3/10, hardly insane.
This may be deleted fast so i'll ask fast: How is Xion's name pronounced? Shion or Zion?
Jiminy never had any pages on CO at all, only a small sentence, "Thank Namine." So how can that be that data Sora goes there?
I lost the Game. Minimum Rage ~ Psychostick
Myth please, it sounds better hearing that gods and stuff created these things, rather than erosion or some real crap.
It would be nice. I wonder, if Sora is near Aqua, will that unlock his heart and allow him to use Ven's keyblade? Or Roxas's? I mean since the keyblade masters could share their hearts with one another.
Yes, they're making an Avatar movie from the comical cartoon series, Avatar TLA. However I know only of a teaser site and it's predicted release date. http://www.comingsoon.net/films.php?id=44129, this is the page on Comingsoon.com. The release is set for July 2, 2010. But knowing all movie makers, it'll be bumped up, or back. M. Night Shyamalan is directing this masterpiece, and there's a link to the teaser site on the above link. Here you can dispute on ideas for the story, or whatever, everyone else made a movie thread.
What's the difference between Vergil and Restricted Vergil?
Makes sense to me. Plus that'd make a cool plot thing: Sora saves the day, Aqua flips one, they fight, she realizes that while Sora may bare Vanitas' appearance, they are not alike. Now that this'd be clear, they go fly away, save the world, or whatever.
Something just occured to me: When Kiari came to Destiny Islands, she arrived on the night of the meteor shower, whenever it was. Obviously that is after she and Aqua had an encounter. Now something bugs me, how did Kiari get to Destiny Islands? Did something happen to Radient Garden after Aqua had left?
DO NOT GO TO THE FOLLOWING LINK UNLESS YOU WISH TO HAVE THE MOMENT RUINED FOR YOU! Alright then: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/psp/image/943347.html?gf=3 It is an image of the complete face of Vanitas' face. I was a bit surprised as to who he looked like.
Yes, i'm inspired to write a book about it - "Why Terra joined happy camp." ... nothin'? Alright Yes it is truly a great explanation of Terra.
Maybe a heart? XD No but really, if i'm understanding what you mean correctly, it may resemble the outlook of that person. Like Riku's dark keyblade in one, he was dark hearted at the time, the keyblade resembled his hearts outlook. Now likewise with Kiari's very frilly looking keyblade that Riku really didn't think she'd mind. It wasn't created by her heart but in BBS, if I remember correctly, it was given to Aqua, which I think she passed to Terranort, which he kept. Actually that doesn't matter, what matters is this: The keyblade most likely resembles a person's heart.
Terra and Ven would be cool, just for the fight sequences. Terra and Aqua cause it seems likely to happen. And Braig and MX, awesome weapon combos.
IT'S OVER 9000!! Good sir. What's the capital of Tailand?
XD. you're welcome. It's always comforting to know - That angry face Axel, is angry. XD
When you're Riku? When Xemnas comes at you with the doorwall thing, use Dark Aura and push him back. Get just under Sora and Xemnas and use Dark Aura one last time to push him back. Once you're under them just press triangle to save Sora.
In the game they only allow you seven plus's. Once you get them, obtain the rest of your items (FYI, try The World That Never Was for any and all twilight items.), once you have all seven plus's and the rest of the synthesis items for the keyblade, go to make it and use an energy gem/crystal, to lessen the cost down to seven, (This ensures that you only make one, as getting more oricalchum + is now impossible once you have them all). Congrats, you now have your one and only Ultima Weapon. Hope this helps. I also forgot to mention, for the twilight gems, stones, and crystals, use lucky lucky on all of your characters, along with all of their lucky lucky weapons and the lucky ring. This increases your chances of getting crystals and key items by 80%!
But of course she's important. After all, she helps Roxas dual-wield.
Rawr... rawr! RAWR!~!!!!!