It all works the same way. Open disc tray, place game in, play past coding, take it out, put in final mix, you're good to go.
Ah. Alright thanks.
Very nice. Uhm, do you happen to know where I can find gameshark codes for DBZ: Budokai Tenchaichi 3? I found some in the forums but i'm not...
My friend you are a coding and hacking God! *appluase*
Never will I understand how you guys do this. ... NO! don't tell me, i'll just clap and remain in awe and wonder at the awesomeness. *claps*
Please? All I need is a money cheat, or a save that's past the part where I need to kill the dealer at Sun Ray Hotel.
Anyone got some codes for Scarface: The World is Yours? For gameshark please. Any version, it should work.
Anyone have a code for two ultima weapons on final Sora? Or two Bond of Flames, which ever is easier.
Awesome. Though I am still curious as to why some people say Terra becomes Xehanort. Their stances are not the same, they don't have thesame fighting style. And now that I have a better look, Terra is much more bad @$$.
It's one of he early floors, i'll look it up later. Here's what you do: She actually isn't so tough if you remember one key thing - the dodge roll. Now there are at least one or two of her sleights you cannot avoid. They'll hit you 99% of the time, the other 1% is you get a good hit in. The strategy I found to work best against her is to not let her get ANY sleights in. Keep at least three or four zero cards in your deck to stop her from sleighting. Then pack the rest of your deck with attack cards that have decent recovery, and exceptional finishes. Another good way to kill her fast is to pack your deck with just the spells: Fire, Cloud summon, and blizzard. Sleight with three high level cloud cards and you can kill her easily with OMNISLASH. etc for the blizzard and fire cards. Hope this helps!
He's a good guy, with dual-intentions. By which I mean he can be good, and then be selfish. I really hope they put Lea in a KH game.
If it's "Riku 3" you speak of here's what i'd recommend: He is not difficult, yet, but he can be a nuisence. My advice would be to stock your deck with three cures, two ethers (if you have 'em) and MANY power level four key cards. Depending how much cp you have, this will help greatly to bust out level 12 sleights every move on Riku, ensuring a certain victory. If it's the ever not-popular "Riku 4", here's what i recommend: Prepare for at least one or two fails, as this ******* is very tough. As ANYONE will say, the fourth Riku battle is their least favorite fight of all as he has new dark energy and a new sleight that is a near instant kill. To avoid kicking the crap out of your tv, follow the strategy known as bait and kill, or something like that. Make at least one or two attacks ONLY if you see a window. Then run, as he will no relentlessly use his sleights to kill joo! Dodge rolling would be helpful. If you are a big fan of sleights, i suggest cards of 6 or higher to kill him. Very much hope this helps.
I've got ten bucks that says it'll be revealed in KH3 KH4, KH infinity, whatever the new KH after BBS will be called.
Aqua, Ven, Terra. I'm going in order of characters I don't know.
Alright, thanks for your help.
Ten bucks says were going to kill ourselves figuring it out. I know this because now we know there's a connection.
Meh... either way - weapons = badass!
Oh amen to that, the card system irritated me to no end. I can't even play Kingdom Hearts II now because other things will activate when I think i'm activating sleights. xD
Read the rules, cuz this will be deleted shortly.
I'm looking for two things: Sora with floating keyblades and anti-form moveset. And a way to make it look like final Sora is weilding the kingdom key, Kiari's key, and way to the dawn all at once behind him.