It's due to the fact that Riku'sGal_Kitty has special characters in her username. Namely the ' and _. Basically, the arcade has a bug meaning it can only handle usernames with letters and numbers, so no !"£$%%^&*()_-=+[]{};':@#~\|,<.>/? Easy solution - Update to a newer version that no longer has the bug. However, if they're actually using the latest version which has removed the bug (Yes, it's been done) apparently and it's still there, it may be that something else is interferring with it. (N.B. I don't know squat about this stuff. Just did a search on Google and found what the reason for the problem was. Why? Why do you think they call me Enigmatic?)
That's right! He's not Drake, He's... HANS RAMORAY! Drake's Evil Twin! You might wanna try Josef. Aww heck, Chandler's in all my faves, so here's a bunch of Chandler clips: Part 1 Part 2
All Hokuto No Ken openings! Ai Wo Torimodose Silent Survivor Tough Boy Lu:na And The Guyver: Bio Boosted Armor Waiting For...
Please, I once made up a poem about a sig maker (ALso mentioned Sara as well now that I think about it)... Think she goes or went by the name 'Mari' nowadays, on the spot simply because someone made one that started of Roses are Red, Violets are blue.
And now to commence blinking... O_O >_< O_O >_<
Quite a fun game this, if you aren't dealing with hackers of course. Shame it's only limited to 4 people per match though.
Because THIS is not a crayon.
Wouldn't that be kind of poinless. I mean, they'd just keep getting wet.
The thing I find funny is that the beating Sora, Donald and Goofy give him is so humiliating, that it actually puts his clothes back on as a result.
And no one is concerned about her Demonic Red Eyes? Nice Sword. Kind of looks like the sword wielded by Connor Macleod.
I wouldn't say Kairi's weak overall, just in the physical department. I mean, a prime example of her strength is in KH2 when you've got that moment when she leaps off that ledge in TWTNW without a care about how high up it is, whether or not she'll seriously injure herself or if the Heartless will get her. I can already see it in the next KH game involving Sora, Riku and Kairi. They'll be faced with some giant heartless or nobody or whatever new enemy will be created for the game, Sora and Riku will wonder what they're gonna do and the next thing you see is Kairi charging past them, Keyblade in hand ready to give out an *** whuppin.
Tried this yesterday and forgot to record my IQ as well. Think it was 111 or around that. Anyways, copied the description I got though. Your unusual talent of being equally good at both mathematical and verbal skills, paired with the way you learn through experience, makes you an Inventive Inquisitor. You understand the world by "learning through living" and are able to teach others by taking them through actual experiences. Most people search their brains for previously stored information that might help in a given situation, but you are open to an unusual amount of change and take things as they come and see things as they are. 'Those who can, do: Those who can't, teach' Apparently I do and I teach.
Well you can't get much Harder than Impossible can you? Who knows, maybe you can mix it up and replace Donald and Goofy with Sephiroth and Xemnas instead.
How to make him harder: Step 1 - Buy an Action Replay Max or similar cheat item. Step 2 - Input codes to replace Donald and Goofy with Terra Step 3 - Enter portal to Actual Terra Battle in Disney Castle Step 4 - Sora vs Triple Terror
Banned for being a cheap Bigfoot knockoff available on Ebay.
MIghty Max's unmentioned Brother.
Aren't 4 and 5 the same pic? Just with one being smaller than the other.
But that just brings a whole new level to the mystery. For if Riku was originally chosen by Terra to wield the Keyblade would he wield one without a Keychain like Terra, or one with like the Bald Guy and Sora. And if he was to originally wield one without a Keychain, then what happened to allow Sora to wield one with a Keychain?
And there's one thing I can't figure out. Why before the Battle with Terra's Spirit or Memory or whatever, does he think that Sora is Xehanort? I mean, it seems that he can sense that Sora was not the one he had chosen (presumably Riku) but why does he assume that Sora has to be Xehanort instead? After the battle, he states that he sensed something within Sora regarding his Strength, but what does that have to do with Xehanort? On a side note, I do find it kind of cool that the After Battle Scene seems to be the only time when Sora has a serious look on his face. As if he has a sort of Respect for Terra despite having just met him.
A list of Ownage and I'm not on it. I really have been gone a long time. None of the new ones know of my grand Ownage of a troll on the forums back in the day. Ahh, good times, good times.