its so fast! what is he doing?
I'm sorry that I have to announce this... really... Families De-Repping Each Other... oh and DoomDen... you have 40 something posts!!! apparently you weren't that active!
I shall not let your dampening attempts to ruin my day... *sheild of goodness* *Pulls out Tv* "Oh Spongebob.... you can't fit that many crabby patties down your throat... haha"
bye byes *filler*
Frankly... You are Still A Turkey... And Will Forever ignore your last post... Becuz I do remember the good 'ol days... and ya know what else... I dont enjoy this company we have now. I feel like i have to tell you this Sai... its over between us. :\ FFFFFFFFFFFFffffUUUUUUUUUUUUuuu!!! ® Copyright Date 20009 By Mistermistoff Inc.
I only had that name so if anyone here played gH3 on Wii Wifi... and saw my name... they could cry to me that they gopt owned by someone with the same name... then ill look down at them and laugh and say... were you "such and such"... yeah... Well that was me that OWNED YOU!!! HAHAHAHA Oh and @Kika... yeah god i wish the old days when people were nice still... god this place has totally gone down hill
Well seeing as I dont really care. yes.
Cutsman and Cutman are basically derived from each other... not different really at all
Look it up!!! IDk... unfortunatly your gonna be stubborn to us all and not tell us what gender you are where as we are all openly saying... I just have the "idea" that you are a girl I do. Yes We Do.
HAHA I thought you'd never Come!!! ------- Puts on Fighting Underpants Cuz the guy named "Cutsman" came from a great game and cool Song by the Band "HORSE The Band"
PSSSSTTTT.... stop appearing Invisible >.<
HOLY SHIIIIITTTTTT I didn't expect you to show up... that was tottallly weird that i just posted that one...
HA! if only Kika were here she would say something good... like... "Would you guys stop fighting!!!" Or... "Make me a Cookie..." Or maybe... "Im a girl! I just lie to you guys because I love you so much..." yea... thats it
News Report------ "The Local Stock Report Of Bladeoria shows a total of 9,000 point deffecite today total."\
Puss'n Boots
Welp. The Dictator Of Bladeoria Won't Allow It!!! Yes... even though my name is Cutsman... I live in Bladeoria... And I'm The Evil Dictator! *Pulls Out Anti- Burny Ray Gun*! HA! Take That Society!
HAHA! I knew it! time to rub it in some faces...
hehe you got my joke *highfive!* -Attack -Defend<-- *Click* -Spell -Summon -Item -------------------------------------- *SuccesFull Dodge Roll* "HA! Your attack was futile!"