I'm the goddess.
I don't quite think being the goddess equates to royalty.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance was the first one I ever played. That was when I was about 8 or so, and gdi, that was a huge chunk of my childhood. The 2nd one was XII, Oct. 2011, I think?, That was also Ivalice, and that's why I so badly wanted to play that one as well. =w=
..... I... I'm speechless. It's incredible. I really want to see a XIII-universe game with this engine now. LIke nao. Plz.
I've never played any of the Mario&Luigi games, but this, with Yoko, I definitely think I'll give it a shot and get it once it comes out. that's why DDD's soundtrack sucked.
Well, I was going to buy one later this year, with or without the price drop. Isn't there a new silver model coming out? I thought I heard that somewhere, but I could be mistaken.
Technically, since Mulan is in China, and Ariel's probably from the ocean, and then Tarzan from somewhere in Africa. Given that, technically you'd just be able to walk/travel from one place to another, directly. This really bothers me. I mean it /really/ bothers me.
Yes, I shall provide tea and cumpets, and rainbow cake. Don't worry~
I don't think I'd tell myself anything, if I hadn't done stupid things and learned from those, I guess I wouldn't be where I was now? Changing my past me, changes me now, and yeah.
my hands - leona lewis
yeah just let me know when yiu get it setup~
yes!! i love crossovers
well, I'd be happy to rp with you ;n;
hey!! whats up?
how so?
ha. what do you think of me so far? :3
idk. i just saw you and decided to say hi~
yeah i just hear politics in social class xD
oh. i don't keep up with politics.
... wait is that who directed the tintanic?