The more traffic this site receives, the more database errors. And vB isn't the greatest thing, either.
Yeah. If they never used one, they never will. I was even a little surprised that they used Sephiroth, Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie, Squall and who ever in that game. I thought it was just going to be infested with these Disney dudes.
Depending on what they want to do.... probably not, it's a Final Fantasy world, right?
That's the only thing I hate about neighbors...
Thank you for clarifying what I was trying to say. :)
Yeah, you're right. But, I was only pointing out the similarities between Kairi and Yuna.
Ummmmmmmmm? What's with the random sentences?
Putting song lines in my sig.
I'm more about the beat...but I should try doing that.
In what? The cheese?
^ Wow. Hello. Mind me generic Death Note username.
No... Cheese.
Yeah, forgot to make one.
Lol, well, they're not to me.
Well, this is for KH, not every SE game on the market. [sheesh] Look closely at the features. You'll see a good resemblance. Except for the eyes.
Well, actually, I find flamers on YouTube more amusing than here.
YOU HAVE NOW WON THE INTERNET. CONGRATULATIONS, You are a certified Internet Person. Proceed on with your internet life.
Kairi in KH II and Yuna in FFX (not FFX-2) share similar facial features, and hairstyles, even attitudes?