Happy Holidays, everyone. Cyclone! Heat! Metal!
-Tokyo Harbor – Seafood Restaurant- Finishing her slice of the cheesecake, Aerith cleaned her mouth with a napkin and stretched, smiling. “That was very delicious. Thank you for bringing me out here, Carter. I hope that we will be able to go again sometime.” She smiled, then wondered how chaos and Lenne were doing at the flower shop. She guessed that they were doing alright and sipped her drink. Spoiler -Gaston’s House- Harry was having fun with his friends until he saw Draco getting drunk and sighed, saying, “I guess I’ll take Malfoy back to our dorm since he got so drunk.” “Good idea, I’ll head back to my dorm. I need to get some studying done.” Hermione said, stretching. Ron nodded, “I’ll see you guys later.” While Harry dragged Draco back to their dorm, Hermione decided to give Shotaro and Philip a surprise visit and headed for the agency when she heard something. Suddenly, Kazari appeared in front of her, appearing in his human form. He put his hand over her mouth, gently knocking her unconscious and carrying her over his shoulders. Smirking, Kazari walked to the abandoned shop where he made his base. Back at the agency, Philip had a strange feeling that Hermione was in danger and gently held the necklace that Hermione had made, hoping that everything was alright. Akiza blushed softly as she danced with Kazu, amazed that she was dancing so well though having never danced before. She smiled and continued to dance with him, following the rhythm of the music playing. -Harry and Draco’s Dorm Room- After entering their dorm room, Harry just dropped Draco on his bed and went to his own when he noticed the Belt and the Lockseed. Curious, Harry picked up the Belt and put it on his waist, seeing it become wrapped around his waist. Looking at the Lockseed, Harry gently pressed the button on the side, a voice saying, “Donguri!” Then he put it in the space on the center of the Belt, pushing the Lock down as it said, “Lock On~!” "Come On! Donguri Arms: Never Give Up!" Harry wondered what that meant as a crack appeared as well as armor on his body, he looked at the crack as a acorn dropped down on his head and appeared over his body, completing the armor. Harry looked at himself in the restroom mirror, amazed at the fact this happened. However, the only thing he thought as he looked at his roommate, ‘Wow, he really slept through that?’ -Fang and Vanille’s Apartment- After getting dressed, Fang looked at the Belt and put it at her waist, letting it wrap itself around her waist. She looked at the Pine Lockseed and pressed the button on the side, hearing, “Matsubokkuri!” She put it in the indent, pushing the Lock down as she heard, “Lock On~!” She smiled, thinking, “This might actually be interesting to try. Lets see what happens now.” "Soiya! Pine Arms: Funsai Destroy!" She smiled as blue armor appeared on her body and a crack formed over her head with a pinecone dropping on her, opening up as it completed her transformation. She smiled, and wondered if Vanille heard that, trying to think of a good excuse to explain all this to her friend. -Tokyo Airport- Stepping off a plane that came from London, a person with a hood over their face stretched and walked out into the city, carrying a suitcase in one hand while carrying their traveling case in the other. Walking into a empty alleyway, the person saw Putties, X-Borgs, and Bruisers appearing. The person smiled, putting on a Red Belt, similar to the one that was laying in Katniss’s room. Reaching into a pocket, the person pulled out a Lockseed with a see-through Padlock and the number being ELS-04, the design being a Melon. “Henshin.” The person said, pressing the button as it spoke, “Melon Energy!” The person put the Lockseed in the indent and pushed down on the Lock, “Lock On~!” White armor appeared on the person’s body. "Soda! Melon Energy Arms!” A crack appeared above the person and a melon fell on them, appearing as armor, complete with a shield. Using the bow that had appeared in their hand, the person used the bow as a sword and fought against their opponents. Jumping back, the person undid the lock, hearing, “Lock off!” Then they put the Lockseed in the indent of the bow, “Lock on! Melon!” Pulling back on the string, the person shot a valley of arrows, destroying the opponents. Straightening, the person took off the Belt and stepped into an area with a bit of light, revealing it to be a woman with long flaming red hair and a pair of familiar emerald green eyes. “That’s some welcome back to Japan.” Grabbing her bags, she walked off to find a place to sleep for the night. -Command Center- Kira and Dante heard the alarm but watched the fight with the mysterious Rider, Dante said, “The dude’s pretty good.” However, when it was revealed the Rider was a woman, Kira said, “Suddenly, feel awkward that calling the person’s a dude now?” Dante blushed red and shouted, “Oh, shut up!” “Lets treasure navigate!” Navi shouted, flying around until hitting her head on one of the panels. “Belts of black and red, locks of seeds and fruits. Beware, some may be allies, others enemies. That’s all~” Navi said, Dante groaned, “As usual, what you say makes no flipping sense.” “I wonder if that means that new Riders will appear.” Kira said as Dante looked at her, confused, she explained, “Think about it, we saw a Rider use a Red Belt with a lock of a fruit. We should be on the lookout.” “Yeah, anyway, I should head back so Vergil doesn’t get lonely.” Dante said sarcastically, Kira nodded, “I should head back to the others. They’re probably worried.” Navi nodded as they teleported away. Kira found a place to teleport near Gaston’s house and quietly rejoined her team. Dante quickly grabbed a box of pizza and returned to the apartment shared between him, Vergil, and Nero, stating with a pizza slice in his mouth, “Vergil, I’m back.” -Remus’ House- Hearing a knock on the door, Remus asked, “Yes?” “Moony, it’s about time for the moon to come out.” Sirius said, Remus nodded, hiding his Belt and Padlock and took a quick sip of an unusual liquid he had in his room. James and Sirius followed Remus into a hidden room in his basement where they put chains on his wrists and watched the full moon’s light appear over Remus. Sirius tried not to look but James watched as a change came over Remus, he winced in pain and began to change. When James touched his shoulder, Sirius looked and saw a silver furred wolf standing in the place of Remus. It calmly sat and looked at them. -Simba’s Apartment- Tossing and turning, Simba woke up in cold sweat and gasped for air. He rubbed his wild red hair and sighed, sitting in his bed. It was the same nightmare he had been having for ten years, he had been reliving the stampede that caused the death of his father. His uncle had convinced him to run away since he told him that he was responsible. Sighing, Simba looked at his bedside desk and picked up the see-through Padlock with a design of a cherry on it, it’s number ELS-02. He looked at the desk and saw a red Belt there. With a sigh, Simba wondered what he was going to do with the Belt and Padlock.
I'll be back next week, but for now, here are my character sheets. Name: Queen & Elizabeth Description: A pair of informants who help Shotaro and Philip with their cases and attend Nintendo High with the two's new chief, Hermione. Queen and Elizabeth use gossips and rumors to help Shotaro and Philip find their targets. Occupation: Student/Informant Series the Character is from: Kamen Rider W Other: Spoiler: Queen (Right), Elizabeth (Left) Name: Shintaro Goto Description: A young inspiring policeman who is good friends with Akira and Michal. He wishes to protect the world's peace but feels like he can't unless he can become like the Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, and Gokaigers. Goto, as he prefers to be called, often tries to make Michal toughen up and face his fear over water but most of the time, he ends up scaring him more. Goto works part time at the Cous Coussier with Hina. Occupation: Policeman Series the Character is from: Kamen Rider OOO Other: Spoiler: Goto Name: Lily Evans-Potter Description: James's wife, Harry and the Wilys' mother, and best friend of Sirius and Remus, Lily seems like the typical wife, loving and loyal to her husband, stern but kind to her children, and goes along with her friends. However, Lily has her own secrets, one being that she was one of the scientists who helped Zordon create the Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, and Gokaigers, even helped design and create Alpha and Navi. Another secret is that she recently obtained a Genesis Driver and a Energy Lockseed, unaware of what changes had come to her husband, son, and friends. Occupation: Scientist Series the Character is from: Harry Potter Other: Spoiler: Lily Name: Ansem the Wise Description: A well-known scientist who is known for his research on the heart, he is the true identity behind DiZ, the caretaker of Namine, and the partner of the White Wizard. While it is unknown why he took on the identity of DiZ but he has his own plans for the three groups of heroes and aiding them in their crusade against the S-Types. Occupation: Scientist Series the Character is from: Kingdom Hearts Other: Spoiler: Ansem the Wise
Due to certain issues with my computer, I'll be extending my time off until a few weeks. But please continue HDS while I'm gone. Meanwhile, I'll reserve these characters: Queen & Elizabeth (Kamen Rider W) Shintaro Goto (Kamen Rider OOO) Lily Evans-Potter (Harry Potter) Ansem the Wise (Kingdom Hearts)
Due to school as well as Thanksgiving and the anniversary of my grandfather passing away, I'll be taking this month off. You can PM me or talk to me on Skype about any plans you have in mind with my characters, who are open to be use by those who want them. Anyway, yeah.
Spoiler -Gaston's House- Yuna blushed deeply when she saw Tidus was at the party, Rikku walked up to her and Harold, "Yunie, I can dance with Tidus if you want." "Uh, okay, Rikku." Yuna said, as Rikku went to Tidus, surprising him and showing him how to dance. "Harold, I didn't know that Tidus would be coming here." Yuna said, blushing at the fact that Tidus was here. She smiled that Rikku was helping him. Belle smiled and watched them on the dance floor. While Akiza danced with Kazu, she felt that her roommate, Sunset Shimmer, saw her. -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant- Aerith smiled, eating the cheesecake with Carter. She hoped that Yuna, Rikku, Paine, and Belle were having a fun time while chaos and Lenne took care of the shop in her absence. Aerith pondered if Beast was okay and continued to eat with Carter. -Remus's Home- Remus entered his room with a tray that had a cup of hot tea and a few pieces of chocolate. While he wasn't exactly fond of chocolate, he found it as a way to calm his nerves about his certain problem that occurred one day each month. Placing the tray on his desk, Remus noticed the Belt and the Padlock. Grabbing the Padlock, Remuus looked at the Melon and wondered what the number on the front meant, probably realizing that the Belt was some form of the Drivers that he had seen on the Riders. If some unknown force wanted him to become one to protect his friends, Remus gladly accepted it as he read the message that was with it. Sirius sat in his room, looking at his Grape Padlock with the Belt laying beside him. He wondered why they appeared to him and how his friends might feel if they knew that he was keeping a secret from them, unaware they now had their own secrets. He decided the next time the Rangers, Riders or Gokaigers would go fight, he would go and help them. James sat by the bed of his adopted children, smiling at them sleeping and gripped his Power Coin, promising himself to protect them, Harry, and his friends. Neither friend knew that they each had a secret they had to keep from each other, but all promised to protect each other. -Fang and Vanille's Apartment- Stepping in her room, rubbing a towel over her wet hair, Fang stretched and walked to her bed, seeing the Belt and the Pinecone Padlock on her bed. She picked up the Padlock and examined it, she wondered why the design was a Pinecone and decided to keep this secret from Vanille and Sirius, not knowing that Sirius had his own Padlock and Belt.
Spoiler -Gaston's House- "You go, Yunie!" Rikku smiled, looking at her cousin. Yuna blushed, surprised at her suggestion. "Me? Dance? U-uh, okay, but you'll go next, Rikku." Belle laughed, while Paine stood against the wall, keeping silent. Yuna took Harold's hand and went out to the dance floor. Serena stretched and sighed, wondering what Luna was doing. Rei and Ami talked with Lita about her dance with Harold while Emma and the others worried about Kira, keepting to themselves as they stayed in the hallway. -Abandoned Mansion- Namine watched the White Wizard return from the window of her room before pulling the curtain over her window. The White Wizard went to his room, keeping to himself. Walking to the window in his room, the White Wizard looked out and thought about how young Kira was yet she held powers like that. -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant- "Oh, it looks so good." Aerith said, smiling when the cheesecake came to the table. She did look surprised when she heard Lex Luthor had been killed, but Aerith never got involved with politics. -Marauders- Sirius stretched while he, James, and Remus rested in Remus' home. While he sat on his bed, Sirius heard a strange noise before catching a strange Belt and a Grape Padlock, seeing the message. He was confused but looked at the padlock with the grape on it, gripping it in his hand.
Spoiler -Gaston's House- Lita returned to her friends and smiled, blushing as she looked at Harold. Yuna smiled, "Why didn't you tell us that you were such a gentleman? That was so sweet." "Yeah, that was so cool!" Rikku said, smiling. Belle smiled while Paine just stood against the wall, being herself. Serena was busy , dancing with Haruka and finishing when Gaston tried to stop someone from moving the party. Emma was worried about Kira but Gia calmed her down and they stayed where no one would bug them. Emma wondered where Kira went and held her guitar in its case. Troy thought who it was in white that joined them in the fight and why X-Borgs were sent to fight her. Akiza blushed, just dancing with Kazu. -Rider vs. Rider- The White Wizard kept quiet, looking at Tsukasa. "I may know the one who gave you your power but I am neither ally or enemy. I am merely a observer, Decade." He told Tsukasa. "May we meet again, someday." The White Wizard turned and walked away. -Command Center- "Huh? He did say something like that." Dante said, Kira kept quiet, thinking about the attack and sudden appearance of the Psycho Rangers. She didn't think that Vekar would be that smart to team up with S-Types just to get rid of her and her team. Dante thought aboaut how strong the Psycho Red Ranger was, knowing he had fought demons that were fought, but the only fight that was similar to Psycho Red was Doppelganger. -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant- While Aerith waited for Carter, she made sure her ribbon was tied securely and took a sip of her sweet tea. She wondered how things were at the shop and smiled, knowing that chaos would have things under control.
Spoiler -Gaston's House- "I'm here with friends." Lita said, dancing with him. "They're around the house." Rikku smiled as she watched Harold and Lita dance together, Yuna smiled, "What other surprises is that guy hiding?" Belle laughed and nodded. Akiza blushed and danced, trying not to step on his feet as she danced with Kazu. Serena puffed and grumbled, going to the food table and eating. Ami, Rei, Haruka, and Michiru walked to her, Mirchiru said, "With the way you're eating, something bad must have happened." "Yeah, that guy over there." Serena said, pointing to Darien. "He called me meatball head." "It's alright, Serena." Haruka said, "You're still our odango head." She offered her hand and Serena took it as they went out to the dance floor. Rei smiled at him and looked at Darien, because he hurt her friend's feelings, she didn't trust him. But Rei noted the look Serena had, and would look into it when she returned to the shrine. Mirchiru smiled, watching Serena and Haruka. -Battle- Kira saw Tsukasa defend her from the double attack by Psycho Green and White. "Thanks." She said, looking at Tsukasa. Dante got up from the Psycho that got knocked into him. The two began to fight, though Psycho Red was stronger than Dante thought it would be, it fought like he, almost like a mirror. Suddenly, Dante heard something, "Bind, Please~" Psycho Red was suddenly bound in six chains that appeared from the ground. Thie White Wizard appeared, "You two, head back to the Command Center. This was Vekar's plan." Kira wondered who he was, he said, "These enemies are too strong for you to handle. Go, and rest." Dante and Kira nodded, teleporting away after Kira petted Toothless on the head. -Command Center- Navi jumped when Kira and Dante appeared. "What happened?!" "Those copycat S-Types that the big head warned about." Dante said. "They appeared and were almost prefect copies of the Power Ranger team. But some dude in white told us to come here to rest." Kira took off her helmet and gasped for air. -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant- "Desert sound great." Aerith smileed as he suggested desert. She looked through the dessert menu and ordered the strawberry cheesecake to have for dessert.
Spoiler -Gaston's House- Lita was surprised by how well Harold danced, almost blushing when he wrapped his arm around her waist. "W-wow, you're great at dancing. Your teacher must have been amazing." Serena, Ami, Rei, Mina, Haruka, and Michiru watched and seemed as Lita enjoyed herself with the dance partner she had found. When Darien came in to tell Gaston about the noise outside, Serena got a clear look at him and had the same feeling again as though she had known him from somewhere, long ago. Seeing everyone dancing, Akiza hid a blush and asked, "Uh, seems everyone has a dance partner. Would you like to dance, Kazu?" -Battle- "Everyone, you must want to cover your ears." Kira said, looking at the remaining X-Borgs and S-Types. She took a deep breath and shouted, a yellowish sonic wave appearing. The attack caused the enemies to covers their ears and Kira finished them off with Dante as the two turned their attention to the Psycho Rangers. Dante tapped his Power Sword on his shoulder, "Those must be those copycat S-Types Big Z told us about. They don't seem that tough." -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant- "Yes, she is in a better place as well with your father, watching over us from the sky." Aerith said, smiling. She calmly ate and remembered how she met Beast and chaos, Beast had tried to scare her but when Aerith showed him kindness, he showed that he was just scared and was happy to have someone accept. When she met chaos, he was still mysterious as he was in the present, but Aerith enjoyed their company. -Magical Trunk- Elsa sat in the main room of the trunk and wondered how Harold was doing at that party he mentioned, she hoped that he enjoyed himself and made some good friends. She smiled, undoing her hair and went to the bedroom, taking off her shoes. Elsa laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling and thinking about Anna and Olaf, hoping they were alright. -Hotel - Anna's Room- Anna sat on her bed, looking out her window and hoping that her sister was alright, wherever she was in the city. She hummed the phrase of their pastime as children, 'Do You Want to Build a Snowman?' Anna sighed and laid on her bed, wishing that Elsa would show up soon and she would be alright. -Flynn's Arcade - Secret Room- Luna and Artemis watched the battle at Gaston's house, watching the two Rangers and Decade along with Mario and his companions. The two kept quiet, planning when they would appear to those people. Artemis thought it was interesting that Kira had a unique power that she only could use. Luna watched the teamwork of each combatant and kept quiet.
Spoiler -Gaston's House- Lita was surprised that Harold asked her to dance, she smiled, "Sure, but you would be stepping over my feet since I'm so tall." "It's fine, Lita." Yuna said, smiling at her. Rikku and Belle nodded. Lita nodded, taking his hand and leading him out to the dance floor. Emma looked to the direction of the backyard and headed in that direction, worried about Kira. -Outside Gaston's House- Akiza smiled and nodded, taking his hand and heading inside. She kept quiet and stayed closed to Kazu, especially when she saw Draco who forced her powers to appear. -Battle- Dante smirked, saying, "Thought you were too high and mighty to join a fight like this." 'Those idiots,' Kira thought, seeing Fay, Amy, Samey, and Max. She knocked each one back to the door when she saw Emma, Gia, Orion, and Troy appear at the door. "Guys, get them inside! The four of us can handle these! And you....." She pointed one of her Ptera Grips at Amy's throat. "I'll deal with you later about pushing your sister into a fight where she could get killed." She kicked her harder than the others. When Gia, Troy, Emma, and Orion got the four inside, Emma closed the door and locked it. She slashed through a number of X-Borgs and some of the S-Types. Dante pulled out his Blade Blaster and shot at the S-Types and X-Borgs, using his weapons as though he was fighting demons. -Armada Mothership- "What is that thing?!" Vekar shouted, watching Mario fight with Kira, Tsukasa, and Dante. He groaned and said. "Whatever, another bug to smash." From the Moon Palace, Zedd and Rita watched, knowing that Mario was showing himself to be a strong opponent. -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant- Aerith listened to what happened to Carter's father and smiled, "It's alright. I lost my mother when I was very young, so I grew up with a woman who looked after me when she passed away." She calmly ate her food. -Bar- Setsuna nodded and waved at Sully, sipping her cup. Sirius and Remus talked for a while and headed out, leaving James alone in the bar with Setsuna. "You're a Power Ranger, aren't you?" Setsuna asked after a moment of silence. James jumped and tried to cover it up, "What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about." "That watch, you're wearing." Setsuna said, looking at him. James looked at his communicator and looked at her, she said, "I have seen a few people on the teaching staff with that watch." James was surprised, "Who are you?" He looked as she pulled out a unique stick, she said, "Sailor Pluto."
Spoiler -Gaston's House- 'Okay, that was possibly the weirdest conversation I have had.' Harry thought to himself as he walked to Ron, Hermione, and Draco. 'Flamel, huh? Wasn't he that noted alchemist Hermione wrote about when we were eleven? I didn't know he had a son.' He also recalled the Daily Prophet, it was a magical newspaper that his family, Ron's, and Hermione's read until they were fifteen. He recalled that Hermione fell heads over heels for a fraud called Lockhart when they were twelve and while they were thirteen, there was a prisoner escape. He recalled his dad saying when he was fifteen that the Minister was a paranoid man, saying that he was the reason that he stopped reading the paper. Harry had seen Yuna, Rikku, and Belle around the school, but he was surprised that Harold came with them. Hermione took notice of Harold and wondered if she should tell Shotaro about him so he could tail him and find more about him. But she decided against it since he seemed like he wasn't very mysterious as she sipped the cup Harry gave her. Draco and Ron were busy arguing about various things while they received their drinks to notice Harold. When Gaston shot during his song, Serena went to the side of the house and caught sight of Darien as he went back into his apartment, she couldn't help but feel like she knew him from somewhere. She recalled the dream she had been having, but couldn't connect the dots and went back to enjoying the party. "Hey, Mario." Two female voices spoke to him, Kira and Lita walked in front of Harold, Lita glared down at Mario while Kira did the same. Lita spoke, "So, just because he has some beautiful ladies around him, that makes him a pimp?" "And because he's British, that automatically means you believe he will act like a stereotypical British person?" Kira said. "I think you should do your homework more." She took a breath but Emma stopped her, "Wait, Kira! You told me and Gia that you won't use 'that voice' in public in front of others." Kira froze, feeling Emma hold her hand, and nodded, she headed out to Gaston's backyard while Lita turned to Harold, walking to him and the girls, she smilted and waved, "Name's Lita Kino. Nice to meet you." Kira walked out back into the backyard and walked a bit far out so she could be alone. She sighed and looked at her Dino Gem, the 'voice' that Emma talked about was a special power that given to her, a super powered scream that Gia dubbed the 'Ptera Scream'. Kira stretched and looked around when a batch of of X-Borgs appeared, Kira was surprised at fist, but then she got upset. 'Vekar, this is the worst possible time for one of your tantrums!' Making sure no one was looking or around, Kira had her Dino Gem turn into her Dino Morpher and shouted, "Dino Thunder, power up!" She changed into her Dino Thunder form and began to fight the X-Borgs. -Outside Gaston's House- Akiza listened to him about the Duel Academy and all the people who he met. She silently wished that she had someone like him earlier in her life and maybe she wouldn't be so scared of her powers. Akiza smiled as she listened to him. -Armada Mothership- "Hah, that's what she gets for ruining my chance of getting a queen." Vekar said, watching Kira fight by herself against the X-Borgs sent down. "Sides, the plan is perfect. We wear her down then, then send down the Psycho Rangers to finish her off." Vekar almost seemed proud of himself and thought Kira wasn't too bright to fight by herself. -Bar- Setsuna nodded, rubbing the rim of her cup with her finger. She wondered what kind of fight would happen to cause a team up of the scouts, Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, and Gokaigers. She smiled, thinking back to some fight that the Scouts had in the past, but she recalled the party, she thought to herself, 'I hope that those at the party aren't drinking alcohol, else I'm not going to be happy.' -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant- Aerith thought about the riots and felt lucky the shop wasn't damaged and neither were any of the flowers. Everyone who lived with her knew how she became when something happened to the flowers in the ship. Aerith ate her dinner calmly and enjoyed Carter's company. -Dante, Vergil, and Nero's Apartment- "What was that?!" Dante shouted, looking at his brother. "You think you're so cool just because you got your classes to wet themselves with your lectures! I don't even know why that damn principal created that class! All you did was show off!" He stomped out and grumbled, making sure no one was around, Dante teleported out of the area to the area of Gaston's party. He took notice of Kira fighting and smiled, pulling out his sword, Rebellion. He joined the brawl, Kira was surprised to see him join but didn't mind it. After a while, Dante changed into his Ranger form. Vekar whined that Dante appeared, but he didn't care as the plan will stay on course no matter how many backup appeared.
Spoiler -Gaston's House- Kira stretched as Gia smiled at those who enjoyed the music made by her friend, Emma gave her a cup of punch which Kira drank down. The rest of her team walked up, Jake said, "That song was so awesome!" "Yeah, it was good." Noah said, smiling. "It was very well done." "Yeah, are you planning on fill this party with music or something, Kira?" Troy asked, Kira smiled, "Maybe. Depends on if everyone wants a encore." Orion smiled, nodding at her. Kira smiled and set her cup down, strumming it softly. Ami waved at Manon and smiled, returning to her conversation with Michiru. Lita smiled and stood by herself against the wall. Serena smiled, telling Hiccup about how much fun she has at Flyyn's Arcade. Mina talked with Haruka and Rei, enjoying herself as did Rei and Haruka. Lita looked through the crowd and though she saw someone who looked like Harry's brother or something. "Hey, mate, do you think you could get me and Mione some drinks?" Ron asked, Harry nodded with a smile which quickly vanished when Draco spoke, "Indeed, get one for me as well, Potter. Go on, dog." Harry sighed and went to the punch bowl, getting four cups and filling them with punch. Harry smiled as he grabbed the cups, two in each hand. He tried to walk back, making sure that punch didn't spill and knocked into someone. "Oh, sorry." Yuna, Rikku, and Belle kept a eye on Harold when they saw someone bump into him -Galleon- Ahim sat in the main room of the Galleon, sipping a cup of tea. Don was in the kitchen with Gai, making dinner for the team. Luka was busy, counting her jewels and money while the table was set. Ahim kept quiet and thought about Kira's team, she thought about the origins of her team as she sipped her tea. Basco slept on the couch, his hat over his eyes while Joe was working out and Marvelous was being himself. -Outside Gaston's House- Akiza smiled, holding his hand and asked, "May I hear more about the Duel Academy and your old friends?" She sounded very curious about what Kazu told her and wanted to know more about his life. -Bar- "Yeah. I heard that the Rangers recently got new members on their team, making them a full team." Setsuna said, sipping her cup as she recalled some rumors saying that the Power Rangers got three new members. "I would love to see a team-up of all four of those teams. That would surely be a sight to see." Remus listened to their conversation, when James came back and Sirius stretched. -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant- "The riots and the craziness that happened at the memorial on Tuesday." Aerith said, before gently beginning to eat her food. She ate calmly and smiled, tasting how good the breaded shrimp was. -Flynn's Arcade- Artemis looked through the info of each person who was on the screen with Luna. He wondered how they received their powers while the Scouts were awakeneed to their powers in some way. "Hey, Luna, maybe we should keep a eye on these people, see if they will be allies for the Scouts." Artemis said, Luna nodded, "Especially these three." The screen closed in the images of Tommy, Philip, and Marvelous, Luna looked at them, curious. -Fang and Vanille's Apartment- Fang stretched and looked through a cookbook of what to make for dinner between her and Vanille. Walking into the kitchen, Fang got out some of the ingredients and tools to make dinner. As she began to make dinner, Fang wondered where did Kira disappear during her Gym class? She sighed and made her dinner. -Utahoshi House- Kengo was busy, making grilled cheese sandwiches for himself and Chibi Chibi. He recalled when he told about Kira and her team, Kengo figured that he would ask them about their powers or if they could feel like joining the groups under Zordon. He held a Switch in his hand and sighed, hoping to work on some more Switches without Chibi Chibi interrupting him. -Narumi Detective Agency- Philip sat in the Agency, looking through the Planet Bookshelf. He walked through the endless rows of bookshelves, looking for a subject to read about. He wondered about how Hermione was doing at the party and decided to look up everything about parties and having fun. -Dante, Vergil, and Nero's Apartment- Dante groaned as he laid on the couch of the apartment shared by him, Vegil, and Nero. "I'm bored and I'm hungry!" He complained, he sat up and looked at his Power Coin. Dante gripped it in his hand and wondered what Nero was doing at the party.
-Flower Shop- "Well, we'll be on our way, then." Rikku said, smiling. Yuna and Belle looked at Harold, Yuna smiled, "My, someone can certainly clean up." "Yes, and he is very good looking." Belle said as she and Yuna took both of Harold's arms. Rikku grinned and smiled at Paine, who sweatdropped at the exception of leading them to Gaston's house. Lenne told them, "Be careful." "But have fun." chaos said, Beast was hesitant but said, "And try not to do anything bad." "Got it!" Rikku said, happily, as she and the others followed Paine out. -Ishtar Apartment- "My, my, what a handsome young man." Isizhu said, smiling at Kazu and keeping Marik from trying to have Akiza. Akiza looked at Kazu and was surprised, "Wow, Kazu, I almost don't recognize you. Well, um, should we go then?" "Have fun, you two." Isizhu said, smiling. "Akiza, if anything happens, just have Kazu watch over you and you can spend the night here, both of you." "Well, see you later." Akiza said, taking Kazu's hand and heading out. Akiza noticed a awkward air between them and tried to talk, "Sorry if Marik seems a bit overprotective. But he is a good guy, once you get to know him." Spoiler -Gaston's house- "Wow, you work at Flynn's!" Serena said, surprised at Hiccup's occupation. "Must be so fun!" Lita smiled and laughed at seeing Serena talk with Hiccup, Nero entered and went to the punch bowl, getting himself a cup of punch. He was thinking about the best way to beat Dante for begging him to come to this party and sighed, touching his covered Devil Bringer arm. Shino kept quiet and watched the others mingle, Orion noticed her and thought about how lonely she might be. "You don't have to keep calling me that." Ami said, smiling. "Just call me Ami." She gently petted Harry and smiled, Draco looked and saw Rikku, Paine, Yuna, Belle, and Harold, seeing the girls' beauty, Draco immediately planned to get all of them, though Harry had a look that knew that plan would fail right. Ron thought he did a double take when he saw Harold but wasn't sure if the atmosphere was making him see things. "I think it's time we show what a real party is like." Gia said, smiling at Kira. She nodded and tuned her guitar, playing a certain melody and taking a breath as she began to sing. Some people took notice as Kira played and sang music for the party. Spoiler: music "Angel of darkness, angel of darkness The world is in your hand But I will fight until the end Angel of darkness, angel of darkness Don't follow your commands But I will fight and I will stand When darkness falls, pain is all The Angel of Darkness, will leave behind But I will fight The love is lost, beauty and light Have vanished from, garden of delight The dreams are gone, midnight has come The darkness is our new kingdom Yea Angel of darkness, angel of darkness The world is in your hand But I will fight until the end Angel of darkness, angel of darkness Don't follow your commands But I will fight and I will stand Hunt goes on, deep in the night Time to pray, down on your knees You can't hide, from the, eternal light Until my last, breath I will figth (I will fight...) Now realise, the stars they die Darkness has fallen, paradise But we'll be strong, and we will fight Against the, creatures of the night Angel of darkness, angel of darkness The world is in your hand But I will fight until the end Angel of darkness, angel of darkness Don't follow your commands But I will fight and I will stand." Listening, Troy wondered if the song had any meaning or if it was referring to Kira and her team before they became larger. Lita stood against the wall, smiling at seeing the others dance to the music and admitted that Kira was good. She used to not having someone ask her to dance because of her height. -Bar- "It's okay. With what happened, it did seem like the world was ending." Setsuna said, with a small laugh and a smile. "I hope that those heroes will be face any danger that come this way." She swirled the liquid in her cup and sipped it. James got up and headed to the restroom, Setsuna watched him and noticed a unique wristband on his wrist, she recognized it as the same kind she had seen on a few others. She kept quiet, thinking about the other groups of heroes. -Tokyo Harbor, Sea Restaurant- "Yes, to many more years of successful business." Aerith said, smiling and raising her glass of water, clinging it with Carter's. She took a sip of her water and looked out the window, "It's so beautiful out there, makes what happened recently seem like a dream." -Utahoshi House- Kengo was busy, working on new switches for Fourze when there was a knock on his door. He got up and opened to find a small red haired girl with her hair in heart shaped buns. "What is it, Chibi? Are you hungry?" He asked. Chibi Chibi smiled, saying, "Hungry, hungry." 'Nearly forgot she only repeats the last word a person says.' Kengo thought to himself, looking at her with a annoyed look. He sighed and closed the door to his room, picking up Chibi and taking her to the kitchen so they could both get some food. -Flynn's Arcade- Making sure that Hotaru was asleep before leaving and that they weren't seen by Flynn, Luna and Artemis quickly ran to the Sailor V game. After Luna pressed some buttons, a secret passage opened and the two entered, having the opening close before Flynn could see. Luna ran up to a keyboard and pressed a button. Suddenly, several images appeared on the screen, each one about the members of the three groups, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaigers, and the Kamen Riders. Each one had the member's info, such as their name, age, blood type, and star sign. "Luna, what is this about?" Artemis asked, seeing one more set appeared, being Kira and her team, with their information being all unknown. Luna typed some of the keys. "I want to know if these teams could be allies for us." Artemis watched her and looked at the images of the female members. -Abandoned Mansion- Namine sat by herself, in her room of the mansion. She sat by the window, looking out with her sketchbook in her lap. Both DiZ and the White Wizard were out, doing who knows what, so she was left alone in the mansion. Namine sat against the glass, wondering what the others were doing and looked at the sketch in her sketchbook and the pictures scattered across her walls. -Sirius' Apartment- Eiji stretched and sighed, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier with Kimberly holding a Yummy. While he was able to beat it and let Ankh gain all the Cell Medals, Eiji wondered how and why Kimberly gained a Yummy and why she was scared about telling him of it. He knew Ankh was busy, planning how to retrieve Cores from Kazari. Eiji pulled out the O Holder and looked through all his available Cores.
-Flower Shop- Yuna, Rikku, Paine, and Belle came out in the dresses they chose, Beast tried to hide his blush at seeing how cute the girls looked in their dresses. Yuna smiled, "I think we're ready. Let me talk to talk him this time, Rikku." Yuna walked to the door of Harold's room and knocked on the door, "We're ready. We'll be in the lobby, come down when you're ready." She went with Rikku, Paine, and Belle to the lobby where Lenne and chaos looked at them and praised how adorable that they looked. -Ishtar Apartment- Isizhu and Akiza walked out of her room as Marik came out of his room, he looked at her in surprise, "No way, is that really you, Akiza? You look amazing." Akiza smiled, Isizhu asked,"Where's Kazu?" "Still getting dressed." Marik said, looking at his sister and he stretched, Akiza waited for Kazu and hoped nothing bad would happen when she and Kazu went to the party. Spoiler -Gaston's House- Shino covered her eyes from Wario's crazy drunken antics while some of the guys were surprised and saw Gia, Lita, and Hermione punch Wario and Waluigi. Ron gulped while Draco looked shocked, Ron said, "Remind me never to get her mad." "You're questioning that now?" Harry said, looking at him, surprised as Hermione rejoined the group. Serena laughed, "It's okay, I was even surprised at how well Ami was at the Sailor V game. But she is a good friend to have." Ami looked at Manon and noticed Harry, "What a adorable Pokemon you have." She smiled at Manon and Harry. Kira smiled at Gia, "Feel better?" "I would have loved to use my claw on them." Gia said, sighing. Emma smiled softly, "But you know, you can't. We can't have people knowing how we are. We haven't made much of a impact like the other teams." Emma tried to keep her voice low and quiet so the others in the rooms couldn't hear what they were talking about. Kira nodded and looked at her braclet, staring at her Dino Gem. Emma gently touched the gem and smiled, letting Kira know that she and Gia were there for her. -Bar- "Hotaru is a good girl, though." Setsuna said, recalling the day when she, Haruka, and Michiru adopted Hotaru and discovering she was Sailor Saturn. She sipped her drink. "She's opening up more now that she's living with us and is starting to make friends." Setsuna wondered how Hotaru was doing by herself at the house, she only guessed that Artmeis and Luna were keeping a eye on her and making sure she behave. Setsuna swirled the liquid in her cup, hoping that the Scouts will be able to complete their mission, somehow. -Seafood Restaurant - Tokyo Harbor- When Carter asked her how long she had the flower shop, Aerith thought about when the Gullwings were formed, when she joined, and when they entered the apartment where the shop was at. "About a year, I believe." Aerith answered, smiling. "I loved to garden and always wanted to be a florist. So, when I joined the Gullwings and we found the apartments, I turned the empty space below the apartments into the shop. We do get some good business, just enough to pay rent and get the groceries and supplies for the shop." Aerith smiled as she recalled the memories when she made the shop and had the other help with the flowers.
-Flower Shop- "Just thought I would ask." Rikku said, looking innocent at Harold. Yuna laughed and walked with a few outfits she found in Aerith's room while Belle and Paine tried the clothes they found. Yuna smiled and said, "Sorry about her. She just thought you would have something for us to wear." Yuna led Rikku away to her room and try on the clothes that they had found. Beast waited outside the room so the girls could dress in privacy while down in the shop, chaos and Lenne were arranging and caring for the flowers. -Magical Trunk- Elsa sat in the living room of the trunk and looked at all the ice sculptures she had made. Smiling, she sighed and thought of her sister and Olaf, hoping that they were alright and that Hans wasn't going to do anything bad to them. She wasn't sure why, but Elsa didn't have a good vibe about him. -Ishtar Apartment- In Isizhu's room, Akiza shyly stepped out into Isizhu's view, wearing a beautiful red dress. "Oh, Akiza, you look beautiful. Wait, something's missing." Isizhu said, while Akiza looked at herself to see if something was off with her outfit, Isizhu picked a rose from a vase in her room and placed it in her hair. Akiza looked at her in surprise, Isizhu smiled, "Now you look lovely. Don't worry, Akiza, you'll be fine." "I hope your sixth sense is right." Akiza said, looking worried about the party and what would happen. "Here, try this ." Marik told Kazu, handing him a light red suit from his closet. He stretched and looked through his deck while Kazu changed his clothes, wondering how his sister and Akiza were doing. Spoiler -Gaston's house- Kira and her friends arrived at the house, Emma walked around and found Shino, talking with her about what was happening in her life. Gia talked with Kira about what kind of song she should sing and surprise everyone while Troy stood against the wall while Noah sighed at the lack of books Gaston had in the house and Jake tried to think of a way to impress Gia. Orion tried to talk with Harry and his friends while Draco was just being himself and not looking at the new arrivals to the party. Ami talked with Michiru about how their mission while Mina tried to pick out what guy to talk and Serena tried the food. Rei was talking with Lita and Haruka while Kira took out of her guitar and tuned it, strumming it softly. -Bar- "Yeah, he's a good man." Setsuna said. "I went to a very elite school when I was in high school. But Nintendo High is a wonderful place and the staff as well as the students are grerat. I'm happy to work there, since I have to fend myself and three other. You know Haruka Tenou and Michiru Kaiou, they live with me as well as a young girl named Hotaru Tomoe. We adopted her when Child Services took her from her mentally disable father." She took a sip of her drink, trying to make sure that she didn't tell him that she was a Sailor Scout. -Tokyo Harbor, Seaside Restaurant- Aerith looked through the menu and ordered sweet tea to drink while having the order of breaded shrimp with ranch as a dipping sauce. She closed her menu and handed it to the waiter and waited for Carter to order his food.
Name: Kakyuu Description: A princess from a unknown fallen Asian kingdom, Kakyuu is trying to survive and avenge her fallen kingdom. She works part time at the Cous Couisser with Hina Izumi but says nothing of her past or where she is from. Occupation: Princess/Waitress Series Character is from: Sailor Moon Other: Spoiler: Kakyuu Name: Seiya Kou Description: One of Kakyuu's guards and a senior at Nintendo High, Seiya is also a idol who has a bit of a crush on Serena. While Seiya appears as a handsome young man, he phyiscally transforms into a female warrior called Sailor Star Fighter, leader of the Sailor Starlights. Seiya makes sure that no one knows about their group as they secretly hepl the Sailor Senshi. Occupation: Student/Idol Series Character is from: Sailor Moon Other: Spoiler: Seiya Name: Yaten Kou Description: Another of Kakyu's guards as well as a senior at Nintendo High, Yaten is also a idol with Seiya, staring as the Three Lights with their third companion. Much like Seiya, Yaten can change into a female warrior named Sailor Star Healer and is the very shy of the group, only showing a carefree side when performing with the others. Occupation: Student/Idol Series Character is from: Sailor Moon Other: Spoiler: Yaten Name: Taiki Kou Description: The third member of Kakyu's guards, Taiki is the most intelligent of the group as he has the highest marks of his class alongside by working as a idol with Seiya and Yaten. Taiki also changes into a female warrior called Sailor Star Maker, as well as the most dedicated of the group. Occupation: Student/Idol Series Character is from: Sailor Moon Other: Spoiler: Taiki Name: Chibi Chibi Description: A mysterious young girl who has started to live with Kengo. She repeats the last word that a person says and Kengo often finds her to very annoying. His neighbors put him in care of Chibi Chibi because they thought she had no family to care for her, much like Kengo. Occupation: ??????? Series Character is from: Sailor Moon Other: Spoiler: Chibi Chibi
-Flower Shop- When Rikku finished looking through the chest of costumes in Aerith's room, leaving it a mess, Yuna, Paine, Belle, and Beast each had a surprised look and began to clean up the room while Rikku went to Harold's room. She knocked on his door, asking, "Hey, new guy, do you have any good clothes that we can wear for this party? Hey, new guy?" Yuna and Belle looked through Aerith's completed costumes for something to wear. -Ishtar Apartment- While Isizhu looked for a dress that Akiza could wear for the party in her room, Marik took Kazu to his room and kept a hawk eye on him while he looked through his cloest for a outfit. He wasn't sure about Kazu and kept quiet, looking for a outfit for him to wear. -Dino/Megaforce- Kira and her team were heading to Gaston's house for the party, Troy asked Kira as she held the case of her guitar, carrying it to the party, "Are you sure about bringing that?" "Just in case the music there sucks." Kira told him, Gia said, "I say, just rock out anyway, Kira. I mean, this is Gaston we're talking about. The music he'll play will probably be about egotism or something." Emma laughed and walked with her team, Orion smiled and wondered what would happen at the party while Noah pressed up his glasses and stretched. -Gaston's house- Hermione, Ron, and Harry sweatdropped at Eris's entrance while Shino quietly came in behind her and went to the snack table, getting herself a cup of punch and taking a sip. Draco scoffed at Eris's entrance and rested, waiting for the other guests. Ron stretched and sighed, he talked with his friends about the day he had at school before discussing and being formally introduced to Hermione's new companions. Hermione nodded, knowing that Shotaro would probably like to meet them. Outside, Serena, Ami, Rei, Lita, Mina, Haruka, and Michiru approached the house, discussing what kind of fun they would have. -Bar- "Yeah, go ahead and sit down." Setsuna said, taking a sip of her drink. "Nice to actually meet you, Sully. I'm the Biology Teacher Assistant." She swirled the liquid in her cup a bit, thinking about her mission with the Sailor Scouts and her job as the Teacher Assistant at the school. Sirius expressed his jealousy that James got to see one of the Power Rangers and wished he could have been there. James laughed and smiled. -Seafood Restaurant- "It's fine." Aerith told him, getting out of the car. "Actually, it looks a nice place. Shall we go in?" She smiled at him and walked to the entrance of the restaurant. She did wonder if everything was alright back at the shop and figured that chaos and Lenne would keep things in check.
-Flower Shop- "Yes, I'm ready. Alright, everyone, I'll see you later." Aerith said, waving at everyone as she walked out with Carter. Rikku waved back and grinned, saying, "Lets see what costumes Aerith has made that we can use to wear at the party!" She immediately looked through the trunk of costumes that Aerith had in her room while Yuna admired the designs for future costumes and some that were in-progress. Lenne went and sat the counter while chaos worked around the shop, watering flowers and planting new ones. -Magical Trunk- "Well, thank you." Elsa said, looking at Harold when he said that he could get a magical connection set up for her. "I'll be grateful to talk with my sister again. I hope you can meet with her." -Kazu- "Then lets head to my apartment, I'm sure we can find some more suitable clothes to wear for such an event." Isizhu said, leading them to the apartment she shared with her brothers. Akiza followed her and the moment she set foot in the apartment, Akiza was hugged by a dark skinned young man with white hair. "Akiza, it's so great to see you again. Are you settling in at your new school? Make any new friends?" "Marik, it's wonderful to see you too. Yes, I'm doing great. And I did make one friend." Akiza said, looking at Kazu. "Come on, Akiza. Lets see if I have any clothes that fit you for this party." Isizhu said, leading her to her room. "Marik, see if you can help Kazu get some suitable clothes." Marik nodded and looked at Kazu, studying him and wondering if he knew about Akiza's special power as well as if he was able to keep it secret and help her keep under control. -Hino Family Shrine- Rei heard her grandfather make his plans to go to Tokyo University next Tuesday and sighed before saying, "Grandpa, I'm going out with my friends to a classmate's party. Hopefully, I won't be out too late. And try not to watch too much TV while I'm gone." She walked to her friends, who each were wearing a lovely dress they had found in Rei's closet, excluding Setsuna who had already left with Hotaru, Luna, and Artemis. Serena happily shouted for them to go and they headed out to Gaston's home for the party. -Golden Trio & Draco- After Philip surprised her by giving her a beautiful dress to wear for the party, Hermione met up with Harry and Ron as well as Draco, unfortunately, though each boy was dressed in semi-formal clothes. For whatever reason, Draco kept calling Hermione a filthy mudblood and despite how she looked, no one would love her. Luckily, managing to stop before they reached the door of Gaston's house, Hermione turned to Draco and said, "Malfoy, call me a mudblood one more time and I swear, I will beat you so hard that you wish you should have gone back to the UK." Harry smiled and Ron sighed while Draco stood, shaking and nodded. Catching her breath, Hermione entered the home of her classmate with Harry, Ron, and Draco behind her. -Bar- Sirius, Remus, and James went out to have a boys' night out after Remus and Sirius noticed how deep in thought James was after the meeting at the Command Center. James tried to think how to beat the Psycho S-Types and what was the best to do it, but he agreed to go with his friends and enjoy the night, Setsuna was also at the bar to ponder how the Senshi could find the princess and if there was any clue to find her. She sighed and sipped her drink while listening to Sirius talk about his day at Nintendo High with Remus and James. James saw how he saw one of the Power Rangers in action and wished he could have helped that one, trying to make his story of fighting Goldar and the Putties believable enough so his friends didn't suspect that he was the Black Ranger. -Armada Mothership- Vekar listened to the proposal of teaming up, actually paying attention to what was being said. He figured any help would be useful to get rid of Kira and her team. "Very well, the Armada should join forces with the Crystal Order." He said, almost smiling that now after a year of losing many commanders to three girls, not knowing that her team had grown, Vekar would finally be able to beat them. -Mario Bros. House- Watching Mario, Sakura smiled, wishing she had siblings growing up so she could have a reason to fight as Kamen Rider Ichigo, Seki kept quiet, looking out the widow as she thought of her family as well as when she became Kamen Rider V3. Hinako smiled and stretched, wondering how long they were going to stay if nothing was going to happen.
Name: Marik Ishtar Descrtiption: Isizhu's younger brother and a close friend of Akiza. Marik has a love of finding rare cards but his desire for rare cards doesn't overshadow his love for his sister and adoptive older brother as well as his friendship with Akiza. He also aspires to understand Akiza's power and helps her use it to help others, thinking of her as his own sister. Series the Character is from: Yu-Gi-Oh! Occupation: Treasure Hunter Other: Spoiler: Marik