Because sniper Jesus said so. Sniper Jesus, have you met him?
I actually expected him in 2. It's not that i'm angry he won't show in 3, it just sucks. Woulda made a great boss battle.
Basically you want the Ventus code, correct?
Very nice. I had a feeling you'd get to fight the Gods in their giant forms. Now I have a question: Will Kratos' brother, long lost as told in a special cutscene in GoW 1, make an appearance?
I'm fine, just roaming the net. Looking for obscure or weird codes for Kingdom Hearts 2 that I have yet to see. ^^;
Dark something, i forget the name, but it's Riku's 3x nine sleight. Ya know, three 9's and you get an awesome attack.
How're you?
Periods end sentences dude, so yes.
Overall: 9/10 I lol'd.
"Wipe that face off your head."
37321 people saying amen to that. 37322 people just lost the game.
*uses Chidori* Pickle!!!!!!!! Can you spell fred in a barrel?
Fankoo for the rep. Also, I lol at your Axel pic everyday. xD
37318 KH fans in the world. 37319 bottles of beer on the wall.
Nay, example? Roxas
Triple keyblade code, possible? Like maybe normal Sora and two final keyblades.
Ah, alright, thanx for the time.
Rawr, hello.
Mike: Wear a blind fold when you enter the updates. You're a great updater, you can do this with your eyes closed. *hint hint* I plan to stay spolier-free, even though i've already figured out half of the game, I SHANT (lol, shant) LEARN ANYMORE ABOUT IT UNTIL I HAS THE MOENY FOR THE GAME!!!!
Hey Evil, got any Raw codes to be tested? Seriously, i'm bored. lol