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  1. Princess Rapunzel


    Jake watched Ed hit the wall and took the ball, "I'll be taking that!" "You guys continue, I'll take Ed to the nurse's office." Fang said, picking up Ed and carrying him over her shoulder. As she felt, Kira sighed and kept watch Jake had the ball and got ready when he came her way. She knelt down and took the ball from him, having him surprised as she ran.


    -MMPR & Ninja Storm-

    "I can't say that I know the team, the only Sentai or Ranger team I know is my own team, Gokaigers, and the Megaforce." Tommy said, smiling and surprised to hear a new team. "If you can tell me what they looked like, I can ask Gai. He's a Sentai fantic, kinda."


    -Principal's Office-

    "Thank you, sir." Koyomi said, bowing then left with Haruto, holding his hand. She went to the English classroom and sat down in her desk with Haruto next to her. Gia, who sat on the other side of her, whispered to her the page they were on and Koyomi nodded, opening her book to the page, reading the lesson.



    Philip nodded, leaning against the wall. "I have done a look-up on Elsa, she is very shy and not very sociable due to a incident in her past." "By the way, can you remember who it was?" Akira asked. "Sorry if it is personal to remember." "He had short wavy silver hair and wore a coat with a furline." Hermione said, remembering Kazari's human side. Philip hid his surprise to her description of Kazari then she detailed his Greeed form, Kimberly held her communicator as she listened.


    -Coffee Shop-

    Alice looked at the business card, "Thank you for the card, but I'm fine where I am staying. Blanca likes it as well." Blanca nodded, wagging his tail as she rubbed his head softly. "And I'm sure that Mister Sarcastic here likes it as well." She sighed and didn't look at Yuri, slipping her tea.


    -Command Center-

    Listening to Kate, Lily thought for a moment and revealed her Genesis Driver, "Is this what you are looking for?" "What?!" Navi shouted in surprise, Lily also brought out her Lockseed. "It just appeared to me in the UK. It seems to be some kind of Driver since the door to the Center accepted it. And from Miss Kate's command, I would guess that there are out there with similar Drivers." She put her hand to her chin, curious about the others.


    -Moon Palace-

    "Aw, Thrax!" Zedd said, seeing his son home and patting his shoulder. "Welcome home. Good to see you again." "Aw, my handsome little boy." Rita said, smiling as she turned and approached her son. "How have your travels been? We have missed you."


    -Flower Shop-

    "Well, we have many white flowers as you can see." Aerith said, showing the white flowers the shop had. "Maybe if you can describe what kind of girl she is, we can find the right flower for her." She smiled and looked at the flowers with Oliver.

    "Well, I would have my mother's brunette hair but because of my powers, my hair is this white color." Elsa said, looking down with a sad smile and stroking her hair. "But thank you for finding her, Harold. You're doing so much for me, and I haven't done anything to thank you."


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    "Good moring, Amy." Hayley said, smiling at her employee. "Everything is doing good. Ready for work?" She was glad that she didn't have to work in the cafe alone and hoped more people will come to work here soon.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    Riding up to the Command Center on her motorbike, Lily took off her goggles and looked at the building that served as the home for Zordon, Alpha, and Navi. 'It feels like forever since I have seen any of them.' Lily thought to herself, parking her motorbike and getting off, grabbing the case which contained the two Drivers and the bag which had her Driver and Lockseed. Walking to the door, Lily pulled out her Driver and held it up to the door, remembering the door would only open to those with Power Coins, Mobirates, or Drivers.

    With the door accepting the Driver, she entered the Command Center and smiled. When she came in, Lily ducked as Navi came flying at her, she picked up Navi and smiled, "Was this one of your 'treasure navigations?" "Who?" Navi asked, Lily said, "I'm the one who made you and Alpha. I helped with the creation of the heroes you're helping." She went to the control panel and set her case down, opening it. "I need you two and Zordon to keep watch over these. Choose who you think will be best suited for these Drivers."


    -Armada Mothership-

    While Vekar tried to think about how to destroy Kira and her team, especially since they have some new members. While he was trying to brainstorm his new plan, the doors opened and the least likely person he wanted to see entered the room. Vrak almost gave a smile, "Happy to see me, older brother?" "Vrak, what are you here?! The invasion of Earth is my responsibility!" Vekar shouted. Vrak scoffed, "And you are failing miserably, constantly losing to a group of teenagers. If you need me, I'll be on the Warstar Armada ship." He left while X-Borgs kept Vekar from chasing after his brother.


    -Moon Palace-

    Rita watched over Earth, seeing if she could send a monster down and saw one of the Rangers, Nala, was by herself. She quickly planned and picked a monster to send down to defeat her. Zedd just watched her and held his staff, planning his own monster.



    Fang smiled, watching the students play flag football and having fun with each other. She wondered Tommy was and leaned against the wall. Kira caught the ball and ran to avoid her flag being taken. Jake smiled as he ran, setting a opening for himself to take the ball.


    -English Classroom-

    Gia and Troy turned in their homework and opened their books to the page of the lesson John Smith wanted to teach. Gia quietly read the section while Troy wondered if the next attack will be from the spoiled prince that Kira and her team had faced before. He quietly read as well, Gia and Troy keeping their morphers close at hand.


    -Advanced Calculus Classroom-

    Listening to the lesson, Noah took notes while quietly taking plans for the next attacks when he found some space in his notebook. He tried not to think about the fight from earlier and focused on his notes.


    -Music Classroom-

    When the brooms came in, Emma took her instrument which was a cello. After tuning it a bit, Emma began to practice it. She smiled and began to softly play the song that Kira had been working on, adding her own touch to it.


    -Modern History Classroom-

    Getting up, Dante began to work on the lesson, which was Meiji's accession to the throne and officially ending the Edo era. Billy wrote down important notes while trying to help Dante teach the lesson properly while he taught.


    -Biochemistry Classroom-

    Setsuna began the lesson, acting like a teacher. She put down certain notes on the board, teaching as best as she could. Setsuna just taught the lesson that she read in the book, beginning to consider some experiments for the class.


    -Drama Classroom-

    Kuja began the lesson, discussing Laertes' brotherly concern about Ophelia and what Hamlet might do to her. While he was talking, Kuja almost began to rant about how he wished his brother was more respectful of the teacher world. While he taught, Hinako remembered when Seki asked to become a Kamen Rider so she could avenge her family.



    Nala had found an abandoned karate studio for James, after it got cleaned up and restored. She stretched and began to clean up a bit, hoping to surprise James when it was finished and he could begin teaching martial arts again.


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith and Lenne stepped out of the back and Aerith noticed Oliver enter. "Welcome, sir. How may we help you today?" Lenne and chaos just worked as hard as they could while Aerith did business with a costumer.


    -Remus' Home-

    James and Remus began to catch on times they had missed from James being away. Neither of them revealed the new ability they gained, James being a Power Ranger while Remus being a Kamen Rider. They hoped to get Sirius in on it when he was done with school.



    Philip kept quiet, wanting to discuss his findings as soon as Shotaro came. Kimberly gave Hermione one of the bottles and she slowly drank it, trying not to consume too much due to not having anything to eat in about four days. Akira smiled that she was careful with her condition to regain her strength.


    -Coffee Shop-

    "I can't say that I have, since most people haven't had a problem with saying my name." Alice said, smiling and sipping her tea. Blanca looked at her and happily panted, Alice petted his head, having him wag his tail. Taking another sip, Alice smiled, "But this tea is so good."


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    Hayley stretched and cleaned the cafe while there were a few people there, she sighed and smiled. She wondered what Kevin was doing in his arcade while she was in the cafe. She set the equipment on the stage for when Kira would come and practice, setting the planets for Emma to water while making sure that computers were ready.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Vrak
    Description: Vekar's younger brother and the more favored of the two in the royal family by their father. He is the more tactical of the two and the more cunning, Vrak heads to Earth to help his brother defeat Kira's team of Rangers and succeed in their father's plan to invade Earth. Unlike his brother, Vrak can change his form to overpower his enemies. With Vrak's arrival, the two royal brothers are continuing their sibling rivalry.
    Occupation: Prince
    Series the Character is from: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

    Name: Hayley Ziktor
    Description: The owner of the Moon Kingdom CyberSpace cafe and a good friend of Kevin Flynn as well as friends with the Oliver family. She knows Kira and her team as well as their powers, allowing them to use the cafe as a meeting place and a place for students of Nintendo High to relax and have fun. Hayley is mysterious as she knows a lot of everyone she meets in the cafe, but is also friendly and a wonderful cafe owner.
    Occupation: Cafe owner
    Series the Character is from: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Princess Rapunzel


    Fang stretched while waiting for the students to get changed and when everyone came back in their gym clothes, she smiled and said, "Alright, everyone. Grab a belt and a flag, then after you put them on, get into teams." Watching everyone, Fang wondered what happened with her TA and saw everyone got into their teams, she smiled and grabbed her whistle as she tossed the football to Kira. "And...... begin!" She blew her whistle and the game began, Kira hiked the ball to the one behind her.

    When the person was surrounded, they tossed the ball to Jake and he ran to the opponent team's side to score a point.


    -Tommy's Office-

    "Well, I'm Tommy Oliver." Tommy said, sitting on his desk. He looked at them and asked, "So, what do you want to know about the Power Rangers?" 'I wonder if that would include the Gokaigers,' Tommy thought to himself. 'Nah, they prefer to be called Super Sentai.'


    -English Classroom-

    Gia and Troy entered the English class and headed to their desks, Gia brought out her notebook and textbook while Troy just sat at his desk. They both thought what the Ninja Storm team was learning from Tommy if they managed to meet him.


    -Advanced Calculus Classroom-

    Heading to his desk in the Advanced Calculus class, Noah cleaned his glasses and put them back on, listening to Victor. Noah looked out the window and wondered why Kazari could kidnap Hermione or if the Ninja Storm team had managed to speak with Tommy.


    -Music Classroom-

    Entering the Music room, Emma hummed her song as she went to her seat and sat down. She listened to Yen Sid and nodded, trying to push the thought of the recent fight and Kazari having Hermione captured out of her mind to focus on the lesson.


    -Modern History Classroom-

    "Nope, you haven't missed much." Billy said, looking at Riku. Dante stretched and said, "We're just starting to learn the Meiji Era, so you're saved." "Honestly, sometimes I wonder how you got this job." Billy said, sighing and shaking his head. Dante stuck out his tounge at his TA while Billy sighed.


    -Biochemistry Classroom-

    "Thank you, Roxas." Setsuna said, opening her teacher's edition of the textbook and began to discuss the lesson in the book, stopping for a moment, she looked at the class and said,"Remember to hand in your homework before you leave for lunch."


    -Drama Classroom-

    "Looks like young Max Goof knows his plays quite a few bit." Kuja said, smiling. "Now, I believe we were about to meet Laertes and Ophelia as Laertes is about to leave for Paris. Though he may be acting as a normal brother, warning his sister about Hamlet, fate has other plans for him."


    -History Classroom-

    Akiza entered the History class and sat at her desk, wondering who would be teaching this class now. She looked out the window, and waited for the classes to start.


    -Principal's Office-

    "Um, Mr. Maulim, can one of us changes our class schedules to be the same classes together?" Koyomi asked, she pulled out her schedule to show it to him. Her first class was History, her second class was English and after lunch, she had Modern History and her last class was French.



    Philip nodded and took out his Stag Phone, dialing Shotaro's phone. "Shotaro, Mione-chan's alright. She's at the hospital near the high school. We can discuss our findings on the case when you come." "A new case, huh?" Hermione said, smiling. Kimberly came up and thought, 'It's so sudden to see him like this. A year ago, he wouldn't have cared unless I court the time he couldn't see that one dance.'


    -Coffee Shop-

    Blanca wagged his tail as Alice petted his head while waiting for her drink. She smiled, promising a nice dog treat if he behave and let children pet him. Blanca nodded, trying not to make so much noise in a coffee shop.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess Rapunzel

    -Outside Abandoned Shop-

    "It's time for second period." Kira said, looking at her watch. She turned to the school with the other members of her team, Kira motioned for the Ninja Storm to follow them as they headed to the school. When they entered the school, Kira led the Ninja Storm team to the Gym as it was her second period class while the rest of her team went to their second period classes.


    -Modern History Classroom-

    Billy and Dante looked at Riku, Dante looked bored and said, "Yeah, this is second period Modern History, welcome." "Yes, this is Modern History." Billy said, smiling. "Welcome, please find a seat wherever you like."



    Fang stretched and made sure she was in shape for P.E class when he saw the Ninja Storm team while the students entered the gym. "Fang, start the class without me." Tommy said, going to the Ninja Storm team. Fang smiled and said with a thumbs up, "Alright. Okay, everyone, who is ready for a game of flag football?!" Sweatdropping at Fang, Tommy took the three Ninja Storm rangers to his office and sighed, "So, who are you three and why are you here?"


    -Biochemistry Classroom-

    "Everyone, please calm down and take your seats." Setsuna said, walking into the classroom. "Some of you may recongize me, I'm Setsuna Meiou, Albert's Teacher Assistant for this class. Though I don't think I'll understand why he went on strike. Also, Albert kept me in the dark about his lesson, who remembers what the lesson was?"


    -Drama Classroom-

    Kuja entered the classroom with Hinako, he said, "Welcome, class. I hope that the debate was great inspiration for your work in this class as well as think about the government in the story of Hamlet." Hinako leaned against the wall, smiling.



    "Yup, Akira Date." Akira said, smiling. "Nice to meet you. Doctor Hu, right?" He noticed movement and Hermione began to wake up, he went to Philip and Kimberly who were thinking about what the Crystal Order would want with Hermione. Philip looked up and Akira nodded, confirming his unasked question. Kimberly said, "You go ahead, I'll get us some drinks." Philip went to the room and Hermione looked at him, "Philip, hey. Didn't think I would be able to see you today."

    "Don't say that." Philip said, patting her head. Leaning against the wall, Akira spoke, "I know how he feels, I'm caring for a student at the high school and worry about him as well."



    When she heard the bell, Akiza went back to the school with Kazu and promised to meet him at lunch as she headed for her second period class. She stretched and sighed in relief.



    Blanca yawned and laid on his stomach, Alice sat calmly in her seat and smiled at Blanca. Yuri, she wasn't sure but she didn't think about it and ordered a simple honey lemon sweet tea.


    -Lily's Apartment-

    Sitting in her apartment, Lily put her case on the table and opened it, revealing a unique looking belt and a strange looking gun. Looking at her Lockseed and Genesis Driver, Lily tried to think about to deliver the items in the case to Zordon in the Command Center.



    "Still, it's weird about that he would kidnap someone without putting a Yummy in her." Eiji said, thinking about it. He tried to think about what desires Hermione would have to gain a Yummy.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Princess Rapunzel

    -Abandoned Shop-

    "Oh, okay, introductions." Kira said, actually feeling relived. She and her team powered down as well, Kira said, "Name's Kira, the leader of the Megaforce Rangers, though my power is different." Gia and Emma held her hands, smiling at her. Gia told her, "But you make a great leader. I'm Gia, the second-in-command of the team." "I'm Emma, I guess you can consider me the emotional support for the team," Emma said, introducing herself to the team.

    "I'm Troy, I suppose you could call me the backup leader if something happens to Kira." Troy introduced, Noah nodded and introduced himself, "Noah, I guess I'm the brains of the team." "And I'm Jake, this team's cool laid guy." Jake said, but Gia shattered his image by saying, "You're hardly cool or laid back." "Anyway, you want to know about the other Ranger team?" Emma asked, seeing a slight nod. Kira thought for a moment and said,"Well, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are led by Tommy Oliver, also on the team with him is his twin brother, Thomas, Kimberly, Billy, and their new members, Dante, Nala, and James."

    "Most of them are on staff at Nintendo High." Noah added, pushing up his glasses. Jake put in, "You can't miss Tommy. He wears white, has long hair that he ties back, though honestly he should cut it."


    -Modern History Classroom-

    "Thank goodness that boring debate is over." Dante said, yawning as he and Billy walked to his Modern Classroom, Billy sighed and said, "You barely paid any attention to the debate, you slept through most of it." "Because politics bore me and I was doing somthing important, dreaming of beating Zedd and Rita's asses." Dante said, laying his head on his desk. Billy thought to himself, 'But we haven't fought a monster of theirs in a while. Also, I thought that Cosmos would have kept you awake.' With a sigh, Billy began to prepare the classroom.



    Tommy noticed Fang come in and stretch, he asked, "Debate over already?" "Yup, but I didn't attend, you know." Fang said, stretching as well as cracking her neck and her back, Tommy had his eyes closed as he felt a shiver go up his back, he thought to himself, 'Girls shouldn't crack their backs in front of others.' "Well, looks like the gym is ready for a exciting game of flag football." Fang said, a wild smile on her face as she looked over the gym. Tommy sweatdropped and thought again, 'With you, extreme flag football.'



    Philip heard his phone go off and he opened it, reading it. His eyes widened and he ran off, leaving the library, Kimberly ran after him, shouting, "Wait, Philip!" She was amazed at how fast he was, considering he never really took the body when he and Shotaro transformed. Gasping for air as they ran, she ran that he was running to the hospital and wondered if something was wrong.



    Akira stretched and saw Philip run into the room with Kimberly gasping behind him. He stopped Philip from running in further, he said, "Whoa, calm down there, speedy. You here to visit the little lady?" "Yes, she's the landlord of the detective agency I work at." Philip said, ignoring how tired he was. Akira smiled, "She's fine, just sleeping. How bout you and your friend wait in the lobby and we'll call you when she wakes up?" "Okay, thank you, sir." Kimberly said, bowing. As Philip left, he did a quick look-up on Akira Date.



    Alice didn't look at Yuri and said, "Well, lets go. If you're a good dog, Blanca, you'll get a nice dog treat." Blanca barked and walked with Alice and John, trying not to drag his master as she held his leash.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess Rapunzel

    -Flower Shop-

    "Oh, Harold, thank goodness you're back." Aerith smiled, seeing the recent resident come back. "Do you think you can watch the shop with chaos? Lenne and I will be in the back, planting some new flowers." With a small smile, chaos went to the register when the women headed into the back room to make some new flowers for the shop. While she filled one flower pot, Aerith wondered if she should teach Harold how to grow flowers or ask him if he knew a few things about gardening. She accepted that chaos was mysterious and won't say anything about himself, but she was curious about Harold.


    -Outside Abandoned Shop-

    "What do you want from me and my team?" Kira asked, gripping her Ptera grips. "If you want to fight, you got it. But not if, then please leave, we really need to get going." Her team mates had their weapons, ready to fight with her.



    "One of the students, Hermione Granger." Eiji said, hands in his pockets. "Strangely, though, she didn't have a Yummy in her. Guess she didn't have a strong desire for him to use against her." He rubbed his hair and said, "I still should thank Kira-san and her team for helping me during the fight."



    Philip and Kimberly sat in the library, talking about what Rita and Zedd might be planning since they hadn't sent any monsters in the past few days. Finally deciding to ask him, Kimberly asked what was wrong and Philip just hid his face, not saying anything. Kimberly touched his hand and assured him that she would be there for him. Philip looked at her and sighed, wondering how to tell her.



    Leaving Sirius and Fang to themselves, Tommy headed to the gym so the second period class would be ready for the lesson. Getting the equipment out and tying his hair up, Tommy began to set everything up for the lesson. While wondering why Rita and Zedd had been so quiet lately, he only hoped that they weren't planning something big and continue to set up. As he finished, Tommy sighed in relief and leaned against the wall, wondering what will happen now.



    Listening to them, Akira looked at Hermione and stroked her hair, thinking to himself, 'What's a pretty little lady like you doing with those nasty Crystal Order baddies?' Hermione just slept soundly, laying on the table.



    "Will you like to come along, Blanca?" Alice asked, looking at him. Blanca barked happily, panting. She knelt down and put his leash around his neck, patting his head. Blanca barked happily, wagging his tail.



    Nodding, Akiza walked with Kazu around the area, looking around the city and enjoying being with Kazu. Akiza just smiled and walked with the first person who had become her friend in her new school.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess Rapunzel

    -Outside Abandoned Shop-

    Kira and the others were surprised to see more Rangers, Jake asked, "Who are you all?!" "I don't remember seeing them when we received our powers." Gia whispered to Kira and Emma. Noah looked away and said, "Actually, there are three groups of Rangers, you three, us, and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." Kira kept quiet, gripping her daggers, looking at the red one. Troy looked at Kira and held his Dragon Sword, ready to fight if needed.



    When he was by himself, Kazari changed into his human form and hit a wall hard, angered that OOO and Rangers appeared. He sighed and leaned against the wall, gripping himself and knowing next time, he'll get OOO and complete his mission.



    Akira watcheed as the anesthetic did its job and Hermione fell asleep, he smiled, rubbing her hair, "Atta girl. Now lets get you healed up." He rolled up his sleeves and pulled up one of Hermione's sleeves to see the damage. He thought to himself, 'Hope Goto-chan and Michal-kun won't be mad with me about this.'



    "Aw, I think you're the best gardener in the world." Fang said, smiling and holding her childhood friend from behind. Tommy smiled, wishing that he was that close with his brother. Sirius smiled as well and gripped his Lockseed.


    -Koyomi & Haruto-

    Koyomi followed Haruto to the cafeteria to get something to eat while waiting to meet with Ali Maulim. She picked some light food and sat down, eating the food she picked.



    Knowing Ankh wasn't interested in the debate, Eiji quietly walked into the area where he knew the red Greeed would be. He tried to keep quiet until he heard Ankh and said, "Hey, Ankh. Sorry, I couldn't get any Cell Medals or Cores from Kazari."


    -Hotel, Courtyard-

    "Alright." Anna said, smiling as she took Hans' racket and took her place on the field. "I won't go easy on you, Olaf!" She smiled, looking ready for the match.



    "Name's Alice. Alice Elliot." Alice said, introducing herself. Blanca looked and wagged his tail, Alice smiled and petted his head. "Blanca, stay at the apartment and be a good dog until I get back." Blanca barked, panting happily and wagging his tail.


    -Nintendo Elementary-

    Sakura sat in her class, paying attention to the lesson. She tried to keep the thought of Roger Bacon in the back of her mind and save it for when she was with Syaoran and Kero.


    -Flower Shop-

    "Oh, I'm happy you like that lotus flower." Aerith smiled at Lee's choice. "I worked really hard to make sure it grew nice and beautiful. That will be 33.22 yen." When she did the business with Lee, Aerith listened to Shotaro. "I will let you know if I learn anything, detective." Lenne and chaos looked at each other, wondering why people thought Elsa might be here, not knowing that she was.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess Rapunzel

    -Outside Abandoned Shop-

    Enduring the attacks of Jenny's Poekmon, Kira and her team, as well as Eiji as OOO, Kazari scoffed as he took the attack of Jenny's Mega Manectric, sliding back as he dug his claws into the ground. When Emma and Troy did a double Twistornado with a Megaquake from Gia, he countered with his own whirlwind. He used the distract to get away, when Emma used a Windrive to clear the whirlwind, she sighed as they saw that he was gone. "Dang it! He got away!" Jake said, angered. Kira sighed, "Well, that was the first Crystal Order member we fought it."

    "Um, thank you for helping me." Eiji said, not speaking their true names to keep their identities safe from Officer Jenny. "I hope that we will have the chance to fight together again." "We'll see, OOO." Kira said, before her and her team left, Eiji looked at Officer Jenny, he said, "Sorry that he got away, but you should check to see that girl is alright." He went to his motorcycle and rode off, when he was out of Jenny's sight, Eiji leveled the Driver and detransformed.



    Akira nodded, carrying Hermione to the emergency room, he looked at her and said, "You're going to be alright, miss." Hermione just rested in his arms, breathing steadily. He touched her hand and found the Luna Memory, Akira smiled as he thought that this must have kept her going through whatever she went through, putting it in his pocket. He entered the emergency room and laid her on the table. However, Hermione's breathing quickened with a worried look. "We need something to stabilize her condition!" Akira asked. 'What did happen to her?' He thought, looking at her.



    Fang smirked and sneaked up behind Vanille, hugging her from behind. "Hello, Vanille, making sure all the flowers are pretty?" She asked, Tommy watched, sweatdropping as Sirius came up, asking, "What are you doing?" "With no first period class, I came to adore and watch my dear childhood friend make a lovely garden to rival all the flower shops in the city." Fang said, Tommy laughed while Sirius sighed and noticed the Pine Lockseed hanging from Fang's belt, he gripped his Grape Lockseed.



    Philip sat in the library, going through the Planet Bookshelf to find out anything about Elsa and the reason why she could have disappeared. Kimberly came in and watched him. Philip looked through the book he had found during his research and looked interested at what he found. He sighed as he wondered where Hermione could be and if she was alright, not knowing she was at the hospital.


    -Hotel, Courtyard-

    "Oh, sure. I can't say I'm a good player though." Anna said, smiling in embarrassment. She tried to remember the rules of tennis and stretched, getting ready to play.


    -Akiza & Kazu-

    "Lets walk around until the debate is over." Akiza said, looking at Kazu, stretching. She smiled at him, hoping he would agree since she wasn't that interested in politics.


    -Flower Shop-

    Smiling, chaos watched Lee about to surprise Carter when Lenne came out with some flowers. As she set them down, she looked at Shotaro and asked, "Excuse me, sir, is there something you're looking for?"
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess Rapunzel

    -Abandoned Shop-

    "Heh, a mere human is no match for a member of the Crystal Order," Kazari said, using his speed to run to her, briefly showing the symbol on his hand before attempting to slash at Jenny but Eiji pushed her out of the way to block his claws. He pushed Kazari back, but he sent a whirlwind to them and went after Hermione, saying, "I'm going to take you to the dungeon at HQ." "No....... I won't go with you!" Hermione said, struggling through his grip. When Gastly attacked him, Kazari felt a attack from behind and saw Kira and her team, transformed.

    "Who are you?" Kazari asked, looking at them. Kira gripped her Ptera Grips, saying, "None of your business." "Hermione, find a place to hide or head to a hospital," Emma said, looking at her. "We'll take care of this thing." Noah shot his Shark Bowgun at Kazari while Gia used a Rocksmash and Troy used a Twistorando on him, Kazari fought back with a whirlwind. Hermione ran off to find a hopsital, gripping the Luna memory in her hand, she looked back to see some of the fight as Kazari used his Greeed powers.


    -Hotel, Courtyard-

    Anna smiled, watching the match and wasn't sure who to cheer for. She felt the parchment and wondered how it came from, she hid it in a pocket of her dress and watched the match.



    Akira reached the door to the entrance of the hospital when Hermione came running, now barely managing to stand and fell to her knees, collapsing. Akira caught her before she fell to the ground, checking her pulse. 'It's faint, but she's still alive.' Akira thought, looking at her. 'Either way, she needs some help.' Picking her up, Akira entered the hospital, asking for help from the doctors and nurses. "Let me help." He said. "I may not look it, but I am a doctor. Name's Akira Date." He looked at Hermione, who was resting in his arms. He said, "She needs rest and food, as well as bandages on her wounds."



    "Actually, coffee sounds great." Alice said, smiling at John. "I was just planning on walking around the city, really. So, I would love to join you for coffee." She ignored Yuri's rude comments and looked at John.


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith smiled at Carter wanting to buy one of the roses, she said, "Of course, sir. That will be 58.40 yen, please." Looking at Lee, chaos walked to him and saw he was admiring the lotus flower, clearing his throat, chaos spoke in Chinese, quite well, "Beautiful, isn't it? Aerith tried to make sure every flower in the shop can make everyone, no matter their nationality, smile and feel peace."

    OOC: The italics is chaos speaking Chinese.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel

    -Flower Shop-

    "Oh, hello, Carter." Aerith said, smiling when she saw him enter. She noticed Lee and Shotaro, she told them, "I'll be with you two in a moment, let me handle this one first. Please look around and see if any flowers you'd like to get." She smiled at Lee admiring her flowers, turning to her attention to Carter, "I'm fine, Carter. Working hard as usual." Coming out from the back, chaos smiled and set some flowers in the window still, watering them while Lenne stayed in the back, planeting new flowers for the shop.


    -Abandoned Shop-

    'A Gastly? It doesn't seem to be a wild one.' Hermione thought to herself, looking at the Pokemon that had happened in front of her. Managing to sit up, she asked, "I know that you don't belong to me, but could you help me escape before he wakes up?" "Before who wakes up?" Kazari said, standing behind her eyes with dull eyes, Hermione watched as he changed into his Greeed form and tried to slash with his claws, but Hermione moved to have it so he slashed at her binds, freeing her. Grabbing the Luna Memory, she looked at the Gastly and asked, "Please, please use Lick on it." While Kazari was distracted by the Gastly, Hermione ran out of the shop.

    When she got outside, Hermione ran into Eiji who had transformed into OOO, he held her in his arm, "Granger-san, are you alright?" "OOO, how did you......" She asked when Kazari appeared, he scoffed, "OOO, how unexpected." Eiji pulled Hermione behind him, standing ready. Kazari figured if Eiji was here, then Ankh must be around as well.



    Anna looked at Hans and Olaf, she smiled and said, "Sure. I wouldn't mind watching you two play tennis." She went to join them at the courtyard.


    -Near the School-

    Date looked at the hospital that was near the school and said to Michal and Shintaro, "You two go on ahead, I'll stop by the hospital." Michal and Shintaro nodded, heading for the school while Date walked to the hospital.



    "Sorry, it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." Alice said, smiling at him and rubbing her head. "Are you alright?" She looked at him, worried.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    -Teacher's Lounge-

    Fang got up and headed to the dojo, Tommy followed her while Kimberly got up and stretched, she looked at Philip and asked, "Philip, are you coming?" "No, Kimberly," He said, standing up. "I'll be in the library, if you need me." He went to the library while the other teachers went to the auditorium for the debate. Lockon stretched as Tieria sighed, the two of them headed for the auditorium for the debate, Yami sighed and followed his fellow staff to the auditorium. When Philip reached the library, he went to his desk, sitting down.

    Reaching into his shirt, Philip pulled out the necklace that Hermione made and wondered where she could be and what happened to her. He hoped that she would be found safe and sound.



    Anna stepped out of the hotel, scratching as she needed some fresh air and wanted to explore a bit of Japan, while still waiting for her sister. She sighed and wondered where Elsa could have gone. Anna sighed and blinked when she thought she saw a bright pink stream going by and decided she was seeing things, rubbing her eyes in disbelief.


    -Akira & Michal's Home-

    "Well, time's a-wasting! Lets go!" Akira said, smiling. Michal and Shintaro nodded and left the home, Akira locking it and putting the key in his bag, the three began to walk to the school. Michal kept quiet and Shintaro just talked about how work was, not sounding interested and got excited about the Rangers, Riders, and Gokaigers.



    Queen looked through her phone to find the location of the shop and showed it to Shotaro, "Here's where the shop is. It's owned by probably the nicest woman you could meet, but people gossip that she is so mysterious." As Shotaro got up, saying that he would go check it out, something fell out of his pocket. Elizabeth caught what caught fell and smiled at seeing the necklace that Hermione had made him, she said, "Shou-chan, this is so adorable. Where did you get it?"


    -Abandoned Shop-

    Hermione tried to stand up when she saw Kazari close his eyes for a nap, she attempted to get away but fell to the ground, not having anything to eat in the past few days. She tried to move through her binds, looking at the window, Hermione thought she saw a small red bird carrying a grasshopper with glowing eyes. Shaking her head, Hermione didn't see it that time and tried again to escape.



    Stretching, Alice sighed as she thought about the past few days, she didn't want to believe it but she was beginning to enjoy having Yuri around, he got along with Blanca and helped her when she needed it. She sighed, telling Blanca that she was heading out for a bit and walked by herself for awhile, smiling and thought maybe getting Yuri a gift for being such a big help.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel

    -Teacher's Lounge-

    Philip rubbed his head and sighed while Kimberly noticed but she didn't want to bother him about whatever it was bothering him. Lockon got himself a glass of water while Tieria made copies of the clubs and their members as well the activities. Yami came into the room as did Serah and Snow. Sirius sat at his desk, making the lesson plans for his classes while Eiji stretched. Serah thought about what to teach in her Beginner's Magic class while Snow was eager about what Bruce was going to teach today.

    Tommy sat at his desk and laughed as Fang sighed that because the auditorium was being used for the debate and comforted her about it. He noticed the Lockseed and wondered what it was. Yami looked through his cards and thought his lesson for his class.


    -Koyomi & Haruto-

    Koyomi held Haruto's hand and went to Ali Mualim's office, hoping that they would be able to change her classes so they would be able to be together. She wasn't that interested in the debate as was Haruto.



    Akiza met with Kazu, smiling at him and wondering what they were doing to do. Yusei, another student of the school, rode by, making deliveries to help pay his rent. He took notice of Akiza and Kazu, noting that they were duelists. He smiled and continued his deliveries.



    The bookshop was quiet, the three employees were busy working. Johanny came up with a few boxes of new books, he asked Yazoo, "Where do you want to put these?" "Hmm, put them in the back for now." Yazoo said, looking at him. Allelujah quietly took the remote and turned on the TV so they could listen to the debate while they were working.



    "Elsa?" Elizabeth asked, as Queen thought for a moment about any rumors she had heard about the visiting queen. "I think there's a rumor she ran from the treaty signing after revealing she had some kind of power. Some people say she ran to a flower shop, but the person wore a cloak so they can't tell."


    -Akira & Michal's Home-

    "Hey, Gotou-chan, how bout you come with me and Michal to the debate at the school." Akira said, smiling. Goto thought for a moment and said, "Okay, sure." Michal sighed and nodded.


    -Abandoned Shop-

    While struggling through her bind, Hermione looked at Kazari who kept a eye out for anyone who might come to save her. Hermione looked at the mini Luna memory, and wondered if Shotaro and Philip still had theirs.


    -Flower Shop-

    "I'm not sure, I think there is some kind of hotel that they went to after I ran off." Elsa said, trying to think about where they went. "I just hope that she will be alright. Can you ask her if she's okay with my power."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel
    Happy 2015, hope it's better than the last.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 7, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  15. Princess Rapunzel

    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Seeing his partner go, Philip thought for a moment and gave Officer Jenny a whole description of what Hermione looked like and what she was seen wearing last. He bowed, "Sorry to leave you, officer, but I need to head to the school to attend. Here's the number to call if you find her. I hope you find something." He stepped out of the office to head to Nintendo High.


    -Teacher's Lounge-

    Dante groaned and shouted as he watched his brother walk to his classroom, "At least, I don't scare my students into wetting themselves and get complains from their parents! I actually teach a useful subject!" Billy, Tommy, Thomas, and Kimberly sweatdropped, thinking to themselves, 'And to think, he is the Red Ranger of the Power Rangers.' Billy got up and hit Dante on the head, then dragged him to the classmate. Lockon came in with Tieria, Lockon looked at Rose and smiled, "Hi there. Name's Lockon Stratos, I'm the school counselor. With me is Tieria Erde, the club activities director. I hope you enjoy your time here."

    Philip came in and sat at his desk, Kimberly noticed how he looked and wondered what was wrong. Fang told him, "Yo, Phil. Say hi to the new blood." "Oh, hello, Rose Tyler." Philip said, looking at her. "My name is Philip, I'm the school librarian." "Philip, what's wrong?" Kimberly asked, Philip looked away, "I'll tell you later."


    -Flower Shop-

    Elsa took the parchment, making sure not to freeze it when she grabbed it from him. "Alright, be careful out there." She told him. "And thank you for taking care of me when I needed it." She held the parchment in her hands.

    -Hino Family Shrine-

    Rei stepped out of the shrine, dressed in her school uniform. She looked at her grandfather and his Pokemon, "Grandpa, Chad. I'm off to school. See you later." She ran to school, waving at them.


    -Queen & Elizabeth-

    Waiting for Shotaro at a small cafe were two girls in customized Nintendo High girls' uniforms. When the one with the flower in her hair saw Shotaro ride up, she stood up and shouted at him, "Shou-chan, over here!" The other looked at him and smiled.


    -Akira & Michal's Home-

    As Michal finished getting ready for school, tying his hair into a ponytail, there was a knock on the door. Akira answered the door and smiled, "Gotou-chan! It's been forever, man!" Shintaro endured Akira's bear hug while Michal quietly came upon the scene, "Hello, Shintaro-san."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Philip thought for a moment and took out the Stag Phone, texting Hermione's cell phone then calling two of their informants to help them find Hermione. "Shotaro, I should head to the school and ask if any of the students or teachers have seen her during the time she has been gone. Most of the Rangers are on the staff, I'll ask them to keep a lookout."


    -Abandoned Shop-

    Hermione and Kazari heard her cell phone go off, and Kazari checked the message that appeared. He smiled, Hermione looked worried and swallowed hard, hoping that Shotaro would figure out where she was and come alone.


    -Teacher's Lounge-

    "Bro, that's no way to charm a pretty lady." Dante said, looking at his brother from his desk. Casually walking over to Rose, Dante smiled and said, "Hey, babe. Name's Dante, I teach Modern History. How bout you and I go out sometime? I might find a few place you might like." Billy sweatdropped, Fang sat at her desk, grumbling at the fact the gym was going to be used for the debate and twirled her Padlock. Tommy and Thomas came in from their training, having showered. Thomas looked at Dante trying to flirt with Rose and said to his brother, "Looks like the staff got a new teacher." "Yeah." Tommy said.

    Kimberly stretched, sitting at her desk. She blushed as she remembered how much closer she and Tommy got and saw Sirius and Eiji enter, heading to their desks.


    -Tsukino Home-

    Quickly getting dressed, Serena ran downstairs and secured her seat at the table, catching her breath and stretching. Luna pretended to be a normal cat and mewed a 'Good Morning' to Serena though her facial expression said 'About time, Serena.'


    -Hino Family Shrine: Innermost Room-

    Rei sat in the innermost room, her eyes closed and her hands folded together in prayer. She prayed for a safe day and everything would be alright, Rei opened her eyes and hoped today would be the today the Scouts found some clue to the Princess.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel

    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith made breakfast as Yuna sleepily walked into the kitchen, her hair a mess. Seeing her, chaos quietly laughed and made coffee for himself or anyone who wanted some, Beast stayed in his room, sleeping. Aerith set the breakfast on the table and sat down, eating it herself. Meanwhile, Elsa sat on the bed in the trunk, finishing up as she braided her hair and put on her dress, slipping on her shoes.


    -Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm-

    Akiza finished up, brushing her hair and brushing her teeth. Putting her hair clip in, Akiza looked at herself in the mirror and nodded, leaving the bathroom. She went to the kitchen and making herself breakfast. She ate her breakfast, wondering what would happen on this day. Akiza made sure to grab her deck case and put it somewhere on her person. Also making sure she had her key, Akiza stretched and stepped out.


    -Harry and Draco's Dorm-

    Stretching, Harry gripped his Acorn Padlock, worried that Hermione hasn't appeared at school for a while while Draco sipped his tea. Clipping his Padlock onto his bag, Harry went to the kitchen and made himself breakfast.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Putting on his shoes and buckling them up, Philip stepped into the main office and looked around. "Still no Mione-chan..... Where is she?" Philip said to himself, going to make himself some tea. He didn't look at Shotaro but he told him, "Shotaro, I'm worried. It's been four days, but Mione-chan hasn't appeared. I wonder if something happened to her."


    -Abandoned Shop-

    Kazari stretched and smiled while Hermione glared at him, she told him, "Shotaro will find me and come alone, he wouldn't be fooled by this trick." "We'll see how long that confidence lasts, Granger." Kazari said, cat-like eyes looking at her. Hermione hid her worry and hoped that Shotaro could think of a plan that didn't involve Philip and was sure that this was a trap for Philip.


    -Tsukino Home-

    Serena gasped and covered her ears, seeing her younger brother as the culprit. "Sammy, what the heck?!" She shouted, getting out of bed. Luna went to the kitchen and drank from the saucer of milk set for her. 'That girl can sleep like a log.' Luna thought to herself, cleaning herself after getting her drink of milk. She sighed, still not believing Serena was the appointed leader of the Scouts.


    -Sirius' Apartment-

    Sirius yawned and walked into the kitchen where Eiji was making breakfast, he hid the Grape Padlock and sat down, eating his breakfast. Eiji set the breakfast down and ate some himself, wondering about how quiet it had been in the past few days.


    -Remus' House-

    James stretched and came in from the backyard, finishined with his training for the day. Remus was sipping his tea, sitting at the table and looking at a chart of moon phrases. Wiping his sweat, James sat at the table and looked at Remus, smiling and gripping his Power Coin, unaware of the Padlock that Remus had hidden in the house. The Wilys were getting ready in their room.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant-

    "Yes, that would be nice to return to the shop." Aerith said, smiling. She went with Carter to his car, wondering what was happening at the shop. She guessed that Beast had gone to asleep while Lenne headed back to her own apartment and chaos was probably resting until everyone had returned.


    -Gaston's House-

    Akiza nodded, "Yeah, lets head back to Isizhu and Marik, they're probably waiting for us." She went with him back to the apartment shared by Isizhu and Marik, Yuna and Belle nodded, Yuna said, "Sounds like a good idea. Not to mention, chaos is probably waiting for us." Serena saw everyone leave and she decided to do the same with her friends, knowing that her parents would be worried about her. Shino decided to head home as well, wanting to get some rest.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Philip laid on the couch in the investigation room of the agency, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, especially with that odd feeling he had earlier about Hermione. He wondered Shotaro had the same feeling and hoped that their chief was alright as he imagined her coming into the agency in the morning to greet them and get ready for school.


    -Abandoned Shop-

    Kazari looked at Hermione's unconscious body which he had tied up and gagged, he took a few strands of her hair and held them, letting them fall from his hand. He noticed her necklace and ripped it off her neck, seeing the mini Luna memory on the chain. Kazari smirked and attempted to break it, he knew that Philip would probably come and try to save her. All he had to do was to wait until he came.


    -Remus's House: Basement-

    James and Sirius watched the wolf as it laid on its stomach and laid its head down. Sirius gripped his Padlock and looked at the wolf, it looked calm, he still found it hard to believe that the wolf was his best friend. James held his Power Coin and smiled at Sirius, reassuring his friend.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Princess Rapunzel
    Here is my list of characters.

    Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)
    Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
    Aqua (Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep)
    Belle (Disney/Beauty and the Beast)
    Oerba Yun Fang (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
    Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
    Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
    Fluttershy (My Little Friendship: Friendship is Magic)
    Applejack (My Little Friendship: Friendship is Magic)
    Namine (Kingdom Hearts)
    Rhyme (The World Ends With You)
    Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
    Eiji Hino (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Philip (Kamen Rider W)
    Dante (Devil May Cry 4)
    Nero (Devil May Cry 4)
    Riolu (Pokemon)
    Mew (Pokemon)
    Latias (Pokemon)
    Lockon Stratos (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Tieria Erde (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Ahim de Famille (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Luka Millfy (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Don Dogoiser (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Serena Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
    Ami Mizuno (Sailor Moon)
    Rei Hino (Sailor Moon)
    Makoto Kino (Sailor Moon)
    Minako Aino (Sailor Moon)
    Tommy Oliver (Power Rangers)
    Thomas Oliver (Power Rangers)
    Kimberly Ann Hart (Power Rangers)
    Billy Cranston (Power Rangers)
    Snow Villers (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Asuna Yuuki (Sword Art Online)
    Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
    Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
    Kengo Utahoshi (Kamen Rider Fourze)
    Setsuna Meiou (Sailor Moon)
    Haruka Tenou (Sailor Moon)
    Michiru Kaiou (Sailor Moon)
    Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon)
    Derpy Hooves (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
    Yui (Sword Art Online)
    Arthur Pendragon (Fate/Prototype)
    Navi (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    DiZ (Kingdom Hearts)
    Sakura Hongo (Kamen Rider OC)
    Hinako Ichimonji (Kamen Rider OC)
    Seki Kazami (Kamen Rider OC)
    The White Wizard (Kamen Rider Wizard)
    Kazari (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Yuna (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
    Beast (Disney/Beauty and the Beast)
    Chaos (Xenosaga)
    Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV)
    Edward Chris von Muir (Final Fantasy IV)
    Edge Geraldine (Final Fantasy IV)
    Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
    James Potter (Harry Potter)
    WilyKit (Thundercats 2011)
    WilyKat (Thundercats 2011)
    Nanako Dojima (Persona 4/Animation/Golden)
    Princess Serenity (Sailor Moon)
    Alice Elliot (Shadow Hearts)
    Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy XII)
    Vaan (Final Fantasy XII)
    Akira Date (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Michal Minato (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Sakura Kinomoto (Card Captor Sakura)
    Cerberus (Card Captor Sakura)
    Natsumi Hikari (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Kadaj (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)
    Yazoo (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)
    Loz (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)
    Ryotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider Den-O)
    Momotaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
    Uratraos (Kamen Rider Den-O)
    Kinataros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
    Ryuutaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
    Sieg (Kamen Rider Den-O)
    Flara (Pokemon OC)
    Blanca (Shadow Heart Covenant)
    Nagsia Furukawa (Clannad)
    Fuko Ibuki (Clannad)
    Luna (Sailor Moon)
    Artemis (Sailor Moon)
    Koyomi (Kamen Rider Wizard)
    Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
    Larsa Ferrinas Solidor (Final Fantasy XII)
    Esmeralda (Disney/Hunchback of Norte Dame)
    Kon (Bleach)
    Shaula Rui (Dirge of Cerberus)
    Shelke Rui (Dirge of Cerberus)
    Deneb (Kamen Rider Den-O)
    Rinoa Heartilly (Final Fantasy VIII)
    Lenne (Final Fantasy X-2)
    Illyasviel von Einzbern (fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya)
    Miyu Edelfelt (fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya)
    Chloe von Einzbern (fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya)
    Rin Tohsaka (fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya)
    Luvia Edelfelt (fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya)
    Joe Kido and Gomamon (Digimon)
    Akiza Isinzki (Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds)
    Ishizu Isthar (Yu-Gi-Oh)
    Luna (Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds)
    Leo (Yu-Gi Oh 5Ds)
    Ryoji Mochizuki (Persona 3)
    Karin Koenig (Shadow Hearts Covenant)
    Dangly (Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory)
    Jean Vajlean (Les Miserables)
    Cosette (Les Miserables)
    Firion (Final Fantasy II/Dissidia)
    Nicolas Conrad (Shadow Hearts Covenant)
    Clair (Neptunia OC)
    Gris (Neptunia OC)
    Violette (Neptunia OC)
    Simba (Disney/The Lion King)
    Nala (Disney/The Lion King)
    Teddie (Persona 4/Animation/Golden)
    Shuyin (Final Fantasy X-2)
    Bomper (Engine Sentai Go-Onger)
    Momo Mizrahi (Xenosaga)
    Kagome Higruashi (Inuyasha)
    Kirara (Inuyasha)
    Marina Ismail (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Lyle Stratos (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Lacus Clyne (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED)
    Shiki Misaki (The World Ends With You)
    Rita Repulsa (Power Rangers)
    Lord Zedd (Power Rangers)
    Kira Yamato (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED)
    Cagalli Yula Althha (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED)
    Athrun Zala (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED)
    Gentaro Kisaragi (Kamen Rider Fourze)
    Hina Izumi (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
    Elsa (Disney/Frozen)
    Anna (Disney/Frozen)
    Jecht (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
    Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4/Animation/Golden)
    Chie Satonaka (Persona 4/Animation/Golden)
    Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4/Animation/Golden)
    Lugia (Pokemon)
    Kira Ford (Powers Rangers Dino Thunder)
    Gia Moran (Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce)
    Emma Goodall (Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce)
    Vekar (Power Rangers Super Megaforce)
    Tomoyo Daidouji (Card Captor Sakura)
    Troy Burrows (Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce)
    Noah Craver (Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce)
    Jake Holling (Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce)
    Orion (Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce)
    Elucia de Luta Ima (The World God Only Knows)
    Lara Croft (Tomb Raider 2013)
    Shino Asada/Sinon (Sword Art Online II)
    Fetch (inFamous: Second Son/First Light)
    Kakyuu (Sailor Moon)
    Seiya Kou (Sailor Moon)
    Yaten Kou (Sailor Moon)
    Taiki Kou (Sailor Moon)
    Chibi Chibi (Sailor Moon)
    Queen & Elizabeth (Kamen Rider W)
    Shintaro Goto (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Lily Evans-Potter (Harry Potter)
    Ansem the Wise (Kingdom Hearts)
    Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII)
    Tina Branford (Final Fantasy VI)
    Serah Farron (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Arturia ‘Saber’ Pendragon (Fate/Stay Night)
    Nero Pendragon (Fate/Extra)
    Alter Pendragon (Carnival Phantasm)
    Lily Pendragon (Fate/Stay Night)
    Yugi Muto (Yu-Gi-Oh)
    Yami Muto (Yu-Gi-Oh)
    Yusei Fudo (Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds)
    Allelujah Hapstim (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Setsuna F. Seiei (Celestial Being: The Movie)
    Nena Trinity (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Michal Trinity (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Johann Trinity (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII)
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 29, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel

    Cidney (Final Fantasy XV)
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 25, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home