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  1. Serenacake
    Warning that I just woke up 5 minutes ago, and I have a thought.

    Whether it be high school, college, or even the importance of school to those around you. Or do you not find it important? If you don't, is it because you think your school system isn't good enough to educate properly, or is it out of dislike of school in general?

    Personally, I do feel it's an advantage to plan for my future. However, I do not - by any means - enjoy the social stigma of "Hey, go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a degree, and if you don't do any of that you are a failure." Because really. Imho, the only way to fail life is to not enjoy it/not doing what you want to do. life isn't forever, and just because you barely passed high school or college and don't have that great of a job, doesn't mean your life 'is a failure'. Now, that stigma probably came from an economic perspective - high schools get money for attending students, you pay to go to college, stuff gets done when you get a job, and thus money.

    I've personally came up with a really hard to describe concept of how I look at it. As I said, I think it's in the best interest of you to go to school (how much school is up to you entirely, at least pass High School so you can get a job.), so you can get money for doing the things you want in life. But wait! We have a paradox here! You'll be working your butt off, and won't get time to do the things you want in life. Yes, that also bothers me, but that wasn't my point.

    But at the same time, it's important to do your interests and whatever floats your boat now. For me, my stories, as in developing them, make me .... well, they sorta fill that hole created by the question of 'what am I here to do', although that question, I believe has no clear answer, and you have to make one yourself (thus mine is stories stories STORIES galore). I try to keep up good grades in school (c-b's) but I realize that it's simply okay to devote time and stuff to other things I enjoy doing, rather than trying to be bogged down by school, which I don't even enjoy that much. As long as I have C's/B's, I don't really try to devote time to school or bettering my grades or anything, just because I feel its' a waste of my time.

    Thread by: Serenacake, Feb 10, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. Serenacake
  3. Serenacake
  4. Serenacake
    just a quicky to get me back into the habit of sigs and yeah. ;n; it's been so long since i've made one orz

    Thread by: Serenacake, Feb 9, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Serenacake


    Post by: Serenacake, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Serenacake
    Don't even talk to me about BBS. LOL. I personally, don't really like ~any~ KH keyblade's designs, asides for the first ones designs. Eh.
    Post by: Serenacake, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Serenacake

    Thread by: Serenacake, Feb 9, 2013, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics