what is the email you registered with? I don't recognize it
"You complete my Heart Container" is not your writing I guess. Your password will be reset and I will pm it to shortly.
When is the last time you logged in successfully?
Hey, how are you?
You asked for that name from Brad
Aoyagi Ritsuka
: 3
...Jaden has a girlfriend?
DC is worse, in some areas the snow gets up to my chest.
It is The Who, they are playing at halftime. I am watching it now
I am in a very bad mood but you might want to check your messeges on the other site, I don't know why your friend still comes.
no need, I can get through it.
no response?
Jaden, I haven't had much sleep in days. I am tired and half pissed. I left the group to keep from getting into any fights. My life isn't going...
what? you have nothing to say?
life issues is what happened Jaden.
......eh what? O-O
again, forget it Jaden....
...who are you?
Damn it for the last time, there is no misunderstanding.