Well, the season 5 opener was interesting. I wasn't expecting a reference to football, Starlight Glimmer is psycho, and I personally think the...
-Tokyo Street- Trying to think, Remus tossed his shield, Melon Defender, to Ron though he blocked with his version of the Daidamaru, as the Melon Defender returned to Remus like a boomerang. Using her weapon, the Kagematsu, as a pole volt, Fang jumped up and when gravity brought her down, she brought the Kagematsu down and was blocked by Ron's Daidamaru, but she managed to push him back a bit. Deciding it was his turn, Sirius pulled the pull hammer on his weapon, Budou Ryuhou, and shot at him, Ron jumped out of the way and went to slash at it. However, Harry got in the way by using his Donkachi to block and pushed him. "I will defeat you for my masters, Emperor Zedd and his empress, Rita!" Ron shouted as he got the Musou Saber and connected it to his Daidamaru, Harry gasped as he heard the voice, "Ron?! Ron, is that you?!" Ron kept quiet and attempted to slash but Remus blocked with the Melon Defender, using it to fight it. Calming down, Sakura rejoined the fight, with her friends by her side. Lily and Simba kept as archers, using their Sonic Arrows to shoot at him. -Command Center- Watching the fight on the Viewing Globe, James tried to cheer his wife, son, and his friends when the reveal the evil Rider was his son's best friend occured, he was surprised as well. "Wait, why would Zedd and Rita take control of Ron? Unless they took control of his mind?" James asked, Nala thought for a moment, "That's likely the reason, so he could be torn from the friendship of Harry." "Uh, okay?" Dante said, rubbing his hair. -Harold & the Cardcaptors- Sakura was surprised at the display of magic but Kero flew out of Sakura's bag and shouted, "I'm no teddy bear, you kid! I'll have you know that I'm Keroberos, Guardian of the Clow! And I never imagined that Flamel would live so long and have a kid like you." "Flamel is that alchemist who created the legendary item, the Philosopher's Stone, right?" Sakura said, grabbing Kero and holding him in her arms. -Hospital- Philip went to the hospital and visited Hermione in her hospital room, telling her about the happenings at the school. They watched the news about the attack, like Harry, Hermione felt something familiar about Bujin Gaim, but since she didn't know Harry was a Rider, she felt something familiar about Harry in his Rider form. Philip opened his Stag Phone and had the speaker on for Shotaro to listen. -Eiji- On his way to Cous Coussier, Eiji heard the news about the attacks, surprised that there was a evil Rider running around and there were new Riders fighting it.
-Command Center- "Wait, what about you, Dad, as well Professor Dante and Miss Nala?" Harry asked, James rubbed his hair and shyly smiled, "Well, we're Power Rangers. Yeah, the spandex is a bit tight, but after a while, you get used to it." "Huh, I see." Sirius said, looking at the Power Coins that they showed. Remus examined the Power Coin and looked at his friend, surprised. "A mastodon?" "I don't mind it." James said, Lily looked at the others and said, "You all do realize that if you accept being a Rider, you will need to keep it secret from those you know. And Harry, that means we can't tell the Wilys." "Right." Harry said, knowing that they would be in danger if they knew. Suddenly the alarm went off, Navi shouted, "Oh no, seems like Rita and Zedd have sent down a evil Rider!" "Well, looks like we gathered at the right time." Lily said, as she and the others watched the events on the Viewing Globe. "Wait, you guys sure you want to go? You just found out that you're Riders." James said, Sirius and Remus looked at him and nodded, Sirius said, "I'm sure that we'll be fine. Watch us as we try to rein in this bad Rider." After they teleported to the area, Dante asked, "So, James, who did someone like you get someone like her?" "Shut it." James said, red faced. Nala kept her eyes on the Viewing Globe to watch the fight. -Tokyo Street- Ron slashed at Fetch and Emma, as well as avoided the confusion attack. When Ron sent energy slashes, they were caught and disappeared, seeing their rescuers, it was Sakura, Hinako, and Seki, already transformed in their respective Rider forms. Ron looked at them and said, "The first three, huh?" "Yes, sides, who starts the first three had to be male?" Sakura said, before Seki began to battle him with Hinako then Sakura joined. However, Ron sent her flying to the ground. As she stood up, two pairs of scars appeared on her cheeks. "Sakura-chan, wait!" Hinako said, running to her and tried to calm her down. Sakura gasped for air, trying to control her anger. Seki continued to fight, keeping her calm. At that moment, the others appeared, Sirius asked, "So, uh, how exactly do we transform?" "Just follow our example." Lily said, as she and Simba took their Drivers out and put them on, with them wrapping around their waists. The others did the same then took out their Lockseeds, activating them. "Bodou!" "Melon!" "Matsubokkuri!" "Donguri!" "Melon Energy!" "Cherry Energy!" They put them on their Drivers and pushed the sword down, opening the Padlock and changed into their respective forms. Sirius looked at his weapon and sighed before looking at Remus in his transformed state, saying, "Moony! You look like a knight!" "Well, um, lets focus on what we're for." Remus said, running out with them and facing the evil Rider. Harry kept quiet as he looked at Bujin Gaim, feeling something familiar about him. Seeing his targets, Ron began to attack them, especially going after Harry. Remus defended Harry with his shield and pushed Ron while Lily and Simba shot at him. Harry wasn't sure what to do as he watched, the familiar feeling growing stronger. -Harold and Cardcaptors- Sakura was surprised to meet a relative of Nicholas Flamel and felt Kero poke his head out to listen to the conversation. Elsa sat in the trunk and wondered if Harold was doing alright.
I'll check it out sometime.
Alright, then
Huh, I see.
Power Rangers, original Sailor Moon, you know late 90s shows and some early 2000s.
Well, growing up, I was a tomboy and never watched any MLP shows.
Well, believe it or not, no, I never got into the earlier gen ponies and I was surprised that I found myself liking this one.
Yeah, true.
I don't know much about the G1 ponies, but we'll see.
At this rate, with how far the series has come, I won't be surprised.
It's hard to say, depends on how the season plays out.
Yeah. True.
I'm curious about how they'll open the season with Starlight Glimmer and her crazy ideas about friendship and equality, you know that kind of jazz.
I haven't seen it yet, but I have listened to some of the music. It's alright.
Excited for MLP season 5?