Yeah, I made some threads about it being quiet. LET'S PUMP IT UP!
Well, emos hide in emo corners. And unless a Mod/Admin died or something it SHOULD NOT be this quiet.
Yeah, um...I don't consider that education...
A about an hour ago I was gonna make a thread about it but decided against it.
You never know who's watching us... >_> <_<
I suppose someone died? Or is everyone angry emos?
Yeah, that's the worst idea. I don't want to talk to It.
It wasn't the sex part. It was the man drawing the alien woman part.
You beat me to it...
Education? Lol, NOW that's scary.
Don't encourage the real thing to come here.
Omg, I know, that's grandpa is like that. I HAVE NEVER in my whole life of playing that game heard Saix laugh. All I've heard is Xemnas laughing like some kind of crazy person. Now, Xemnas's smile is like a rapist if you ask me [shivers]. That's probably because they're forced, not actual laughing. Oh, lol. I was so busy trying to kick his butt I never counted how many times he laughed.
Um? I feel we should get rid of rep. Why? Because it's pretty much an easy way for someone to bash you without talking. Seriously, it's being abused.
Okay? We need a Byakuya on this place as well.
Wow, and they show this on TV? That's enough to get any pedophile going. =/
No, "N" from Death Note. Now, come on, I'm tired of you flamers. And no, I'm not a nagger.
Yeah. And that was maybe when he was still recruiting members. Maybe in 358 days he'll be harder. Lol, your right. I'd probably collapse under all the weight.
Um, I stated that in my paragraph hon, and it was not meant to offend anyone as I said. Yes, I know I need to study more, I also said that - I think. And it WAS my opinion, so, whatever. Let's just hope no idiots come in here trying to find a lame excuse to hate on Christians. >_>
You did? Sorry...I was getting tired of typing that out. And "N" was sounded nice to me so I took it. What L said. I know HigherBeing, this is going to go to my head, lol.
Strawberries and chocolate. Beta.