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  1. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    Yeah. I know the feeling.

    Yeah. I know the feeling.
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Mar 31, 2015
  2. Princess Rapunzel
  3. Princess Rapunzel
  4. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Mar 31, 2015
  5. Princess Rapunzel
  6. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    Not a lot.

    Not a lot.
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Mar 31, 2015
  7. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    Yeah, life and all that.

    Yeah, life and all that.
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Mar 31, 2015
  8. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    Hey. I'm fine.

    Hey. I'm fine.
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Mar 31, 2015
  9. Princess Rapunzel

    -Nintendo High: End of the School Day-

    With the final bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, Harry sighed as he headed out, with his Riolu on his shoulder. He wondered what happened to Ron since he seemed to have disappeared for the rest of the day. Remus and Sirius waved at Harry, standing with Lily. The two men did wondered where James disappeared and were also concerned about Ron. Lily watched as Hiccup, Fang, and Masaru walk out of the school, waiting until not so many people were around. Lily smiled as she watched Harry and Fang disappeared in a flash of brown, Sirius vanished in a light of purple, Masaru disappeared a light of orange, Hiccup vanished in a yellow, and finally her and Remus in a white light.


    -Command Center-

    James, Nala, Dante, and Simba saw the teleport beams with the new arrivals, looking closely, James's eyes widened at seeing Sirius, Remus, Lily, and Harry. "Padfoot?! Moony?! Lily?! Harry?!!" He said, surprised to see them. Sirius and Remus looked at him, equally surprised, Sirius shouted, "Prongs?!" "What are you doing here?" Remus said, Harry was speechless while Lily said, "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise." "You sound like you knew this would happen!" The four shouted together, looking at her. Fang rubbed her head and looked around, "What the? Dante?"

    Dante didn't hear her as he was eyeing Lily and her beauty but she ignored him and walked up to Simba, she whispered, "You can trust me. I have the same one." She gently removed his Lockseed and his armor disappeared. Nala gasped as she recognized him, "S-Simba?!" "Uh, hey, Nala......" Simba looked at her, embarrassed. Meanwhile, James grabbed Dante and said, "Watch it, Dante. That's my wife." "Quite a lucky catch, man." Dante said, smiling sly. James sweatdropped and groaned, rubbing his hair.


    -Moon Palace-

    "Go now, Ronald!" Rita ordered as she observed the Earth. "Go and show the Earth the true power of a Kamen Rider is meant to be!" "And destroy the other Riders to prove your power!" Zedd said, waving his staff. Ron bowed and teleported away in a dark red.



    Fetch was laying on one of the rooftops when she heard a sound that caught her attention. Using her Neon powers, she ran to the area and found Ron still dressed as Bujin Gaim, she said, "Hey, buddy. Need some help or something?" Ron just looked at her and slashed at her.


    -Flower Shop/Trunk-

    While arranging flowers in a vase, Aerith listened to a radio boardcast of the attack, praying for no fatal injuries to those who would be involved. Lenne and chaos listened as well, and wondered who would cause the attack.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess Rapunzel

    -Nintendo High: Cafeteria-

    Harry looked around and wondered where Ron was, even Mew was getting worried about it's trainer. Meanwhile, Lily talked with Sirius and Remus, discussing the charms on the Wilys to hide their feline features. Fang went to visit Vanille in her garden, she smiled as she sneaked into the garden room. Harry held his Riolu and looked at his Lockseed. With a sigh, Harry leaned back and looked at the sky.

    Talking with Yusei and Yugi, Akiza got up and waved at them, surprised at the suggestion of a duel at some point. She walked outside and looked around, grabbing her dueling deck and looking through her cards. With a breath, Akiza began to plan for the duel when it happened.



    Luckily, Philip had exited out of the Planet Bookshelf and looked at the book that Xehanort wanted to check out. "'Secret of the Heart', written by Dr, Souichi Tomoe. Not many people have a interest in knowing how the heart work." He said, scanning the book to see if it was available. Seeing that it was available, Philip nodded and put in the due date for its return. He gave the book back to Xehanort, "All set. Here you go."


    -Moon Palace-

    "I am at your serivce, my rulers." Ron said, bowing at Zedd and Rita, taking off his helmet and looking at them. Standing, he looked at Goldar and Thrax, keeping quiet and put his helmet back on. After a moment, he asked, "When do I head back down?" "Wait awhile." Rita said, Ron bowed.


    -Command Center-

    Appearing in the Command Center, Dante pushed Simba, who had not untransformed during the teleport, to Alpha and Navi, saying, "Hey, Big Z, Alpha, Bird. Have any idea who cherry boy here is?" Navi noticed the Driver around his waist and asked, "Should we bring the others here?" Hearing that with her skilled hearing skills, Nala asked, "There are others with the same kind of Driver?"


    -Flower Shop/Trunk-

    Elsa looked around and walked to the top of the trunk, wanting to see the sky again but she was concerned that someone might see her come out and she didn't want to risk that so she retreated back into the depths of the trunk. She did wonder what Harold was doing at the moment, meanwhile, Aerith was in the kitchen area, cooking a delicious meal for lunch.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel

    Not sure how many of you know about this but our dear old friend, PETA, is at it again. This time, going after Disney to change the ending of the future live-action version of Dumbo. They prefer that Dumbo and his mother go to a sanctuary because the original showed the abuse that elephants go through in the circus. Um, last I checked, only Dumbo was really abused in the film and the four older female ones were the ones did the abuse most of the time.

    So, yeah. PETA still thinks fictional animals go through the same abuse in real life, seeing what they did with Pokemon, Cooking Mama, Mario, etc.
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 18, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: Current Events
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    Film Pixels

    The plot is simple, when the US sent a time capsule into space in hopes of getting contact with aliens, the aliens get the wrong idea and send real life video game characters to destroy the world. The weirdest and strangest plot for a movie I have heard. Who else is expecting this kind of alien invasion movie?
    Thread by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 18, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Lukya
    Age: 13
    Occupation: Middle School Student
    Bio: Lukya is a student of Nintendo Elementary who is a young aspiring ballet dancer. While she doesn't speak of her past often, her mannerisms and speech shows she comes from a wealthy family. Lukya looks up to Larsa, despite that he is younger than then her, for his control and calmness for being the head of his family at his age. She doesn't care for her wealth and wishes for everyone to be happy with their lives.

    Name: Woman of the Beginning
    Description: ???????????
    Occupation: ????????
    Series the Character is from: Kamen Rider Gaim
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel

    -Nintendo High: Cafeteria-

    Having finished his meal, Ron got up and waved at his friend, deciding to walk off his lunch. Mew looked at him, curious about where Ron was going. Entering a empty hallway, Ron looked worried as he walked by himself, feeling that someone was watching him and the whole area was quiet. All he could hear was his footsteps, Ron looked around and found a strange item on the floor. As he picked it up, he had recognized it as some kind of Driver. Curious about what it was like to wear one, Ron put it at his waist and it wrapped around his waist.

    Ron was surprised what happened and saw a zip crack, leading into a strange forest. Before he could think about what was he was seeing, Ron began to head for the crack, entering the forest. Looking around, he saw strange looking fruit and reached his hand to one. Grabbing it, Ron watched it change into some kind of Padlock with a red orange, the number on the front being LS-07. Seeing strange creatures appeared, Ron ran out and gasped for air, unaware that someone had seen him exit the forest, having him disappear in a light of dark red.


    -Karate Studio-

    Watching Goldar leave, James sighed in relief and cracked his back. "That's probably one hard battle. By the way, Dante, how did your normal weapons do more damage than the Power Sword or the Blade Blaster?" James asked, Dante shrugged, "I guess because they're not from this world. There's a lot about me you don't know. Anyway, what about cherry boy there?" "Yes, who are you?" Nala asked, looking at Simba, unaware of who it was under the helmet. Simba kept quiet, Dante groaned and grabbed his wrist, activating his teleport button. James and Nala followed, so Dante didn't kill the poor boy.


    -Moon Palace-

    Having captured Ron, Rita examined the Lockseed he had got and smiled. "This boy will our fighter against those new Riders with the strange Drivers. Lets make him ours! Arise, Ronald Weasley, and become the evil Kamen Rider, Bujin Gaim!" As Ron had been unconscious, his eyes suddenly open, only now they were empty and dull. Been given the Padlock, Ron activated it, as it spoke, "Blood Orange!" "Henshin...." Ron said simply, inserting it into his Driver and turned the small sword, opening the Lockseed, "Lock On! Blood Orange!"

    "Blood Orange Arms: Ja no Michi on Stage!"

    A dark blue suit appeared on his body and a crack appeared in the sky, opening and having a blood orange, completing his armor. Rita and Zedd sent images of his enemies, Masaru Kurosaga as Gaim, Hiccup as Baron, Sirius Black as Ryugen, Oerba Yun Fang as Kurokage, Lily Evans-Potter as Zangetsu Shin with Remus Lupin as Zangetsu, and finally Harry Potter, his own friend, as Gridon. Ron gripped his sword, hatred climbing inside of him.


    -Alice & Blanca-

    Alice stopped in a park, letting Blanca run wild and play with Yuri. Watching the strange man who was currently staying in her apartment play with her pet wolf, Alice smiled and almost felt herself falling for Yuri. She blushed, seeing his shown muscular chest and his smile as he played with Blanca.


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    "No problem, Rini." Hayley said, waving at her as they left. Leaning back, Hayley sighed and what menace appeared that Ami left to fight and went behind the counter to mix more drinks.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess Rapunzel

    -Nintendo High: Cafeteria-

    Harry petted his Riolu after finishing his lunch and it smiled, enjoying the petting on its head. Ron smiled at seeing his friend with his Pokemon and looked at Mew, floating around and cuddling him. Remus smiled at the two boys, saying, "Wish I could capture a Pokemon for myself. Someone to help me with my research of the moon." "Yeah,but you weren't good with Pokemon when we were younger." Sirius said, remembering their time as students at Nintendo High, Remus chuckled nervously.

    Lily smiled as she remembered her time at Nintendo High, being a transfer student and having met James, Sirius, and Remus for the first time. Fang smiled and reminded Sirius of when they met for the first time. Sirius tried not to remember that and just finished his lunch, Ron looked around, wondering where Hermione was since it was unlike her to miss school.


    -Nintendo High: Library-

    Philip wandered the Planet Bookshelf, looking up for ways to find Elsa with any other magical people in the city. He wasn't sure if he could find anyone who could help her or know where she is. Looking through those who are magical but unaware, he found some interesting names, the florist, Aerith Gainborough, one of her helpers, chaos, Yuna. Philip did more research on those who lived and worked in the flower shop, suddenly getting a interest in gardening.


    -Nintendo High: Gym-

    Kimberly finished her practice and sighed, taking a bottle of water and drinking it all the way. She sighed and wiped away her sweat, looking at her communicator. Looking out a window in the gym, Kimberly wondered if the fight against Goldar was going alright and if they were able to beat him. Grabbing a towel, Kimberly headed for the bathroom to shower and get clean.


    -Karate Studio-

    Simba held his Sonic Arrow to block Goldar's attack. Going behind him, Dante twirled his guns, shooting at Goldar's back, even hitting his wings. Nala ran up and slashed at him, twirling her daggers as James joined in with his Ax. Dante just shot at Goldar, before swapping Ebony for Rebellion and going to slash at his back, joining his teammates.


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    "Huh, well, I guess you don't have a place to stay then, huh?" Hayley said, thinking. She looked at Ikuko, asking, "Hey, do you have any room at your place? I live in a small apartment, so I don't have enough room for a extra person." She looked embarrassed, rubbing her hair.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel


    Yugi and Yusei wanted to get know Akiza and Kazu, Akiza was a bit shy to talk with them, but immediately struck a conversation with them about dueling. She slowly began to open up with them about her interest in dueling, not telling them about her special power, wanting it to be kept secret between her and Kazu. Yusei expressed a desire to have a duel with her to see what kind of deck she used, Akiza nodded, eating her salad.

    Lily ate her lunch while Sirius talked with Remus about his condition, Remus reassured his friend that the full moon had passed and he would be alright until the next full moon. Harry smiled, rubbing Riolu's head as it ate some of his lunch. Mew laid on Ron's head, looking at him as it wagged its tail. Fang ate her lunch, smiling as she listened to them and wondering how Vanille was doing with the garden.



    Leaving the hospital to let Hermione recover, Philip returned to the library and read his book at the desk, looking up more on Elsa. He sat in the desk, looking through his blank book, holding the mini Luna Memory. Holding his phone, Philip wondered where the Queen could be hiding.



    Returning to the high school, Kimberly went to the gym and began to practice her gymnastic on the balance beam. She kept her mind off the happening at the hospital. Taking a breath, Kimberly practiced on the balance beam.


    -Karate Studio-

    Dante sheathed his Power Sword and Rebellion, bringing Ebony and Ivory out. Simba took out his Cherry Lockseed and inserted it into his Sonic Arrow, watching as James blocked the attack by Goldar, letting Nala give a surprise attack from behind. Locking in the Padlock, Simba heard the Arrow, "Lock on! Cherry!" Aiming at Goldar, Simba fired at him. The arrow pireced his body and twin cherries appeared, swinging around and hitting its target in between until it exploded. Dante scoffed, James said, "Thanks, but I doubt he will fall that easily."

    "I guess so." Simba said, standing ready. Nala kept quiet, thinking that the voice sounded familiar.


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    "Huh, guess I just haven't seen you around," Hayley said, sitting in a chair and waving at Amy, letting her go do something with her team. Looking at Luna-P, Hayley figured that Billy would have a heyday, trying to figure out its working.


    -Flower Shop/Trunk-

    Aerith opened the door and looked into his room, seeing him on his bed with a book out. "Hmmm, well, I'm going to make some lunch soon, anything special you like to have?" Aerith said, smiling at him.

    Elsa sat at the table and began to write to her sister, naturally her sister was surprised. However, Elsa gave a small explanation about her location and asked if she and Olaf were okay. Anna said that they were, but worried about her and if she will return. Elsa thought for a moment and wrote that she would want to leave Harold when she was comfortable and in control of her power.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel

    -Nintendo High: Cafeteria-

    In the cafeteria, Lily and Remus had Sirius, Harry, and Ron sit with them so they could hear what happened with Lily in the United Kingdom. Lily gave a basic summary of the stay in the UK, excluding her getting the Driver and the Lockseed. Harry surprised them with his Riolu while Mew flew around and cuddled Lily. Harry smiled and fed his Riolu some of his lunch. Remus smiled, rubbing Mew's head as they ate. Tommy and Thomas sat with Billy, eating their lunch while Tommy wondered where Kimberly was. Eiji was with Ankh in his area, eating his own lunch.

    Akiza sat with Kazu, eating her lunch when Yugi and Yusei came up, wanting to sit with fellow duelists. Akiza wasn't sure but let them sit with them while Kira sat with her team, discussing the fight from earlier. Koyomi sat with Haruto, eating the lunch that their caretaker made for them. Setsuna sat with Serah, Snow, Lockon and Tiera on the staff table. Ryotaro tried to carry his lunch but slipped on a displaced banana and slipped to a table, unconscious.


    -Karate Studio-

    "So, you're the gold guy we heard about from the big head." Dante said, smiling as he tapped Rebellion on his shoulder. James smiled, "Finally, now I have a rematch with you, Goldar." "I would say it's morphing time, huh?" Nala said, bringing out her morpher as James and Dante brought theirs out. Simba brought his Sonic Arrow as he watched them take their morphers and changed.


    "Saber-Tooth Tiger!"


    "And it's not a party without some music!" Dante said, aiming Ebony at a nearby stereo and shot at it, starting some music while he brought out the Power Sword, James took out the Power Ax, and Nala summoned her Power Daggers.

    Putting his Power Sword behind him, Dante pointed Ebony at Goldar and shot at him while James and Nala used their Power Weapons. Simba aimed his Sonic Arrow and fired at Goldar, Dante sent a few shots before running to him, holding his Rebellion in his hand and slashing at Goldar. James and Simba shot at him, using their weapons with Nala slashing at him.

    Dante switched Ebony with Ivory, shooting at him still. Nala ran with Simba, unaware she was with her childhood friend and fighting with him against a common enemy. James shot with Dante with their weapons.


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    Hayley smiled, putting the young girl on her back and carried her back into the cafe. Setting her on a seat, Hayley went behind the counter and poured a cup of milk for her. Setting it in front of her, Hayley sat in front of her, "Where you from?"


    -Flower Shop/Trunk-

    Aerith smiled, waving at Oliver and went up to the rooms, she knocked on Harold's door, asking, "Harold, is everything okay? You've been here for a while."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Princess Rapunzel

    -Nintendo High Front-

    As Lily, Remus, and James neared the high school, they saw the front yard was covered with the staff and the students from the fire alarm going off. However, within the crowd, Lily was able to spot Harry as he was being tightly hugged by Sirius until Fang hit his head hard. Remus laughed while James waved his hand, "Hey, Padfoot!" "Prongs?" Sirius asked, looking at his friends and Harry looked as well with Ron, Harry asked, "Mom?" Lily just smiled and waved at her son, Riolu looked at his owner's parents while Mew just flew around.

    The trio walked to them and Lily noticed that Fang, Sirius, and Harry had Drivers as well as Lockseeds. "You guys catch up, I'm gonna wander around." She said, walking around and taking a small scanner she made when she received the Driver. Walking around, she found similar waves when she passed Masaru and Hiccup. She looked around and found a place to hide, taking out her own customized communicator. "Alpha, Navi, I have found them. When the group at the school become thinner, teleport me, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Oerba Yun Fang, Harry Potter, Masaru Kurogasa, and Hiccup."



    "Well, I remember seeing the news a few years ago about some woman in the UK who was making so many laws and restricting school life." Kimberly said, thinking back. Akira thought and said, "Yeah, I remember that. Um..... Eh, I don't remember her name but she was some kind of political woman who didn't seem like the school was over there." Hermione nodded, Philip patted his partner's shoulder, "I'll tell you later."


    -Flower Shop/Trunk-

    "It's about 101.45 yen." Aerith said, smiling while chaos and Lenne continued to work in the shop, arranging flowers and watering them. While stretching, chaos was curious what was in Harold's room, but he didn't ask because he didn't want to pry into the boy's past and be considered noisy.

    Elsa nodded, "Right, of course."


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    Hayley laughed and smiled before looking out the window and seeing Rini. Quickly heading out to her, Hayley ran to her and knelt down, "Hey, little one. You okay? Want to make in a cup of milk?"


    -Moon Palace-

    "Yes, and so unprepared for a attack." Rita said, and sent a troop of Putties to send Nala off guard. She smiled as she watched the events.


    -Command Center-

    Gasping as the alarm went off, Navi watched as Putties appeared at where Nala was and watched her try to fight them on her own. Calling some of the Rangers, Navi shouted, "Nala is in trouble! Help her! She's fighting Putties in a abandoned karate studio." "Got it!" James said, Dante shouted happily, "Alright! Finally!"


    -Empty Karate Studio-

    Stretching, Nala saw and gasped as Putties appeared, grabbing a broom and using it as a sword to fight. Simba was walking outside and looked inside, taking out his Driver and Cherry Lockseed, activating it. "Cherry Energy!" He heard and inserted into his Driver, pushing the sword down on it.

    "Soda! Cherry Energy Arms!"

    Red armor appeared on his body and a cherry dropped on his body, forming the rest of his armor. He ran into the studio, standing by his friend as James and Dante appeared, Dante brought his two guns, Ebony and Ivory, while James used his magic to get a broom in his hand as the four of them began to fight.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Princess Rapunzel

    -Nurse's Office-

    "Hit his head on the wall during class." Fang said, rubbing her head. "Well, I guess I'll leave him to you then." She left the Nurse's Office and brought her Pinecone Lockseed, gripping it in her hand. She sighed and left, heading back to the gym.


    -Tommy's Office-

    "Marvelous, I take my powers seriously, as much as as you and your team do." Tommy said, looking at the Gokaiger leader with serious eyes. "This is maybe my first time as a mentor, but I won't go easy on them if that's what they want." He looked at the three Ninja Storm Rangers, "Just let me know when you want to start."


    -Outside the Pokemon Battling Classroom-

    Harry and Ron headed to Professor Oak's classroom to get Pokeballs for their Pokemon though they both doubted that they won't sure if they would like it. Harry hid his Acorn Lockseed, hoping if his Riolu wanted a Pokeball, it could help him with his Lockseed.


    -French Classroom-

    Sirius was busy with his second period French Class, teaching some history about French government because of the debate earlier. He did hid his Grape Lockseed beforehand there wouldn't be any question.



    Hermione wondered what Philip would come up with as a answer and waited for him to return with the others. Kimberly trusted that Philip had a idea to find them as he came into the room, Philip looked at everyone and said, "I have done a lookup on everyone who is magical in Japan. And here's a surprise. Shotaro, Mione-chan is one of them." "But honestly, I haven't really used my magic." Hermione said, looking at them. Philip nodded, "So are your friends, Mione-chan. And apparently, the son of the famous Nicolas Flamel."

    "I didn't know that Nicholas Flamel had a son." Kimberly said, surprised. Philip nodded, "It was a rather protective secret. But he's the adopted son of Flamel."


    -Coffee Shop-

    Alice smiled, nodding. "I really mean it, John." Blanca nodded, wagging his tail. Sipping her tea, Alice smiled, looking at the liquid in her cup. Blanca yawned and laid his head on the ground.


    -Command Center-

    'Tommy Oliver.....' Lily thought to herself. 'If I can remember the files correctly, he wields the White Mighty Morphin Ranger powers, which includes the short sword, Saba.' "Alright, I'll head to the high school and ask Tommy to help find those with the same Drivers." Lily said. "As soon as we can find some, I'll bring them here." She left the Command Center and put her goggles on, starting her motorbike and riding off.


    -Path to Nintendo High-

    Remus and James went to Nintendo High, hoping to have some lunch with Sirius. A familiar motorbike came up, the rider having long flaming red hair, the bike stopped and the rider took off their goggles, smiling, "Hey, boys." "Lily! You're back?!" James said, surprised to see his wife back in Japan. Lily smiled and said, "Yup. Got back the other day." She noticed that Remus had a similar Lockseed and wondered who else had similar ones.


    -Moon Palace-

    "Prefect." Rita said, showing Goldar the Ranger, Nala, in the karate studio, cleaning it by herself. Zedd took the time to wonder about the strange power he felt on Earth the other day.


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith listened to Oliver's description of Fiona and smiled, picking a white rose. "Here, I'm sure she will love this." Lenne smiled as she listened to Aerith and chaos smiled as well, bringing out a few pots of flowers.

    Elsa smiled and nodded. "If I return to Anna after this magic, I hope we can still be friends, Harold."


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    "Coming right up, Ikuko!" Hayley said, quickly making a cup of coffee while grabbing some sugar and creme. When the coffee was finished, Hayley took it, adding the creme and sugar. She placed it on the table Ikuko was . Hayley smiled as she asked, "So, Serena still the same as ever?"
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel


    "Kira, come back!" Jake said, going after her as she ran with the ball, looking at her new teammate, Kira told him, "Just be happy that I didn't go rough on you, Jake." Jake was a bit confused but still went after her to get the ball back.


    -Nintendo High Hallway-

    "That's....... really great, Ed," Fang said, pretending to get what Ed was doing. She sweatdropped and thought to herself, 'It's a wonder and a miracle that this kid made it into this school.' She went to the nurse's office and laid him on one of the beds.


    -Tommy's office-

    Giving a small laugh, Tommy looked at Marelous, saying, "Give Gai a break, Marvelous, his knowledge might actually save you one day. Sides, he was able to help these Ninja Storm Rangers." Looking at them, Tommy thought for a moment, but then asked, "I know this is out of the blue, but would you three like to have a mentor? I don't know much teaching others, but I would like to help you guys. If you don't have a mentor already."



    "How can we find those with magic, though?" Kimberly asked, remembering in all the fights she had been in so far and not knowing anyone with magic. Philip thought for a moment and said, "Excuse me." Looking a hidden place in the hospital, Philip entered the Planet's Bookshelf and entered the keywords, 'Magic', 'People', and 'Japan'. Watching the books appear according to the words, Philip grabbed the book appeared to him and read through, he knew Haruto had magic, but some others in the book surprised him and wondered to tell the others.


    -Coffee Shop-

    "I do think of you as a friend, John." Alice said, looking at him and smiling. "I never really had any friends, growing up. So, it would be nice to have one at least." Blanca whined, feeling left out. Alice smiled and rubbed his head, "Of course, I won''t forget you, Blanca." Blanca smiled, panting happily.


    -Command Center-

    "Then please let me help," Lily said, walking up to the control panel. "I'll be interested to see who else has similar Drivers like this." 'And I can study the energy reading that they are giving off,' She thought to herself, setting her Driver and Lockseed down.


    -Moon Palace-

    "Really wish that we could go and help, but we are stuck here, dealing the blasted Rangers, Riders, and Gokaigers." Zedd said, tightly gripping his staff. Rita spoke, "Speaking of, one of the Rangers is alone right now. It's the perfect chance to attack."


    -Flower Shop-

    "Please, let me." Elsa said, smiling. "It's just common sense to have some way to thank you." She held his hand and smiled at him.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home