dang I was gannah post that xD
*runs away* gaaaaaaaaaaaah!
nah I have a pitch fork ^^
check this one out..... http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZIjiA0AW5zo finding his daughter's name in a Death Note looked like it scared him to death.
just to tell you , I voted for juice ^^ , is it OJ? Sora , he amuses me.
you can be in my angry mob if they ban the sho ^^........ the situation could have been worse he could have actually killed the people that he wrote in his book if that happened I think death note would have been on the banned list. o and the website the vid mentioned was an unoffical deathnote site not the offfical one which is owned by viz media( just in case u didnt kno) EDIT: A person not knoing what death note really is must have gotten scared because the saw their name in it and seen how the guy wanted them to die and they took all of this to the skool administrator. So if a single person makes a big deal out of it then the skool have no other choice but to deal with the Death Note owner.
yea he was , the organization were forcing heartless on to people just so they can get their hearts. If they weren't killed then a lot of people would hav died.
http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/153013.html some kid made a death note in skool and wrote some names down(probably his enemies) . He got suspended and the board of education is gannah keep they're eye out on any other Death Notes. They way I see it if people keep making death notes then get caught with them , just like in China Death Note is gannah get banned from the US (or in your state).
2 months later....... NINTENDOO: we have extended the game , it will come out 6 months from now....... ME: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, CALLING THE ANGRY MOB!!! yea , just watch that happen
gets a big bag of cheetos*
you definitely killed my theory (I thought it was an undercover godzilla movie with a up-to-date looking godzilla) but the last theory about manhattan island would make an interesting plot but looking at the trailers Ive seen of cloverfield thats a dumb theory
it is DMC4 's battle track ,nice find ^^
y didnt they do this in the first place? looks awsome
first they blame tv for violence then they blame video games , whats next thery're gannah blame books 2! I smell BS also.
xbox 360 -Marvel Ultimate Alliance- trying to beat Scorpion and Lizard while trying to free 3 immortal gods. DS/GBA FFVI - trying to find a certain esper that was one of my party members
Whats your opinion , who it the most creepist video game villan ever? for me its Kefka , thos eyes and that laugh (not to mention that makeup) creeps me out o.0..
this seems to just be the prototype game play , so far so good hopefully it stays like that.
this thread is kindah old , and I think u better PM the guy.
the newest dragonball Z game it looks kol but I want to see how it plays...... heres the trailer... http://www.gametrailers.com/player/29221.html Discuss: wat you think?
Just saw it , the movie had funny scenes as well as scenes with suspence and sadness. Will Smith was at his Prime with this movie. A+