thank you bby ;~; it took me forver to do
eh i'm ok. you?
and i have gotten the ffxiii plat trophy. the goddess is now holding a party in celebration. ya'll gotta get down.
Well i saw you had an msn but I don't use MSN anymore since it makes my skype go funky ;n;
you should add me on skype~
thank you gurrl~
I was going to say I'm becoming known, but I know who you are. Come out or I'll blast ya'll out.
Yeah, no credit. necessary. go ahead~
Round Table Featuring Nino is a jpop trio, and its' very cute. Their songs have 'very cute' vibes about them,a nd they're lovely. My favorites songs of theirs are probably Be your Girl and Just for you~ Has anybody else listened to them?
I don't know. To me, it was always confusing. At first I thought it was that the days were shared between two people (Him and Xion), but n ow after reading this thread, it's obvious I'm wrong.
Really? That makes me really happy. most of this stuff is really spread out, like this is pretty much all the stuff I made since July '11. (That's when I last exited the KH fandom) and alsk;df. You like FFTA? you are friend c :
do u know fuuka is my baby
... Kaz? Did you use the username Kaz somewhere? That's vaguely familiar but I can't put my finger on it.
... Zexion x Demyx? Excuse me, leaving the fandom. I'm disappointed in everybody.
No KHM was the weirdest. I don't know where we're all getting our facts.
Cosmos - Your Favorite Enemies
that's what i mean. a;ldfjs omfg it's so late and i'm laughing and i've been up all day anasdl jksdf;
i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you. feel bad. omfg i'm sorry sobs
by the url i thought this was goign to be my baby fuuka (she mah gurl), AND I AM LEGITLY DISAPPOINTED IT WASN'T A COOL PICT URE OF FUUKA BUT THIS...