Search Results

  1. Aelin
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
    @Maka Albarn
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 18, 2017, 4 replies, in forum: 2017
  2. Aelin
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    @Heart ❤
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 18, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  3. Aelin
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 18, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  4. Aelin
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 18, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  5. Aelin

    Best Member

    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    @Aelin FireHeart
    @Beep Boop
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 18, 2017, 6 replies, in forum: 2017
  6. Aelin

    Best Admin

    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    @Arch is Dumb
    Thread by: Aelin, Aug 18, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: 2017
  7. Aelin



    A new decree has spread throughout the kingdom, making sure that it was heard far and wide. With the appearance of a stone of mysterious power and allure, many dragons and partners started to make plan to find the stone. The kings, both dragon and human, ruling alongside each others, wanted it as much as anyone else. Using their incredible influence they made sure the decree was heard, to bring the stone to them. Those who tried to claim the stone for themselves would be persecuted and likely killed for their disobedience. If they obeyed however, they would be rewarded handsomely.

    Even with the threat and promises out there, dragons and humans alike still strove to get their hands on the stone, on Bahlaan. It seemed that it called to the dragons, drawing them closer. For those who fell prey to it's call it became difficult to even consider handing the stone over to someone else, regardless of orders. And thus started the great search and fights that would shape the future as friends murdered friends, all fighting for the same goal. Fighting to obtain Bahlaan.
    Thread by: Aelin, Jul 27, 2017, 12 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Aelin



    There was a time where humans and dragons not only lived in peace with each other, but hand in hand. Where the monarch of the human realm, ruled alongside the dragon king, and everyone seemed to have a pact with a dragon. Peace and prosperity flourished through the lands between all races. There had been no wars between the elves, gifted with magic and beauty, and the humans, blessed by dragons not in hundreds of years. But what happens when that peace is threatened? Not the peace between elves and humans, but between dragons and other dragons. When a stone is found that means more to dragons than anything else. Will you work with your pact partner to help them achieve their goal, even if it means killing friends, or even family. Will you try and resist and risk the wrath of a dragon? Would you be willing to turn on your own king, just for one stone. Is your will strong enough to stand up to that of a dragons? How far are you willing to go for a stone that no one knows what it does?

    Pacts exist as a sacred bond between Dragons and humanoids, creating not only a mental link with the dragon, but a link that binds their souls together. When one partner of the pact died, the other partner loses a part of their soul. They fall in despair and would often stop eating or outright kill themselves or they go mad. To make the pact a few conditions had to be met. First off, the humanoid cannot be an elf. No one knows who made the law or how long ago it was made, but it had always been followed. Elves were gifted with the natural ability to use magic, they are stronger and faster than other races, and on rare occasions even have wings and are capable of fly. In order to keep the balance in the worlds it was a well accepted law to keep the elves from gaining more power that they did not need. Other races such as Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes were still permitted, though the latter two often didn't take advantage of that. The next law of the pact is that the humanoid must give up something to the pact, there is always a price. The price could be anything from gold, to the persons ability to see, but unless a price is agreed upon, a pact cannot be made. Since dragons and humans cannot communicate without some sort of connection, it takes a person with magic to create a temporary bond between dragon and human, once a pact is made, the bond becomes permanent. As your minds are connected, the partners had to be careful, if one's will was much stronger than the others, it was possible for that person to force their will onto their partner, whether they meant to or not. Once a pact is made, another cannot be made during either partners life time, regardless of whether the original partner is dead or alive.

    Once a pact is made the dragon and the human work as partners. The dragon can offer it's human companion magic energy that it doesn't use itself. Most dragons have similar amounts of magic not matter their size, however the bigger they are, the more magic it takes for them to live their lives. Simple things like flying take magic, and the larger the dragon, the more magic it would take to fly. That being said, for what the bigger dragons lack in magic to lend to their pact partner, they make up for in shear size and physical strength. The magic granted to the human can take form in whatever way the wielder wishes, as long as the provider of said magic agrees. Some peasants would make pacts with small dragons so that they could use the magic to help their crops grow, and scare away the creatures trying to eat it. Others made pact for power, in order to fight and protect society, or even destroy it if they so pleased. Either way, the dragons offered power became an every day part of society, often relied upon in day to day life.

    In recent weeks, dragons started to stir, their attention elsewhere. While no one knows where it came from there was talk of a stone existing that drew the dragons attention. A stone that was given the name Bahlaan, or worthy in dragonic. There was an obsession starting a need for this stone, one that would drive the dragons to do the extremes to get it, dragging their pact partners with them. Some might work together to get the stone, while others would shun all others, including their partners in pursuit of their goal. To what end will they go for the stone of mysterious allure and power.

    1. If you make a dragon, they must have a pact partner
    2. Dragons can talk to other dragons, as can humans speak with other humans. A dragon cannot speak to a human that it doesn't have a pact with though
    3. You are allowed to have an elf with a pact with a dragon, but expect repercussions for such actions.
    4. Please make sure your pact price is something worthy of the pact. 1 gold piece doesn't equal all the power of a dragon worthy of a warrior
    5. No godmodding
    6. Do not kill other characters without permission from the creator, but also be prepared to let deaths happen, it is part of life after all.
    7. Magic is only limited to your imagination, but try to be fair with what your character could come up with or use it. Consider their backstory, a farmer might not have ideas on how to use magic to brutally murder someone.
    8. This is set in medieval times, so remember, there was no gun at the time, technologies were limited, meaning certain ideas on how to do things would also be limited.
    9. Stay active, I will not put a time limit on your posting, but if you consistently don't post your character will be killed.
    10. Be respectful and follow general KHV and RPA rules.

    Characters Name:
    Characters Age:
    Character Race:
    Characters Gender:
    Characters Appearance:
    Characters Personality:
    Role in Society: (Are you a farmer, are you a nobleman, are you a slave or a commoner?)
    Do You Have Any Weapons:

    Dragons Name:
    Dragons Age: (Can live to be several hundred years old)
    Dragons Gender:
    Dragons Appearance:
    Dragons Size: (Anywhere from 6 inches, to 50+ feet long)
    Dragon Strength to Magic: (A total of 10 points divided between magic gifted to the partner, and strength the dragon possesses)
    Dragons Personality:
    Pact Price:
    Anything else:

    Thread by: Aelin, Jul 20, 2017, 9 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Aelin
    Well I am back at it with a new video. I wouldn't say it is great but I needed to just get something out, keep in practice and all that. This one I tried to make a story with, and the story is the following:

    Sora and Riku grew up together. There was always a rivalry between the two, but Riku always needed to get stronger. Sora watched his friend change, and eventually leave the island. When Sora caught up with Riku he found that Riku murdered Kairi. Hell bent on vengeance they fought but Sora was bested. Soon after, Riku transformed, revealing that he wasn't just the same Riku after all, but something much darker possessed him. He managed to break free of it long enough to get Sora to run. Years later Sora returned to fight Riku again, this time much stronger. By this point Riku mastered the darkness and tried to make peace with Sora, refusing to fight. Sora would have none of that however as he attacked Riku head on. Riku let himself fall in battle to make up for what he did to Kairi years before, but instead of dying, the darkness took hold once more, driving him to kill Sora against his will. When the darkness died down, Riku felt so horrible about himself that he committed suicide, not able to live with himself anymore.

    I know it sounds like a crappy edgy fanfic, but I needed direction to go in, so bare with me and enjoy... maybe.... if you can.

    Thread by: Aelin, Jul 17, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  10. Aelin

    Looking for a partner to work on a project with? Or perhaps you are just willing to work with someone if need be. Here is a place where you can post and let people know what you are looking for or willing to do. Working with people on collaborating for projects, is a good way to connect with other people and learn new techniques and tricks . All you need to do is fill out the form below and you will be added to a list in the opening post, then if someone has a common interest feel free to post in the thread as well to get in contact with the person. Make sure you tag the person so that they see your post.

    Audio Project Form:

    What you do: (what do you play, do you sing, what sort of audio work do you do)
    Program: (What program do you use)
    Project/Idea: (Idea’s for the project, you can leave it blank)
    Looking for: (Are you looking for anything specific)
    Other: (Anything not covered in the form)

    Video Project Form

    Preferred Clips: (Do you edit with Final Fantasy, anime, ect.)
    Program: (What program do you use)
    Project/Idea: (Idea’s for the project, you can leave it blank)
    Looking For: (Are you looking for anything specific)
    Other: (Anything not covered in the form)

    Audio Editors Looking for Partners

    Video Editors Looking for Partners

    • Username: Aelin Fireheart
      Preferred Clips: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy 7 AC & CC, Final Fantasy XV. Also willing to work with anime or other games if a source is provided
      Program: Sony Vegas Pro 13
      Project/Idea: N/A
      Looking For: A editing partner that is flexible with ideas and is encouraging to work with.
      Other: N/A

    Thread by: Aelin, May 21, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  11. Aelin
    This thread is for people to talk and get help with anything audio related. As the subject is so broad and there are so many different resources you can use for it, this thread will provide places to ask questions and get help on specific needs instead of trying to cover everything for all platforms in a tutorial. It allows all members to be able to provide help to each other and support each other on projects, and connect with members that you didn’t know before. There will be some resources and FAQ’s listed below that will be updated regularly as seen fit. We request that you be patient and don’t spam questions please, people will reply when they have time. If you have a suggestion on something to add to the first post, such as programs to add to the list, let us know that as well and we would be happy to add them for you.


    Free Programs

    Paid Program
    Ableton Live
    Adobe Audition

    Getting Started
    With Audacity
    With Reaper
    With Ableton Live
    With Cubase
    With Adobe Audition


    Thanks @Captain Arch for suggestions with the programs.
    Thread by: Aelin, May 21, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  12. Aelin

    This thread is for people to talk and get help with anything video related. As the subject is so broad and there are so many different resources you can use for it, this thread will provide places to ask questions and get help on specific needs instead of trying to cover everything for all platforms in a tutorial. It allows all members to be able to provide help to each other and support each other on projects, and connect with members that you didn’t know before. There will be some resources and FAQ’s listed below that will be updated regularly as seen fit. We request that you be patient and don’t spam questions please, people will reply when they have time. If you have a suggestion on something to add to the first post, such as programs to add to the list, let us know that as well and we would be happy to add them for you.


    Free Programs
    Windows Movie Maker
    Lightworks (With limited output options)

    Paid Program
    Sony Vegas
    Adobe Premiere

    Getting Started
    With Movie Maker
    With Lightworks
    With Sony Vegas
    With Adobe Premiere
    With iMovie

    Thread by: Aelin, May 21, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  13. Aelin
    Well it is that time again, sign up time for the stream. I know this is up a little, the stream is still a week away, but it gives you plenty of time to sign up. The winning game for this stream, (with me breaking the tie) is:

    Final Fantasy Type-0

    As always, you'll be able to sign up for one hour time slots to guest commentate. And after all the slots have finished, you can join back in for a big group commentary - though you need a PS4/Vita and a mic to commentate. Available slots are down below, but they're first come first serve. If you want a specific time, reserve it now.

    This time the stream will be on Saturday, May 20th at 7PM EST.

    Commentator Spots
    7-8 EST:
    8-9 EST:
    9-10 EST: @Captain Arch
    10-11 EST: @VermillionMok
    11-12 EST: @Glen

    And as always, the stream will be hosted on our official Twitch channel. Follow us there so you don't miss out!

    Thread by: Aelin, May 14, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  14. Aelin
    So you might have noticed that this isn't Cat~ posting the vote for the next stream. As you may have heard, Cat~ will be away for the next stream so I will be taking over that week for her hosting the stream. The stream will be on May 20th. Vote for what game I should play on it.

    The poll line up is: Final Fantasy Type-0, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Helldivers, or Little Big Planet 3

    The poll will be up until Saturday May 13th, and sign ups to be on the stream will follow shortly after that. For the games with multiplayer potential I will be allowing those in stream with me, to join with me playing.

    As always the stream will be hosted on KHV's official Twitch Channel that can be found below.

    Looking forward to seeing all of you on the stream.
    Thread by: Aelin, May 8, 2017, 4 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects