Leaving to fix a birth defect the day before my Dad's birthday... I'm sure there's some kind of strange irony in that. Anyways, Good luck and all that. And I promise I'll still be here when you get back.
So, anyone here besides me that's a fan of the man with the Big Blue Police Phone Box? "I'm the Doctor. And if you don't like it, if you want to take it to a higher authority, there isn't one. It stops with me."
Oohh, let's see... And to mix things up, I'm gonna throw in a couple of videos as well. Just to show why I like these movies and others that are just fun, but still relate to the movie. Serenity <-- Ok, kinda off-topic, but kinda relates as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqsmmQq2eqQ What can I say, I love this. It's a perfect example of how you don't need alot of cool effects to make a great video. V For Vendetta <-- There's speeches and then there's speeches http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OB6EsUP4tU The Transformers The Movie <--That's the 80's Version and here from that very same movie is the defining scene of 80's Animation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXG_zG2SEaw The Prestige The Illusionist Die Hard Casino Royale Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory <--The original one Superman I & II <--The RIchard Donner Cut The Lord of The Rings Special Extended Edition Trilogy <--- It's LotR Jim, but not as we know it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvJuZbUN0rE Hot Fuzz Shinsei Kyuuseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Den Junai no Sho <-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fp7SiyAekI The Official Music Video Shinsei Kyuuseishu Densetsu Hokuto No Ken: Yuria Den Shinsei Kyuuseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken: Raoh-den Gekitou No Shou <-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STVfj28hqU8 The Final Battle of this Movie, in 3D. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sfsl4MvdUI <-- Just a Music Video really, but still cool that relates to the above 3 movies, specifically the first one. VERSUS <-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4kCs5jpgs0 Plot? Who needs plot when you've got crazy fighting going on. Oh, and HIGHLANDER, obviously http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPR6GbS9Hdc
So, at most it'll be: Kingdom Hearts: (Insert Appropriate Sub-title Here) And since it's gonna be a prequel, I figure Good ol' King Triton will make an appearance due to his comments in Kingdom Hearts. The man seems to have some knowledge regarding the Keyblades, so maybe wel'll learn how he came upon said knowledge.
I wonder if the King's letter has anything to do with it? 'Dear Sora, Riku and Kairi. I was sitting around in my throne room when I suddenly remembered something that might be important. See, back before I met you, I came across this large wasteland filled with Keyblades as far as the eye can see, and some guys dressed like Knights with Keyblades as well. Next thing you know, this old bald guy shows up dressed like Xehanort's Heartless and suddenly the **** hits the fan. Seriously, this guy makes Xehanort's Heartless, Xemnas, the rest of Organisation XIII and all those other Villains look like freakin' Barney the Dinosaur! Not only that, but after he kicked the **** out of the Knights, he created what looked like Kingdom Hearts with little effort whatsoever. As you can guess, I got the **** outta there! As far as I know, nothing's been done about him, so he's probably still out there. Anyways, just thought you should know. Your's sincerely The King P.S. Mind you, I really don't think there's anything to worry about.' Sora and Kairi: :blink: Riku: I knew I should've stayed on that beach. :sideways:
They should simply release both Final Mixes of KHI and II. Simply because of the fact that the Storyline for III will use elements of the storyline only featured in the Final Mix version of KHII, just as KHII did with KHI Final Mix, e.g. The Enigmatic Man. Just seems unfair that we should miss out on some of the storyline of the series overall.
It's true, life can suck, and I should know. Always been picked on when I was at school, never had a girlfriend and anything that has held my interest from an educational standpoint has been completely ruined over and over again. For example, I took a Drama course and our Drama Teacher retired before the course started. We got a new one of course, but she left a Month after she began and I had to drop the course. Also tried a computing course which according to the course leaflet was suitable for 'Anyone interested in a career in Video Games' and the day I started, I learned the course had been dropped from the curriculum. Anyway, the point is this, every now and again, life is gonna throw something at you that will completely suck and you're gonna be left with two choices. You can either let it get to you and wallow in misery, or you can give it a proverbial finger and refuse to let it get you down. So your guy friend isn't with you, but hey, you've still got your friend Katie. And on top of that, you've got everyone here, and I'm damn sure that they outnumber the two really bad people you mentioned. As a wise man once said: 'Got it memorized?
Not the greatest of games? Proably not. The Blackhand Edition however is perhaps the greatest game to demonstrate just what the Wii is capable of with its controllers.
-Kingdom Hearts Whatever it may be -Final Fantasy XIII & VS XIII -Super Smash Bros Brawl -Halo 3 -Metroid Prime 3 Corruption -Devil May Cry 4 -Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of The Patriots -Resident Evil 5 -Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles -Super Mario Galaxy -Uncharted -Assassins Creed -CSI Hard Evidence (I like CSI and it's coming out for the Wii okay) Soul Calibur IV Soul Calibur Legends God of War III
Die Hard by Guyz Nite Remember when we first met John McClane? Argyle picked him up from the plane, And took him down to Nakatomi Tower... To meet with Holly. He came to get her back and to be her man, But Hans and his buddies ****** up the plan, And that's about when everything went sour At the Christmas party. And the terrorists were over-zealous, But it was sweet when they killed Ellis! And, with a little help from Allen, John McClane kicked ***! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die as hard as we can! No one dies harder than John McClane, Even when his wife's stuck on a plane About to crash into the Potomac River... On the eve of Christmas. And airport security kicked him out, But John McClane is just too damn proud, And nothing could have made him not deliver... 'Cause that's his business! And with a lot of fights and gunplay He blew that plane up on the runway. And, with a little help from Allen, Holly's plane could land! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die as hard as we can! Yippee-ki-yay, mother******! No one dies harder than John McClane, Saving all the passengers on the train. But Simon wasn't clear with his intentions: It was just a distraction! And there was no way McClane could know That Hans Gruber was Simon's bro. And that's what made it "Die Hard: With A Vengeance" With Samuel Jackson! And the good cop wouldn't miss this, Even though it wasn't Christmas. He didn't get any help from Allen... But only in part three! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die as hard as we can! Finally we're back with John McClane Now we got a choice, and the choice is plain: We can live free or we can die hard, As hard as we can. From taking on a terrorist he's never met, To taking on an F-35 jet, With the greatest car explosions by far... This sure looks sweet, man! And we know what the basic gist is: There ain't no Allen, and it's not Christmas. We don't know but we're pretty sure that John McClane kicks ***! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die, die hard! We're gonna die, die, die as hard as we can! Yippee-ki-yay, mother******!
I tried replacing both Donald and Goofy with Terra. Now I don't sleep anymore :nono: Anyways, has anyone managed to come up with a 'Have 9 Drive Bars' code yet?
ALL NEW VALOR WASH! Just one spin of your Keyblade and your Sneaks will be sparkling! And yes, I know its the wisdom form, I just thought Valor sounded better for the joke.
Riku: Hey Kairi, just stand there whilst I fight these Heartless in front of me. Kairi: Umm... There's some in front of me too you know. Riku: What's your point? Kairi: Well, can't you give me a Keyblade or something for me to at least try and defend myself? Riku:... You're kidding right? Well you might in a new KH game. More positive re-inforcement I say!
Seen it, and have a love/hate thing for it. Its a great film to pass the time, but there are some glaring problems in regards to editing that suggests a ton of the film was cut out in order to achieve the PG-13 rating. An obvious one is just after the bit with the 'gas' where Justin Long's character will be ranting about 'winning.' Whenever it cuts to a shot of McClaine with Long in the background, it's obvious that what Long is saying in no way matches with what he is doing.
What? Didn't they think Final Fantasy and Disney were enough? Now they've got Hayner going Super Saiya-jin.
Yes, after a long hiatus, the grand man of mystery has returned to the world of Kingom Hearts. And where have I been? Taking a break is all. Of course, said break was implemented by my PS2 going on the fritz and being unable to find a replacement anywhere, even on ebay. Needed a Fat PS2 rather than a slimline in order to continue using my Swap Magic Disc and continue playing my import games, which of course included KHII. Basically, all the PS2's I could find on Ebay were also broken, so what was the point in getting them from there. Anyway, solution presented itself when I offered to buy my brother a Slimline PS2, since he had a Fat one. He agreed and I got myself a PS2 and once again was able to play KHII. But surely it didn't take you that long to get a PS2 I hear you say! And you'd be right, but the thing is, I also needed a break from Kingdom Hearts. I'd gotten every version of the game, NTSC/J, NTSC/U and PAL and had played each one to death. After a while, I decided to return to some of my other games for some time. And with my games library encompassing around 166 games including such games as Final Fantasy IV to XII, dot Hack Infection, Mutation, Outbreak + Quarantine, Fable, Enchanted Arms, Shenmue I + II, Shadow Hearts Covenant and Xenosaga I + II, you can see where the time went. But hey, I'm back now and yes, I do have Final Mix + :noworries: So, hello again to all who I knew from before and to all those who have arrived whilst I've been gone.
*Walks in* *SMACK* *Walks out*
Let's see... Married to i <3 Kairi Is apparently having an affair with Axel. :p And is a member of the Black Parade and as such, a fan of My Chemical Romance
Let's see... Think's Roxas is Hot. Misses Tallian. And is a member of the Clan Macleod.
I remember when they used to have this thing called 'TV Teddy' I think. You could get special videos and it would react to what you were watching on TV. Now we have peeing dolls... I could've sworn technology was supposed to get better as time moved on.