oh. darn. yeah. Wow. I just realized that I got grounded about a week ago for 3 days. then ungrounded for a day. then just recently got grounded...
Man... 2 'o clock... Time Flies when its Spring Break... hmm... *randomness engage* I wana buy a pet Ferret... I wonder if they bite...
OH GOD. Being Raped by a hobo is the worst way to get raped. unless you get raped by Rosie 'O Donald... yeah
We're all expecting some Hobo to be inside and steal all our pants :\
:\ weird. This Haunted House were goin to... I've been there before we were gonna go in but we didn't have flash lights :\ and it was Midnight....
Everytime I play that game I am constantly looking at the Closet. (I have two Huge open closets in my room) wating for a ghostly little girl to...
Yep! =D Then later tonight me and my friends are goin to a Haunted House! Then I'm gonna play F.E.A.R. 2 with my friends in the Dark. muwahaha. so...
I got grounded sorry i didn't get on for a while :( umm im good. goin over my friends house for a bonfire tonight :D
nothin really big... i mean theres just so many ******s now... I can't even post in my own thread without gettin bad rep... literaly I have...
Ill log in every once in a while to talk to you :)
ok wel bye bye i quit khv you were so cool L( bye
Bye byes....
Bye Bro.....
Title says it all.... bye
Wow. K i'm done here bye
So then you agree that all that De-Repping I got was for Nonseless Shit? Sorry... Umm... I got sidetracked
lol there all clicking on the links to see the posts...
Please... you dont mean what you just said.
Latest Reputation Received ThreadDateComment Organization Misfits V 04-11-2009 09:20 PM No, just no .Hello there 04-11-2009 04:36 PM r~M Organization Misfits V 04-09-2009 07:41 PM Nobody cares. And nobody likes an attention whore. How do you take a... 04-08-2009 02:49 PM gtfo ~ How do you take a... 04-08-2009 08:33 AM <_< The Haunted Tour 04-07-2009 05:27 PM Thanks for viewing! -Blitzbal CtR and a few of the... 04-07-2009 05:24 PM lol wikipedia CtR and a few of the... 04-07-2009 05:19 PM First post was still okay. You were going downhill from there. ~Styx CtR and a few of the... 04-07-2009 05:03 PM Cheer up <3 ~CtR CtR and a few of the... 04-07-2009 04:46 PM lolololololol Epic Fail Of /KHV/