I just disabled that rule, try doing it now
did it work?
you maybe one of the people I had to rest their password because of the hacking. Did you get an email? If not then try "setup" and reset your...
No. Why?....
good ^^ ....
yup, you? ...
Lifted~ .....
You can ask me to lift the ban any day now.
you did, and responded back again
I responded to your VM on GLNET
didn't see the second one
wait just a ****ing minute, I did not ip ban you
first of all what IS your ip? there is more than one ip blocked
You are banned?
O_o Who said it was my new thing?
its fine :]
A little yes, and I see you joined the site but the account was not approved by an admin. That is fixed
:P On the new bf, He told me on my site that you two are together
not much, you?