Yep, that's true. Mistakes are everyday life, and we regret them. But perfect and best shouldn't be taken out from the world, they're just words.
Hey there, read the rules, spam only in the spamzone, and have fun. Don't forget to post lots.... yeah.....
Yeah, I don't understand much, so I was just putting stuff over and over again, and came out with that dark background. The text was my fault, I forgot to look over it. And I don't have any other GIMP brushes, I dunno how to download them. So yeah, a way better remake may take a while.
The tournaments were fun, no doubt. But I guess Hercules's story would be okay to play. Because you already fight Hades, but the Titans would be extremely hard <_<.
Sorry CS. I'm really sowwy.
toN retfa uoy yrt ot etirw a yrots htiw elpoep gniklat sdrawkcab. tA tsael emos sretcarahc.
Mehish is very easy to speak. And understand. Takes a while though. s'tI ekil gnipyt sdrawkcab!
Yeah I know, no lighting on this on >< I forgot about it. I'll see if I can cook something up sometime later.
capital w hy is it so hard to undertsand question mark capital i mean it apostrophe s not like captial i apostrophe m speaking a different language comma is it question mark
sad face people do not understand me dot dot dot
captial w what is wrong with that question mark
capital d inner period
I just ate period
Yeah..... Meh.
Pesimism is a big part of everyone's life. Agreed.
Okay, so yeah, all the time it brings you down (tell me about it). But try to see the light inside all of that. I feel weird right now :( I dunno why.
Sometimes life just brings you down sometimes. But at least attempt your uprise.
This place should be happier. A lot of deaths.
I wasn't nominated for anything XD I'm not famous in any way.
How did we get from voting to colors?