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  1. The Enigmatic Superior
    An Old thread, but seriously, I've got a ton of these.

    Gurren Lagann:

    Kamina: We brawlers are sustained by willpower! Even when mocked as reckless and crazy!
    Simon: If there's a wall in our way then we smash it down! If there isn't a path, then we carve one ourselves!
    Both: The magma of our soul burns with a mighty flame! SUPER ULTRA COMBINING GURREN LAGANN!
    Simon: JUST WHO...!
    Kamina: IN THE HELLl...!

    "Listen Simon, never forget, just believe in yourself. Not in the Simon I believe in. Not in the Kamina that you believe in. Have faith in the Simon that believes in you."

    "My Bro is dead. He's gone. But he's right there on my back! And here in my heart! He lives on as a part of me! If you're gonna dig, dig to the heavens. No matter what's in my way I won't stop. Once I've dug through, it means that I've won! Just who the hell do you think I am? I'm Simon. I'm not my Bro! I'M ME! SIMON THE DIGGER!

    "My name is Simon, leader of Team Dai Gurren. Simon the Digger! If you decide that you're going to be a wall that's standing in my way, then I have something that will open a hole in you every time. And that something IS MY DRILL!"

    Simon: Viral? You ready to di it!
    Viral: Oh that? That might be entertaining.
    Simon: We embark on the winding Spiral path. The Paths of Man and Beast intersect.
    Viral: Join with yesterday's foe to smash fate and grab tomorrow's path with our own hands!

    Simon: Smashing through both Karma and Fate!
    Viral: The Screams of Life echo across the Galaxy!

    "Our friends' Hopes and Dreams are etched into its body. Transforming the Infinite Darkness into Light. Unmatched in Heaven and Earth. One Machine equal to the gods! SUPER GALAXY GURREN LAGANN! We're gonna show you the power of the Human Race!"

    Nia: Even when trapped by Karma's Cycle...
    Yoko: The Dreams we left behind will open the Door.
    Leeron: Even if the Universe stands in our way...
    Viral: Our Seething Blood will determine what will be!
    Simon: We'll break through Time and Space...

    Anti-Spiral: How can this be? Where are you drawing all of this power from?!
    Simon: We evolve. Beyond the person we were a minute before. Little by little, we advance a bit further with each turn. That's how a Drill works!
    Anti-Spiral: That is the Path that leads to Extinction! Why can't you see the Pathetic limitation of the Spiral Race?!
    Simon: No, That's your limitation! You sit here closed off! Locking away other lifeforms like some kind of King! That's nobody's limitation but your own!
    Yoko: He's right! We Humans used to have somebody much Greater than us! For his sake alone, We'll keep on Moving Forward!
    Nia: I've staked everything on the Greatness of the Human Spirit too!
    Simon: Mark my words, this Drill will open a Hole in the Universe! And that Hole will be a Path for those Behind Us. The Dreams of Those who have Fallen. The Hopes of Those who will Follow. Those two sets of Dreams weave together into a Double Helix, Drilling a Path towards Tomorrow! AND THAT'S TENGEN TOPPA! THAT'S GURREN LAGANN! MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT CREATES THE HEAVENS!


    "There's something that cannot be expressed in words: human emotion. Emotions of the heart can't just be tucked away in a closet. But there is a way to know the emotions. Look into the eyes. The girl lied to me, and I believed her. The gentleman lied to me when I trusted him. But the moment I looked into his eyes, the angel of destiny began to unravel the truth. Just Look into their eyes. There is only one truth.

    Those who make mistakes, blame themselves and close their hearts. It's impossible to fix the mistake; men can't return to the past. That's why they drink. Lushes, drunks, sliding alcohol down their throats to dilute memories that can't be forgotten. Frank Marlon the gunsmith does nothing but drink, and he questions the glass after it is empty, am I wrong? Was I wrong?"

    "A past that can't be forgotten and can't be buried. A past which can't even be shaken for just a little time. The sentiment deep inside each of their hearts is strong and equal. For beloved parents, and for a beloved daughter. Two men can only find the answer from behind their triggers. The moment the sentimental bullets flew towards each other, the men stood silent, yet were weeping. The past enslaves."

    "Whenever something is gained, something is always lost. It's difficult to live after something like that. What is lost will never return. Important things, irreplaceable things... But what is needed to keep those things is in the firm will packed into one bullet. Man knows, he knows that nothing will begin unless he speaks, and that nothing will change, unless he moves."

    "The longer one holds onto a memory, the longer one lives in the past. The deeper the memory they hold on to, the more beautiful the past will become. The beautiful memories will eventually turn into hate. Even if they look ahead, they lose the ability to walk. As long as the heavy chain called Revenge continues to bind the heart, the tears of sadness will continue to flow."

    "The tragedy endlessly repeated in order to fulfill desires. The lust for conquest making people bend to your will, a thrill intense enough to make you shudder. There is a man who is a slave to that ecstasy. The leader of the Bad Lads, a man who shines: Brilliant Dynamites Neon. The sand steamer will shake the moment the huge dynamos on each of his shoulders start to spark. In the pitch black darkness, the gruesome party begins."

    "People who sin say this: that they had to, to survive. People who sin say this: that it's too late now to stop. The shadow called Sin dogs them steadily from behind, silently, without a word. Remorse and Agony are repeated, only to end up at Despair in the end. But the sinners just don't know, that if they'd only turn around, there is a light there, a light which keeps shining on them ever so warmly. A light that will never fade."

    "I met a lonely man in the desert, the traveling priest, Nicholas D. Wolfwood. He smiled, and then he told me that I’m a troubled man. Faced with his all-seeing smile, there was nothing I could say in my defense. Did I meet this man because I was destined to? Or was it simply by a small jest of God? The man’s name is Nicholas D. Wolfwood, a traveling priest I met in the desert."

    "I think I'd like to do something nice for somebody. I think it's good if you smile at someone and they smile in return. Voluntary love encourages people to create a sense of friendliness. Love that is unconditional gives us respect as people. However, it’s wrong to force love, to try to keep it alive. If the strain goes on, eventually it'll bloom into the flower called Lie, the deceptively thorny flower that hurts people."

    "A choice between two things. A forked road, a crossroad, where men given life must take, in order to stay alive. Whichever end they live on, they lose something. Whichever end they live on, they are unable to find happiness. But are there really only two paths to a forked road? No. There are infinite paths we must take. There is more than one path. There is more than one path to the future."

    "All people have a sanctuary which must never be touched. A scar of sadness which must never be tread upon. The cooperation formed by the living to realize a dream or achieve an ideal. The man with the white coat told me in a quiet voice that he had finally found me, that he wanted my life. That man smiled a smile deeper than darkness. Legato Bluesummers, a man fascinated by death, only spoke quietly."

    "Routine report, date July 20th. Two days after the incident cause by a man named Monev. Tension still runs high in the city. The incident made me realize something all over again. It’s an awareness which becomes obscured as I keep regular contact with him, that being, the reason Vash the Stampede is called the Humanoid Typhoon. Why is it that so much trouble falls into this man’s lap?"

    "If you only face forward, there is something you will miss seeing. It is a virtue to devote one’s self to something, firmly believing in one’s own ideals. But that does not mean it’s all right to belittle the ideals or feelings of others. If you lead such a focused life and you don’t realize how your parents feel, it’s only self-satisfaction. It’s alright to stop every now and again, if you want a moment’s rest, if you want to feel what other people feel."

    "People judge people, lives are being cut short because of someone’s personal logic. Mothers, fathers, friends, their entire past instantly vanishes into thin air. The question is, should this take place at the whim of one individual. A beautiful woman stood before the corpses of the Rodric Thieves. She told me that she was merely discarding some useless garbage. Dominique the Cyclops, told me just to think of it as, spring cleaning."

    "The fragment of memory lost in the gap between life and death. Is it something which will point the way to spiritual awareness? The silver metallic gun crached open, and my right arm metamorphosed. My past, my people, my mother...the moment I was reunited with everything I had ever protected, the light took Augusta. The Humanoid Typhoon, The $$60 Billion Man, Vash the Stampede. This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey."

    "Rem told me that someone she loved died on Earth. She told me she boarded the ship to start over. What does it feel like to have someone you love die? I tried thinking of what it would be like if Rem died. Hot water came out of my eyes, and it wouldn’t stop for a long time. Rem, I’ll always be there for you. I won’t leave you alone."

    "Let us regard the fifth moon, shining down upon us from the skies, stained red with blood. And let us remember his name, his legend. To do so you only need to look up. Like it or not, his legend is chiseled into the fifth moon. A permanent etching from a terrible past. The legend of Vash the Stampede chiseled, forever, and then the time comes, you only need tell of the tracks, which lead to the future."

    "Strong will can stir the heart, but a will too strong can cut off the hearts visibility. The sorrow of a man bereaved of his family turns to hate, which eventually metamorphoses into the intent to kill. The man’s finger reaches for the trigger. Sins change people. Sin begets sin. But still, I want to believe, I want to believe in the heart, the heart that feels the sin."

    "In times of hardship, in times of sadness, there is a place the traveler can let his mind return to. Home. I still don't know what kind of a past the traveler abandoned, when he left his home behind. I still don't know what kind of a sorrow he bears. But the traveler can keep walking forward, because he has something which sustains him, a place which accepts him. He can walk forward, step by careful step."

    "There is something you can’t give up. There is something you want to protect. There is a time you must take a stand no matter what kind of pain awaits us. The man clad in the red coat took up his gun once again, in order to stop the sadness, in order to stop the hate. I keep the word of the red geranium which I was taught so long ago. I keep the courage and determination, deep in my heart."

    "Self-protection. The means of protecting oneself. People expose their weaknesses, and thus form a group. Before they know it, they begin to exclude outsiders. But what becomes of those who have been excluded? I smiled at the children who lived in a tight group in their rickety house. Let's live today. Let's live tomorrow. And let's live the day after that...even if it means living in eternal pain."

    "To realize a mistake. To not lie. To love one another. To not kill. Those are very simple things, but the times won't allow for them. There is no green on this planet, even though we want it, though we want it so badly. A place where we can live peaceful days, with no wars nor stealing, a sacred place where people can live as people. Yes, there. That place is called..."

    "Repeated tragedies, repeated pain, the wishes of a man are so strong, and yet so frail and weak. To live. To stay alive. Who would have thought that survival would be this hard, this painful? I must choose, I must make the choice, in the moment that intertwines life and death. Can I choose to remain a human?"

    "I was dreaming Rem. Everything was so horribly dry there on that planet, even peoples hearts. As I watched the people who lived there from far away, I kept wondering why they went on living, how they kept on living. Rem, listen to me Rem, I went wrong! I went wrong! Tell me, what should I do?"

    "That day, that time, 130 years ago we were born, weren’t we? There was nothing but peaceful days and Rem was always close behind us. But our disagreeing thoughts changed each of our ways of life, didn’t they? I don’t regret it. I vow once again not to kill, not to betray, but to find happiness, to talk about my dreams, because the ticket to the future is always blank."

    "Rem...I will continue to believe in you. But from now on, I will look into my own words."
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 21, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. The Enigmatic Superior
    There's always Sonic Adventure on XBLA people. In other related news, I went out on a major shopping spree (Christmas Overtime Payday) and managed to acquire a 'Sonic & The Black Knight' Sonic Figure as well as the complete series of both SATAM Sonic and AOSTH. Also looking forward to Project Needlemouse as well.

    Blue streak, speeds by...

    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 20, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  3. The Enigmatic Superior
    I can only assume that you are referring to Catherine Tate's portrayal in the Christmas Special 'The Runaway Bride' because quite frankly, Donna Noble was perhaps the Best Companion The Tenth Doctor ever had.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 20, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. The Enigmatic Superior
    I was flicking through the channels and stumbled across the Sci-Fi Channel doing a short video on E3 or some other games conference and they were talking about KH which had been shown for the first time at the conference. The combination of Disney and Final Fantasy both intrigued and concerned me greatly. But I gave it a chance and was glad I did.
  5. The Enigmatic Superior
    This time I'm back AND I'M STAYING BACK BABY!

    Wonder if any of the old gang are still around?

    Ah well, Hello to you all, the new people.
    Thread by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 20, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. The Enigmatic Superior
    Well, I managed to make it through the whole thing.

    Of course, it helps that I had these guys to help me through it.

    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. The Enigmatic Superior
    Alright people, here it is:

    Click here for THE WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!

    And may God have mercy on your soul.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. The Enigmatic Superior
    Okay...first up:

    Armageddon - Not a thing, but the name of a place where it is believed that the final battle between Good and Evil will occur. It can also be recognised as 'Har-Magedon' which is thought to represent the Hebrew words 'Har Megiddo' meaning 'Hill of Megiddo' which is situated within Israel.

    December 21 2012 - This is the day when the 'Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar' used most notably by the Mayan civilisation completes it's thirteenth 'b'ak'tun' since its supposed starting point (August 11th 3114 BC). It is a misheld belief that the Calendar ends on that day. Rather the representation of that date (August 11th 3114 BC) by the Long Count Calendar ( shall be repeated for the first time in approximately 5,125 Solar Years.

    The use of this date as the date for a great Cataclysm (which itself is merely taken from the Greek Word 'Kataklysmos' meaning 'to wash down' and is actually the Greek Expression for the 'Great Flood of Noah') is a 'New Age' belief first forecast by one 'Jose Arguelles.' This 'forecast' is considered by most mainstream Mayanist Scholars to be a misinterpretation. Rather, it is conjectured that this date will represrent a major change in the world order.

    Other possible 'theories' suggest mankind going through a great shift in consciousness or a possible 'global awakening' to 'psychic connection'.

    Or if you watch The X-Files, it's the day when Aliens invade.

    Now, me being a Christian, I go with the simple idea that Jesus left to his disciples. Namely that the only one who knows when the world's going to end is God.

    So what should those of you who may not be 'Christian' see this as? Simple, it just means that you shouldn't worry about things beyond your control. Just live your life the best you can, and when it comes to the end, be it with the rest of the world or when you're in your bed, old and grey, surrounded by your family, you can look back and say 'Yeah, I had a fantastic life.'
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, May 30, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. The Enigmatic Superior
  10. The Enigmatic Superior
    Never Turn Back, or as it should be known:

    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, May 28, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. The Enigmatic Superior
    Actually, they never got Frank Welker back for the Movie, only Peter Cullen. Frank Welker voiced Megatron for the game based upon the movie. The actual Movie Megatron was voiced (Surprisingly enough) by none other than 'Agent Smith' Hugo Weaving.

    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, May 28, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. The Enigmatic Superior
    Sure, we've all heard them, those classic Themes that are just as popular as the films they appeared in, such as the 'Raiders March' from Indiana Jones or the Jaws Theme or the Superman Theme or even Horror Movies like the Halloween series.

    But have you ever wondered how these would sound as songs with actual lyrics to them? Well, not any more:

    Indiana Jones Theme Song
    Superman Theme Song
    James Bond Theme Song
    Batman Theme Song
    Jaws Theme Song
    Back To The Future Theme Song
    Halloween Theme Song
    Thread by: The Enigmatic Superior, May 28, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  13. The Enigmatic Superior
    :silence: You don't deserve Kingdom Hearts. Same goes for whoever said Shoot'em Up. (Jk) Sure it's almost completely lacking in plot and it's action scenes are so ridiculous that they make what happens in the Devil May Cry 3 Cutscenes well thought out and realistic, but y'know what... IT'S FUN!

    Seriosuly, when did everyone turn into Film Critics and complain about every little thing in movies instead of just sitting back and enjoying them for what they are. Like with the new Indiana Jones movie, I thought it was fantastic and then I discover people saying it was rubbish because of things like Shia Labeouf swinging through the jungle with monkeys or because the plot wasn't realistic.


    Transformers - 'Oh, I don't like it because Optimus Prime has flames. Yeah, because his colour scheme has such an effect on his overall character. I don't like it because 'Jazz' is portrayed as a 'Black' Transformer. NEWSFLASH GENIUS! He was a 'Black' Transformer in the original cartoon series as well

    And yet it's probably the same people who complain about these sort of things that make trash like HSM and Meet The Spartans so damn popular.

    Anyway, as for worst movie, I'll throw out the remake of 'The Wicker Man' starring Nicholas Cage. I swear throughout that entire film all I kept hoping for was that Old Nicky would flip out, scream 'I'M CASTOR TROY! and kill everyone on that damn island.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, May 28, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. The Enigmatic Superior
    Hello people, I return to you now at the turning of the tide in order to present you this Season 4 Mid Season (That's halfway through the series so MAJOR SPOILERS for those among you who are fans living in America or various other countries where season 4 may not have begun yet) Trailer of 'Doctor Who' which seems to remind me of something... familiar.
    Thread by: The Enigmatic Superior, May 28, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  15. The Enigmatic Superior
    Relax, I get the humour aspect, I just question the use of it in a topic like this is all.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  16. The Enigmatic Superior
    Was the 'whore' comment really necessary?
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  17. The Enigmatic Superior
  18. The Enigmatic Superior
    On the subject of Green Lantern, I present one of the best...nay...The GREATEST Green Lantern Pic ever!

    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Literature
  19. The Enigmatic Superior
    Back again with the Animated Transformers Movie ('86) but with a slight difference. This line is from a fanmade MST/Rifftrax for the movie -

    Ultra Magnus: *About to bite the bullet both literally and figuratively* Prime, you said The Matrix would light our darkest hour.
    Riffer: *As Prime* 'Our' darkest hour, not yours specifically.

    Star Trek: First Contact -

    Jean-Luc Picard: I will not sacrifice the Enterprise. We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far and no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!

    And breaking up the norm once more by diving into the realm of TV with Babylon 5

    Kosh: I will teach you.
    John Sheridan: About yourself?
    Kosh: About you. Until you are ready.
    John Sheridan: For what?
    Kosh: To fight legends.
    Delenn: In the service of their clan, they're ready to sacrifice everything — their individuality, their blood, their life.
    John Sheridan: Their honor? Oh, we've had plenty of that ourselves. Conspiracies of silence, because the larger ideals have to be protected. But you can't have larger ideals if the smaller ones get compromised. It's like building a house without a foundation, Delenn — it can't stand!
    G'Kar: No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies cannot stand. The Centauri learned this lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free.
    Sheridan: Mr…Sebastian, I did a little digging, based on what you told me. The records confirm you lived on Earth in the year 1888. The records also indicate that you vanished, suddenly, without a trace on November 11th, 1888. That's a very interesting date, Mr. Sebastian. The morning after the last of a string of murders in the East End.
    Sebastian: The city was drowning in decay. Chaos. Immorality. A message needed to be sent, etched in blood for all the world to see. A warning. In the pursuit of my holy cause, I…did things. Terrible things. Unspeakable things. The world condemned me, but it didn't matter because I believed I was right and the world was wrong. I believed I was the divine messenger. I believed I was…
    Sheridan: Chosen?
    Sebastian: [after a pause] I was…found by the Vorlons. They showed me the terrible depth of my mistake, my crimes, my…presumption. I have done four hundred years of penance and service, a job for which they said I was ideally suited. Now, perhaps, they will finally let me die.
    Sheridan: I think that might be wise.
    Sebastian: [turning to board a Vorlon transport] Good luck to you in your holy cause, Captain Sheridan. May your choices have better results than mine. Remembered not as a messenger, remembered not as a reformer, not as a prophet, not as a hero…not even as Sebastian. Remembered only…as Jack.
    [Sheridan is told that the Joint Chiefs have ordered him to apologize to the Centauri.]
    John Sheridan: I suppose this… apology is already written?
    Mr. Welles: No need. You can phrase the apology any way you see fit. As with everything else, it's the thought that counts.
    [Sheridan practices his apology to the Centauri government before a mirror.]
    John Sheridan: I apologize. I'm… sorry. [sighs] I'm sorry we had to defend ourselves against an unwarranted attack. I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. [pauses] As with everything else, it's the thought that counts.
    Ivanova: I mean, come on, where's your sense of mystery? Of adventure?
    Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
    Ivanova: No, sir! Wouldn't dream of it.
    Sheridan: Good! I hate being cheered up. It's… depressing.
    Ivanova: So, in that case… we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
    Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
    Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw… or be destroyed!
    Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
    Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
    Marcus Cole: You know, um… I used to think that it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.
    Na'Kal: Breen! You've managed to import breen from Homeworld! How?
    G'Kar: It, uh…isn't actually breen.
    Na'Kal: The smell, the taste—!
    G'Kar: It's an Earth food. They are called Swedish meatballs. It's a strange thing, but every sentient race has its own version of these Swedish meatballs! I suspect it's one of those great universal mysteries which will either never be explained, or which would drive you mad if you ever learned the truth!
    G'Kar: It was the end of the Earth year 2260, and the war had paused, suddenly and unexpectedly. All around us, it was as if the universe were holding its breath… waiting. All of life can be broken down into moments of transition, or moments… of revelation. This had the feeling of both. […] G'Quan wrote, "There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope. The death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender." The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born… in pain.
    Drazi: Captain…we're sorry… We thought you were dead.
    Sheridan: [deadpan] I was. I'm better now.
    [EarthForce Captain Thompson demands to know who is challenging his advanced-destroyer fleet.]
    Susan Ivanova: Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova. Commander. Daughter of Andrei and Sophie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart! I am Death Incarnate, and the last living thing that you are ever going to see. God sent me.
    Londo Mollari: The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. But where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with even greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space. In my life, I have never seen anything like it. They would weep, they would pray, they would say goodbye to their loved ones and then throw themselves without fear or hesitation at the very face of death itself. Never surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable could help but be moved to tears by their courage…their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of ships, they used guns. When they ran out of guns, they used knives and sticks and bare hands. They were magnificent. I only hope, that when it is my time, I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes at the end. They did this for two years. They never ran out of courage. But in the end…they ran out of time.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. The Enigmatic Superior
    You win for quoting the 1986 Transformers animated movie.

    You fail for not including:

    Optimus Prime: Megatron must be stopped. No matter the cost.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 17, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media