School Dojo- Smiling as he saw Goldar about to attack him, James got out his Power Morpher and shouted, "Mastodon!", changing into his Power Ranger form and used his Power Axe to block Goldar's attack. He said, "I may be old, but I got some tricks up my sleeve. Who said you can't teach a old dog new tricks?" He smirked behind his helmet. -Gym Class- Tommy kept track of points for the teams, and watched, interested. Fang also watched and smiled, Gia cheered at Katniss scoring for the girls and went after the ball next, tossing it at one of the other girls on the team. While watching, Tommy did wonder where did Kira, Emma, and Gia get their powers from and if they wanted a mentor despite him being part of another team. -Nintendo Elementary: Playground- Larsa, Sakura, and the Wilys looked at Max who was boasting about his kill, Sakura looked at Larsa and asked him, "Hey, Larsa-kun. Aren't you pretty wealthy yourself?" "Yes, but my family is also one of the sponsors to the Tokyo Cathedral. So, while I do agree with the others, there is nothing I can do, really." Larsa said, not wanting to argue. Hearing him, the Wilys came over and WilyKat asked, "So does that mean you're a devoted Christian or something? Because you don't look it." "I agree, by the way, I'm WilyKit Potter and this is my brother, WilyKat Potter." WilyKit said, introducing herself and her brother. While Sakura thought about how she recalled their last name, Larsa gave a small laugh, "No, it's just something my family has done for a long time. While I do believe in God and all that, I follow my own path in life."
-Nintendo High: Entrance- Rise smiled and heard the bell, "I'll talk to you during lunch, senpai. I need to get to my first class." "Anyway, great to see you again, Narukami. Sure has been awhile." Chie said, smiling at Yu as she and Yukiko walked to him. Yukiko said, "Um, do you think you can show us to our classes, Narukami?" -Music Classroom- Kira put her guitar away and watched the brooms come in with the instruments to use for the practice, Nero was a bit surprised to see moving broomsticks and kept quiet. Kira picked a large bass violin while Nero picked a flute to play, tuning her new violin, Kira began to play it and tried to keep sure she was used to it. Nero began to play the flute, trying to remember how to hold it and play it. -Gym- Gia looked at Will with an unimpressed look, stretching, Fang looked at the equipment Tommy had brought out and the students who came to her class. "Alright, everyone. We're playing a game of basketball, girls against boys. Lets begin." She said, as Tommy blew the whistle to begin the game and tossed the ball to one of the students to catch. -School Dojo- 'I'm old? He should see Dante, he's at least nine years younger than me and looks likes he's a little older.' James thought, sweatdropping at Goldar calling him old, not knowing that Dante gave a little sneeze in his classroom. He listened to Goldar offer to join him and Zedd, with a sigh and pressing up his glasses, James said, "Sorry, but I'm afraid I have to decline that offer. I have may not been a Ranger long, but I have a reason to stay one. Though I doubt you would understand." 'Honestly, I can't imagine him with a child,' James thought to himself. -Nintendo Elementary: Entrance- Waving goodbye to Remus as he left, WilyKat and WilyKit ran to the playground to play after nodding at Jessiebelle. Larsa noticed them and smiled, remembering as he was once that innocent and playful, putting a bookmark in his novel and watched the children on the playground. Sakura roller-bladed to the entrance, "Good morning, Miss Jessiebelle." "Barely made it again, eh, Kimonoto?" Larsa said, as she came to the playground. Sakura sweatdropped as she looked at the Wilys. -Limo- "Thanks, Hans. I really like that." Anna said, smiling. Elsa sat in the limo, looking out the window and wondering how things were doing back in the kingdom.
Name: Tomoyo Daidouji Description: Sakura's best friend and her second cousin on her mother's side. She is the daughter of the Daidouji Toy Company President, thus living a life of luxury and wealth and being guarded by a team of female bodyguards. Tomoyo is a talented seamstress as she created the many outfits and costumes Sakura would wear when she captured a Clow Card, which Tomoyo would capture on video. She would also created a matching accessory for Kero to wear during the missions. Tomoyo is also a talented singer and has sung in many school performances. Occupation: Student Series the Character is from: Card Captor Sakura Other: Spoiler
-Nintendo High: Entrance- A limo drove up to the entrance of Nintendo High and when it stopped, its occupants stepped out. One was the idol, Rise Kujikawa, after her stepped out a young girl with long black hair wearing red and a short haired brunette wearing green, but all three girls wore the school uniform in their unique way. Looking around, Rise found Yu and waved at him, "Senpai!!!!! Over here!!!!!" -Music Classroom- Kira entered the music classroom and went to her seat, opening the case of her guitar. Pulling it out, she began to tune it and play it a little, playing the melody of the song that she sung with Emma on Tuesday. Nero listened to her and looked at her, noticing her appearance didn't make her look like she was interested in music. -Gym- Tommy and Gia entered the Gym as Fang was finishing up her practicing. Tommy got out the gym equipment needed for the lesson, setting it up and waited for Fang to finish to start the lesson. -Memorial Site- "Yes, I'm coming." Elsa said, standing up and turning around, as she headed for the limo. Anna heard Olaf talk to her and wiped her eyes, "I'm fine, Olaf. Just thinking about our parents." -Nintendo Elementary: Entrance- "WilyKat Potter!" WilyKat said, excited, WilyKit was a bit more shy as she spoke, "WilyKit Potter." "Now, you two, promise you'll behave, be good, and make lots of new friends." Remus said. WilyKat and WilyKit nodded, Remus smiled, saying, "I'll come by this afternoon to pick you up with your father, hopefully." Larsa sat at the entrance to the playground, reading a novel. -Moon Palace- "Well, Goldar, head down to Earth and recruit James to the side of evil." Zedd said, then used his magic to send down a squad of Putties to restrain him in case he would attack back, which he was sure he would. -School Dojo- Standing up and grabbing a towel to wipe his sweat, James gasped when he saw in a flash of light, a group of gray creatures with large emblems on their chests appear. Seeing as they headed toward him and began to attack, James attacked back. When one grabbed him by the arm, James hit it on the emblem and it shattered. Seeing as he found their weak point, James smiled and began to attack more on the emblem.
-Empty Hallway- After parting ways with Nala, Kimberly gasped when she pushed against the wall and faced Kazari again, in his human form, who smiled very cat-like. "Well, seems like the kitten in you is growing pretty steadily. Bet with a day like today, it will mature and awaken." Kimberly was too scared to say anything while Eiji nearly walked in on the scene and watched, wondering what Kazari was doing with Kimberly. -Music Classroom- "Good morning, Mr. Yen Sid, Loki. Finally able to make it on time today." Nero said, rubbing his head and smiling. With a sigh, he stretched and waited for class to start so his mind would be on something other than Dante and his worry over him teaching his class. -Tommy's Office- The three girls wondered why Tommy asked them to talk with him, each had their reason about why and kept quiet when he pulled something out from the desk. "Here." He said, handing them three watch-like device. The girls seemed to notice the device were shaped like Tommy's communicator, each with their color, Kira's being a dark yellow, Gia's a bright yellow, and Emma's being the only pink, Emma asked, "Why?" "In case there is a attack by your enemy that is too far for you to reach. Since you use your morphers as your communicators, the audio function has disabled but you can use these to teleport to where you need to go." With a nod, the girls took their communicators, placing them on their wrists, Kira put hers on her other wrist since her right had her Dino Gem, and then parted to their classes. Kira heading to Music, Emma going to French Class, and Gia walking toward Gym. -School Library- Hermione helped Philip in the library, doing what she could before she had to go to her first class. Philip sat at the desk, looking through his blank book and looking through the GaiaLibrary to pass the time. -Akiza- After Sunset Shimmer left, Akiza began to eat her breakfast, still pondering how her first day of class will go. She looked at the classroom number for her first class and left the dorm room, locking the door and putting it in her pocket, before heading to her class. -Gym- Taking a deep breath, Fang began to practice her gymnastics on the gym mats and her mob of fans were watching her from the door. She remained focused on her practicing, not noticing her fans watching her. -Nintendo Elementary- Larsa rode his limo to Nintendo Elementary, stepping out when he arrived at the school entrance. "I'll see you after school, Karin. Take the time to explore the city until than." "Y-yes, take care in school, Lord Larsa." Karin said, closing the door and the limo leaving as Remus came up with the Wilys, who had enchantments on them to hide their beast-like features. -Memorial Site- Making sure Anna was keeping watch while she still sat in the limo, Elsa used her magic to create a beautiful snow rose and stepped out, placing her rose with the others on the site. Anna kept quiet, thinking about her and Elsa's parents. -Moon Palace- "Goldar, seems like James is doubting his role as the Black Ranger." Zedd told him, looking at him. "I think maybe we should have him join and quit being a Power Ranger." Rita opened a eye and listened in on their conversation.
-Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm- Akiza went to the bedroom and brushed her teeth as well as made sure her hair was thoroughly brushed. Taking a deep breath, she took one last look in the mirror and left the bathroom, heading for the kitchen area and making herself some toast. While she got the butter out, Akiza wondered how her first day of class would go and if she would meet any new friends. -Modern History Class- While Billy discussed the lesson for the day, Dante yawned and laid his head on his desk. He looked at the new revised communicator that Billy gave him when he came to the class, remembering what he was told the new controls. He yawned and waited for class to start. -Music Room- Nero entered the music classroom, sighing in relief that he actually made in time for class today. He went to his seat and sat down, crossing his legs after he sat in his seat. Looking at his covered Devil Bringer, Nero thought about what was going to happen today. Spoiler: banners -School Entrance- Kira and her team came up to the sight and kept quiet, Koyomi kept quiet and stayed close to Haruto, wondering how the person he talked with knew that he was Wizard while Natsumi continued to the shoe lockers. Ahim tightly held Luka's hand as she looked while Basco continued to the entrance and Don sighed. Tommy came to the entrance and looked at the three girls, "Kira, Gia, Emma, I would like to talk with you three. Come with me." Kengo simply continued to the entrance while Gentaro admired the JIA's appearance. Kimberly tried not to show herself to Tommy which Nala noticed. -Teacher Lounge- Thomas entered the teacher's lounge and got himself a bottle of water, thinking about how tough the training was when James joined him and Tommy in the dojo. He ignored what was going and looked at his power coin, pocketing it. -School Dojo- James stretched and sat at the entrance of the dojo, resting. He thought to himself, 'It had been so long since I trained like that, guess I'm getting old.' He sighed in relief, and looked at his communicator, wondering if he was a good choice. -Empty Classroom- Namine stayed in the empty classroom, continuing her sketches. She began to sketch the new members of the Power Rangers, those being Dante, James, and Nala. She added little shadows behind them, as if there was other hidden secrets about him. -Tokyo Harbor- Elsa and Anna nodded and entered the car, Elsa looked out the window and wondered what was going to happen while they were in Tokyo while Anna imagined getting closer to Hans. -Moon Palace- While Rita was sleeping, Zedd watched the activities of Earth and took noticed James' distress over his role as a Power Ranger, thinking about a plan to make him doubt his role even more and almost quit it entirely.
It was your Max.
-Wajima Shop [Three Days Ago]- Koyomi nodded, "Yes, that's right. A good way to see what power it has." She still wondered why Ron made it and just kept quiet, looking at him. -Sakura, Syaoran, and Kero [Three Days Ago]- "Maybe, but he definitely seemed like blood and flesh, with a huge magical ability." Kero said, taking another bite of the cake. Sakura looked at the clock, and said, "It's getting late. Li-kun, I'll see you at school." Collecting Kero, she put him in her bag and waved at Syaoran before roller-bladed home. -Rise's Call [Three Days Ago] "Yeah, no problem~" Rise said, happily. "Well, then. I'll see you later, senpai~" With that, Rise hung up on her cell phone. -Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm- Akiza combed her hair and got dressed, with her front hair curled up with her hair clip. She yawned and waited for Sunset Shimmer to finish to use the bathroom. Akiza wondered if she would be able to make more friends as she put on her necklace. She collected her deck, putting it in her Deck Holder then strapped it around her waist. -Pacific Ocean: Off the Coast of Japan- Elsa and Anna came out of their rooms, and looked out at the city from the ship. "Tokyo, it's a beautiful city." "Yes, it is very beautiful." Anna said, smiling as she looked at the city. Elsa looked at the sky and hoped nothing would happen. -Tokyo Street- Kira kept quiet as she and her team continued to walk toward the school, walking past Max. "You're quiet, Kira. What's up?" "Just taking notice how quiet our dear spoiled prince has been." Kira said, holding the case of her guitar. Emma nodded, "That's true, it does seem like he has been very quiet lately." "Yeah, as much as I liked the break, I think it will get boring without his annoying commanders." Gia said. (Incoming Vekar banner) -Armada Mothership- "A banquet?" Vekar asked after being informed by Damaras, looking at his adviser, who bowed at him. "Yes, your majesty. Apparently, some royals are getting together to make deals of trade between their kingdoms." "The only trade deal they will make is between us!" Vekar shouted. "Send down the perfect Action Commander when the banquet begins!"
-Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm- Yawning and waking up, Akiza heard Sunset Shimmer what classes she had today. Rubbing her eyes as she reached for the schedule of the classes Ishizu picked, Akiza looked at it and said, "First period is Children's Card Games 101, second period is History, then lunch, after that is French, and my last class of the day is Demonology." Sitting up, Akiza still rubbed her eyes and yawned, trying to wake up. -Beat and Rhyme's Home- "I'm coming!" Rhyme said, coming from her room in her school uniform. She smiled, "Good morning, Joshua. Hope you had a good break over the last few days." She stretched and couldn't wait to see her friends at school again. -Detective Agency- "Shotaro, Philip, good morning." Hermione said, entering the agency and looking around for them. Philip appeared and said, smiling, "Good morning, Mione-chan. I'm almost ready to head for school. Make yourself some coffee if you want." Hermione nodded and went to the coffee machine, making herself some coffee. -Harry and Draco's Dorm- Harry turned off his alarm clock when it went off, and was about to go back to sleep if it weren't the voice of his now roommate. "Potter, it's time to get up and make my morning tea." "Draco, we're supposed to be roommates...... I'm not your servant." Harry said, groggily as he sat up on his elbows. Fortunately, his Riolu was sleeping soundly in its own bed, how Harry envied it right now. Draco either didn't hear him or simply didn't care as he said, "Well, in my London home, someone always makes my morning tea for me." "You're not in London anymore, you're in Japan...." Harry whispered to himself as he got out of his bed and went to the kitchen. -Student Shoe Lockers- Billy was putting the new revised communicators in the lockers of the Riders and the Gokaigers. When he opened one of the lockers, unfortunately, Ryotaro was walking to the locker and was hit in the face by it. Seeing who was hit, Billy was surprised and knelt by his side, "Ryotaro, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there, are you alright?" However Ryotaro was still unconscious from the hit. -School Dojo- Tommy and Thomas were in the dojo, practicing their martial arts when they heard a voice, "Mind if I join you guys?" Standing at the entrance was James, also in martial arts gear. Tommy and Thomas smiled, as James stepped into the dojo and it somehow became a three-way match between them. James proved that he was evenly matched with the twins in his martial arts, but was a little stronger. Tommy and Thomas were just having a bit nostalgic feeling by having him around. -Tokyo Street- Kimberly was walking to the school, wondering if anyone will join her club when Nala joined her. "Mind if I join you on the way to school?" "We're teammates now, of course I don't mind." Kimberly said, smiling. Nala smiled back, almost forgetting that she was now a Power Ranger and walked with Kimberly. -Empty Classroom- Namine sat in a empty classroom, sketching in her sketchbook. She had begun to realize her sketches had something to do with the groups of the heroes, the Power Rangers, the Kamen Riders, the Gokaigers, and a mysterious fourth group. Namine wondered who the fourth group was and if the connection to the first three was because of the White Wizard. -School Roof- Kazari laid on the roof of the school in his Greeed form, sleeping. He had decided to stick around the school and wait to see if there was a way to capture Philip that way. He also thought it was a good way to regain his Cores back from Ankh, he smiled slightly. -Sirius' Classroom- Hina was with Eiji, helping him prepare for the classes he would help Sirius with in the day. "Thanks for helping me with this, Hina-chan." Eiji said, sheepishly smiling at Hina. Hina smiled back and said, "It's no problem. I have time before my classes start." She smiled and continued to help Eiji. -Tokyo Street- Kira and Emma walked to school, talking about how their team would become known around the city when they heard a voice, "Kira, Emma!" "Gia, hey!" Emma shouted, waving at their other teammate. Gia ran up to them, and they began to walked to school together, beginning to talk again about what they discussed before. -Wajima Shop- Koyomi stood in her room, trying on her uniform for Nintendo High while Wajima braided her hair for her first day. She tried not to show it, but Koyomi felt very nervous, however she was happy that she would be with Haruto. -Gokaigers- Ahim helped Don, Basco, and Gai make breakfast for the team, Basco just kept quiet and made screambled eggs while Ahim poured the cups for everyone and Don made bacon. Luka sat, waiting and counting her jewels. She stretched and wondered what was going to happen today. -Dante, Vergil, & Nero- Dante laid on his bed, snoring and drooling in a mess of a bed. Nero was in his room, dressed in his school uniform and finished wrapping the Devil Bringer in a bandage, waiting for when they could change into the winter uniforms and he could use a glove instead of a bandage. He blew a air horn in Dante's room, ignoring him as he shouted, "What the hell, Nero?!" "Time to get up, Dante. Remember, you're a teacher. Though I'm still wondering how you got the job." Nero said, grabbing his bag and heading to school. -Fang and Vanille's Home- Fang slept in her room, snoring in her pillow while the rest of her bed was a mess. She turned off her alarm, and still slept with her hand on her alarm clock, sleeping with her snores being muffled by her pillow. -Kengo's House- Kengo was praying at his father's memorial shrine, enjoying the peace and quiet when he heard a familiar voice, "Good morning, Kengo-kun!!" "Kisaragi-kun, what are you doing here?" Kengo said, walking to Gentaro who was at his front door. Gentaro smiled, "I'm just making sure that you're doing okay, and if you are ready for school!" Kengo rolled his eyes and grabbed his school bag as well as the suitcase in case of a attack. -Hikari Photo Studio- Natsumi woke up and yawned, getting ready for school. Walking to Tsukasa's room, she knocked on his door and said, "Tsukasa, it's time to get up and get ready for school." She stretched and went to get some breakfast.
Spoiler: many banners -Temporal Tower- While waiting for a answer, Hermione tried to shake the weird feeling she had. She couldn't describe it, but she hoped whatever feeling it was, she was wrong. Tommy held Kimberly with one arm and held the key to his Black Dino Ranger form in the other hand. Harry changed into White Mage, and held his staff, waiting for a answer. -Battle- Lockon watched the battle begin and tried to think of what to do when Lyle began to shoot in Cheribum's spinner mode. Wielding the GN Sword, Setsuna swung it at Thymilph's Gunman with Rei joining him in the attack. Asuka, along with Tieria, went after Viral's Gunman, leaving Lockon with a choice on who he needed to help. "What should I do? Should I help Setsuna or should I help Tieria?" He pondered to himself, his Haro said, flapping its ears, "Hard choice, hard choice!"
-Arendelle- Seeing Hans offer his arm, Anna smiled, taking it, and said, "Yes, we shall." "Well, Marina, until we return, Arendelle is under your rule." Elsa said, Marina bowed, "I promise to do my best until you return." Elsa smiled and boarded the ship, with Anna following her. Marina waved at them. -Emma's home- Seeing her team leader sleeping, Emma smiled and pulled a blanket over her. Leaning over her ear, Emma whispered, "Don't worry, everything will be alright, Kira. We will protect Tokyo and Japan with everything we have and maybe.... we'll discover the meaning of our powers." Kira just slept, and Emma just smiled at her, looking at her yellow gem bracelet. Emma pulled out her Gosei morpher and her Ranger Key, wondering where their powers came from. -Granger Home- Hermione sat on her bed, looking at the remaining necklaces, which were the GaiaMemories of Metal, Heat, and Trigger. She wondered who to give them, sighing. Touching the Luna memory necklace around her neck, Hermione took it off and laid on her bed, slowly falling asleep after pondering how Shotaro and Philip were doing back at the agency. -Kadaj, Loz, & Yazoo- At the home that was shared between the three silver haired brothers, Kadaj looked at his special garden that was made with the help of his brothers. Yazoo sat in his office, reading one of the books he got from the bookstore he worked at. Meanwhile, Loz was working out in his room, each of the brother's rooms there was a single flower, Kadaj wondered if he would be able to talk to Aerith one day. -Kuchiki manor- Within the room of the Kuchiki family head, Byakuya sat at the memorial shrine of his wife, praying to her spirit. During the day, he had stayed at the manor, merely hearing about the riots and the chaos that happened in the city. Byakuya kept silent and looked at his wife's picture, hoping that Rukia was okay.