I saw, and it was so terrifying. I can't believe that happened, that poor girl..... I hope we can find one of her friends and warn them about the danger. But where can we even find them? Pinkie, do you know where we can find one of her friends? Unless you're busy, playing to get the attention of her opponents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Where am I? Last thing I remember is that I dueled against Supreme King, next thing nothing. Am I dead? He did say 'the stars', so I guess it's true. This place is so dark, it reminds me of my time as the Black Rose. Guess I did so much bad, that this is really what I deserve despite having become a Signer and being friends with Yusei and the others. I wish there was some way for me to communicate with him. But how?
I don't mean any harm, but may I ask what are you doing? Why are you playing so many instruments at once? Oh, sorry. Introductions. My name is Xion, just Xion. And who are you, miss?
What the? Whatever that thing is, it seems like it's looking for someone. I should follow it and make sure it won't cause any harm. Though I still can't believe what happened to that girl.
All the cards are fine, SirFred. Sides, it's been a really long time since I have dueled. The usage of the cards are based on the person who uses them.
Nah, it's Ahim de Famille, a character from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. It's just a adorable scene of her from one of the episodes.
I lost......? No....... Sorry we couldn't spend more time together, Misa. And I hope Yusei can beat him. Well, goodbye........
So, you want to play. Fine, I'll be your playmate. -Draw Phase- I draw. -Standby Phase- Hand: 4 -Main Phase- I play the Witch of the Black Rose in ATK Postion. And since this card was normal summoned when I have no cards on the field, I draw a card from my deck. Hand: 4 Reveal from my hand, Hedge Guard. Now I combine my Hedge Guard and Witch of the Black Rose to Snycho Summon my Black Rose Dragon. Now I will show you why I was feared as the Black Rose by activating my Black Rose Dragon's effect to remove my Rose Fairy from the Graveyard to change your Destiny HERO - Disk Commander into ATK position and reduce its ATK to 0. Black Rose Dragon, destroy his Disk Commander! I will warn you now, this is only the start of my power. -Main Phase 2- I set two cards face-down then play Violet Witch in ATK. And I end my turn. Back: Front: Your turn, King.
You will not rule the world. Me and my Black Rose Dragon will stop you from even trying, Supreme King so I hope you're prepared to lose to the Black Rose. Now I draw. I activate the field spell, Black Garden. Then I place the Twilight Rose Knight in Attack Position. And because I normally summoned the Twilight Rose Knight, I can special summon a Level 4 or lower Plant-Type monster from my hand. So, I hope that you learn that every rose has its throns as I special summon Rose Fairy in Attack Position from my hand. I end my turn.
You, if you know who I am then you should know that it is foolish to duel the Black Rose. I might not have dueled in a while, but I am always ready for a duel. But I will let you know that I will not the victim, the victim will be you. I accept the conditions of the duel.
Wow, that was a amazing duel. Yusei hasn't changed at all, I was glad to see him duel again. Well, Misa did good too. I need to get back into shape and start dueling again myself.
Yes, Yusei is one of my dear friends. He helped me see the errors of what I was doing before and I have supported him ever since. And nice to meet you, Misa. I hope you have a good time here in New Domino and find who you are looking for.
-Command Center- "Yes, lets find the boys and hear their story." Navi said, excited about what the boys had to say about their powers and why they were the ones who created the Morphers that Gia, Emma, and Kira used. -Gym- Kira watched the game from the door and facepalmed as she watched Ed shoot the ball into the sky. 'That's worse than my using the Ptera Scream.' She thought to herself, Fang asked Tommy as she watched, ""Yo, Tommy, is it coming back?""No, it's not. Alright, everyone, hit the showers. It was a good game." Tommy said, watching everyone go to the locker rooms. When Jake was in the locker room, he felt something and found himself suddenly teleported away in a green flash. -English- Gia waited outside the English Room, not sure what would happen if she got caught, sneaking in late for English. 'I can't knock that spoiled prince off his throne and be able to get to class on time.' Gia thought to herself, looking in the classroom. Troy looked at the door, knowing that Gia was there but didn't say anything to keep her out of trouble. He suddenly felt weird as he found himself teleported in a red light, Gia realized that was similar to what happened to her, Kira, and Emma. -Advanced Calculus- Having finished their tests, Noah was thinking about Orion could be from and wrote down possible locations on a spare piece of paper. Orion kept quiet, thinking about his family and what was going to him and the boys now. Suddenly, Noah and Orion suddenly found themselves in a blue and gray light respectively and teleported away. -Emma- Emma didn't head to the Music Classroom and headed for the garden, instead. She calmly entered the garden and admired the flowers, smelling the scents of the flowers and forgetting the craziness of the fight from earlier. She thought to when Kira heard her singing, and blushed slightly, smiling. Shaking her head, Emma sighed and looked at the flowers. -Drama Classroom- "Alright, class. Here is your first assignment. Write a page about what you feel about plays and what your most favorite play is." Kuja said, giving his classroom their assignment for day. "I expect to see the page on my desk by Monday. You'll have the weekend to work on it." -Eiji & Kimberly- When Eiji gently touched Kimberly, she jumped and saw, saying, "Eiji, you surprised me." "Sorry, Kimberly. Just wanted to make sure you were alright." Eiji said, smiling and stood with Kimberly, talking about random things. Kimberly seemed nervous and Eiji arresured she was fine and safe, though he wasn't trying to take her away from Tommy. -Flower Shop- Elsa looked at Harold who came in and asked her why the police were after her, she calmed down and said, "I don't know why they are after me. It could be because of my powers." She waved her hand and created a wisp of snow, Elsa looked down and said, "This might be my fault because I got mad at my sister for suddenly getting engaged to someone she knew for a few days." -Anna- "Okay, thank you." Anna said, smiling as she hid her worry and went to the limo. She sighed and wondered if her sister was alright. -Tokyo Cathedral- Alice finished praying and got up, Karin walked up to her and said, "Um, excuse me, may I spend some time with you? I've seen you here a few times. My name is Karin." "Sure, nice to meet you, I'm Alice." Alice said, smiling at her. Edge watched them and smiled while Cecil sighed and Edward kept quiet, thinking what Edge planned was wrong and could easily fail. They headed outside and Karin blushed when she saw Yuri waiting for Alice.
Oh, Yusei, hi. And hello to our new friend. It is nice to have new people join the arena. I am Akiza, Akiza Izniski. I am part of Team 5D's with Yusei, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Hi, Jaden. It's nice to see you doing well, and the arena as well. I hope my being gone hasn't caused any problems to you and the others. I'll try to be here as often as I can.
Spoiler Sorry about not posting here in forever. School and life kept knocking at my door and kept me busy from being here. I haven't had time to duel either, so I'm probably very rusty. But I hope that everyone is alright.
-Command Center- "Alright. Just in case, here are their names, Troy Burrows, Noah Craver, Jake Holling, and Orion." Kira said as she and her team prepared to leave. Gia stretched and said, "That spoiled prince will probably attack again after he calms down. We'll be ready for the attack." "Well, hopefully, we'll see you next, Zordon." Emma said, bowing as they teleported away. -School Hallway- Kira, Gia, and Emma appeared in a empty hallway and made sure that no one saw them. "Looks like we're safe. What period is it, anyway?" Gia asked, Emma thought for a moment and said, "Second period, I believe." "Alright, I hope no one saw us and we're not seen while going to our classes." Kira said as they headed to their respective classes. -Inside Government Building- "I believe so." Anna said, praying for her sister's safety and hoping what Hans and Olaf said was true about why her sister suddenly left the building. She hoped that Elsa was found, safe and sound. -Flower Shop- Since Elsa was following what the note said, she went to the window in the room and gasped when she saw a police bike in the front of the building, covering her mouth and tried to think about why the police were after her, all the opinions not the greatest. Elsa stepped back from the window to keep herself from being seen by anyone. -Drama Classroom- "We will be doing actual acting in this class soon, but now, let us continue to learn about Hamlet." Kuja said, before discussing the rest of the first act while Hinako wrote down important points of the act. -Eiji- "Than you would sensed the Yummy already. Sides, you'll get a lot of Cell Medals, considering how long it's been since you sensed it last." Eiji said, looking at Ankh and closing the O Holder. "If you're not going to help me, I guess I'm going to cut how many topsicles you're going to have tonight. But excuse me, I need to find Kimberly." He ran out to find the Pink Ranger. -Kimberly- Eiji sighed in relief when he found Kimberly by herself in the back of the school. He kept quiet as he watched her, and gasped when he saw some silvery bandage on her body. With a sigh, he knew that he had to wait to help his friend. -Gym- Jake blew a raspberry at Ed and watched the game, waiting for his turn. When one of the girls tossed it back to the guys' side, Tommy jumped up and tossed back. The girls waiting on the bleachers squealed in excitement at seeing Tommy, Fang smiled as she gave points to each team when they scored. Jake looked at Tommy and hoped that he would be able to fight like him. -Tokyo Cathedral- Alice walked to the entrance of the cathedral and turned to Yuri, she said sternly, "I'm going to pray for a bit. If you don't believe in God, then don't follow me in. But if you do, don't say anything to offend the archdeacon." She entered the cathedral and went to a pew to pray. Cecil and Edward kept quiet, praying for their own safety, while Edge was checking out Karin who was admiring the church. -Moon Palace- Zedd watched and smiled as the confrontation between the three girls and Zordon, realizing that he now had enemies to fight and thought of a new plan to stop, desptie knowing that they had Vekar as a enemy.
-Command Center- When Zordon appeared, Kira, Gia, and Emma had one thing that they were thinking at the same time, 'That is one big head.' Hearing them say that they wanted to learn about how they became Power Rangers, Kira took a breath and retold her story of how they obtained their morphers with their first morph, adding as she remembered, that was the only time the boys who appeared from the lab had morphed. She explained that after that first morph, Gia tried using her Dino Gem, but couldn't do anything as though the Gem had bonded with Kira. Kira explained how they met Vekar and fought his commanders in the past, Emma added that six months after, they found their Ranger Keys and were able to use their Legendary Morphers. -Government Building- "No, I didn't....." Anna said, surprised at her sister's powers. She had just assumed that she was good at making ice sculptures, putting her hands together, Anna prayed for Elsa's safety. "Elsa....." -Flower Shop/Apartments: Harold's Room- Elsa slept soundly and woke up, finding herself in a unknown room. She found a towel on her head and read the note that was next to her. Getting out of the bed, she did find the door unlocked. 'Almost a freshening change from when I was growing up.' She thought to hserself. Looking around, Elsa had one question, where was she? -Koyomi & Haruto- Feeling Haruto look at her, Koyomi looked at him and asked, "What are we doing to prevent this again, Haruto?" She looked down and not sure what to do. -Drama Classroom- "Yes, may the rest of you follow young Max Goof's example and know the stories of the plays we will learn this year." Kuja said, and turned, to write some notes on the play and the other plays, such as Death of a Salesman, Phantom of the Opera, the Crucible, and Romeo & Juliet. Hinako sweatdropped and smiled, stretching. -Eiji and Ankh- "But I know Kimberly never had selfish desires. How were you not able to sense it?" Eiji said, looking at the red Bird Greeed. "Is it possible that you are getting rusty? Oh, well, better plan how to stop it." He looked through the O Holder on what Combo to use. -Gym- Tommy took the ball and stood on the boys' side, tossing it in the air as Fang blew the whistle to start the game. He hit it across the net to the girls side and watched the girls hit back. Jack jumped up and hit it across the court, Fang watched carefully and made sure no one cheated. -Alice & Yuri- Alice took a breath and continued, more carefully and looking around. She wondered if someone was following her, she thought to herself, 'I should go to the cathedral and pray for safety today.' She stayed by Yuri's side and walked calmly.
-Outside Government Building- Kira and her team looked at each other, wondering what Marvelous was taking around when they were suddenly taken into the teleport system without them using it. Ahim watched them to go to the Command Center, and sighed. Luka patted her head and said, "It will be alright. I'm sure that they will be alright. Lets go put on some tea and relax. Though I am curious about Emma and Gia's powered form and them using similar keys." "Yeah." Don said, stretching. Basco just kept quiet and headed to the crow's nest. -Command Center- Navi looked and jumped to see Kira, Emma, and Gia appear from the teleport system.The three looked around and Navi flew up to them, saying, "You three must be the those unique Rangers. I'm Navi, nice to meet you." "Aww, you are so adorable!" Emma said, looking at Navi, Gia rubbed her hair and said, "Can someone tell us where we are? And who are we supposed to meet?" -Inside Government Building- Anna went to Elsa, who was surprised and worried. She wasn't sure how to react to her sister's engagement or Kuzco asking her to marry him, Anna asked her, "Elsa, would you bless mine and Hans' wedding?" "Anna, you just can't marry a man who you have known a few days." Elsa said, worried about her sister's sudden engagement, Anna pouted and said, "You can if it's true love." 'What do you know about love?' Elsa thought to herself before saying, "Sorry, but I will not bless the wedding." "Please, Elsa. When we were younger, you used to shut me out. Just give me this happiness for once." "I said no!" Elsa shouted, waving her hand and a wave of spiked ice appeared, separating her from the others. Scared, Elsa ran out of the building, grabbing a cloak to hide herself. -Flower Shop- Seeing Harold enter the shop, Aerith smiled and said, "Sorry to put you on register duty so quickly, but Lenne, chaos, and I need to head out and get supplies. If anyone comes by, ask what kind of flowers they would like and add the amount in your head before giving them the total. Good luck." She left with Lenne and chaos, a little while after they left, a person wearing a cloak appeared in front of the shop and fell unconscious. -Nurse's Office- Koyomi sat with Haruto and tried to think about how they could be in the same classroom for the next time. She thought asking the prinicpal to rework their schedules so they would be in the same class for the year. -French Classroom- Sirius gave examples of certain items and greeting then taught them to how translate the words and the proper way to use them in a sentence. Philip listened to his explanation, going into the Planet's Bookcase to help some of the lesson. -Drama Classroom- "Well, lets us begin with the tragic story of Hamlet, from the very start of the play when the guards gossip of the untimely parting of the king." Kuja said, starting the lesson and talking with passion of the play. Hinako stretched and felt the contents of her bag, feeling her Driver. She thought to herself, 'Being a Rider is so much cooler. I hope we have another patrol tonight.' -Ankh, Tommy, & Eiji- Tommy gave the topsicles to Ankh's outstretched hand, he said, "If I can help in anyway, I'll pay you topsicles for a month. Let me know if you find out anything at all." "We will and make sure that she will be safe. Good luck with Gym!" Eiji said, waving at Tommy as he left. He put his hand on his chin in a thoughtful manner, saying, "Now that I think about it, I did see her with Kazari. So, could that mean...... No way, Kimberly is so sweet and innocent, also she has no selfish desires to hold a Yummy!" He began to panic about why Ankh didn't feelt it when they visited her or why Kimberly would hold a Yummy in her. He looked determined as he realized Kazari was probably doing it to get his Cores back and would stop him for Tommy and Kimberly. As Tommy walked back to the Gym, he pulled something out of his pocket and looked at the Cell Medal he had. He gripped it and put it back in his pocket. -Gym- When Tommy entered the Gym, he watched Ed and Eddy tried to play basketball and gave a small chuckle. "Yo, Tommy! Welcome back!" Fang said, smiling at her Teacher Assistant. "How bout you be part of the volleyball game this time and I look over the game?" "Okay, then. It's the usual girls against guys?" Tommy asked, as he handed her the whistle. Fang nodded, and smiling. Jake looked at him and kept quiet, knowing him as one of the Rangers as he was one as well, despite having been tested on to become one. -Remus' Home- When James came to his friend's home, he noticed how down Remus was. 'I wonder if he's worried about getting a job and then people knowing his secret. Luckily, there are no crazy laws like what is in London.' James thought to himself, thinking about what he saw in the UK. He remembered hearing that some old woman named Umbridge had laws against half-breeds getting jobs and once made so many ridiculous school rules at the magical school, Hogwarts. James felt lucky that Harry went to school in Japan and not there. He also thought about the crazy old Dumbeldore and sighed. -Alice's Apartment- "Yes, yes. Now be a good boy, Blanca." Alice petted Blanca's head and walked out with Yuri, locking her door. As she walked, Alice accidently tripped and found that there was a bleeding wound on her leg. She covered the mark and whispered softly, the wound healed up and Alice looked around, wondering if someone was following her as she sensed a stragne power.
-Outside Government Building- "If you feel like he needs to know." Kira said, looking at him. Emma looked at him, and asked, curious, "If you don't mind me asking, who is this 'Zordon'?" "Since she asked, should we show them who Zordon is?" Ahim said, looking at the others. Don rubbed his hair, he said. "It's up to Marvelous, since he is the leader and captain." Luka smiled at the thought of them knowing Zordon while Basco just kept quiet, and wondered what Marvelous would do. -Inside Government Building- Spoiler: BGM Anna smiled at Hans, feeling the same while growing up in Arendelle before she grew close to her sister. "I feel the same way, Hans. Lets go somewhere private to talk." She took his hand and ran somewhere, Elsa looked and watched in worry. Finding a empty room, Anna stretched and smiled, looking at Hans. "I know what's like to feel ignored. I mean.... Okay, can I just, say something crazy?" "I love crazy!" Hans said, smiling at her, Anna smiled, closing as she began to sing. "All my life has been a series of doors in my face Then suddenly I bump into you" "I was thinking the same thing! ‘Cause like, I've been searching my whole life to find my own place And maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue" "]But with you..." "But with you..." "I found my place..." "I see your face..." "And it's nothing like I've ever known before! Love is an open door! Love is an open door! Love is an open door!" "With you!" "With you!" "With you!" "With you!" "Love is an open door..." "I mean it's crazy..." "What?" "We finish each other's—" "Sandwiches!" "That's what I was gonna say!" "I've never met someone--" "Who thinks so much like me! Jinx! Jinx again! Our mental synchronization Can have but one explanation" "You--" "And I--" "Were--" "Just--" "Meant to be!" "Say goodbye... "Say goodbye... "To the pain of the past We don't have to feel it anymore! Love is an open door! Love is an open door! Life can be so much more!" "With you! "With you!! "With you!!! "With you!!!! "Love is an open door..." During the entire duration of the song, Hans and Anna had explored the rest of the Government Building, bonding and becoming closer as they sang. "Can I say something crazy? "Will you marry me?" "Can I say something even crazier? Yes!" -Flower Shop- "My name is Aerith Gainsborough." Aerith said, entering the shop and leading Harold. chaos and Lenne watched her lead to the apartments upstairs. Beast hid in his room to hide from the new arrival, Aerith explained that the duties were simple, just water and plant flowers, he might be able to use the cashier if she or one of the others were busy. -English Classroom- Troy took his English book and opened it to the assigned page. He felt his Gosei Morpher and wondered how Kira and her team were doing. If he had to guess, the annoying prince from the Armada in the space. He hid a smile as he thought how he would help them annoy him. -Advanced Calculus- When Noah and Orion received their papers, they began to take the test. Noah tried not to think how Emma and Gia were doing with Kira in a team together. He looked at Orion who was calmly taking the test and still wondered about Orion's origin. -Gym- Jake walked into the gym when a volleyball flew at his face. Smiling, Jake was able to catch it, sliding back a way. 'That is the only thing I'll thank for the lab testing on me.' He thought to himself, smiling. Though Jake wanted to forget what happened to him and his friends, Jake was grateful for the experiments at times. Fang smiled and said, "Not too bad, Holling." -Nurse's Office- Koyomi sighed in relief as she felt Haruto refill her with his mana, she held him close and whispered to him softly, "Thank you, Haruto..." -French Classroom- Philip sat in the classroom after Sirius took attendance for the class. "Alright, class. We will learn about simple words, such as items, greetings and farewells in French. Such as bonjour, salut, adieu." Philip listened to him and looked at his book. -Drama Classroom- "Hinako, please explain the rules to the class." Kuja said. Hinako cleared her throat, and spoke, "Hey, everyone. The rules are simple. Make sure you're here on time, you have a notebook and pen for when we take notes, and be prepared to act suddenly." -Modern History Classroom- Dante yawned and looked at his Tyrannosaurs Power Coin, gripping it. While Billy prepared the class with papers, Dante thought of his role as the Red Ranger. He smiled, thinking that he could mix in his demonic powers to help next time they were in a fight. -Tommy & Eiji- "Why do you need to talk with Ankh, Tommy?" Eiji asked, trying to hide his surprise. Tommy crossed his arms and looked down, "It's about Kimberly. She's acting weird, and I think Ankh might be to help me figure it out." Eiji wasn't surprised that Tommy already knew about Kimberly, he sighed and went to the tree where Ankh was sleeping. "Ankh, Tommy is here to visit. He brought topsicles with him." -Alice's Apartment- Alice was making sure she had what she needed as she prepared to head to the market to get food her, Yuri, and Blanca. Blanca whimpered at her, she petted him and said, "Blanca, I need you here to watch the apartment. I'll get you a big nice dog treat if you do a good job." Blanca happily barked and panted happily.