it's not the wrong idea when you say it yourself
forget it Jaden....
Jaden I am not stupid nor clueless. Trying to spare any feelings is pointless.
it takes a while to get your power restored, though I am sorry you feel that way.
you do know that your ban was lifted, right?
hey, I am doing good. How are you?
I learned that lesson the hard way Jaden. Trust me, it wasn't fun.
not exactly sure
hmm I see...
I never thought it was aimed at me at all Jaden
YOU ARE THE ONE THAT GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!! Especially when you posted that departure thread. You made me worry a lot. Running away from your...
to keep you from running off and trying to leave khv
bye Jaden Yuki
it was the idiotic post...
I didn't mean to call you an idiot, I was being stupid at the time. If anything, I am the idiot. I asked Jaden to clear my message.
Pretty obvious I picked Zelda
You have a kingdom hearts website? That is awesome!
pretty good, I recently gained two Affiliates for my site :P. How is thing going for you?
I am doing good too
Hey Mike, how are you?