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  1. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014
  2. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014
  3. Princess Rapunzel
  4. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    That's nice.

    That's nice.
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014
  5. Princess Rapunzel
    Alright, my turn now. I hope I will do alright. I draw now. Nagisa, do you want to chain your facedown card?

    -Draw Phase-

    Hand: 6

    -Standby Phase-

    -Main Phase-

    First, I summon the Tuner monster, Twilight Rose Knight, from my hand!

    And because I normal summoned this monster, I can special summon a Level 4 or lower Plant-Type monster from my hand, so I special summon Violet Witch from my hand.

    Next, I play the field spell card, Black Garden. Now, whenever a monster is special summoned to the field when this card is in play, its ATK will be halved and a Rose Token will be special summoned to the opponent's side of the field.

    And I end my turn.


    Spell/Trap Field:


    Now it's your partner's turn.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    Yeah. Yourself?

    Yeah. Yourself?
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014
  7. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    Indeed, I am well.

    Indeed, I am well.
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014
  8. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    Okay, then.

    Okay, then.
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014
  9. Princess Rapunzel
    Yeah, just a fun duel.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Princess Rapunzel
    Huh, oh, yes. I will be your partner, Konami. Nice to meet you.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Princess Rapunzel


    Emma hummed her song while she watered the flower and smiled, wishing that Gia and Kira were with her to see the flowers. She smiled as the memories of her fight against Vekar and his X-Borgs and Bruisers vanished from her mind.


    -Taco Bell-

    Watching Boswer, Gia and Kira were surprised and looked at each other. But Kira decided not to follow them as her and her team wasn't part of the battle in Toshima and ate her food. Gia ate her food and burped, covering her mouth which made her and Kira laugh.



    Akiza ate her lunch and wondered what to talk about with Kazu, and stretched. Harry sighed as he and Ron were subjected to another tale of Draco about his home back in London and how wealthy his family was. Applejack happily ate her food and burped when she finished. Fluttershy calmly ate her food and kept quiet. Namine ate her food quietly and kept her sketchbook by her side.

    Hearing their communicators go off, Tommy, Thomas, Nala, Billy, and Dante looked at Kengo who nodded and dragged Gentaro away to teleport away in private, Ryotaro followed them while the Rangers went in their own directions. Koyomi ate her food and heard a beeping noise as did Natsumi, wondering what it was. Nero looked at Dante and figured he was going to do some teacher stuff with them, eating his lunch.



    Philip's time for looking up was interrupted by his communicator going off. Covering it with his hand, he said, "Mione-chan, can you take my tray to the cafeteria?" Hermione nodded and took his tray, heading for the cafeteria, while she was gone, Philip teleported to the Command Center.



    Kazari wandered the school, chewing on a dead fish. He smiled as he knew what Ankh was doing and watched the teleports of the Rangers and Riders go to the Command Center.


    -Eiji & Kimberly-

    When they heard their communicators go off, Kimberly looked worried and Eiji grabbed her hand, holding it and said, "Don't worry, Kimberly. Everything will be alright." Kimberly nodded and they teleported away to the Command Center.


    -Harold & Elsa-

    "Thank you, Harold. If we were back in Arendelle, I would have given you some reward." Elsa said, smiling at him. The bell rang and Aerith spoke, wondering where Harold was and Elsa felt guilty that she kept Harold from his duties.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    "I see, where are your partner and landlord so I may talk with them as well?" Alice said, seeming quite eager to meet Shotaro's partner and his landlord.


    -Command Center-

    The Rangers and Riders teleported to the Command Center as Troy, Noah, Jake, and Orion turned and saw them appear with the Gokaigers. When James and Dante appeared, Jake looked skeptical and said, "Aren't you two a bit old to be Power Rangers?" "That guy with wings and the golden armor said the same thing. Yes, Dante and I are older than the other Rangers, but we have our reasons to be one. What's yours?" James said, getting a bit angry at Jake who held his hands up in defense. Troy said, "We hope to that reason to protect the city."

    "So, what's the disaster?" Dante said, looking at them. Navi sounded scared as she said, "There are impostors of the Rangers out there!" "So, why call all of us here?" Luka said, Ahim and Don looked at the news.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    "Whoa, big head." Jake said, looking at Zordon when he appeared. Noah looked at Troy and Orion, he said, "Troy, Orion, you two seem have been the observant during the time there. Why don't you two tell him?" Troy and Orion looked at each other and Troy began the story as he recalled what happened as he and the others were captured and blindfolded, then being subjected to horrible tests. Orion explained that the scientist was just a mad power-hungry person who saw them as test objects, he explained how he felt it was not a mere chance that the girls were there and the scientist died during the attack.



    "Sure, I would love to, miss." Emma said, smiling as she set her bag down and went to the watering can. Picking it up, Emma began to water the flower gently, with a smile on her face.


    -Taco Bell-

    Gia looked at Gaston and his group before sighing, she asked Kira, "Are you going to the party tonight?" "Yeah, but to be honest, I would prefer fighting the X-Borgs, Bruisers, or a commander." Kira said, sipping her drink. Gia laughed slightly and said, "That was kinda brutal honest." Kira smiled and nodded.



    "Oh, Kazu. Sure, go ahead." Akiza said, looking at Kazu and eating her lunch. Koyomi sat next to Haruto and ate her lunch that Wajima had prepared for her, looking at Gentaro. Kengo pulled Gentaro's arm down and ate his lunch, wishing that he didn't do that and sighed. Ryotaro began to eat his lunch but somehow ended up, making a mess of himself and he sighed. Yuna sat with Tidus as did Rikku and Paine, eating the lunch that Aerith and chaos made for them, still thinking about how Lenne is working with her in the flower shop.

    Ron groaned as he and Harry listened to Draco talk about his life in London, the two almost wished that they had gone with Hermione so they didn't have to endure what they were doing through. Looking at Bulk, Applejack tipped her hat, "Howdey, Bulk. Good to see you." "We don't know where Rainbow Dash is. She's probably training or something." Fluttershy said, eating her lunch.

    Dante smiled, eating with his friends. Tommy didn't really listened to what being said as he was worried about Kimberly and ate his lunch. Natsumi ate her lunch and smiled, enjoying her grandfather's cooking. Namine sat at her table, eating.



    Hermione sat quietly in the library, looking through some of the books after she finished her lunch. She looked at Philip, who was in his look up mode to pass the time. 'I wonder what he is looking up.' She thought to herself, looking at him.



    "Then I guess I will snuff OOO's life as well as that Pink Ranger." Kazari said, revealing himself. "Even if I wasn't a member of the Crystal Order, I would still do that. But I am and I must complete my mission of finding the right half of Double." He ran off, disappearing.


    -Eiji & Kimberly-

    Kimberly laughed and smiled as Eiji talked about his many times with Ankh and sighed as he wished that Ankh wasn't so stubborn and had a larger range of interests. He talked about Hina, and how she helped him with his work at the school.


    -Harold & Elsa-

    "Well, uh...... It's a honor to meet you, Harold Flamel." Elsa said, surprising at how causal he was explained that he knew the famous alchemist and grew a small curtsy. "Well, thank you for bringing me here, I guess. But I don't know if I will go back to the others."


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    "Oh, I'm sorry. I got lost. I didn't mean to interrupt you." Alice said, bowing as she saw Shotaro and realized her surroundings. "Um, where am I?" Outside, Karin, Cecil, Edward and Edge looked around for Alice and wondered where she went.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    The four teleports lifted and the four boys found themselves in a new place. Noah admired the control panel while Orion and Troy explored and admired the rest of the room. Jake, Orion, and Troy joined Noah around the control panel, where they each looked at each other and Troy asked, "Where are we?" "A better question would be where is here?" Orion asked, Jake jumped when he said, "What is that?" He pointed to Navi as she appeared in front of them, Noah went starry-eyed and gazed at Navi.



    When Emma heard a voice, she looked and saw the gardener, Vanille. Quickly standing and bowing, she said, "I'm sorry, miss. I just wanted to enjoy the sight of flowers for a little bit. I didn't mean to disturb your gardening." She looked embarrassed and looked at her feet, her face red from embarrassment.


    -Taco Bell-

    After Kira retrieved her guitar from the music room, she met up with Gia and headed to Taco Bell since they headed to discuss their recent battle without too many people listening. After they ordered their food, Gia asked, "How do you think that spoiled prince is doing?" "Probably crying and whining about his loss and the fact he had to run away from a battle." Kira said, holding her guitar case. "I'm still surprised that he decided to come down instead of sending one of his commanders." Gia nodded and thought about it herself as they got their food and started to eat.



    In the cafeteria, Dante met with Billy, Nala, and Thomas then spoke them about their day while Dante happily eyed Nala. Koyomi entered the cafeteria with Haruto and stayed close to him, going to eat with Haruto. Gentaro waved at Haruto and Kengo, making sure they knew where he and Kengo sat though Kengo facepalmed. Natsumi took her lunch and kept her eye on Tsukasa. After he got his lunch, Ryotaro actually managed to reach the table without a accident and sighed in relief. Akiza took her lunch and went to a table to eat peacefully.

    Applejack and Fluttershy took their lunches and found a table where they could eat, Fluttershy asked, "Hey, Applejack, where is Rainbow Dash?" "Don't know, she's usually here." Applejack said, sitting. Ron and Harry would have enjoyed their lunch if it wasn't Draco demending how he would eat his lunch. Rhyme smiled and laughed as she sat with some of her classroom. Nero stretched and quietly ate his lunch while Namine just ate her lunch.


    -Hermione & Philip-

    Hermione joined Philip and they went to the library after he left French Class. They sat in the library and ate their lunch, Hermione wondered how things were doing back at the agency while Philip kept quiet and ate his lunch. Hermione looked at him and quietly ate her lunch.



    The Sailor Senshi had been discussing the time they had from the break about their mission while eating their lunch. Rei was in prayer, using her mystic third eye while everyone kept quiet and thought to themselves about what to do if there was a monster they could only beat.



    "I'm not surprised you don't care about a team member." Kazari said, hiding in the tree. "You haven't changed since 800 years ago, Ankh. Well, when that Yummy appears, I will take all the Cell Medals and regain the Cores that you stole from me."


    -Eiji & Kimberly-

    Sitting besides Kimberly, Eiji shared his lunch with her and talked with her about random things, Kimberly asking how Hina was doing and other things. Eiji kept a eye on the Yummy as it steadily grew in her.


    -Flower Shop-

    Elsa loooked at the floating glass and quickly waved her hand over the glass, then was surprised to find that the glasses was actually floating by magic. "Well, it is nice to find someone else who is talented in magic. Well, if you know who I am, may I ask who are you?" Elsa said, taking a breath and calming herself down.



    Anna smiled at Hans helping in finding her sister and prayed that Elsa was okay.


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    Alice glared at Yuri and walked away, Karin wondered what happened between them and tried to keep up with her while Cecil and Edward felt awkward, following them from behind with Edge. Alice tried to get away from Yuri and walked a good distance from him, not paying attention to her surroundings and that she got lost.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel
  15. Princess Rapunzel
    Okay, I guess.

    LP: 8000
    Customs: Yes
    Anime Exclusives: Yes
    Manga Exclusives: Yes
    Video Game Exclusives: Yes.
    God Cards: No.
    First Player: I will
    Number of Cards per Deck: 40
    Number of Cards per Side Deck: 10
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 10
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Princess Rapunzel
    Hmmm, well then. Alright, but I won't show you any mercy, I will find a way to bring back that girl you sent away.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Princess Rapunzel
    But I don't know how to duel or even have a deck and duel disk to duel with. What am I supposed to do?
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. Princess Rapunzel
    I doubt that representing a certain element is enough to stop this person. I sense so much darkness, I haven't felt so much before. What are you, Supreme King?


    I need to find a way out of here, but how? I can't see anything at all. I wish there was a way I could use to find my way out.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. Princess Rapunzel
    You....... you were the one who dueled that girl and made her vanish. What do you want with us?

    I will avenge that girl and probably even find a way to bring her back, you monster.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Princess Rapunzel