-Flower Shop- "Yeah, a student at our school is hosting one," Rikku said, looking at Harold. "Would you like to join us?" "If you want to." Yuna said, smiling at him. "It should be fun if you haven't been to one." Belle smiled and nodded, sitting next to Beast while Paine just relaxed. chaos took a rose and placed it in Aerith's hair, smiling, he said, "I hope you all have fun tonight." Aerith nodded, smiling. -Magical Trunk- Elsa sat at the table after she had finished decorating the inside of the trunk. She smiled at the work she had done and relaxed, wondering what was going on outside while she was in the trunk. Elsa hoped that Anna and Olaf were alright. -Kazu- "So, are there any plans for tonight?" Ishizu asked while they ate their ice cream, Akiza looked down and said, "Well, there is this party happening tonight. And......." Ishizu gently patted her head and smiled, "Go and have fun, just make sure that your powers are in check." Akiza nodded and ate her ice cream. -Dino/Megaforce- Stretching, Kira looked at the sky and leaned back, listening the sound of the wind. Emma and the rest of the team relaxed in the house, waiting until it was time to head for Gaston's party. Kira held her guitar on her lap and tried to think of new lyrics for songs. -Cardcaptors- "Yeah, they should unless he decided to erase any evidence about him." Kero said, sitting on Sakura as Tomoyo, Sakura's best friend and the one who videotaped all the cards captured, joined them and was given a brief explaination of what was being discussed. -Senshi- While the Senshi waited for Rei, she quietly sat in the room. Luna and Artemis waited with the Senshi, Luna kept quiet as she recalled the destruction of the Moon Kingdom and Queen Serenity's final sacrifice by using the Silver Crystal and sending everyone to the Earth. -Armada Mothership- Seeing the new people on the ship, Vekar jumped and heard them ask if he was having Ranger problems. "That is none of your business! Who are you and what do you want from me?!" He demanded. -?????- The girl opened her eyes and looked at the boy, the wind blowing softly. She turned and walked away from him, walking to her home.
-Flower Shop- Aerith looked at the clock in the shop and figured that she should get ready for the date. She went upstairs to her room and came out in a sleeveless red dress with matching shoes and her hair flowing down along her back with her hair ribbon and a light green orb holding it in place while there was one bang of her hair out. Yuna, Rikku, Paine, and Belle looked at her in surprise, Rikku asked, "You look so pretty, Aerith! Going out on a date?" "Yes, actually." Aerith said, smiling at the girls. "That police officer you saw earlier is taking me out." "That's great." Yuna said, smiling at her as chaos helped by giving her a few tips and putting a light coat over her shoulders in case she got cold. Yuna asked her, "Is it okay if Rikku, Paine, Belle, and I go to a party tonight?" "As long as you girls behave yourselves." Aerith said, after asking chaos to watch over the shop with Lenne while she was out. Rikku smiled and nodded. -The Magical Trunk- Elsa sat on the bed in the bedroom, thinking about how worried Anna and Olaf must be. But she wasn't sure when she would return to them, Elsa decided to spend a few days, practicing her magic and making sure she didn't harm her sister when she returned to her sister. Elsa began to use her magic to practice, decorating the room with beautiful ice sculptures before doing the same with the other rooms in the trunk, amazed at her control. -Oliver Home- Tommy carried Kimberly all way to his home and quietly passed his brother, Thomas, who played a song on his flute. He got Kimberly to his room and laid her on his bed, leaving her as she was. Tommy watched over her and pondered why she isn't say anything about the Yummy that was within her. He hoped that when she woke up, she would be able to tell him the reason. While he watched over her, Tommy suddenly felt tired and fell asleep beside Kimberly. -Dream World- Finding himself in the garden again, Tommy looked around and heard a familiar voice, "Welcome back." He found the girl from before, sitting on the fountain. She looked sad as her eyes were cast down, Tommy sat next to her and was hesitant to ask, but he did, "What's wrong?" "I was just thinking about something in the past." She said, before keeping quiet and the sound was the noise of the water flowing from the fountain. Tommy kept quiet as he wasn't sure how to help her. -Mario Bros. House- Sakura nodded and waved at Gaful, hoping that they would meet again and they could talk more. Hinako stretched and looked around the house while Seki stretched and sat down, remembering when she was changed into Kamen Rider V3. Sakura and Hinako also thought of when they became Riders as well, though under different reasons. Sakura smiled as she remembered watching the legacy she created grow through the Riders that followed after Seki up to the current ones now protecting the city. -Moon Palace- Zedd sat in his throne room, pondering the deal he had made with the Crystal Order. He wondered how they would help in destroying the three teams that were chosen by Zordon. He just sat back and let whatever the Order was planning come to fruition. -Senshi- While waiting to go to the party, Serena looked out the window and thought of the recurring dream she had been having for several nights. There was a princess and a prince running into each other's arms in a beautiful castle, the soft lights of a celebration happening. She never told anyone about her dreams because she wasn't sure if they would understand them. Rei was praying in the innermost room, the fire going strong as she prayed for safety and if there were any dangers she and the others needed to be aware for. -Shino's Apartment- After heading home from school, Shino took her glasses off and set them on her desk. Looking at the clock in her room, Shino figured she had some time before heading to that party and grabbed her headset, turning on her computer. As she put her headset on, Shino laid on her bed and logged into Gun Gale Online as her avatar, Sinon. She began to walk around and stretched. -Lara's Apartment- Lara stood at her desk, looking at the various maps that she had laid out on the desk. She looked at the maps and wondered what secrets they held before she went to check how much money she earned. Lara sighed as she still had a bit to earn before going on any expedition and grabbed her bow and arrows, heading to a archery range to practice her shooting. -Hotel- Anna heard the knock on her door, quickly she ran to the door and opened it, seeing Hans. She asked, eager, "Any news on Elsa, Hans?" She hoped that it was some good news, but she wasn't sure since there was no clue where her sister went.
Name: Lara Croft Description: A young archaeologist who is studying the ancient ruins of Japan. A recent college graduate from Britain, Lara is working part time at Tokyo University to pay for a expedition to explore the world and discover more secrets. She is a cool, level-headed, and grounded person who is protective of her friends. Occupation: Archaeologist Series the Character is from: Tomb Raider (2013 reboot) Other: Spoiler: Lara Name: Shino Asada Description: A student of Nintendo High who has a secret trauma of gun from a incident when she was young and accidentally killed a robber while trying to protect her mother. Like Kirito and Asuna, she plays MMOPRGs, specifically Gun Gale Online to help her overcome her fear of guns with the avatar, Sinon. Anyone who knows her trauma would tease her and act like they would shoot a gun at her in real life. Occupation: Student Series the Character is from: Sword Art Online II Other: Spoiler: Shino Name: Fetch Description: Also known by her real name, Abigail Walker, Fetch is a former drug addict and is a being known as a Conduit with the ability to manipulate and control neon. Because of her abilities, Fetch avoid the Tokyo Cathedral as she knows of Frollo's prejudice toward those with powers. Fetch is someone who most people don't mess with since she has a bit of a temper on her. Series the Character is from: inFamous: Second Son Occupation: ??????? Other: Spoiler: Fetch
-Flower Shop- "I do have some time after work." Aerith said, talking with Carter. "I can wait until you're off duty to go with you if you like." She smiled and talked, possibly unaware that he was flirting with her or she did know and was going along with it. Lenne thanked Harold for his help and continued her work, humming a special song she had written while thinking of her beloved. "chaos, who was that?" Rikku said after Harold passed them, chaos looked at her and said,"A new resident there, so when he introduces himself, be nice and behave yourself, Rikku." Yuna laughed as Rikku blew a raspberry at chaos for his comment. Paine sighed and went to her room, Belle went to the Beast's room and knocked on the door. He greeted her gently when he opened the door, Rikku thought for a moment and said, "Hey, Yunie, Paine, maybe we can ask him to come with us to that party tonight!" "I guess so." Yuna said, going to her room. Belle sighed, trying not to think about what Gaston will do at that party. -Kazu- Akiza tried the ice cream after Ishizu came back when she thanked Scrooge and was surprised at how delicious it tasted, she agreed with Kazu that it tasted very good. While she ate the ice cream, Akiza looked at Ishizu and asked, "Hey, Ishizu, how is your brother, Marik, doing?" "My brother is the same as ever. Still looking for rare duel cards." Ishizu said, eating her ice cream. "He's currently staying at our apartment and wants to see you, Akiza. He told me that despite your power, he considers you a sister, much like he does with Odion." Akiza nodded. -Mario Bros House- Sakura walked to Gaful, she said, "I know the feeling." "I guess we all do." Hinako said, Seki nodded and leaned against the wall, Sakura found a place to sit and began to tell the story of how she became the very first Rider, how her body was changed to become a monster but she fought against it and became the hero that Japan had loved and revered in its history. She left out the parts of the Den-Liner and the mysterious song she heard after the experiment, not sure if they would believe that much of her story. -Narumi Detective Agency- "I won't get into trouble, though I can't be sure about my friends." Hermione said, looking at Shotaro. While reading his book, Philip chuckled softly as he imagined Hermione drunk and hitting Shotaro with a slipper. Hermione stretched and sat with Philip, wondering what to wear to the party. -Cardcaptors- "It's possible," Kero said, managing to cross his arms in thought. He thought for a moment and said, "But still, we need to be careful if we run into him again. With that magic he knows, he might not be merciful like last time." "Right," Sakura said, hiding her surprise at the fact that there was magician that was 700 years ago and knew Clow Reed. -Moon Palace- Zedd and Rita listened to the proposal by Rassilon to team up with the Crystal Order in exchange for Zordon as their prisoner if they help beat Zordon's warriors. Zedd thought for a moment while Rita seemed to smile at the offer, he stroked the grill guard over his mouth in thought. Holding his staff, Zedd said, "Very well. We join you in your plans." -Hino Family Shrine- While her grandfather remained fixed to the TV, Rei and the six Sailor Senshi that would be going to the party looked through Rei's closet for what they would wear to the party. Setsuna and Hotaru sipped their drinks while Luna and Artemis enjoyed a saucer of milk, waiting for the scouts to get dressed and prepare themselves for the party that night.
-Flower Shop- Aerith was surprised that Carter gave her the banquet he bought, she said, "Thank you. This was unexpected." She smiled, holding the banquet and saw Yuna, Rikku, Paine, and Belle come in, chaos smiled, coming in, he said, "I'll take the girls upstairs. You and Lenne take care of things here in the shop." Aerith nodded and put the banquet down while chaos took the girls upstairs. -The Magical Trunk- Elsa finished showered and dried herself off, walking to the mirror in the bathroom. Wiping the stream from the mirror, Elsa looked at herself and sighed, hoping that Anna and Olaf were alright. She combed her hair and redid her hair into the braid before getting dressed then walking into the main room. Looking around, she sighed and messed around with her powers, smiling at being herself and letting her powers free. -Kazu- "My family came from Egypt a few years ago. This is my first time here, actually." Ishizu said, waiting for the ice cream. "I had often heard of how delicious the ice cream is, but I had never made the time to come here." Akiza stood by Kazu and kept quiet, thinking about what happened at school and stretched. She looked at Ishizu and remembered all the times she had been there for her, like a older sister. She knew that she had a younger brother and used her experience to help with her, Akiza smiled and waited for her. -Mario Bros House- "Let us handle them. If you guys are lucky, you might get to see us transform." Seki said, calming Gaful down. Sakura smiled and nodded, she said, "If we manage to beat them, we will tell you all our adventures as Riders and my time as Yen Sid's TA." "They don't seem like anything worse than Shocker would send us." Hinako said, looking at them and crossing her arms. Sakura said, "Even Shocker did give us some surprises, Hinako. Never underestimate your enemy." Sakura said, looking at Matt and Liam. -Narumi Detective Agency- "It's hard to say, Shotaro. That's not enough keywords for me to see if it's a S-Type or not." Philip said, holding his book. Hermione thought for a moment and sipped her tea. Philip looked at her and said, "Mione-chan, why don't you go to that party tonight? Shotaro and I will watch over the agency. You go and have fun with your friends." "Uh, sure, if it's okay with you, Philip." Hermione said, looking at him in surprise. -Yuri- Alice glared at Yuri, "Sometimes, it happens." "Oh, I need to get to Lord Larsa. I'll show you tomorrow, Alice." Karin said, running off and waving at them. Alice, Cecil, and Edward waved back, the four boys followed Alice back to her apartment, but Alice felt weird, feeling the demonic presence as she walked. She wondered where it was coming from. -Kira- Kira practiced on her guitar while the team relaxed at Emma's house until it was time to go to Gaston's party. Emma hoped she would be to help Vanille again in the school garden and listened to Kira play her guitar. Troy looked at the sky and took in the view, still surprised that he and his friends were part of a team. Gia just listened to Kira while Jake planned on getting closer to her which both Noah and Orion thought he was crazy. -Moon Palace- Seeing Goldar come in with a cloaked figure, Zedd asked, "Who are you?! What do you want?" Rita woke up and looked at the chamber, also curious about what was happening. -Hino Family Shrine- "Honestly, if only grandpa could act more his age." Rei said to herself, hearing him as she closed up the shrine after attending to the last person who came to visit. Then she prepared some tea with a cup of milk and went to her room where the rest of the Sailor Senshi were waiting for her. They explained to her grandfather they were visiting to discuss their evening plans but also talk about their mission and how they would find the mysterious princess. Also in the room was two cats, one black and one white, each with a crescent moon on their foreheads. "So, are we going to that party tonight?" Haruka asked, sipping her tea. Setsuna looked at them and said, "You all can go. I'll stay home and watch over Hotaru." "Girls, be on the lookout for any enemies though," The black cat said, the white cat nodded and said, "And try not to have too much fun." "We'll see, Artemis, Luna, but I have a bad feeling." Rei said, looking out her window, her sixth sense wasn't wrong when it came to to the unknown. -Hotel- Anna held her key and went to her room. When she entered, Anna changed into comfortable clothes and looked out the window. She wondered if Elsa was okay and hadn't run into any trouble. Anna couldn't help but think to herself, 'Why didn't Elsa just tell me that she had ice powers? I could have helped her control it in some way. I hope you are safe, Elsa.' -Hikari Family Studio- Natsumi stretched and sat at the counter of her family's photo studio. She hoped that Tsukasa wouldn't get into any trouble, though she didn't keep her hopes up because she knew in some way, Tsukasa would get himself into trouble and get himself out of trouble as well. -Fang & Vanille's Apartment- Fang stretched and laid on her bed in her apartment. She stretched and wondered about when Gia left her class early. Fang sat on her bed and looked at some of the flowers that Vanille put in the room. She smiled and stretched, going to train.
-Flower Shop- Aerith smiled and said, "That will be 23.95 yen, please. I hope who you give this banquet to will be very happy." Lenne saw the smile that Aerith had on her face as she made the purchase for the banquet with Carter and looked at the flowers she was attending and wondered if Shuyin was gazing at similarly beautiful flowers and admiring them as she was. chaos just went back to gathering empty flower pots and went into the back to fill them with dirt and put in the flower seeds. -The Magical Trunk- Elsa nodded, "I will. I think I will take this time to clean myself, thank you, again, Harold." She waved at him as he left the trunk and she went to the bathroom, undressing herself and undoing her hair. Elsa turned on the shower and stepped out of her shoes, stepping into the water. Standing in the shower and feeling the water cover her, Elsa wondered how Anna and Olaf were doing and felt bad for leaving them. Elsa closed her eyes and let a few tears out, mixing in with the shower water as she hoped they were okay. -Kazu- "Excellent." Ishizu said, smiling and walking with them. Akiza kept quiet, keeping her hairclip close by to her and staying close as not to lose her way or get left behind. Isizhu stopped at Scrooge's Ice Cream shop, noticing how Akiza looked, Isizhu took the hairclip and rolled up her bangs, putting her hair again. "There we go. Now wait here while I get the ice cream." She went to Scrooge and asked for three Sea-Salt Ice Creams. While they were waiting, Akiza kept quiet and red faced, thinking that it almost was a date and Isizhu was messing with her because of that. -Eiji- After getting no helpful advice from Ankh as usual, Eiji changed his Leg Cores to the Cheetah Core and ran to the Yummy, using the speed of the Core to open the stomach and reach his hand in, he shouted, "Kimberly!" "Eiji!" Kimberly shouted back, grabbing his outreached hand and he pulled her out, holding her back as he slid back, his right hand with the Tora claws out while his left held Kimberly who was looking at him in awe. "Kimberly, hide. I'll take care of the Yummy." She nodded and ran off, running into Tommy and fainting. Eiji began to go all out on the Yummy now that Kimberly was safe. -Beat & Rhyme- Rhyme ran up to her brother and smiled, "Sorry, Beat. Class duties ran a little longer than usual." She smiled and began to head home with her brother, stretching. -Modern History Classroom- Dante was at his desk, trying to grade the papers of the students in his class and groaned. "Why the heck do I have to do this?! It's so boring! I rather fight S-Types, eating pizza, or be with a beautiful woman right now than grade this boring piece of snore fest." Billy just gave a chuckle and worked on communicators for Troy, Noah, Jake, and Orion so they would have a way to teleport to the Command Center. Dante just leant back in his chair and wished there was a attack or something to get him of grading papers. -Mario Bros. House- "Maybe, my name is Sakura Hongo. With me is Hinako Ichimonji and Seki Kazami, we were asked by Peppy to come over and offer extra protection in case of something." Sakura said, politely introducing herself and her friends. Hinako tried to recall someone like Galuf during her time in the past with Sakura while they were active Riders. Seki calmly asked, "May we come in, please?" -Narumi Detective Agency- "So, uh, what brings you here, Ms. Elliot?" Hermione said, after making herself a cup of tea and sitting with Philip who was reading his book. Alice looked embarrassed and said, "Well, to be honest, I had a feeling that someone was following me. I was just trying to get away from a man claiming to protect me but I felt a more demonic presence and tried to get away, ending up here." "If you feel that again, please come by. I'm sure that Shotaro will be able to protect you and Philip could find out who it is." Hermione said, smiling at her. Alice smiled and bowed, leaving the agency. When she appeared, Karin and the others smiled and hugged her, stating their worry about what she was. -Kira's group- Kira stretched as she walked with her friends and newly enlarged team, Troy promised that they wouldn't be a burden though Gia noted she wasn't sure because of Jake. Noah told them that they would do what they could to help fight against Prince Vekar, Orion just kept quiet, thinking of his home. Gia suggested that they head to Gaston's party as a way to celebrate. -Moon Palace- While thinking over to beat Tsukasa as well as the rest of Zordon's warriors, Zedd felt a presence and looked around while Rita took a nap, snoring. Zedd ordered Goldar to stay alarm and looked around for the source of the presence, wondering what it could be.
-Flower Shop- Aerith heard Carter wonder about Harold and say something about him being a wizard, that he knew wizards were sneaky. Taking a breath, Aerith walked to Carter and said, "That young man is new here, so we don't know much about him or what happened in his past. But I would like it if you didn't talk badly any of the people who live here." "Aerith is really telling him." Lenne said, looking at her in surprise, chaos smiled and nodded, knowing Aerith had a protective side of anyone who live in the apartments. Elsa looked around in awe, amazed that was magic like this. The only magic she had known was her ice powers, but now someone who she barely knew was showing her a whole new world of magic. "This is..... this is incredible." She said, looking around, still surprised at everything that Harold had explained to her. Elsa realized that maybe, she would be able to practice her powers and then return to Anna. "Thank you so much for doing this, Harold. It's really thoughtful of you." -Kazu- Akiza looked at him and smiled, spending the rest of the day with her hair down and when the last day rang. As she walked to the school gate with Kazu, Akiza looked up and saw Isizhu waiting for her. Looking toward her, Isizhu smiled and turned to them. "Looks like you had a tough first day of school." "Uh..... yeah...... It was really tough..." Akiza said, looking away. Isizhu smiled and noticed Kazu, " A new friend? Nice to meet you, I'm Isizhu Ishtar.Hey, Akiza, how bout you, me, and your friend go out for a treat? It should cheer you up." "If Kazu wants to..." Akiza said, looking a bit red faced. -Eiji- Eiji had found Kimberly or rather her Yummy. He immediately changed into Kamen Rider OOO and began to fight against the Yummy, Ankh appeared and watched from a high point. Tommy also appeared and watched the fight. Eiji was hesitant to do a full attack since the Yummy revealed that it had Kimberly inside. He wondered how he would get her out and tried to any attack from the Yummy. He did think to himself, 'How is Kimberly like a panther?' He dodged the Yummy's attack and tried to attack back. -Mario Bros. House- After Hinako and Seki were told that they, along with Sakura, would go to the Mario Brios. House, Seki immediately called Sakura and went to her motorcycle while Hinako went to hers. The two made sure that they had their Drivers in case they needed to transform and rode off to the house. Sakura joined them on the way, with her Driver already on around her waist. The three Riders kept quiet and rode to the house. When they arrived at the house, Sakura took her helmet and set it on her motorcycle, before heading to the door and knocking on the door with Seki and Hinako before her. -Narumi Detective Agency- Hermione quickly met up with Philip and they headed to the agency, wondering if anything had happened while they were at school. Hermione asked, "Shotaro, any new cases while Philip and I were gone?" She and Philip kept quiet when they saw Alice in the room. Seeing them, Alice bowed, "Hello. I don't mean to intrude. My name is Alice Elliot. You two must be his partner and landlord." "Yes, Ms. Elliot. My name is Philip and this here is Hermione Granger, the landlord of the area." Philip said, having read up on her. -Wajima Shop- Koyomi headed back to the shop with Haruto, staying close to Haruto. She undid her hair as she entered the shop and went to her room, changing back into her normal clothes. She gently touched the Please Ring on her hand and wondered if they would be able to do something about the issue of her and Haruto in different classes in the case of her needing her mana feed during the day.
-Ankh- "Right." Eiji said, and looked at Tommy who just walked away. He promised himself that he would save Kimberly for Tommy's sake, he said, "If I'm able to beat this Yummy, I'll pay for ice cream for a year, Ankh. I promise." He walked around and looked for Kimberly or what would be her Yummy, he still wondered how and why she had one since he had known her not to have any selfish desires, Eiji just hoped that he would be able to save her. -Rooftop- Akiza was speechless as Kazu held her, she wasn't sure what to do so she just stood in surprise at Kazu holding her. When she regained her train of thought, she held him back and noticed Saix. "I'm sorry, sir." She bowed at him and walked off, holding Kazu's hand and going back into the building, heading down to the second floor. Stopping, Akiza gasped for air and looked at Kazu, her hair still in front of her face and tucked some strands behind her ear, Akiza asked, "Did you mean all of that? About what you said to me?" -Flower Shop- "I'm afraid we haven't seen the Queen. But we will be sure to tell you if we do see her, officer." chaos said, keeping calm at the officer's threat. Aerith came in and asked, "Hello, how may I help you, officer?" "It's about that missing queen, Elsa." Lenne said, Aerith looked at the officer and smiled, saying, "I assure I haven't seen her here, but if we do see her anywhere around here, we will let the police know. We shouldn't let her sister or her people worry about her." Elsa looked surprised at what Harold had done and said, slightly surprised, "Uh, sure......"
-Ankh- Before Ankh could destroy the baby-Yummy, Kazari appeared and caught both Kimberly and the Yummy. He turned to the two, holding a now unconscious Kimberly over his shoulder. "Sorry, Ankh. But the fun hasn't started. Sides, if you want it fully born, then I think I can assist you with that." Tommy appeared with Saba and tried to attack him, but Kazari used his super-speed to dodge each attack. Changing into his Greeed form, Kazari tossed some cracked Cell Medals that created Waste Yummies. Eiji looked toward where Kazari disappeared and wondered what he meant. -Elsewhere- Kazari set Kimberly on the floor gently and reinserted the Yummy into her body. He grabbed two handfuls of Cell Medals and put them in her body, letting the Yummy absorb the Medals. Kazari continued to put Cell Medals into her body, until her body was covered and consumed by a panther creature and roared. -Rooftop- Akiza looked at Kazu, scared as her face was covered by her bangs and slowly backed up to the edge of the roof, but was stopped by the fence around the roof. "S-stay away from me, Kazu!" Akiza said, shaking as she stood, looking at him. "If you come any closer, I'll jump!" Ishizu watched from the event from the power of her psychic eyes, but she knew that Akiza wouldn't do it. -Cafe- Koyomi looked at Haruto and smiled, sipping her drink until it was gone. She cleaned her mouth and stretched, wondering what was going to happen now. -Flower Shop- Lenne and chaos looked at the police officer who came into the shop, asking for their attention. "Hello, officer. How may we help you this fine day?" chaos said, setting a pot down and looked at the officer. Lenne kept quiet and stopped her working, looking at the police officer in the shop. Up in the apartment, Aerith sighed and said, "We don't know much of what happened either. But as long as we have accepted him, he's a good person. It will be okay, Adam, so be good and behave until dinner."
having some computer issues. please take over for awhile
Spoiler -Command Center- "We're going to train in order to beat S-Type impostor Rangers." Eiji said, lightly hitting him on the head. Tommy kept quiet as Tsukasa explained his meeting with Rita, Zedd, and Goldar, not saying that he had watched him fight them. James had a fire in his eyes and said, "Lets start training to beat those impostors and let them not smear the name of Japan's heroes!" "Sounds like a plan." Luka said, smiling and looking at her team. Ahim nodded and Don sighed, Ryotaro tried to think about what to do. Kimberly nodded, "I guess that's it for now." "Let us know when they strike again." Thomas said, teleporting away with the others. Spoiler -Cafeteria- Harry sighed and took Draco to the bathroom, waiting outside of the bathroom with Ron while Draco washed his face. Nero walked out of the cafeteria and put on his headphones, listening to his music and minding his own business. Koyomi quietly waited for Haruto to come back, sipping her milk and remembering what happened to Akiza. Namine sketched in her book, on everyone around her, adding her own touch to the scene. When they returned, Kimberly tried to run from Eiji and Ankh, but Eiji grabbed her hand, pulling her to him and revealing the silver bandages of the Yummy in her to Ankh. Kimberly stood still, scared about what Ankh would do. -Flower Shop- Hearing Harold ask her about the door to the Beast's room, Aerith sighed and said, "I guess you deserve to know if you're going to stay here." Walking to the door, Aerith gently knocked into a certain pattern and walked into the room. She came into the room with Beast, who tried not to look at Harold. "Adam, it is okay. I'm sure that Harold will keep your appearance a secret. This is another member of our group, Beast, though we sometimes call him, Adam. We don't know how this happened, but I believe that he will have a human for someday." -Detective Agency- "Uh, thank you, then." Alice said, bowing at him and went to the coffee pot machine, making herself a cup of tea. She wondered if Karin and the others were alright, Karin had decided to wait in the billiards room with the others and looked around, wondering where Alice went.
Spoiler -Command Center- When Haruto and Ankh appeared at the Command Center, Eiji explained the situation to him while Philip explained it to Haruto. Kimberly tried to hide from Ankh, as she was sure he would question her. Nala looked at James and asked, "What did you mean, a person with wings and gold armor?" Taking a breath, James explained his encounter with Goldar and the putties, remembering how Goldar mentioned someone named Zedd and how he knew Zordon. "Zordon, is he someone we should be careful for in the future?" James asked, looking at Zordon. Troy tried to think about how to ask Kira if he and the boys could join her team while Noah stretched and imagined being part of a team. Orion just thought of his home and sighed, missing it and everyone he knew. Spoiler -Cafeteria- Akiza ate her food and wondered what was wrong that all the teachers needed to get together and discuss whatever happened. When she tucked one of her bangs away and took out her deck, Draco took attention of her. Harry facepalmed as he watched him go to her, Namine watched as Draco tried to talk with her. Akiza tried to ignore him until he touched and pulled out her hair clip. Frightened as her bangs fell into her face, Akiza closed her eyes as a actual version of Twilight Rose Knight appeared to defend her and she ran off. Harry gasped, shouting, "Malfoy, what did you do?!" Ron was still surprised at her and wondered if she was alright. Namine slowly began to sketch what she imagined as the girl's sorrows as Harry took the hair clip from Draco and gave it to Kazu, since he figured he was her friend. Nero looked at his arm and sighed. -Peppy's Classroom- Entering his classroom, Sirius looked around and wondered where Eiji was at with as he sat on a desk. Hinako sat with Seki, wondering what was going on. Kuja sipped from the cup of tea he had brought with him. -Taco Bell- "Hey, Kira, mind if I listen to that song that you were working on?" Gia asked, looking at Kira as she sipped her drink. Kira looked surprised and sighed, "Alright. If you're really curious." She began to sing softly and sang the song she had sang with Emma. Gia smiled, enjoying the song. -Flower Shop- "Yeah, we heard about that. Well, I'm going to put the supplies away." Aerith said, going up to the apartments while Lenne and chaos went back to work. Lenne softly hummed her song and arranged flowers while chaos brought out some pots for new flower seeds. Elsa stayed hidden in Harold's room and wondered what was going on, she was sure that Anna was really worried about her. -Narumi Detective Agency- "Oh, yes, my name is Alice Elliot." Alice said, bowing at him. "Sorry, I don't have a case for you to solve." She looked away, embarrassed that she had nothing for him to do and she couldn't stand here until his partner landlord return, but Alice wasn't sure what to do.
Name: Elucia de Luta Ima Description: Also known as Elsie, she is the partner of the contract made between her and Keima to capture loose souls. To everyone in Tokyo, she is Keima's younger sister when in reality, she is a demon agent from New Hell. Elsie has a lot to learn about modern Japan while she is in Japan. Because of Keima's title as Conquering God, she calls him 'Divine One' or 'Divine Brother'. Occupation: Student Series the Character is from: The World God Only Knows Other: Spoiler: Elsie
-shrugs- Who knows?
Nice to see Twilight get her own kingdom.
Good question. Interesting, and seeing new ponies with new lessons to learn.
Fluttershy, because she's adorable, cuddly, cute.
Adorable, random, crazy.
I see.
I thought we were just shouting random things.