Welcome to the January KHV Chorus! This month we will be singing Be Prepared from the Lion King. For those of you who are unfamiliar how KHVC works, all you need to do is select one of the numbers listed below, and sing all lines with that number. When you are done recording a version without the instrumental background you can send it to me, and I will do the rest. I request that you sing to the instrumental instead of the original, as sometimes instrumentals timing is a bit off. You will have until January 14th to claim your lines and until January 21st to get them in! Happy singing! Original | Karaoke Spoiler: Lines [I never thought hyenas essential They're crude and unspeakably plain But maybe they've a glimmer of potential If allied to my vision and brain]- 1 [I know that your powers of retention Are as wet as a warthog's backside But thick as you are, pay attention My words are a matter of pride] -2 [It's clear from your vacant expressions The lights are not all on upstairs But we're talking kings and successions Even you can't be caught unawares]-3 [So prepare for a chance of a lifetime Be prepared for sensational news A shining new era Is tiptoeing nearer]-4 [And where do we feature?] -5 [Just listen to teacher I know it sounds sordid But you'll be rewarded When at last I am given my dues]-6 [And injustice deliciously squared Be prepared!]- everyone [Yeah, be prepared! We'll be prepared! ...for what?]-5 [For the death of the king!]-1 [Why? Is he sick?]-5 [No, fool, we're going to kill him. And Simba too!] -2 [Great idea! Who needs a king!]- 5 [No king, no king, la la la la la la!] - 5,6 [Idiots! There will be a king!]- 3 [Hey, but you said...]- 4 [I will be king! Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!]-5 [Long live the king!]-5,6 [It's great that we'll soon be connected With a king who'll be all-time adored]-5 [Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected To take certain duties on board]-1 [The future is littered with prizes And though I'm the main addressee The point that I must emphasize is You won't get a sniff without me!] -2 [So prepare for the coup of the century Be prepared for the murkiest scam Meticulous planning Tenacity spanning]-3 [Decades of denial Is simply why I'll Be king undisputed Respected, saluted]-4 [And seen for the wonder I am Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared Be prepared!]-6 [Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared Be prepared!]-everyone Parts: 1- Maka 2- Glen 3- Marushi 4- Mish 5- Aelin 6- zelda
View attachment 48405 What is Castle Oblivion? Castle Oblivion is one of the Christmas events that happens on KHV, alongside Secret Santa. In this event, members venture into Castle Oblivion (this section) and must find different clues to solve riddles and reach the end to find a Christmas stocking. Along the way, you will also learn some more about the staff as well as find things that shed some comical light on how we usually work. At the end, you will obtain the lovely Castle Oblivion Pin for partaking, alongside the gift stocking. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! For the challenger's road to victory, we have another pin! All you have to do is make it to the end within 24 hours of the opening of Castle Oblivion. From day two and on, this pin will no longer be available so if you want to get it, get to it! How does Castle Oblivion Operate? Don't be alarmed; we're not going to be messing with your memories in here, though we will be testing them! On each floor, you'll find a Kingdom Hearts riddle--which you will have to answer. But there are also Scavenger Hunts which will take you around the site to look for cards that hold the passwords to pass the floors (more info on scavenger hunts once you go deeper) Rules/Hints: All passwords are lowercase. All passwords do not have spaces. If the answer to the riddle was "merry christmas" you would type in "merrychristmas". Please don't share answers, you'll spoil the fun. If you need any hints to continue climbing, you can reach out to myself or one of the staff to give you a nudge in the right direction Castle Oblivion Ends on January 9th so get to it! Get Going!
Hey all! Welcome to the new Community Event Listing Thread. This is a place where you can find out all the different events that are hosted by KHV that you can join in on and enjoy. Events are a great way of getting involved with the community and meeting new people along with way, making lots of new friends! I would like to thank Plums for the original idea for this thread. He had created it a few years back, and since it has not been updated in a while, the thread was remade to reflect current staff. Hope to see you all participating in events soon! If you are thinking of hosting an event yourself, or have an event that you would like to have added please feel free to let us know and we will add it. You can contact me, @Aelin Fireheart through PM, at any time. Staff Run Events __________________________________________________________________________________________ KHV Chorus: Host: Aelin KHV Chorus is a community event where all members are welcome to participate in a musical collaboration. As a community we suggest songs, vote which song we want to do which month, and then record various parts to send in. From there all the lines will be set to music and a video made and posted. There are no requirements to join, simply record your lines on time and send them into Aelin. For more information you can find it here. Previous Chorus Union X Leaderboards Host: Tale Instead of competing against people you don’t know, why not join one of our KHV Unions? You can sign up for one of our parties and the leader of that party will add you as soon as possible. From there you collect lux. At the end of the week Lux totals for each party will be tallied as well as each person. Compete to be the top of your party, and the top party on KHV, there might even be a reward in it for you. Previous Leaderboards Official KH-Vids Minecraft Server Host: Luxord For those who like playing Minecraft, KHV now hosts an official survival server. Join the community in creating bigger and better projects. Hang out and have fun. To join you simply need to go the thread and follow the instructions. More Information Role-Play Hall of Fame Host: Aelin A long term event, the Role-Play Hall of Fame is a place where completing a Role-Play is celebrated. As soon as a role-play comes to an end, you can submit it to Aelin and after a review your thread will be submitted to the hall of fame, assuming that it falls into the rules. Hall of Fame AMV Battles Host: Aelin If you ever want to test your skills in video editing against others, here is where you can do it. AMV Battles is a once a month event where members vote on a song and everyone has one song and one week to edit an AMV. The entries will then be put up to vote so anyone can vote for which is their favourite video, as well as offer helpful tips to improve your videos in the future. AMV Battles Member Run Events__________________________________________________________________________________________ Mafia Host: Makaze + Volunteers Mafia comes in many forms, multiple have been played on khv, however the most common is Royal. Mafia Royal is a free for all Mafia game that hinges on making allies and finding ways to eliminate others until you are one of the last standing. Armed with an alias, an ability and and shot, you need to use your wits to find out information about others and use it to your advantage. Previous Mafia Games: Royal, Royal, Lovers, Classic Mafia Annual Events__________________________________________________________________________________________ KH-Vids User Awards Host: The KHV Staff Team Everyone likes a little competition sometimes. The KH-Vids user awards is where you can nominate and vote for your favourite, threads, people, and events. What was the best things to happen that year, or the worst. The User Awards come in four different cycles for you to participate in, including “Most”, “Creative”, “Best/Worse”, and “General.” Previous User Awards Castle Oblivion Host: The KHV Staff Team You have all heard of Castle Oblivion, you have watched Sora and Riku traverse through it. Now it is your turn. Every Christmas season Castle Oblivion returns with new rooms for you to figure your way through, testing your knowledge of Kingdom Hearts, trying to reach the top where a special Stocking awaits you. But if you thought getting to the top was hard, then try descending down into the basement floors where more challenges await you. Secret Santa Host: Marushi Everyone loves to give and receive gifts at Christmas. Sharing that joy with those around you is even better, that is why every year we host Secret Santa. Don’t worry if you don’t have money, the gifts given aren’t paid for with money but made with time and effort for another member on the site. If you are worried about not knowing what to do for the person that you receive, there is no worries there either. When you sign up you post a list of things you enjoy, a basis for others to work off of when creating your gift. It is a good fun way to be involved and a part of the community. Valentines Day Dance Host: Marushi Come Valentines day it is always fun to go out with your partner, perhaps have a dance. While you can't physically have a dance on KHV you can participate in our dance. The Valentines Dance is an elimination event where you are paired with a partner and have to go through a series of events. After each event couples are eliminated until there are only two left standing, that is when you find out who is the power couple. Hiatus__________________________________________________________________________________________ Question Time Host: Heart<3 It is your turn to shine in the spotlight. Question Time is an event where you can nominate members to interrog- interviewed. Nominees are then voted for and the winning person is put in the spotlight for that week. Ask questions and find out more about your fellow members, like who they are, and what they ate for dinner that night. If you have any more questions about the event you can always check the thread to see what is going on. QT Overview Traditional Art of the Month Host: Fearless Traditional Art of the Month is a contest in which each month you are given a theme to work off of. It is a chance for you to show your skills by drawing your own original work based off of the theme. It is a place to grow in your art as you showcase your work against others. Vote for, and encourage others, but most of all have fun. Previous TAotM KH-Vids Podcast The Podcast is a stuff run event in which we invite members to join us in discussing various topics, and games. Topics in which members can suggest. There are many ways to be a part of the podcast, or you can just listen and enjoy the content we put out.
Instrumental | Original Welcome to the Christmas KHV Chorus special. This month Scrooge won the vote for the song we are going to do. For those who don't know, how this will work is that I there will be lines with numbers beside them. The numbers indicate a part. You can select a number and sing all lines with that same number. When recording it is asked that you sing to the Karaoke track and not the original, due to the two not always lining up. If you want to participate but all lines are claimed, you may speak to me and I will make a place for you, all you have to do is ask. Line Claim will close on December 10th, and your lines must be in by December 17th. Please send in a render with your lines by December 17th. Spoiler: Lines [When a cold wind blows it chills you Chills you to the bone]-1 [But there's nothing in nature that freezes your heart Like years of bein' alone]-2 [It paints you with indifference Like a lady paints with rouge]-3 [And the worst of the worst]-4 [The most hated and cursed]-5 [Is the one that we call Scrooge]-4 [Unkind as any]-6 [And the wrath of many]-1 [This is Ebenezer Scrooge]-6 [Oh! There goes Mr. Humbug There goes Mr. Grim If they gave a prize for bein' mean The winner would be him] -everyone [Old Scrooge he loves his money Cause he thinks it gives him power]-1,2,3 [If he became a flavor, you can bet he would be sour]-2,4,6 [There goes Mr. Skinflint There goes Mr. Greed]-4,5,6 [The undisputed master of the underhanded deed]1,3,5 [He charges folks a fortune for his dark and drafty houses]-everyone [Us poor folk live in misery]-1,2 [It's even worse for mouses]-5 [He must be so lonely He must be so sad He goes to extremes to convince us he's bad He's really a victim of fear and of pride Look close and there must be a sweet man inside...]-2,4,6 [There goes Mr. Outrage There goes Mr. Sneer]-everyone [He has no time for friends or fun His anger makes that clear]-1 [Don't ask him for a favor cause his nastiness increases]-3 [No crust of bread for those in need]-5 [No cheeses for us meeces]- 2 [There goes Mr. Heartless There goes Mr. Cruel] - Everyone [He never gives He only takes He lets his hunger rule]- 1,2,3 [If being mean's a way of life You practice and rehearse]- 4,5,6 [Then all that work is payin' off]-3 [Cause Scrooge is getting worse]-3,5 [Every day, in every way Scrooge is getting worse!]- everyone Lines Claimed: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- Mish 6-
Merry Christmas! Soon we will be doing a Christmas special for KHVC, so here is where you can nominate what songs that you want to see done. Like the Halloween special, all nominated songs will be put up for the vote and we will do one. You have one week to Nominate, and then the poll will be put up on Sunday November 26th. As a reminder of the rules for nominating a song: The song must be appropriate, including no swearing You must provide a full instrumental track to sing to The song can’t be one that we have already done Suggested Songs: Girls' Generation (TTS)- Dear Santa Original - Karaoke Better Days Original ~ Karaoke Mary Did You Know Original ~ Karaoke Believe Original ~ Karaoke Where Are You Christmas Original ~ Karaoke Shake it Up Christmas Original ~ Karoke
Original | Karaoke It is that time again. Time to claim your lines for the KHV Chorus. This month we will be doing, How Far I'll go. There is currently eight spots available for sign up. If all the spots are full but you still want to participate, please feel free to still comment and I will make sure there is a place for you in the Chorus. As always I ask that you sing to the karaoke version of the song if you can. The line claim will close on Sunday November 12th, and lines must be submitted to me by November 19th. When submitting your lines you can send them directly to me on discord or skype, or you can send me a link to a host site in this thread or in a private message. When sending in your lines, please also send in a rendered picture that you would like to have used as a representation of you for the video. If there is any additional questions or concerns please feel free to let me know. Lines: Spoiler [I've been staring at the edge of the water Long as I can remember, never really knowing why]-1 [I wish I could be the perfect daughter But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try]-2 [Every turn I take, every trail I track Every path I make, every road leads back]-3 [To the place I know where I cannot go Where I long to be]-4 [See the line where the sky meets the sea. It calls me] – 1,3 [And no one knows, how far it goes] – 2,4 [If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me] – 5,7 [One day I'll know] - 6,8 [If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go] -1 [I know everybody on this island seems so happy, on this island Everything is by design]-5 [I know everybody on this island has a role, on this island So maybe I can roll with mine]-6 [I can lead with pride, I can make us strong I'll be satisfied if I play along]-7 [But the voice inside sings a different song What is wrong with me?] -8 [See the light as it shines on the sea. It's blinding] -8,7 [But no one knows, how deep it goes] -6,5 [And it seems like it's calling out to me, so come find me] -4,3 [And let me know] 2,1 [What's beyond that line, will I cross that line?]- 8 [The line where the sky meets the sea. It calls me And no one knows, how far it goes If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me One day I'll know How far I'll go] - everyone 1- Fearless 2- Maka 3- Mish 4- Aelin 5- Glen 6- Marushi 7-Sebax 8- Day~Dream
Come January comes up to six years of video editing for me, so coming to this, and trying to get myself to edit a little more, I remade the first AMV I ever made. In this process I tried to hang on to the essentials that I had in the original video, hold true to what I was doing in it. I stuck to the basic editing styles trying not to use too many overlays or fancy transitioning. Instead deciding to fix it by adding more scenes to replace longer scenes and small details like that. So without further adieu, Old: vs New:
Original Song | Karaoke Welcome to the sign up for our first KHVC. For those of you who don't know, how this will work is that I there will be lines with numbers beside them. The numbers indicate a part. You can select a number and sing all lines with that same number. When recording it is asked that you sing to the Karaoke track and not the original, due to the two not always lining up. If you want to participate but all lines are claimed, you may speak to me and I will make a place for you, all you have to do is ask. A few notes on this particular song with the instrumental compared to the voiced track. The instrumental ends the song earlier than the voiced track, and because of that we will be ending the song around the 2:00 mark of the original version. The instrumental also has the "oooh oooh" part included in it, so there is no need to sing it if you don't wish to. You have until Sunday, October 15th to claim your lines. The lines must be in by Sunday, October 22nd Lines: Spoiler [Come Little Children I'll Take Thee Away,] - 1 [Into a Land of Enchantment] - 1,4 [Come Little Children The Time's Come To Play] - 2 [Here In My Garden Of Magic] - 2,5 [Follow Sweet Children I'll Show Thee the Way] - 3 [Through All the Pain and The Sorrows] - 3,6 [Weep Not Poor Children For Life is This Way] - 4 [Murdering Beauty And Passion] - 4,2 [Hush Now Dear Children It Must Be This Way] 5 [To Weary of Life and Deceptions] - 5, 3 [Rest Now My Children For Soon We'll Away] - 6 [into the Calm And The Quiet ] - 6,1 1- Day~Dream 2- Maka Albarn 3- Mish 4-Marushi 5- Aelin Fireheart 6- Sebax
We are getting KHV Chorus up and rolling, and to kick things off we are starting with a Halloween themed song for the month of October. As this is a special themed month, any and all song will be put up to a vote as long as they follow the guide lines of the standard suggestion thread. All suggestions will be put up for a vote on October 1st and line claim will be shortly after that. Happy Halloween! Songs suggested: Karandorie/Calandrier (Dusk Maiden of Amnesia) Original | Instrumental Coraline End Credits Original | Intstrumental Voodoo Child (Rogue Traders) Original | Instrumental Into the Unknown original | instrumental The Oogie Boogie Song original | instrumental Annabel Raises the Dead original | instrumental Come Little Children Original | Instrumental Carousel (Melanie Martinez) original | instrumental Secret (The Pierces) original | instrumental
Welcome to the KHV Chorus Suggestion thread. This is where you can nominate songs that you would like to do on KHV chorus. If the song is appropriate it will be added to a list of suggested songs. From there each month four songs will be randomly chosen and voted on. The songs that did not win will return to the nomination list. In order to nominate a song you must meet the following Criteria: The song must be appropriate, including no swearing You must provide a full instrumental track to sing to The song can’t be one that we have already done If there is a nominated song that you do not wish to do, you are also allowed to nominate for removal. You may post requesting the removal of that song and if two other people also request removal, then it will be removed from the list. If there is a holiday or theme that the songs will be based off one month, there will be a separate nomination thread created for that and all songs that are nominated will be put up for voting. If you want to suggest a theme to do, you can request that in this thread as well. Song suggestions: New World full song | instrumental Good Time full song | instrumental Blue Original | Karaoke Tubthumping Original | Karaoke Rainbow Connection Original | Karaoke Ballroom Blitz Original | Karaoke Twister Original | Karaoke I 2 I - Goofy Movie Original | Karaoke Let My People Go Original | Instrumental Heaven’s Eyes: Original | Instrumental + Fandub Ready The Other Side Original | Instrumental Inner Demons Original | Instrumental Lost in Thoughts All Alone from Fire Emblem Fates! Original | Instrumental Completed Songs: How Far I'll Go full song | instrumental Be Prepared Original | Karaoke Piano Man Original | Karaoke Weight of the World full song | instrumental The Open Road - Goofy Movie Original | Karaoke Stand Out - Goofy Movie Original | Karaoke History Maker full song | instrumental Theme suggestions: Halloween Christmas Disney Broadway Video games Motown Retro (anything before the 00's) Throwback (starting from 2000-2010) Main Thread | Suggestion Thread |
Welcome to KHV Chorus reboot. To start I know this was originally run by Jayn, and I want to give her full credit for the idea of it. That being said I am not Jayn so I am not going to even try to try and do it the same way she did it. Here is how KHV Chorus is going to work. It will be in five week cycles, everything taking place on a Sunday. The first Sunday will be voting for the song you want to do, you will have a week to vote and then you can claim your lines on the second week. You will have two weeks before you must get your lines in, and then a week to get the video posted. If you need an extension on your lines for any reason you must give me at least a week notice so that I can work around that. Suggestions will be open all the time for you to suggest songs. I will randomly generate 4 songs for you to vote for from that list. Voting will take place here. A poll will be posted at the beginning of the month and a separate sign up thread will be posted from there upon the closing of the poll. Voting will take place over a one week period of time. When it comes to the special themes and events, there will be a separate suggestion thread created for that, and I will try and include all suggestions in that months voting. Voting will take place here. A poll will be posted at the beginning of the month and a separate sign up thread will be posted from there upon the closing of the poll. Voting will take place over a one week period of time. If anyone doesn’t want to participate but wants to help with mixing or video editing, you can message me and I will be in contact with you for help, that being said it isn’t required of anyone. Any other questions, concerns or suggestions, feel free to to message me. Spoiler: Current Schedule Posted: August 26 Voting: September 2 Line Claim: September 9 Line in: September 23 Posted: September 30 Special Nomination: September 23 Voting: September 30 Line Claim: October 7 Line in: October 21 Posted: October 28 Voting: October 28 Line Claim: November 4 Line in: November 18 Posted: November 25 Special Nomination: November 25 Current Project: Completed Projects: Come Little Children How Far I'll Go Be Prepared Time After Time Piano Man The Open Road Main Thread | Suggestion Thread | Youtube Channel
Based on a debate on skype. Answer the question, is it good or not? Is it too Canadian for you?
Worst Members Last Year's Winner: Blaine Last Year's Runner-up: Jinx If anyone could embody the sheer jerk essence of Sasuke Uchiha, it would be these folks! KH-Vids has voted, and Iskander is the soysauce of the Sharingan. Dravoo comes in as runner-up. Best Super Moderator Last Year's Winner: Krowley Last Year's Runner-up: Cat~ Banning bots is their middle name. Or would be, if the forum allowed that many characters to be used, of course. Regardless, there are many purples skirting about, but the purpliest purple to ever purp is Cat~! Krowley & Explode pack quite a wallop themselves. Best Reporter Last Year's Winner: Roxam Last Year's Runner-up: Sabby It takes a green thumb to grow a garden, but it takes a green username to grow a community amidst the barren land of new Kingdom Hearts info. With their expertise in news digging, what else is new other than Heart<3 being your number one source for Kingdom Hearts media? A splendid show to Roxam as they keep us up to date right alongside! Best Overall Staff Member Last Year's Winner: Plums Last Year's Runner-up: Tale, cstar, & libregkd One colored username to rule them all, what better title deserved by none other than Plums. cstar is in the royal robes of runner-up. Best Sectional Moderator Last Year's Winner: . : tale : . Last Year's Runner-up: Cat~ Are you all ready for all of these ridiculous red puns I've prepare-- Wait, what's that, Luxord? You said I can't "ruin your awards with your shitty puns Ben"? Whatever. KH-Vids has voted and cstar is the Sectional Mod we hold close to our hearts, but that Tale kid ain't too bad theirself. Best Administrator Last Year's Winner: Plums Last Year's Runner-up: libregkd Without these peeps, we'd be feelin' blue. Fear not, KHVidians, Plums is here to remedy that! Arch is Dumb knows what to do, too! Best Member Last Year's Winners: Cat~ & CrownMoksha Last Year's Runner-up: Dr. Lux Transcending usergroups with the power of awesome can only be described with a single username. Fearless . cstar, and Ghost is quite powerful as well. Best Newbie Last Year's Winner: British Historian Last Year's Runner-ups: Noizless LOL ur a n00b u maek us feel old. XDDDD :D :) :D Thanks a lot, Dravoo. Best Non-Staff Contributor Last Year's Winner: Amaury, Last Year's Runner-up: Boy Wonder, Sara, & Makaze These guys take care of things without moderation; their true power comes from their friends, they are their power! Charging forth with Keyblade in hand, Marushi does the best they can do. Even moreso with Makaze at their side. Worst Staff Member Last Year's Winner: Blaine Last Year's Runner-up: Calxiyn Rotten apples don't fall far from the tree, and Calxiyn is sour to the core. Krowley & Stardust looked a wee bit suspect, too. Best Normal Member Last Year's Winner: Midnight Star Last Year's Runner-up: Ghost Normality is a mere technicality, technically speaking of course. Ghost leads the brigade of white names, with Skyheart at the forefront. Best Premium Member Last Year's Winner: Ars Nova & CrownMoksha Last Year's Runner-up: Maka Albarn, Sombra, Flapjak, Boy Wonder, & Jayn They may be pink, but fortunately these guys don't stink. KH-Vids finds thaMaka Albarn have a great fragrance, though VermillionMokclean up quite nicely too. Best Retired Staff Member Last Year's Winner: Misty Last Year's Runner-up: Jayn & Llave We certainly may not have made their jobs easy, but they managed to do pretty well in spite of it. Misty, we salute you. Hats off to Boy Wonder as well. Best Returning Member Last Year's Winner: Dr. Lux Last Year's Runner-up: Ars Nova BACK. STREET'S. BACK. ALRIGHT! Cue sick dance moves from rikusorakairiown.
Hey there all you Kingdom Hearts kids! Sorry for the wait, but have no fear, the staff is here to give you the complete, fully official 100% results now, so let's see who our lucky members of the Kingdom Hearts Videos User Awards of 2016 are! Most Adorable Last Year's Winner: Ghost Last Year's Runner-up: Marushi Once every hundred thousand years, the Kawaiivatar, Master of All Four Sugary Goodies, graces KHV with their presence, and declares one whom embodies the sugar, the spice, and everything nice as the Most Adorable, Cutest, Most Precious Blueberry Spicehead to ever exist. Maka Albarn, you are the kawaiiest. Ghost is also a precious twinkle star child. Most Ambitious Last Year's Winner: Boy Wonder & Calxiyn Last Year's Runner-up: Captain Arch These folks are go-getters. Motivated and goal-oriented. They're gonna pick up the biggest, nailiest hammer they can find and crash through the glass ceiling (and the moon). KHV thinks Aelin Fireheart overflows with ambition. Krowley is also pretty aspiring. Most Changed Last Year's Winner: Makaze Last Year's Runner-up: Calxiyn Changes happen on KH-Vids and life in general. Some are good, some are okay, and some just plain old suck. KH-Vids has voted and Makaze comes out as the most changed! Special mention goes to our runner-up, Mish! Most Committed Last Year's Winner: Krowley Last Year's Runner-up: Plums & libregkd KHV has it's ups and downs. Sometimes, it's difficult balancing everything out between the forums, our physical lives, our secret chihuahua business, and everything else. But through it all, Aelin Fireheart takes it on the cheek and carries forth. The dedication of libregkd is nothing to sneeze at either. Most Creative Last Year's Winner: Cstar Last Year's Runner-up: Krowley & Jiku Neon Creativity is difficult to achieve; even some of the most popular artists haven't an ounce of it! KHV would like to acknowledge cstar as the person they wish to siphon the creativity from most. Beep Boop and Captain Arch should remember to walk around with a friend at night, too. Most Down to Earth Last Year's Winner: Stardust Last Year's Runner-up: libregkd, Explode, Skyheart Let go your airly tether. Enter the void. Heavy, and become earth. Taking a page from Guru Chillima, these people are so down to earth, they've achieved degrees of levelheadedness not seen in thousands of years -- a weapon to rival global warming. KHV believes Skyheart never loses her chill (unless Megaman gets involved). Maka & Glen are pretty grounded as well. Most Egotistical Last Year's Winner: Blaine Last Year's Runner-up: Calxiyn KHV thinks Iskander gives Beyonce a run for the money in belting out the ego, with Ghost as runner up. Most Helpful Last Year's Winner: Plums Last Year's Runner-up: Cat~ Is there a member that always seems to be able to give you a helping hand? Are they the Mercy to your Reindhart? KH-Vids has decided that cstar has enough hands to help out a thousand times over, with DigitalAtlas as our runner-up. Most Heroic Last Year's Winner: HoT & DigitalAtlas Last Year's Runner-up: Boy Wonder, C, & Skyheart Wait! What's that? Is it a bird? A plane? It's the entire union of competitive fighters approaching on the horizon! DigitalAtlas are here to save the day! Their sidekick, the Ars Nova follow suit. You don't wanna mess with either of them, unless you want your sexiness drained away and a FATALITY right where it used to be! Most Hypocritical Last Year's Winner: Blaine Last Year's Runner-up: Calxiyn One minute they tell you not to eat the Easter candy, next minute, they have the baskets of millions of children around the world pouring into their mouths. KH-Vids thinks Calxiyn is Lord of the Hypocrites, though that Korosu kid is pretty sketchy too. Most Insane Last Year's Winner: Jiku Neon Last Year's Runner-up: Beucefilous Sometimes, there's a member that you could probably see running around downtown in a duck costume covered with ice cream and magazine clippings of Taylor Swift making awkward faces screaming about Einstein's Theory of Relativity as it relates to Jabbawockees. KH-Vids thinks Krowley fits the bill, though that Beucefilous kid could be down for it too. Most Inspiring Member Last Year's Winner: Jayn Last Year's Runner-up: Plums These are the people we look up to; the ones that motivate us and push us to exceed our limitations and achieve all we can be. KHV thinks Krowley & Heart and is a high quality role model, and Trigger is pretty inspiring as well. Most Intelligent Last Year's Winner: What? Last Year's Runner-up: libregkd “I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” Sometimes we wonder if even Marushi knows what he says, but he's still a ball of genius and hopefully no Bill Cipher. Captain Arch is pretty intelligent, as well. Most Interesting Last Year's Winner: Maka Albarn Last Year's Runner-up: Karuta, Hayabusa, & Jiku Neon Let's face it: every now and then, a member comes along that, by comparison, just makes us all look downright dull! According to you, KHV, Marushi ("The Aunt Senpai") makes us all curiouser and curiouser about her life. KHGrl15 ("The Roleplay Senpai") is a pretty interesting folk, too. Most Intimidating Last Year's Winner: Makaze Last Year's Runner-up: DigitalAtlas Is there one member that you are truly terrified of? One that makes you scared that if you even slightly enrage them, they'll only look at you and your pants will be a soiled mess of fear and shame? Krowley makes lots of people want to pop out the diapers before they approach, though I've heard Korosu sins one too many times in the Church of Dank Sonic Memes. Most Knowledgeable about Kingdom Hearts Last Year's Winner: tale Last Year's Runner-up: Krowley Playing some KH trivia and lost on who's a Nort and how many people are renting out Sora's heart? When you've got Krowley on your team, you've no need to fear the dark! Tamale knows his stuff pretty well too. Most Knowledgeable about Video Games Last Year's Winner: libregkd Last Year's Runner-up: DigitalAtlas Need help beating that one boss? Can't find that secret item or unlock that alternative end? Want the latest on the gaming industry? Jube is the man with the plan (like, the original game schematics). libregkd has quite the know how too. Most Likely to be a Bot Last Year's Winner: N/A Last Year's Runner-up: N/A The denizens of KH-Vids has decided that libregkd & Ghost must be bots. They also suspect that mvitkun might not be all they appear to be either. Most Likely to be Banned Last Year's Winner: Makaze Last Year's Runner-up: Jinx KH-Vids has voted, and you all think the banhammer would come down pretty swift on Makaze. DigitalAtlas also rings suspect to your ears (eyes?) Most Villianous Last Year's Winner: Calxiyn & Krowley Last Year's Runner-up: Ars Nova WARNING: Tonight marks this 37th crime in KH-Vids' neighbordhood. The evil mastermind Jafar have sunken their malicious claws into yet another of our comrades. Do not approach this man at any cost! Furthermore, we have word that the DEATH KING HELLSATAN cstar has been spotted near SpamZone Lane. Do not -- I repeat -- DO NOT, engage with them, lest ye wish to spend the next millenia in the deepest, most vile parts of the nightmares yet to come. Most Likely to be Famous Last Year's Winner: Jayn Last Year's Runner-up: Calxiyn This is the member who's autographs you want to collect to sell on the web in 30 years and make a fortune. KH-Vids thinks Krowley will go far, though we think Boy Wonder has shot at the stars as well. Most Likely to be on KH-Vids Forever Last Year's Winner: Amaury Last Year's Runner-up: libregkd When it comes time to introduce your future family to your friends, you'll always find yourself logging in here to introduce your loved ones to these people! KH-Vids finds Krowley a constant in KH-Vids future, though he'll always have Fearless by his side. Most Likely to be on Staff Last Year's Winner: Hero of Time, Kitty, Heart, and Boy Wonder Last Year's Runner-up: Hero of Time, Kitty, Heart, and Boy Wonder If all of the staff mysteriously simultaneously vanished one day, these members would be the most likely elected to take over. KH-Vids finds they'd be fine with Captain Arch, but they find Korosu to be pretty capable, too. Most Likely to End up in Prison Last Year's Winner: GhettoXemnas Last Year's Runner-up: Blaine, C, and Amaury These are the people in the squad you gotta watch out for from those police shenanigans. KH-Vids thinks that VermillionMoK, Trigger, & Jiku Neon would be put to trial first in the totally probably least racist trial ever. Yep. KH-Vids thinks Ghost would be the best cellmate to them. Most Likely to Never Hit Premium Last Year's Winner: Fearless Last Year's Runner-up: Plums These are the people who, if they ever get a pink username, you'll tell them all about that crazy dream on Skype while laughing hysterically. KH-Vids is convinced KHGrl15, Ghost, & Fearless will never become a rainbow bro, though Zelda is pretty set on staying where he is (he really is). Most Likely to be President Last Year's Winner: Boy Wonder Last Year's Runner-up: Kitty When you need something shot at, you ask a Republican. When you need something talked to death, you ask a Democrat. If you want something to be argued for eons, ask an Independent. And if you want your rent to go down, ask them why the rent's too damn high! But if you want something done, you ask Boy Wonder. Don't forget al215 for 2020, though! Most Missed Last Year's Winner: Ienzo Last Year's Runner-up: Jayn "H I MAKA ALBARN & ARS NOVA WE LOVE YOU PLEASE COME BACK????" KH-Vids misses Shuhbooty too! Most Nostalgic Last Year's Winner: Sara Last year's Runner-up: Plums These are the members who want to build a time machine and travel back to the good ole days, where KHV was white and blue, where the TV wasn't awful, and everyone was smackdab in the middle of their cringeworthy phases of middle school! KH-Vids thinks Krowley is prime to steal that time machine CERN's cooking up. Mish wants a blast from the past too. Most Obscure Tastes Last Year's Winner: Jiku Neon Last Year's Runner-up: Amaury When you talk to these people, you're pretty sure they have to be making at least some of these interests up. KH-Vids finds Amaury and his interests to be quite out of this world, though cstar & Beucefilous gives him a run for the money. Most Overrated Last Year's Winner: Makaze Last Year's Runner-up: Ars Nova An overrated member is more than one that always goes noticed -- they're one that gets the spotlight to the point where you can barely stand to see them post! In their years here they've built up quite a rep, but KH-Vids feels they don't quite live up to it! Ars Nova was voted most overrated. Runner-up is Makaze. Most Passionate Last Year's Winner: Ars Nova Last Year's Runner-up: Cat~ I REALLY CARE ABOUT EVERYTHING LET ME READ YOU MY 100 PAGE PAPER ON THIS VERY TOPIC INTRODUCTION. KHV thinks Maka Albarn has the passion 10 million KH1 fueled suns! Mish gets pretty fired up, too. Most Proactive Last Year's Winner: Makaze & Plums Last Year's Runner-up: Cat~ These folk take destiny by the reigns, and dare to never leave it to chance. Skyheart take what he want when he want it. Mish is aiming to claim her goals, too. Most Serious Last Year's Winner: Amaury Last Year's Runner-up: libregkd, Makaze These guys need a hug. Or some booze. KHV thinks Ghost should lighten up! Zimmy need to chillaxizzle too. Most Shocking Moment Last Year's Winner: Mass Resignation of Staff Last Year's Runner-up: Misty Retiring There are always quite a few startling moments that arise over the years spent on KHV. This year, the Toystory being in KH3 is the winner! Ghost doesn't explain what she's talking about, despite nobody understanding comes in second. Most Underrated Last Year's Winner: Judge Sunrose Last Year's Runner-up: Aelin Fireheart An underrated member is more than one that goes unnoticed -- they're one that deserves to be noticed, but if they were noticed it would take the charm out of noticing that they're unnoticed. I'm also noticing that this might be the first paragraph to abuse that word so much. Moving on, KHGrl15 was voted our most underrated member, followed by Makaze. Most Verbose Last Year's Winner: Makaze Last Year's Runner-up: Dr. Lux, StardustXtreme, and Ghost These guys talk a lot. cstar and sometimes Ghost need to calm down with all those words, man.
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Stardust @Krowley @Heart ❤ @Calxiyn
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Iskandar @Dravoo @Makaze
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Krowley @Cat~ @Explode @Stardust
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @cstar @tamale
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Misty @Boy Wonder @Shuhbooty @Ienzo @DigitalAtlas
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Heart ❤ @Roxam