Actually this brings a question of my own to mind - Since Aqua has spent so much time in dark meridian, will SHE remember Sora? Memories never fade but they can be displaced, and maybe Aqua will have this problem. Comments?
Seems like an interesting theory. But Riku couldn't have given Sora the keyblade, because he had no relative idea he had it. Instead the keyblade saw a VERY strong heart, and formed in Sora's grasp, rather than yeilding to the dark like Riku temporarily did.
Quest: Roxas with final moveset, and a darkside key on top of the ultima weapon I already have. Yes I do know how to put certain codes together, however i've tried this twice and it froze, so I don't think i'm entering the code right. Additional quest: Requirements - Battle in Roxas' story with Axel (just before you get to Sora) - Be DW Roxas - Riku replaces Goofy - Mickey replaces Donald Trust me, if I wasn't constantly asking for these things, i'd be totally bored with KH2. XD
If Ventus isn't Final, then who is? And for that matter, why would Roxas, look like Ven, instead of a slightly altered Sora?! See, more stuff to think about. And to answer Master Eraqus=Master form thing, no. Master Eraqus only had a mastery of his keyblade, never once did I see him use magic. The reason I didn't include Eraqus in my listing is because he's not connected to Sora, in any way that see, of course I have been wrong before.
38,923 shoops of whoop. Now that's impossible.
I obtained it in the chair Xemnas battle, when you have Goofy and Donald of course. I was always a little afraid I couldn't deal a crushing blow in anti-form (infinite drive glitch I guess from gameshark), that I was just like screw it one day, activated it twice, and got Final.
Aren't the four contrasting on one another? Think for a second, Ven is good, Vanitas is "heartless like". Now in contrast, Sora is good, and Roxas is dark. I believe that Vanitas was a remdition to give Sora a bit of darkness in order to move freely about dark areas without becoming corrupt. On the opposite side of the twilight, Roxas and Ven both did the same thing for Sora, gave their souls to him to forge a complete heart for him. This might explain why Ven's "pillar" was incomplete, because HE was incomplete. Ven is the true keyblade master that Sora is, which is why Sora got the keyblade in KH1 instead of Riku, because it sensed Ven's heart and knew that his soul burned within Sora's. I'm not sure if there're any holes (as per usual I say in my speeches), but feel free to read and comment on this theory.
Are the gameshark conversions on this thread? And would anyone mind making a save I can download to a flash drive if they are? Fankoo! *holds up cookie as reward*
Uhm... what about Kiari? I've heard that in BBS, her frilly looking flower blade is shown being given to Aqua. Since it is considered a keyblade, and it was never discovered that Kiari had an "official" awakening, why can she have a keyblade, even for a few minutes? On another note, has it been determined when Riku's awakening was?
Is there such a code where you can hold R2, and walk into a new area and become Sora or Roxas? Let me explain: Basically you start as Sora let's say in hall of cornerstone, and you are about to exit into either timeless river or the throne room. You hold R2 and enter the new area as Roxas (whoopee!) but let's say you don't wanna hit reset to get Sora back, so you hold R2 yet again, go to another area, and the effects of becoming Roxas reverse and you're Sora again, with no freezing or anything.
Here's the way i'd see it: Valor (Power form) = Terra Wisdom (Magic form) = Aqua Final (Mastery-of-all-skills form) = Ven Master (Higher level magic form) = Master Xehanort Anti-form (Dark Sora form) = Vanitas
Roxas with Final moveset and floating keyblades, with partner Mickey and Riku, vs. either 1000 heartless, or just the code itself to walk around.
Re: Chain of Memories. Superb voice casting and excellent graphics. Misty: I sympathize Misty, I hated Riku IV. To beat him just keep 3 zero cards handy, and pack your deck with some ranged cards, like fire, for so sleight power. If you'd prefer a bashing him over the head approach, try leveling up to about 1000 CP, and packing the deck with level 4-5 cards, also good for sleighting if you have MANY.
I know that some of us love the new systems and have an infinite salary to go out and by a new game for it and trash the old one every week. But alot of people now are switching to older consoles and games like the first Xbox, and PS2. In positive reports i've read, alot of older genres of video games, such as the first final fantasys and devil may cry 3 and stuff like that, are making a come back. So here's my question: Do you prefer to play on old systems and have fun? Or Do you prefer newer systems for better graphics in your gaming experience? Basically, old games or new games? XD
I beat Zexion completely by shere luck, but there is one sure fire way to kill the *******. Level your strength up to pack enough punch with just one card. Now even in Riku's weak level state, once you are in Dark Riku mode, you should be able to activate Dark Aura (three level 9 cards in a sleight), which is a very powerful way to stop his clones and himself. But if you are bad at battling, no offence if you are, sleight minimally in this battle and use attack cards as they are while trying to get near him. Make sure you have a zero card ready to stop his sleights, as it is IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL HIM IF YOU DON'T! If you still need help send me a pm.
Nice job. I did notice that non-enemy Roxas (you) T-stanced alot. Other than that it's great.
Playstation 2, gameshark version 1.3 No not Codebreaker, not AR Max, just Gameshark. Don't bother posting if you don't have the code i'm very peeved right now.
Just a quick thing, but Sora Goofy and Donald killed the xehanort heartless. But that Heartless looks exactly like Terranort... so... who did they kill? Terra, or a random heartless?
Because Ratchet and Clank accidently blew it down... or was it up? When is yesterday?
Yes, Xemnas ended the project indefinatly. But when Vexen was killed the replica project stayed intact, this may not be correct at all, or it couldn't be further from the truth at all, hear me out though: Perhaps Xion and Repliku were made to test the effects of the project's stability in creating "servent" beings. Copies of the originals to serve the organization or others when the time came. But when Vexen was destroyed the project data was destroyed along with it. Then some time in the future, the replica project shall make a come back and a replica Sora, Aqua, Kairi, whoever, will be made. And this concludes my thoery, any gaps I missed?