Search Results

  1. Aelin

    Thank you all who participated in KHVC this month. I am so excited to have new people joining and to be covering such a wonderful song like Weight of the World. Everyone did amazing jobs. If anyone is interested in joining future KHVC's you can find all the information for them here:
    Thread by: Aelin, May 27, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  2. Aelin
    Due to lack of interest there was not a chorus last month, but this month we are back with full force, singing a song from NieR Automata. Make sure that you claim your lines by May 20th, lines will be due on May 27th. Make sure you claim your spot!

    full song | instrumental
    [I feel like I'm losing hope] -1
    [In my body and my soul]-2
    [And the sky, it looks so ominous]-3

    [And as time comes to a halt]-4
    [Silence starts to overflow]-5
    [My cries are inconspicuous]-3

    [Tell me God, are you punishing me?]-1,2
    [Is this the price I'm paying for my past mistakes? ]-3,4

    [This is my redemption song] -5,1
    [I need you more than ever right now]-1,4
    [Can you hear me now?]-2,5

    [Cause we're going to shout it loud]- 3
    [Even if our words seem meaningless]-2
    [It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world]-1

    [I wish that someway, somehow]-2
    [That I could save every one of us]-3
    [But the truth is that I'm only one girl]-4

    [Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life
    Come to life... ]-5

    [After all the laughter fades]-4
    [Signs of life all washed away]-1
    [I can still, still feel a gentle breeze]-2

    [No matter how hard I pray]-3
    [Signs of warning still remain]-4
    [And life has become my enemy]-5

    [Tell me God, are you punishing me?]-1,3
    [Is this the price I'm paying for my past mistakes?]-2,5

    [This is my redemption song]-4,5
    [I need you more than ever right now]-1,2
    [Can you hear me now?]-3,4

    [Cause we're going to shout it loud]-5
    [Even if our words seem meaningless]-2
    [It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world]-1

    [I wish that someway, somehow]-2
    [That I could save every one of us]-3
    [But the truth is that I'm only one girl]-4

    [Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life]-5
    [Come to life...]-3

    [Cause we're going to shout it loud]-1
    [Even if our words seem meaningless]-2
    [It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world]-3

    [I wish that someway, somehow]-4
    [That I could save every one of us]-5
    [But the truth is that I'm only one girl]-1

    [Still, we're going to shout it loud]-1
    [Even if our words seem meaningless]-2
    [It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world]-3

    [I hope that someway, somehow]-4
    [That I could save every one of us]-5
    [But the truth is that I'm only one girl]-4

    [Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life
    Come to life...]-Everyone

    Line Claim:
    1- LadyAzura
    2- Glen
    3- CrownMoksha
    4- Zelda
    5- Aelin
    Thread by: Aelin, May 13, 2018, 5 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  3. Aelin
    After weeks of challenges and harsh judging, a winner has finally been decided. Everyone was so beautiful, so wonderful. I don't know how any of our judges decided. I am glad I didn't have to judge it, I think it might have been impossible. Either way they did it and I am sure you are all done listening to me ramble on about this and just wanted to know who actually won. Well that is easy, here we go.

    In Fifth Place we have @Rat with 0 Points
    In Fourth Place we have @GarrettFinch with 11 Points
    In Third Place we have @LadyAzura with 18 Points
    In Second Place we have @Day~Dream with 28 Points
    And in First Place we have

    @Mixt !!!!! With 39 Points

    Congratulations to everyone! If any of the contestants want to know the scoring for their entries, feel free to talk to me in private and I will happily share the judges scoring with you. Otherwise, good luck next you, I hope to see all your beautiful faces again.
    Thread by: Aelin, May 6, 2018, 2 replies, in forum: The Playground
  4. Aelin
    Well another week over and another challenge ready to be viewed. Before we do that however lets look at the standings after challenge 3.

    In Fifth place we have @Rat
    In Fourth place we have @GarrettFinch
    In Third place we have @LadyAzura
    In Second place we have @Day~Dream
    And in First place sitting at the top for now is @Mixt

    Well the fun is almost over. This past week the contestants finished their last challenge, and all that is left is for the votes and judging to be done. There is still time to turn the tides of the contest as long as you vote and have your say in who's witty sense of humour deserves to win. So time to reveal their final challenge:


    Contestant 1:
    Contestant 2:
    Contestant 3:
    Contestant 4:
    Good luck everyone, I look forward to announcing the winner come next week. Come Sunday May 6th we will have our new Mr or Mrs KHV
    Thread by: Aelin, Apr 29, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  5. Aelin
    Well another week over and another challenge ready to be viewed. Before we do that however lets look at the standings after challenge 2.

    In Fifth place we have @Rat
    Tied in Third place we have @GarrettFinch and @LadyAzura
    In Second place we have @Day~Dream
    And in First place sitting at the top for now is @Mixt

    Don't lose hope yet though contestants, there are still three more contests that need to be judged, your scores can still change yet. Speaking of more contests, lets get to the next one:

    Contestant 1:

    Contestant 2:

    Contestant 3:

    As for the other contestants, they didn't get their art in for this round, so will not be considered in this round of judging. One more round to go before we get to see who the final winner is!
    Thread by: Aelin, Apr 22, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: The Playground
  6. Aelin
    Well another week over and another challenge ready to be viewed. Before we do that however lets look at the standings after challenge 1.

    In Fifth place we have @Rat
    In Fourth place we have @LadyAzura
    In Third place we have @GarrettFinch
    In Second place we have @Day~Dream
    And in First place sitting at the top for now is @Mixt

    Don't lose hope yet though contestants, there are still three more contests that need to be judged, your scores can still change yet. Speaking of more contests, lets get to the next one:

    Contestant 1
    One day thousands of people are living their everyday lives and a cyclone appears and sucks you up. The next thing you know you are in a different place altogether. You have no idea how you got there but you decide to make the most of it. You decide to look around and the first thing you see is a giant sign floating in the center of a hub like area. The sign reads, 'Kingdom hearts videos' There also seems to be a floating blue heart to the left of the sign. Underneath this sign there is sections that read, 'Home, Forums, video portal, media, members, Chat, community, and upgrades'. Under the 'Home' section there seems to be paths the seam to branch off and have their own path. These section path have names that read, 'Watched Forums, Watched Threads, New Posts, Recent Activity, Authors, and Settings.' You think to yourself that this is an odd place to be.

    You decide to head in the direction of the area marked 'Forums'. You seem to be in a different hub altogether. The words 'Forums' is floating above your head. Then underneath that is search forums and recent posts'. Farther on there seems to be paths that go off in every direction. There seems to be more people here then the 'home' area of this strange place. Looking down at the paths them seem to be labeled just like the rest of the place. The labeled are marked with, 'Community, Kingdom Hearts, Hacks & codes, Interests, Creativity Corner, and Fun and Games'. You do not know where to start but it looks like this place will be and is a fun place to be. Soon you can find people like you not sure what to do but soon the craziness of it all comes, and everything is somehow crazy. Everyone makes friends with each other and you all seem to respect each other.

    Contestant 2
    User logging in...

    Welcome "FartNugget"

    FartNugget: Hello everyone!

    *fire everywhere*

    FartNugget: Riiiiight. I guess I ought to stay out of the SpamZone today. What about the Discussion section?

    *book falls off shelf, catches on fire*

    FartNugget: Nope. Playground?

    *swingset on fire*

    FartNugget: Nuh-uh, KH boards?

    *tumbleweeds. Also on fire*

    FartNugget: Geez, why is everything so heated today?

    Staff: Oh we had some budget cuts. The server doesn't need cooling fans, right?

    FartNugget: Oh good, I thought it was flamewars. Why not get rid of this VR gimmick first though?

    Staff: Nah, we paid for that by getting rid of the sign out option.

    FartNugget: NO! SAO jokes are off the table. That doesn't even make pretend sense anyway. Story over!

    Narrator: Oh, an SAO joke is off the table, but a character becoming self aware and breaking the fourth wall is so original...

    FartNugget: Wait what?

    Narrator: You know what [redacted] is too cool of a name for you. You're "FartNugget" now.

    Staff: Hey! Only we can change people's names!

    Narrator: Do you realize how silly you sound right now? I control everything here. I'm god basically.

    Staff: As silly as a god that's using a puppet as a strawman to make fun of a joke that they started, while using another puppet to attack themselves?

    Narrator: ... I hate you. You know that? I'm glad now I was too lazy to give you an actual name.

    FartNugget: But you're controlling us. Doesn't that mean you hate yourself?

    Narrator: I'm not getting philosophical here. That's what the Discussion section is for when it's not on fire. Now where were we with the story? This is quite a pickle isn't it? Maybe if I... No, that won't work. Yeah, this isn't salvageable at all. Let's just start this over.


    User logging in...

    Welcome "BurpBurger"

    Contestant 3
    When I woke up the next time, I realized........Dorothy wasn't in Kansas anymore. I scratched my head. I looked around and was confused as to where I was exactly. As I examined my surroundings, I immediately saw a sign and walked up to it. I read the sign as it read: 'Forum Families'. I was slightly confused until I turned my head down and saw a small box. I picked it up and saw tiny people running around in the box. "Nope." I immediately put the box down again and went about my merry way until I walked up to a door that was labeled: 'Discussions'. I opened the door and saw tons of people talking with one another. I quietly walked in with the usual expression I have when I'm in a room with strangers. (o-o). I saw another door that read: 'Debate Corner'. I squinted my eyes and walked away from it. Something told me I might regret going through that door and that I would end up there for hours. I walked out of the room and went past some other doors like: 'Writing Nook' or this really weird looking one that read: 'Code Vault'. After some walking around, seeing some people go through Video Portals, partake in something called 'KHV Chorus', I decided to take a break for a few minutes. After I got some rest, I stood up and found myself in front of an ominous looking area. I spent a couple seconds looking for a sign and came upon a trash can with lettering on it, 'The Spam Zone'. I was slightly curious and I went inside. After a few hours, I immediately ran out of there, regretting every decision I made until now. I start speed walking out of there and finally came upon a small house. I walked up to the house and saw the lettering above the mailbox that read: 'Role-Playing Arena'. Did I want to make another bad decision again?..........Well....YOLO! I went inside the house and saw tons and tons of computers, paper, what seemed to be katsudons and tea cups. As I walked further into the house, I saw various pieces of paper with what seemed to be some math. I looked over to another door that said: 'OOC Lounge'. I opened the door and saw various people gathering around drinking tea and coffee. After exploring the place, I decided to crash here. Before I went to bed, I went past a mirror and looked at and asked myself. "Ha...Habadededga!" I realized right then and there. I became a dog in a plane.......I love the internet.

    The other two contestants failed to get an entry in on time. So they will not be judged this round, but will still have future rounds that they can use to try and catch up. Good luck to all, and be sure to vote and support your favourite. All votes count towards the contestants point total, so your votes are important to help their scoring.
    Thread by: Aelin, Apr 15, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  7. Aelin
    For this month we are doing a Broadway themed Chorus. It was a three way tie between which song was going to be done, so as per the work of RNG we will be doing Stars from Les Miserables. Line claim will be ending on April 15th. Your lines will be do in by April 22nd

    Karaoke | Original

    [There, out in the darkness
    A fugitive running
    Fallen from God] -1
    [Fallen from grace
    God be my witness
    I never shall yield]- 2
    [Till we come face to face
    Till we come face to face] -1,2

    [He knows his way in the dark
    Mine is the way of the Lord] -3
    [Those who follow the path of the righteous
    Shall have their reward] -4
    [And if they fall as Lucifer fell
    The flames
    The sword!] 3,4

    In your multitudes
    Scarce to be counted
    Filling the darkness]-5
    [With order and light
    You are the sentinels
    Silent and sure]-6
    [Keeping watch in the night
    Keeping watch in the night]- 5,6

    [You know your place in the sky
    You hold your course and your aim]-1
    [And each in your season
    Returns and returns
    And is always the same] -3
    [And if you fall as Lucifer fell
    You fall in flame!] -1,3

    [And so it must be, for so it is written
    On the doorway to paradise]- 2
    [That those who falter and those who fall
    Must pay the price!]-5

    [Lord, let me find him
    That I may see him
    Safe behind bars]-4
    [I will never rest
    Till then
    This I swear
    This I swear by the stars!]-6

    Thread by: Aelin, Apr 8, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  8. Aelin
    Alright it is time to vote on the first round of Mr/Mrs KHV on whose project that you like best. Right now here is the challenge that everyone got

    Contestant 1:

    Contestant 2:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Contestant 3:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Contestant 4:
    [​IMG][​IMG] or this

    Contestant 5:
    Did not get their entry in on time to be added.

    Remember you can vote for one entry, and your votes will count towards final scoring. You are not allowed to vote for yourself.
    Thread by: Aelin, Apr 8, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: The Playground
  9. Aelin
    A huge thanks to everyone who decided to participate this month. It has been a lot of fun doing this song with you all. I hope to see everyone out next month for our Broadway themed Chorus, we are always welcoming new people, come check it out!

    Thread by: Aelin, Mar 25, 2018, 2 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  10. Aelin
    Hello everyone! Every few months I try and do a themed chorus. Without any special occasions this month, I figured we would do one of your suggested Themes. This month we will do a Broadway themed chorus. If there is any songs from a Broadway production that you would like to do, now is the time to put your suggestions out there. You will have a week to suggest your songs, and on April 1st we will have a vote that includes all suggested songs to see which one we will do for April. Look forward to seeing what you all come up with!
    Thread by: Aelin, Mar 25, 2018, 2 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  11. Aelin

    Mr/Ms. KHV

    Ah lovely lovely, look at all those beautiful faces out there. Perfect. Just the perfect candidates for my new project. Yes so many lovely faces out there, it will be hard to choose, hard to come up with a winner for this. Yes, there only must be one winner for my new project.... Wait you mean I haven't told you what my new project is yet? I will have to get right on that. Eh-hem. Welcome one and all to KHV's newest annual event. What is this event, you ask? Well that is simple, it is a beauty pageant of course.... well it isn't just a beauty pageant, it is more complicated than that. You see there are far too many beautiful faces and far too many shy people out there to just base this on looks, that would be too hard to decide then. No, now is a time for your inner beauty and creativity to shine through. What does that mean for you? Well that is simple, it means that you, the contestants will be put through a series of creative challenges to see just how beautiful you are, and how much you love this site... You do love this site right? Well of course you do! Who am I kidding everyone loves this site. Anyhoo, you will be put through a series of challenges, whether that be dressing up, writing something for me, or drawing stick figures and pretending that they are keyblade wielders. You will have a week to complete each task, and at the end of the week your work will be judged by our beautiful panel of judges, as well as your peers. Everyone gets a say in who wins or who loses. At the end of April the person with the most points wins. Simple as that. What do you win you ask? Well you win this beautiful pin!


    There are rules though, nothing is without rules. Rules are what make things fun for everyone. Let me go over those rules for you:
    1. Please get your projects in on time. There will be no extensions. If you don't get your entries in for that round you will get no points.
    2. No voting for yourself. Contestants are welcome to vote in the polls but only when voting for other people.
    3. The entries will be anonymous, the challenges will be sent out through PM and the entries will come in through PM. When the entries are posted for voting, there will be no names attached.
    4. While points are scored through both voting and judging, most of the score will come from the judging. So the results at the end of each week might not be what you expect.
    5. You will be judged on the following criteria where applicable: Use of Prompt, Creativity, and inclusion of KHV.
    6. Have fun!
    7. Support your competitors.
    Sign ups will cut off when the first challenge is sent out on April first. If you want to be included make sure you post in this thread to show your interest. All are welcome to join!

    *Credit to Midnight for helping come up with this idea
    Thread by: Aelin, Mar 25, 2018, 6 replies, in forum: The Playground
  12. Aelin
    A backstory of Auburn, a character in RWBY: Guardian's Saviors

    "Get behind me. Stay back. When their is an opening take your brother and run. Listen to me Auburn, you have to be strong for me sweetie." Standing up Auburn's mother stood up and grabbed the knife of the kitchen table, standing near the entrance to the kitchen. In their small cottage the room that served as a nursery was off the kitchen, so if they could keep the grimm out of the kitchen then both the kids would be safe.

    There was a cracking sound at the door and then a yell
    "It is breaking through, be ready Rach!" A man called from the front of the house ready to fend off the grimm for the sake of his family. There was a few sniffles heard from the small girl behind her mother who stood in the back of the kitchen, ready to run for her baby brother who was crying in the connected room. Suddenly there was a loud burst sound before a war cry as the grizzled middle aged man charged in to deal with the grimm that managed to breach through the walls of the town and was now attacking his family.


    Onyx had just arrived into the town. He had decided to explore before someone had yelled out. "Someone! Anyone!! Please help!!" The grizzled man looked over and ran to the person. "What's wrong?!" The person had appeared to be an old woman. She looked over to Onyx and immediately asked for is help. "Please help!! The grimm...It's the grimm!! They're attacking the town and they're currently attacking one of the families!! They need help!!" Onyx listened as the woman spoke. He then asked where the house in question was. The elderly woman pointed in the direction of the house. He thanked her and began making his way to the house. As he arrived, he saw numerous grimm running into the house. "That's not good!" He grabbed his sword and begun to cut down the grimm that was making their way into the house! "Don't worry guys! I'm on my way!!!" Slowly he made his way into the house while fending off the grimm.


    The fight against the grimm was short lived. While Auburns father had a couple of small weapons in his house, he was not Huntsman, more a simple farmer. There was no screams that escaped his mouth though, but a grunt, then a thump as his body hit the ground and the Grimm prowled into home further, smelling the air before charging towards the kitchen. Rachel's kitchen knife was batted to the side with one swipe of the mighty claws, before the other claw slashed across her body. The woman screamed and looked over at her young daughter. "Run!" It barely escaped her mouth before the grimm slammed it's paw down on her mother, pushing the last bit of life out of her.

    Auburn was terrified, she couldn't move really, she was numb.
    "Mom? Mommy! No!" Bending down she picked up the kitchen knife that had been pushed towards her when it was knocked from her mothers hand, standing over her mothers body looking up at the creature. "You will not hurt my mommy any more." She told the dark creature though her hands were shaking and she could barely hold her knife. She still was trying to defend her mother no matter what, even as blood stained her bare feet. The grimm was only toying with her though as it lifted a massive paw to take a swipe at the girl.


    Onyx got inside just in time as the grimm ha slain the man that was in the room. "Oh no..." He then sliced throught the grimm that had begun making their way into the kitchen. As he got to the kitchen, he saw a woman bleeding out on the floor and a small girl holding a kitchen knife against the grimm. It raised its paw, getting ready to strike but before it could, Onyx ran into the room.

    He shot at the grimm and then cut through its body. He went over to the little girl and carefully took the kitchen knife out of her hands. "Are you alright? What happened here?!" He knelt down to her level and spoke calmly to her and tried to check for any injuries on her as he asked.


    The man who came in to save her might have arrived slightly too late as the paw had managed to graze her on the side, though given her size the cuts were still deep. At first the girl didn't seem to notice though as she stared at the man, her baby brother still crying in the background. While Auburn might have been five at the time, her height suggested more of a three year old, at least until she spoke up and it became obvious she was a least slightly older than three. "They killed mommy and daddy. I-I tried to save them. Mom told me to run, but I couldn't leave her." She put her hand to her side as the knife was removed from it, but as she did she felt something warm, looking down at her side she realized it was bleeding and quite badly. Her eyes widened as she looked up at the man, clearly terrified.


    Onyx looked over at the little girl's mother and father's bodies. He knelt down and check both of their pulses. He let out a sigh before looking over at the two children. He hugged the little girl as she was looking terrified. "Everything's going to be okay. I'll make sure I'll get you to safety. I promise." He patted her head before pulling away and saw another room where he heard the faint sound of an infant crying. He walked into the room and saw an infant crying their eyes out. He picked the baby up and spoke to the baby. "There's no need to be scared now. You're safe now. You're both safe now." He looked between the two and tried smiling to calm the girl and the baby down. Onyx stood up and looked around the house to make sure no other grimm were still lurking around. He went back to the children and reached his hand out. "Let's get you two out of here and to somewhere safe, alright?" He then looked at the girl and spoke. "And let's get some band-aids for you, okay?" He looked at the girl and smiled as he held the baby.

    The man had gone to get her younger brother and Auburn just stood there, staring at the blood on herself and on her mothers body in front of her. "No! can't go! Not without mommy and daddy! They need help too, someone needs to protect them until they wake up." The concept of death had not quite hit for Auburn, to her they were just hurt like she was. She saw blood on herself and on her parents, to her there was no difference. However even as the small girl argued she was getting noticeably pale, from the blood loss. While she didn't seem to be registering the pain all that much the wound was decently serious. Auburn just looked at her brother though in the mans arms. "Help him though." She told him while she stood her ground inside the house, she knew it wasn't necessarily safe and her baby brother needed to get out of there.


    Onyx got down on one knee as he carried the girl's little brother. He tried to think about his next words carefully. After a few moments, he looked at the girl and spoke. "Don't worry! I'll send somebody right over to watch your mommy and daddy." He smiled and then continued. "Your mommy and daddy wants to make sure you two are okay. I promise somebody will be here to watch your mommy and daddy while I get you two some help." Onyx tried to reassure her while still trying to keep a smile on his face. "We need to to get you two out of here while I have someone come in here and watch your mommy and daddy, okay?"


    There was a small sniffle as tears started to run down Auburns face at last. "I- I don't want to leave them." She begged, however looking at her brother then down at her bleeding side there was only so much that she could argue here. She knew that she couldn't actually protect her parents much longer as she was feeling rather tired the more time that went by with her arguing. Finally she nodded and grabbed the mans hand with one of her hands and used the other to hold at her side. "I feel dizzy..." Auburn told him as she tried her best not to look at the blood as they walked by, Auburn did however kick the dead grimm as she passed out of spite for what he did to her family. As she did so though her side screamed in pain and she got really dizzy almost slipping out of Onyx's hands. Still she was doing her best to hold back tears, though Auburn wasn't doing a good job at it, she didn't sob or cry loudly, she just kept her mouth shut and gripped her side tighter, letting the tears flow a little more freely.
    Thread by: Aelin, Mar 24, 2018, 30 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aelin

    Welcome to KHV's Role-Playing Arena!

    What is a Role-Play?

    A Role-Play (RP) is a creative experience of acting out a story creative setting, where a story is made up and acted out in text form, similar to a "Create Your Own Adventure" book. LARPing (Live Action Role-Playing) and tabletop RPGs (like Dungeons & Dragons) are other related forms of the hobby. The Original Poster (OP) serves as a Game Master and leads the participants on an adventure through collaboration, either in an original story, one based on an existing franchise, a mixture of the two, or even a crossover. The characters portrayed range from canon characters to completely Original Characters (OC). Together, all participants act out the story in a group setting.

    General Rules

    • All of KHV's forum rules apply in the RPA.
    • Breaking the rules in the RPA will result in various consequences such as a simple talking-to from a moderator, a verbal warning, an infraction, a temporary or permanent ban from the RPA, and ultimately a temporary or permanent ban from the entire site.
    • RPs that have gone 30 days without a post will be locked for inactivity. With good reason, you can request more time if you need it
    • Don’t bump your thread just to get it noticed. Double posting is allowed to provide updates and announcements in your OOC threads though.
    • KHV's RPA is an open forum and excluding applications from certain members without a reason approved by staff is not allowed.
    • If you have a problem with another member such as frequent rule-breaking, you are allowed to kick them out of your RP after they've been warned about their behavior and talking to a staff member beforehand.
    • Flaming, bashing, insulting, and overall rude behavior is not tolerated anywhere on KHV, including here in the RPA. If there is a problem--or if you feel that you are the victim of negative behavior--contact one of the staff members.
    • Joining someone's RP means that you agree to abide by their rules for their thread. Frequent rule-breaking can result in getting kicked out of the thread by the creator and/or a moderator. If you are found to be breaking rules of various RPs often, you can ultimately be temporarily banned from the RPA. If someone is breaking your rules, you can contact a moderator to help enforce them.
    • You can recruit however you'd like as long as it's fair. You can ask for "preview posts," sample OC forms, some form of questionnaire, etc.
    • There is a minimum of 20 words per post in the RPA except in special cases (such as a turn-based RP where only a command is needed). Think creatively!
    • While being creative and creating character banners is encouraged please make sure your banners are not too big. Top banners should not exceed the 600x400px and side banners should not exceed 300x500px.

    • Be aware of mature content. KHV is a PG-13 site. If you go into anything passed that please put it in a spoiler tag with a warning. If it goes too far, Moderators have the right to delete or edit the post.
    • Polls are only allowed in the OOC Lounge and the Role-Play Discussion sections. Polls in actual RP threads will be removed with a verbal warning.
    • It's perfectly normal to get inspired by many things such as the thoughts, designs, and writing of others. If you are inspired by someone else's RP, please give credit to that person in the opening post of your RP ("Inspired by ____"). If your RP borrows a noticeable amount from someone else, it is recommended that you talk to them and ask them for permission before posting your own RP. Just remember: inspiration and blatant copying are two completely different things and copying someone is not tolerated. If you think someone has copied your RP, contact a moderator.
    • All 1x1 RPs must use the "1x1" prefix, regardless of any other category it falls under. Unless it is an OOC thread, then use the OOC prefix but make it clear it is a 1x1
    • The 1x1 RP may be planned out between two members beforehand. If a second member is being recruited instead, the applicants must be treated fairly, but the choice is ultimately up to the OP. If you don’t think the applications were treated fairly you can contact a moderator

    ~Special Policies~


    A retry is considered reposting the same story with little changed, unlocking a locked thread, or reposting someone else's RP with their permission. If you would like a retry, you can contact a moderator.

    Franchises and 1x1s

    A franchised RP is an RP with more than one story thread involved. These share the same universe and are usually created by the same person to explore another aspect of the universe that doesn't fit within the main thread.

    You can also make a 1x1 RP based on an open RP if you'd like to expand its story. If you do this and the 1x1 ends, it's recommended that you request it to be locked to avoid getting it moved to the Retirement Home.

    You cannot make any franchise thread for someone else's RP without their permission.

    Role-Playing Events

    If you would like to have some kind of community event in the RPA, you can contact a moderator for help setting it up or for permission to post it or even for help ironing out the details. We are always looking for ideas!

    Where to Post and Prefixes

    The RPA has a handful of subsections and several prefixes to use for your threads. Make sure to post threads in the correct sections with the appropriate prefix, if a prefix is applicable.

    OOC Lounge - Out of Character threads used for discussion, sign-ups, rules, more information, or anything else outside of the in-character thread. "OOC" is used for discussion threads and "Interest" for threads simply seeing who's interested or the discussion of an idea for an RP.

    Role-Play Discussion - This area is to talk about Role-Playing as a subject or new ideas for our RPA. You can post threads about topics such as character creation, setting development, styles of RPing, etc. There are no prefixes in this subsection.

    Hall of Fame - RPs that have been completed will be moved to this section after passing a review. Those involved in these RPs will receive special commemorations! The requirements for this area can be found within the section. Only staff can post in this section.

    Retirement Home - RPs that have been locked will be moved here, along with their respective OOC threads. Only staff can post in this section.

    Role-Playing Arena - the main lobby of the RPA is for all non-original RPs (those based on any existing media). The prefixes here are "1x1" (strictly between two people), "Kingdom Hearts" (based on the Kingdom Hearts franchise), "Video Game" (based on any video game), "General" (doesn't fit any of the other categories), "Anime/Manga" (based on any anime or manga), "Movies/Media" (based on a film, television series, webseries, etc.), "Crossover" (mixing two or more properties together), and “Original” (used when the story is unique and based in your own universe and your own concept)

    Who to Contact?

    If you need help with anything, feel free to contact a staff member, specifically @Aelin FireHeart or @Arch . Any other staff member will gladly be able to help you.

    Thank you for reading!

    Happy Role-Playing~
    Thread by: Aelin, Mar 13, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Personally I am very excited for this months Chorus. The song on the month is Piano Man by Billy Joel. Sign ups are open to anyone and everyone who wants to join, just select the part you want to take and record all lines that correspond with that number. Just as a general reminder, make sure that you record your lines to the instrumental to help make sure that it is time to that and not the original video. The instrumental and lyric videos do not always align perfectly, so keep that in mind. You have until March 11th to claim your lines. The recordings as well as a rendered image to represent yourself must be in by March 18th. Look forward to working on this with everyone!
    Original | Karaoke

    [It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
    The regular crowd shuffles in]-1
    [There's an old man sitting next to me
    Making love to his tonic and gin]-2

    [He says, "Son can you play me a memory
    I'm not really sure how it goes]-3
    [But it's sad and it's sweet
    And I knew it complete
    When I wore a younger man's clothes."]-4

    [La la la, di da da
    La la, di da da da dum]-1,2

    [Sing us a song you're the piano man
    Sing us a song tonight]-3,4
    [Well we're all in the mood for a melody
    And you've got us feeling alright]-5,6

    [Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
    He gets me my drinks for free]-5
    [And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
    But there's someplace that he'd rather be]-6

    [He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me."
    As a smile ran away from his face]-1
    ["Well, I'm sure that I could be a movie star
    If I could get out of this place."]-2

    [La la la, di da da
    La la, di da da da dum]-4,6

    [Now Paul is a real estate novelist
    Who never had time for a wife]-3
    [And he's talking with Davy, who's still in the Navy
    And probably will be for life]-4

    [And the waitress is practicing politics
    As the businessmen slowly get stoned]-5
    [Yes they're sharing a drink they call "Loneliness"
    But it's better than drinking alone]-6

    [Sing us a song you're the piano man
    Sing us a song tonight]-1,3
    [Well we're all in the mood for a melody
    And you've got us feeling alright]-2,5

    [It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
    And the manager gives me a smile]-1
    ['Cause he knows that it's me they've been coming to see
    To forget about life for a while]-3

    [And the piano it sounds like a carnival
    And the microphone smells like a beer]-5
    [And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
    And say, "Man, what are you doing here?"]-6

    [La la la, di da da
    La la, di da da da dum]-2,4

    [Sing us a song you're the piano man
    Sing us a song tonight
    Well we're all in the mood for a melody
    And you've got us feeling alright]-everyone

    Line Claim
    1- Aelin
    2- Zelda
    3- Marushi
    4- Mish
    5- Maka
    6- sebax
    Thread by: Aelin, Mar 4, 2018, 5 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  15. Aelin
    Alright everyone, this is the first month for AMV Battles. If you don't know what this is, it is a contest in which users choose one song and you are all given one week to edit with that song. The videos will then be posted up and you can vote for which one is your favourite and provide feedback to other editors to encourage their progress.

    How this works is that for the next week you have a chance to suggest songs that you would like to edit with for this month. As long as the song is PG-13 it can be any song you want to edit with. Suggestions will close
    March 5th and voting will start then. You will have until March 12th to vote, and then the video editing will start.

    You may edit with whatever video clips you like as long as they follow Site, and AMV Battle Rules. There are no restrictions to what programs you use. We encourage everyone to try and have fun with this. If you use Windows Movie Maker, that is just as acceptable as someone using Sony Vegas Pro 13. If you need a starting point then you can always find cut scenes to use in our Archive. Remember though, you only have one week to edit. So make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew. Entries will be due
    March 19th. The winner will be announced on March 26th.

    Song suggestions, voting, and entries will all be posted in this thread. Once entries are in a secondary thread will be made for voting on the winner of those. And finally a third thread for the winner of the contest, which will be featured on the front page of KHV. I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!

    Suggested Songs:
    Hibikase by Hatsune Miku!
    Same Disease - Red
    Meet me on the Battlefield - Svrcina
    MMM - The World Ends With You Solo Mix
    Kingdom Fall - Claire Wyndham
    Untraveled Road - TFK
    Feel Invincible - Skillet
    Thread by: Aelin, Feb 26, 2018, 6 replies, in forum: AMV Battles
  16. Aelin

    Ah February the time for love and time for songs about love, and that is why we did a love song. Time After Time has been the chosen for the song of February and it is wonderful. To be honest the mixing of this song might have not been the best, I was doing it the same week I found out I lost my job and was struggling to focus, so enjoy everyone's beautiful voices instead. Enjoy and look forward to our March Chorus, come vote for our next chorus song here!​
    Thread by: Aelin, Feb 25, 2018, 6 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  17. Aelin

    Pin Requests!

    Over the years it has been hard to keep up with pins, especially milestone pins. Sometimes Staff miss them or don't notice. Sometimes the staff running the event didn't have powers to award the pins and they got missed. Because of this we are aware some people are missing pins. Here you can collect all the pins that you are missing.

    But I don't know what pins there are!
    You can go here to look over all the pins available to you. You cannot collect the Material Pins at this time

    How do you know we aren't lying to get more pins?
    When you request a pin you also have to link to evidence to support that pin. For example if you want to Radio Active Pin, please link me to the podcast that you participated in.

    How long after I post do I have to wait for a pin?
    Your pins should be awarded within a day or two of you requesting them.

    I am not sure if I qualified for that pin?
    If you don't know, there is no harm in asking, we will take a look and let you know.

    The last pin request closed, how long will this be open?
    For an indefinite amount of time. It will only close when no one has time to award pins, which likely won't happen.

    If you have any other questions let me know. Happy Pin Collecting!
    Thread by: Aelin, Feb 22, 2018, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Aelin

    AMV Battles!


    Welcome to the KHV AMV Battles. What exactly are AMV Battles you ask? Well that is simple it is a monthly contest in which you can pit yourself against other video editors, leaving it to the public to decide who won, and who still needs to improve. Every month, you the editors will vote on one song, you then get one week to edit with that song. At the end of the week a poll will be put up and the winner of that poll will have their video featured on the website youtube channel as well as our front page. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of skill level and program you use. You are encouraged to join and use it as a learning opportunity to improve on your skills. There are a couple of rules however to go with this:

    1. All videos must be PG13
    2. Video length has to be between the range of 30 seconds and 6 minutes.
    3. Video clips are not limited, feel free to use whatever sources you want
    4. The songs must not contain swearing
    5. Do not vote for your own video
    6. When voting you are encouraged to offer constructive criticism, do not simply say the video sucks and nothing else.
    7. Most of all, have fun!

    Current AMV Battle: March

    February 26th- Song Suggestions
    March 5th- Song Voting
    March 12th- Begin Editing
    March 19th- Entries Due
    March 26th- Winner announced
    April 2nd- Song Selections
    April 9th- Song Voting
    April 16th- Begin Editing
    April 23rd- Entries Due
    April 30th- Winner Announced
    April 30th- Song Suggestions
    May 7th- Song Voting
    May 14th- Begin Editing
    May 21st- Entries Due
    May 28th- Winner Announced
    Thread by: Aelin, Feb 13, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: AMV Battles
  19. Aelin

    Ah February, the season of love and romance, it just makes you want to sing doesn't it? Perfect, glad to see your enthusiasm, lets get started then. The song that has been chosen for this month is Time After Time, perfect for the season. So lets sit back, claim lines, and enjoy the fun. Just a reminder make sure you sing to the instrumental video to have the timing down properly. It makes mixing the video easier. Send the vocals in to me with no back track to them and I will do all the mixing. Please Claim your lines by February 11th, and have your recordings sent in by February 18th. Now without further ado, the lines:

    original - karaoke
    [Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you] 1
    [Caught up in circles, confusion is nothing new] 2
    [Flashback, warm nights almost left behind
    Suitcases of memories, time after…] 3 (1)

    [Sometimes you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead] 4
    [You're calling to me, I can't hear what you've said]5
    [Then you say, "Go slow", I fall behind
    The second hand unwinds] 6

    [If you're lost, you can look and you will find me] 1,4
    [Time after time] 1
    [If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting] 2,5
    [Time after time] 2

    [If you're lost, you can look and you will find me] 3,6 (4)
    [Time after time] 3 (4)
    [If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting] 1,6
    [Time after time] 6

    [After my picture fades and darkness has turned to gray] 2
    [Watching through windows, you're wondering if I'm OK] 3 (5)
    [Secrets stolen from deep inside
    The drum beats out of time] 4

    [If you're lost, you can look and you will find me] 2,5
    [Time after time] 5
    [If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting] 3,4 (2)
    [Time after time] 4

    [You said, "Go slow", I fall behind ] 5
    [The second hand unwinds] 6

    [If you're lost, you can look and you will find me] 1,2
    [Time after time] 1
    [If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting] 3,4 (6)
    [Time after time] 3 (2)

    [If you're lost, you can look and you will find me] 5,6
    [Time after time] 5
    [If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting] 1,3 (2)
    [Time after time] 4

    [Time after time
    Time after time
    Time after time
    Time after time
    Time after time
    Time after time
    Time after
    Time after] everyone

    Line Claim:
    1- Day~Dream
    2- Aelin
    3- Not claimed
    5- Mish
    6- Glen
    Thread by: Aelin, Feb 4, 2018, 9 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  20. Aelin

    Thank you everyone who took part in the Chorus. It was a lot of fun to do. If you would like to take part in a future chorus, they are posted every month. February we are doing a love song themed chorus. Be sure to nominate songs, voting for it will begin next week. See you then!​
    Thread by: Aelin, Jan 21, 2018, 4 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus