I just got a 360 today and Im looking for some good games for it , anyone have any suggestions? (besides Halo ,assasin's creed, and call of duty
Hes right u gattah play CoTS to unlock not just mitsurugi's soul but everyone's soul........
if u dont like 'em then dont watch 'em
Man, they're screwin' up more than microsoft.........
I found this on the net it wasent made by the creaters of GoW but in my opinion its a better teaser than anyone they could ever make...... http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/141474.html?playlist=featured
plz do , that would help everyone
female........ ^^
I really want to see this movie , I guess I should read the book that should hold me over......
Uchated: Drake's fortune , people say this game is awsome but I just dont see it , its soooooooo overrated.....
I hear the movie is a watered down version of the book , so lets read the book and see wat that says.....(thats all I hav to say for now)
start an angry mob!!
JUST EAT IT!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkq7HLBe178
Hey L Want Some Chinese?
and Shingami's are addicted to apples........
I wanted for 2 weeks then I was like skip it...
Who knows this may be interesting , but I still prefer a 2D version.........
her name is Hilde http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/09/Hilde_sc4.jpg she seems pretty interesting.....
no its a Japan only anime , but there are fansubs....
the story line is the same one from the Dragonball season so it shouldnt be that bad....