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  1. Princess Rapunzel
    Alright, here is Akiza and Draco's schedules.

    Period 1 - Children's Card Games 101
    Period 2 - History
    Period 3 - French
    Period 4 - Demonology

    Period 1 - French
    Period 2 Gym
    Period 3 - Modern History
    Period 4 - Drama
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess Rapunzel
    I completely forgot to do this and just remembered, here are the schedule for Kira, Emma, Gia, and Koyomi. I'll put the schedules for Akiza and Draco up later.

    Period 1 - Music
    Period 2 - Gym
    Period 3 - English
    Period 4 - Demonology

    Period 1- French
    Period 2 - Music
    Period 3 - Modern History
    Period 4 - Art

    Period 1 - Gym
    Period 2 - English
    Period 3 - Art
    Period 4 - Modern History

    Period 1 - History
    Period 2 - English
    Period 3 - Modern History
    Period 4 - French
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess Rapunzel

    -Rise's call-

    "Hello, senpai~" Rise said to her senpai happily through her cellphone. Teddie smiled and listened in on the call. "It certainly has been a while. I heard about what happened in Tokyo and wanted to make sure you were okay. If you're with your uncle and Nanako-chan, tell Nanako-chan that I say hi. I'll be coming to see you soon with Chie-senpai and Yukiko-senpai. They can't wait to see you and neither can I." Teddie smiled, starry eyed at being able to Rise, Chie, and Yukiko again.


    -Sakura, Syaoran, and Kero-

    Kero looked at Syaoran, his cheeks full of food and his face messy. Swallowing, he patted his full tummy in satisfaction before trying to remember when he met Roger Bacon with his master. "I can kinda recall Clow meeting a magician named that in the past, but last I remember, he didn't look like that. He was shorter and a bit older. Not to mention, he didn't dress fancy like that." Sakura quietly listened to the Guardian Beast try to recall his memories.


    -Natsumi & Tsukasa-

    Natsumi remained mad at Tsukasa and dragged all the way to the photo studio. She wished that he wasn't so cryptic and would be more honest with her on the things that happen when he suddenly disappears. She thought at one point she was going crazy when she saw him disappear in a beam of magenta and still pondered about that.


    -Wajima Shop-

    Koyomi didn't answer because she thought that Haruto knew what it was about and didn't open it for that reason as well, but sighed and opened the box, noticing a ring similar to his other rings, and the symbol on it was decipting a new power it seem. Koyomi was surprised at how well it was made, it was almost on par with Wajima's work and wondered why he made this.


    -Emma's home-

    Kira laid on the floor and wondered where Gia, Megaforce Yellow and her second-in-command, was though if she had to guess, she was probably training. While Emma was arranging flowers in a vase, Kira thought to herself, 'At least today was peaceful, no attack from the spoiled prince. But I wonder, what is he planning for his next attack?'


    -Arendelle Docks-

    Elsa stood on the docks, looking out at the ocean beyond the fjord. Anna held her hand in assurance that everything would be okay while Marina came to see them off and tell them to have a safe journey. Elsa looked at her and said, "Thank you for doing this while we're gone, Marina." "We'll make sure to get you something special as a gift." Anna said, smiling at her. Smiling back, Marina said, "Thank you, it will not be a problem. I hope your journey will be safe and you will be able to return here with great memories from Japan."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Prince Vekar
    Description: The first in line to the throne of the royal family of Zanyck and leader of the Armada. He's quick to throw a temper tantrum and believes that he knows the best course of action in order to take over the Earth. His main enemies are the trio of Kira, Emma, and Gia and his family knows Zedd and his wife, Rita.
    Occupation: Prince
    Series the Character is from: Power Ranger Super Megaforce
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess Rapunzel

    -Deserted Riverbank-

    Though Natsumi knew Tsukasa was right, she groaned, shaking a fist in anger at his blunt way of saying it, tempting herself to give him a laughing pressure point. "Don't I have a right to worry about you?! Besides, I didn't know where you are, and you didn't call me where you were headed! We're going back to the photo studio!" She shouted at him, grabbing his arm and dragging him back to the studio.


    -Oliver House-

    Tommy returned to his and Thomas' house with the two bags of groceries, heading for the kitchen. Smelling incense, Tommy guessed that Thomas was praying at the mini-shrine in dedication to David, he told himself that after he made dinner for himself and Thomas, he would do the same. As he boiled some water, Tommy thought what had happened earlier. He was still surprised that his old martial arts teacher was chosen to become one of the final members of the Power Rangers and stretched, waiting to see how much stronger James had become.


    -Wajima Shop-

    "Not much happened, expect..." Koyomi said, grabbing the white box that Ron left earlier. "A boy with ginger red hair came in and dropped this off, saying that you asked him to craft a stone into a ring. Why didn't you ask Wajima to do it?" Koyomi looked at him, curiously.



    After heading to their home, Don worked on making dinner for everyone with Gai and Basco while Ahim made some tea for herself and Luka who was examining her jewels and stretched. Ahim hid it, but she still wondered about Kimberly and hoped that she was alright.


    -Syaoran's house-

    Seeing the delicious cake that was brought into the room, Kero smiled and took one big bite into it. Sakura smiled and took one of the cups, she looked at her former rival and asked, "Li-kun, what are you doing back in Japan? All the cards have been captured and tamed and I've made the master of the Clow. So, why?"


    -Emma's Home-

    After a while, Kira sighed and leaned back. "I forgot how hard sing writing can be." "It's alright. The song I sang earlier was one my mom used to sing every spring when the cherry blossoms came into bloom." Emma said, thinking back to her mother. "Lets try what we have so far." Kira nodded and strummed a few bars before beginning to sing.

    "The wind blows quiet in the city tonight
    Not a person to be seen
    A empire of isolation
    And it looks like I'm the queen."

    "The wind is blowing like this growing storm inside
    Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried."

    "Don't ignore the screams, don't walk away
    Be the good girl you always have to be
    Conceal, don't see, don't let them know
    Well, now they know....."

    "Let it go, let it go
    Can't hold it back anymore
    Let it go, let it go
    Go and save the day
    I don't care what the bad guys going to say
    Let the storm grow strong
    The power never bothered me anyway."

    "It's funny how some changes makes everything seem small
    And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all
    It's time to see what I can do
    To test the limits and break through
    No right, no wrong, no rules for me
    I'm free."

    "Let it go, let it go
    I'm one with the wind and sky
    Let it go, let it go
    You'll never see me cry
    Here I stand and here I'll stay
    Let the storm grow strong."

    "My power flurries through the air into the ground
    My soul is spiraling in wild instincts all around
    And one thought flies by like an chilly wind
    I'm never going back, the past is in the past!"

    "Let it go, let it go
    And I'll rise like the break of dawn
    Let it go, let it go
    That perfect girl is gone
    Here I stand in the light of day
    Let the storm grow strong
    The cold never bothered me anyway."



    Elsa finished packing her bag and looked out her window, wondering if they were going to be alright, and what would happen if Hans found out about her powers. She tried not to think about that and thought happily about the new trade she would have with Japan. She was sure that Anna was thinking the same thing and smiled softly.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Princess Rapunzel
    I have to say that I will be taking a break from role-playing for awhile after today. It's nothing personal, I just feel like it and want those who borrowed my characters last time to have more of a chance to play them this time. If there is any plot related items you want to discuss with me while I'm gone, leave it on my skype since most of you have me as a contact.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess Rapunzel

    -Temporal Tower-

    Hermione gasped a bit and spoke, "This better be interesting." Luka sighed at seeing Basco had taken control of Hermione's body once again, Tommy just watched as Marvelous talked with the girl and the suit of armor. Ahim stood next to Luka, holding her arm. Harry held his staff and waited with Ron and Ginny. Hermione watched in her spirit form, curious about what was happening.


    -ZEXIS: Battle-

    The Stratos twins had entered their Gundams, Lyle entered spinner mode and waited for the right moment to fire while Setsuna, Lockon, and Tieria had flown out in their Gundams. Rei and Asuka also went out in their Evagenlions, Asuka smiled and shouted, "Bring it on!!!!!!! I'm ready for this!!!" Rei just kept quiet and watched the fighting, waiting for the right moment to strike in Unit 00. She observed the enemy and got in a stance while Setsuna swung the GN Sword and Tieria set up his GN Field.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 11, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess Rapunzel
  9. Princess Rapunzel

    -Deserted Riverbank-

    Natsumi looked out at the riverbank, still pondering what Tommy was talking about and who were the strange people that Tsukasa was fighting. She stretched, hoped that Tsukasa hadn't become enemies with Tommy, waiting for Tsukasa's answer.


    -Grocery Store-

    Tommy walked through the grocery store, looking for ingredients to use for dinner tonight. His mind was still on the fight between Tsukasa, Rita, Zedd, and Goldar, he wondered why Zordon's enemies would come down to Earth to fight Tsukasa. He tried to think the reasons they would want to come down and face Tsukasa, all of them not good. He sighed and gave up his reasons, continuing his shopping.


    -Vergil, Dante, and Nero-

    Dante slumped in his seat, looking at his communicator and his Power Coin. He gripped the coin and waited for dinner to be made, Nero worked in the kitchen, following the recipe to make lasagna for dinner. Dante thought about the battle in Toshima and how badly they were beaten, still not believing that they lost a battle, despite the Rangers now having a complete team.


    -Wajima Shop-

    Koyomi sat next to Haruto, blushing and softly eating the donuts. She tried to bring up a subject to talk about, but couldn't think of any and kept a red face.


    -Emma's Home-

    Kira sat in Emma's room, strumming her guitar softly when Emma came in, now in a white shirt and pink shorts, she was carrying a tray with two cups of teas and listened to Kira play. Stopping for a moment, Kira sighed and looked at the sheet music. Emma looked at it as well, noticing she had the melody of the song, just not the lyrics. "What kind of song are you trying to write?" She asked, Kira looked at her and said, "A song that is about us, you, me, and Gia, not worrying about our powers."

    Emma thought for a moment, and said, "Let me help with that." And she began to help suggest lyrics for the song.



    "I'm sure, Olaf. And I was asked by Elsa to watch look the kingdom for her. If I didn't, her people would worry and probably lose hope." Marina said, smiling at him as she knelt at him, patting his head. "Just take a lot of pictures for me."


    -Syaoran's home-

    Sakura stretched and looked around her friend's home, while Kero whimpered about having food and waited for Syaoran.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess Rapunzel

    -Deserted Riverbank-

    "I'm not stalking you, Tsukasa. I was just taking a different path to the grocery store and wanted to see how well you handled yourself. Sides, with the number of Riders you turn into, you're your own team." Tommy said, not saying anything about what he said to Kimberly back in Toshima. Tommy almost sounded like he didn't mind what Tsukasa said. "Anyway, I hope that we will meet each other again, at the school or in a battle. Against the S-Types or Zedd, until then." Tommy walked off, continuing what he was doing, giving Natsumi a nod when she came out of her hiding place.

    "Tsukasa, what the heck was that about? Those weirdos acted as though they knew you and what did Tommy-sensei mean, 'in a battle'?" Natsumi asked, looking confused and worried that maybe Tommy and Tsukasa were now enemies.


    -Dante, Nero, & Vergil-

    Dante was going to suggest something, Nero immediately said, "No pizza, I think I'll try to make pasta or maybe lasagna." Nero went into the kitchen and got the cookbook for lasagna while Dante just stood there, forzen with his mouth open.


    -Wajima Shop-

    Koyomi felt something beside her and looked, blushing to see Haruto sitting beside her, even deeper when she realized he saw that she was eating one of the donuts he got earlier. She looked away, trying to wipe her face clean from the plain sugar on the donut.



    Walking down a street, a guitar case stripped on her back, was a young girl in a punk fashion. On her right wrist was a silver bracelet with a yellow stone, though she didn't know where it came from, she didn't mind it and stretched. The girl looked around and wondered if she was lost, groaning when she heard a voice.


    "La la la

    La la la........"

    Following the voice, the girl entered a small backyard garden with cherry blossom trees, she took a few steps and found the source of the voice, a girl around her age dressed in a light pink kimono with a flower design and a white obi around her waist, her hair was up in a bun. The girl quietly stood where she was and listened to the song that the other girl was singing, smiling.

    "The gentle breeze

    Stirs the leaves and stirs my soul

    My heart deep inside me

    Sense my worth, as one with earth

    Of greater whole, all connected as one

    So bloom, bloom and share your sweet perfume

    Flowers bloom....."

    She stopped suddenly and looked in surprise at her unexpected visitor, she said, "Kira? What are you doing here?" "Sorry for coming unannounced, Emma. I was just looking for a place to write my songs, and heard you singing. I didn't know you're such a good singer." Kira said, rubbing her neck. Emma smiled, embarrassed, then said, "Well, since you're here, why don't you stay for a bit? I can help with your song writing and make some tea." Kira nodded and followed her teammate into her home.



    Anna smiled at Olaf and followed Elsa, though going to her own room to prepare for the trip. She was sure Elsa had the same worry, though, because their parents had died on a trip three years ago before Elsa had become queen. She pushed those thoughts out of her head and smiled, thinking about getting to know Hans more. Meanwhile, Marina was in the guest room provided for her and looked out at Arendelle, admiring it and wondering if she would do a good job to rule in Elsa's stead while she went to Japan.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel
    Sorry, but Olaf/Roxam already took Hans.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Kira Ford
    Description: A young struggling music artist who is a student at Nintendo High. She is the leader of a small trio of female fighters who have powers based on the Gokaiger's AbareRanger and Goseiger Ranger Keys as well as their Gokaiger powers, with her powers being the Yellow Abare Power, or as she calls it, Yellow Dino Thunder. It is unknown how Kira and her partners obtained their powers, but they had met the Rangers, Riders, and Gokaigers and know their identities. Kira hides her struggles behind a tough facade, but is able to see past the stereotypes of others.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Power Ranger Dino Thunder

    Name: Gia Moran
    Description: The second in command of the group, Gia is head strong and wiling to do to protect her childhood friend, Emma. Gia holds the powers based on the Yellow Goseiger and Luka's Gokai Yellow power, calling the Goseiger power 'Megaforce' and un-creatively calling the Gokaiger power 'Super Megaforce'. Gia does what she can to help protect her home alongside Kira and Emma.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

    Name: Emma Goodall
    Description: Gia's childhood friend and the holder of the powers based on the Pink Goseiger and Ahim's Gokai Pink power. Emma loves nature, a trait she states comes from her late mother, and often tries to help Kira with her songs. Among her and her partners, Emma is the most friendly and tries her hardest to protect Japan with Kira and Gia.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel

    -Deserted Riverbank-

    Seeing Goldar still wanting to fight despite being servely weakened and beaten by Blade, Tommy was surprised and thought to himself, 'Man, some villains sure are stubborn. Oh, well.' Getting ready to join the fight, Tommy noticed Zedd stopping Goldar, saying, "No, Goldar, we will fight another day. Just remember, Tsukasa, you will be the first of Zordon's warriors." With that, Zedd teleported himslef, Rita, and Goldar away back to the Moon Palace, Tommy walked up beside Tsukasa, saying, "A guaranteed threat to be destroyed by Zedd. You might feel so honored." Natsumi tried in her hiding place, listening to them.


    -Kimberly's Apartment-

    Kimberly kept quiet, calmly drinking her tea while Eiji decided to go into her kitchen and make a meal. While he was in the kitchen, Eiji activated some Candroids, inventions of Billy's that were made for him and Ankh, to watch over Kimberly and see if anything was wrong with her. Though feeling bad, Eiji wondered if Kimberly was the host of the Yummy but decided it was impossible, knowing Kimberly didn't have any selfish desires.


    -Dante, Nero, & Vergil-

    While Dante smiled, thinking about how to woo his fellow female Rangers and the female Gokaigers, Nero heard a loud stomach and sighed, saying, "I'm gonna make dinner tonight, or at least try to. Is there anything specific you two want?" Though he wasn't expecting much of a answer, Nero stretched and rolled up his sleeves, ready to cook a delicious meal for his partners.


    -Wajima Shop-

    Koyomi quietly waited in the lobby for Haruto, softly eating one of the donuts. She was still curious about what Ron had left, had tried getting a answer from Wajima, but he didn't know either. She sighed and began to nod off, sitting on one of the couch in the lobby.


    -Hermione and Ryotaro-

    While Hermione waited for Ryotaro to wake up and wondered about his communicator, Urataros took noticed of Hermione's beauty and decided to take control of Ryotaro's body, he smiled and looked at Hermione, who was surprised at him, he said, "Did I keep you waiting, my beautiful bookworm?" "Uh.... Ryotaro, we should be getting back to the Milk Dipper, your sister is probably worried and wondering where we are." Hermione said, grabbing the bread and heading for the Milk Dipper. U-Ryotaro smiled, following her and thinking of a way for her to fall for him, while Ryotaro pleaded for him to let him back in control when they reached the Milk Dipper.



    During Olaf's song, Elsa tried not to smile at his excitement while Marina smiled and enjoyed his song. When it finished, Anna looked at Elsa and said, "Well, Elsa?" "Alright, we'll go to Japan and make trades with them. Marina, would you mind watching the kingdom for us til we come back?" Elsa said, looking at the Middle Eastern princess. Marina smiled and said, "Not at all. It will give me time to think about trade between our kingdoms." Elsa nodded and went to her room to prepare.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel

    -Deserted Riverbank-

    Tommy smiled when he heard what Tsukasa said and saw Rita's reaction as she reacted with a explosive scream, "Grandma?!!!!!! I'll show you I'm no Grandma!" She unleashed a powerful blast of magic on Decade while Zedd countered Faiz with his own powers from his Z staff. Tommy thought to himself, 'I don't think the others would mind if they found out it was grandma Rita and grandpa Zedd.' Natsumi just watched, awed at Tsukasa and still confused at what was happening.


    -Kimberly's Apartment-

    Kimberly returned from the kitchen with three cups of tea for herself, Eiji, and Hina and some ice cream for Ankh. Eiji looked at her and asked, "How are you faring since what Tsukasa told you in Toshima?" "Alright, I mean, I don't know what it's like to fight on my own and I don't know him that well, anyway." Kimberly said, sighing. Hina patted her shoulder, and seemed to notice something, but thought she was seeing things. "Everything alright, Hina?" Eiji asked, Hina nodded, "Yes, I'm fine."


    -Dante, Vergil, and Nero-

    "Depends on how badly you want to get your ass beaten by them, bro." Dante said, thinking about how badly he and the others were beaten in Toshima. Nero looked at him and said, "Are you referring that story about those heroes in Toshima?" "Yeah, I helped them but still got my ass whipped by those S-Types." Nero thought he went just drool over the female members of the Rangers and Gokaigers, though that wasn't far from the truth.


    -Wajima Shop-

    Koyomi sat in the lobby of the shop, waiting for Haruto and looking at the box that Ron had left on the table. She sighed and wondered why Haruto asked him to craft something and not Wajima, softly eating a donut from the bag Haruto left behind.


    -Hermione and Ryotaro-

    Leaving the shop and waving goodbye to Nagisa and Tomoya, Hermione went to the park and laid Ryotaro on one of the benches. Sitting beside him, Hermione noticed that he wore a similar wristband to Shotaro and Philip, she thought to herself, 'He has a similar one to Shotaro and Philip. Could he be one of...... No, with his personality and his bad luck, that's impossible, it can't be true.'


    -Furuwaka Bakery-

    'Welcome home, Tomoya-kun!" Nagisa said, smiling after waving goodbye to Hermione. She walked over to Tomoya and hugged him, wondering what to do while waiting for her parents to return.


    -Remus' house-

    Going onto the balcony of Remus' house, James pulled out his Power Morpher and gazed at the Mastodon Power Coin, he still thought it was surprising at his age, he had become a Power Ranger. He did smiled at the fact it was because of Thomas' praising of his teaching him and Tommy that led him to have this role, but he hoped it didn't affect his role as a father to the Wilys and Harry and a friend to Remus and Sirius. He sighed in relief that Lily wasn't around or her sister, she would have gone insane if they saw what he could do now. Looking out at the horizon, James decided not to tell his friends or children.


    -Syaoran's home-

    Sakura smiled, looking around Syaoran's home, thinking to herself, 'It's been too long since I last visited where Li-kun stayed.' "I hope that kid has some delicious food. I'm starved!" Kero said, rubbing his tiny stomach and imaging the food that would be starved. Sakura laughed, then touched her arm, still thinking back to the fight against Roger Bacon.



    "Thank you, Olaf." Elsa said, looking at Hans cautiously while Marina looked at Olaf in surprise, "Nice to meet you. Is that......" "Yeah, a real life talking snowman, Elsa made him." Anna said, smiling. Marina looked at Elsa, who looked away in embarrassment.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess Rapunzel

    -Temporal Tower-

    Hermione looked at the tower and gripped her chest, having a strange feeling. Luka smiled, "Hope we find something really valuable!" "Yes, this will be really exciting." Ahim said, smiling. Kimberly gripped Tommy's hand and looked back at the Galleon, James, Sirius, Remus, the twins, Aisha, Maria, and the fairies offered with Draco as a willing hostage to guard the ship while they explored their new destinsation, stating they would only join if they were needed. Harry kept quiet and walked in the White Mage sphere, Ron gripped his sister's hand and looked around. Hermione sped walked and went by Marvelous' side, trying to keep calm and standing a few feet from the leader of the Gokaigers.



    Listening to the fighting, Lockon smiled and touched his eyepatch, remembering happier times when he was younger before sighing. Setsuna just sat with Rei, both of whom were sitting emotionless while Tieria was observing the events that were happening and curious about why they were occuring though admitting they seemed to be for a ridiclious reason. Asuka was taking a nap, sleeping through all the noise.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    -Deserted Riverbank-

    Natsumi found Tsukasa and as Kamen Rider Decade, she hid somewhere and watched Tsukasa get ready to fight against Zedd, Rita, and Goldar, wondering who the three weird looking people were. Tommy was passing through on a grocery trip for dinner when he noticed the event occurring and hid as well. He would have morphed and gone to help, but he knew that Tsukasa could handle himself. Lord Zedd groaned and said, "Fine, you want a fight?! Then we will give you a fight!!" Rita laughed with glee as they shot energy beams from their staffs.


    -Kimberly's Apartment-

    Answering the door when she heard a knock, Kimberly was surprised when she saw Eiji handed her some flowers. "I hope these make you feel better, Kimberly-san. It's the least I can do." He said with a nervous smile on his face. Hina smiled at his kind offer, Kimberly smiled and took them, "They're lovely. Thank you, Eiji. Please, come in." With a nod, Eiji and Hina entered her apartment.


    -Milk Dipper-

    Hermione and Ryotaro continued to sit in awkward silence when Airi came in and suggested that Ryotaro went and buy bread from the Furukawa Bakery, with Hermione going with him. With that, the two students left on the errands. Taking a breath, Hermione began to talk, "Did you hear the incident in Toshima? That the enemy the three teams of heroes fought was supposedly Pokemon, but might be S-Types." "Yeah. Pretty weird..." Ryotaro said, then Hermione asked him who he thought was his favorite hero of the three groups and he answered with Den-O and Fourze, Hermione gave her answer being Decade and OOO. The two began to discuss how they think the three groups came to be with Ryotaro hiding his information about being Den-O, when they stopped by the time they arrived at the shop.

    When they entered, the two looked for any bread when Ryotaro saw something strange, "Um.... Hermione-chan, is this bread?" Hermione looked and gasped to see a whole banana in the bread, a man appeared and suggested they try it. Hesitant, Ryotaro took it and took a small bite into the bread. Immediately, he went unconscious, the man gave a laugh and said that it seemed the bread was made to make people pass out, unaware of the woman behind him who began to cry at the revelation of what her bread could do. The man ran out behind her, stuffing a few loaves in his mouth, shouting that he loved them.

    With a sigh, Hermione noticed a gentle looking girl come out, she asked, "How may I help you?" "Oh, yes. We're here to pick a order, under the name Nogami." Hermione said, the girl nodded and pulled out a bag full of fresh normal looking bread, she told Hermione that her family and the Nogami family were friends so she didn't have to pay since she knew Ryotaro. With a smile, Hermione took the bag and carried it as well as Ryotaro back to the Milk Dipper.


    -Dante, Vergil, and Nero-

    Dante groaned and glared at his brother, angry fire in his eyes. He thought to himself, 'Well, you better be damn grateful that I had to protect your sorry ass in Toshima, bro! I mean, there would be no way you could be picked as a Power Ranger.' "It's truly amazing that you two are even related to each other." Nero said, feeling the tension again as he did when he first met Vergil. Dante looked away and said, "I guess that the only thing we agree on."


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Philip nodded, smiling as well. He also knew that aside from Tsukasa, everyone else worked or attended the school, so the chances of the school being attacked again weren't likely. He hoped that Kimberly was doing alright as she was the first one who helped him break out of his shell and show some of his humanity.


    -Clair and Aoi's home-

    Yawning for a moment, Clair took off her hat and fell asleep. She snuggled close to her brother, and slept soundly, breathing in and out. Clair dreamed about meeting other CPUs and ruling over a large land with her brother where no one would be hurt or harmed.



    Entering the library, Elsa offered a seat to Marina when Anna entered, seeing their guest, she curtsied, "Princess Marina, I'm Queen Elsa's younger sister, Princess Anna." "Pleasure to meet you. Would you like to join us?" Marina asked, Anna smiled and nodded, sitting next to her sister and wondering what was going to happen now.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel


    After leaving her family photo studio, Natsumi walked around the city, looking for Tsukasa. She shouted, "Tsukasa, where are you? Tsukasa!" She looked around, looking for the strange young man who was staying with her and her family. Running to every place that she figured he would be, Natsumi wondered Tsukasa would be when she didn't find him.


    -Detective Agency-

    "That is only a guess since I was the first one that was targeted by the Yummies when they appeared." Philip said, thinking back to when the attack started. "Because right after that, Mione-chan and I entered the RevolGarry and came here." He tried not to think about getting captured again and sighed, he looked at Shotaro and said, "Sides, I just can't stay here. I have the job at Nintendo High's library."


    -Eiji, Ankh, and Hina-

    "Then don't make a fuss and come us to visit Kimberly." Hina said, still dragging him to Kimberly's apartment. Eiji chuckled, "You just listen and follow what Hina-chan says, Ankh." He just smiled and continued to Kimberly's apartment, hoping that she was doing alright since the battle. He made a quick side-trip to get a few flowers.


    -Milk Dipper-

    Wandereing the city, Hermione found the Milk Dipper. Curious, she entered it with Airi greeting her, "Welcome!" "Welcome to Milk Dipper....." Ryotaro joined in until he saw Hermione and realized that she was one of the students at Nintendo High which caused him to trip, running into a table. While still in pain, he gave a order to a costumer. After that, Hermione sat at the counter when Ryotaro sat by her, Airi giving them cups of hot chocolate. Hermione and Ryotaro quietly sat in awkward silence.



    "Yeah, that's right." Luka said, smiling and hiding a faint blush on her face. Ahim thought of something to make Kimberly cheer up, Basco scoffed at what Marvelous said. Cracking his back until he was sitting straight, Don sighed and said, "I wonder what's going to happen now, a lot has happened in the city recently. Those abductions yesterday, the memorial today." "I hope that our new battles will be better." Ahim said, wondering how the other teams were doing.


    -Dante, Nero & Vergil-

    "Yeah, things have gotten interested." Nero said, standing up and leaning against his seat. "I heard the memorial went crazy after that Frollo guy's speech." "If you ask me, that Frollo is worst as any demon that either of one of us have fought." Dante said, coming out of his room. "You could feel it when when you see him, kid.""Yeah, right. One look at my arm and he would go ballistic on me as if I would be some kind of monster." Nero said, looking at the Devil Bringer.


    Instead of answering, Rita stepped aside to let Zedd appear. Extending a hand to halt Tsukasa's stance, he said, "I am Lord Zedd, conqueror of of many worlds. I would like you to join me and Rita. Together, we can beat those pathetic Gokaigers, Riders, and Power Rangers. We saw how you crushed Kimberly's spirit. Join us and you can use those powers of yours to crush them even further!"
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 11, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Princess Rapunzel

    -Flashback: 52 Years Ago-

    Unconscious after encountering a strange fly type monster from the organization, Shocker, Sakura slowly woke up as she heard a unique song and a shadowy figure swimming in the water she fell in. Whatever it was, it helped her back onto the land, standing up as she looked out at the horizon while the Professor ran to her, staring at her curiously. Her Rider outfit was wet and her mask was damaged, revealing part of her face and the scars from the operation she had received earlier. Both the Professor and Sakura wondered what saved her as Sakura remembered the strange melody she heard.

    -Present Day-

    After she arrived at her home, Sakura went to her room and looked at her face in her room mirror. Lightly touching her cheeks, Sakura traced the path of the scars that would appear after she would lose herself in her anger and rage. Sakura went to her bed and pulled out a case, opening it as it contained her damaged helmet from her first time as Kamen Rider Ichigo, she still pondered what was the being that saved her so many years ago.


    -Granger House-

    Hermione sat in her room, messing with a deck of cards, shuffling and playing solitaire. Pulling out a card, Hermione stared at the card she had picked, it was the Joker. She thought of Shotaro using the Lost Driver during the memorial and lightly touched the Luna necklace she was wearing, smiling. She pondered what the creatures were that appeared at the memorial though and why it seemed they were after Philip.


    -Detective Agency-

    "It seemed to be the work of Ankh's old 'friend', the feline and sole enemy Greeed, Kazari." Philip said, closing his book as he sat on the bed. "And it seemed like they were after me for some reason. Almost like that night, when those three helped us escaped." Philip kept quiet after that as he recalled that day a year ago when Shotaro and his boss saved him.


    -Eiji, Ankh, and Hina-

    Hina glared at him, grabbing him by the shirt collar and dragging him to Kimberly's apartment. Eiji chuckled, following them as they walked. While they walked, Eiji still wondered how Hina was so strong, but didn't pay it any more attention than it needed. He stretched, wondering how Kimberly was doing since the fight in Toshima.


    -Kimberly's Apartment-

    Kimberly had managed to put on a short sleeve shirt to hide the bandages on her shoulders, but wondered how long she could hide the progress of the creature inside her and when it would appear. She sighed, trying to calm herself down and admired the flowers that Gentaro and Kengo gave her from their visit. Kimberly stretched and looked out a window.


    -Wajima Shop-

    Ron entered the antique shop, looking around when Koyomi walked up, "May I help you?" "Oh, uh, can you give this to a person named Haruto? He asked me to crave the stone into this ring." Ron asked, setting the box which contained the ring on the table. He simply waved and left, leaving Koyomi confused and wondered why Haruto asked him to make the ring.


    -Alice''s Place-

    Blanca let Yuri pet his head, wagging his tail happily. Alice stood against the door, blushing very deep red at the fact Yuri liked what he said. She shook her head and took a deep breath, starting to dress herself.


    -Dante, Vergil, and Nero-

    Nero looked at Vergil who appeared and pointed to Dante's room to tell him where he were. Nero had to admit that how amazed he was at times that Dante and Vergil were related, considering how different they were. When Nero first met Vergil, he could tell that there was tense between Dante and Vergil. Though he couldn't tell Vergil, Nero admitted that he admired the skill Vergil had wielding hsi O-Katana and was surprised that Dante could convince him to take a job at Nintendo High as the demonology teacher as well as Dante taking a teaching job as well. Nero looked at the Devil Bringer, wishing he didn't have to hide it.



    Don fell onto his bottom, gasping for air. Luka and Ahim sat down, catching their breath while Basco leaned against a beam. Ahim took a breath, "I wonder how Kimberly-san is doing." "She's probably fine, training or planning how her team will beat those things." Luka said, ruffling her hair, Don was too tried to say that Thomas was the one made the plans for the Rangers. Basco scoffed, "We shouldn't worry about those Rangers or Riders anymore. We're fine without them." "She was just worried about her." Luka said to him, angrily and sending him a raspberry. Don managed to sit up and caught his breath.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 6, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home