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  1. The Enigmatic Superior
    PCSX2 my friend. Gotta love that upscaling.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  2. The Enigmatic Superior
    I'm having similar issues. I've tried both the Drive Form Exp Mod code and the 'Level up to Lvl9 in One hit' codes and neither work.

    Am I to assume that this is due to me playing the English Patched version of the game?
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jun 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  3. The Enigmatic Superior
    Perhaps the game could be all about restoring the worlds to their original combined form? As such, it could be that Sora has to fight boss characters from two originally separate worlds at the same time in a combined section of the partially restored original world.

    E.g. Lion Cub Sora and Simba/Mowgli have to fight both Scar and Shere Khan together. Or Sora and Tron fight a Revived Clu and MCP or Stark. Or heck, bring the Time Travel aspect into it and have Sora retrieve the Space Paranoids version of Tron to help him fight Rinzler and Clu.

    Sora and Beast/Quasimodo vs Gaston and Frollo would be another example.
  4. The Enigmatic Superior
    I'd have to say I'd like to see Beast's Castle make a return in KHIII. After all, there's a forest filled with Wolves and Belle's Village beyond that Locked Gate at the end of the Bridge. And besides, Beast, despite his Anger issues was just a straight up Bro to Sora in KHI & II.

    In terms of Graphics/Visuals then it's got to be Space Paranoids/The Grid. That's gonna look insane on Next-Gen consoles.

    God I hope they'd be able to get Jeff Bridges for that.
  5. The Enigmatic Superior
    I find myself somewhat conflicted with this news. Yes it's good that more people will get to play it, but why does the Wii U version (which was to be released in just a couple of weeks) have to be delayed til September as well? :(
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Feb 7, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. The Enigmatic Superior
    I cannot begin to describe how much I love this show. It's old school manga/anime revived for the Modern Era. Just like my all time favorite Anime 'Fist of the North Star'/'Hokuto No Ken' it's an Anime where Men are men and that's the only reason they need to fight those that would prey on the innocent.​
    Not to mention it has one of the most awesome Ops of recent memory.​
    Should give fair warning that it can get a bit gorey at times, but this is only in regards to the Uncensored DVD/Blu-Ray releases and not the initial TV Broadcasts. So if you are somewhat squeamish, just be careful which version you decide to watch.​
    Thread by: The Enigmatic Superior, Feb 5, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. The Enigmatic Superior
    Wow, it's been a few years since I last posted here. Back when people were really starting to realise just what was possible when it came to using cheat codes in Kingdom Hearts II I believe. So why did I go? No special reason, that's just how life goes sometimes. As for why I've returned, again no overly special reason. I just find my interest in the Kingdom Hearts series after playing through 'Dream Drop Distance' renewed. Right now I'm playing through Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix once more, this time in HD thanks to my new Gaming PC and that English Patch.

    So, what to tell you about myself? I am a huge NERD and proud of it. Video games, TV Shows, Movies, Anime, Comics, I love it all. Heck, I probably own close to 600 games now and I'll just keep buying more. In terms of Kingdom Hearts I own:

    Kingdom Hearts (PAL)
    Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix
    Kingdom Hearts II (NTSC/J)
    Kingdom Hearts II (NTSC/U)
    Kingdom Hearts II (PAL)
    Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix +
    Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (PAL)
    Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories (NTSC/U)
    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PAL)
    Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (PAL)
    Kingdom Hearts II: Original Soundtrack
    Kingdom Hearts: Ultimania
    Kingdom Hearts: Manga Collection

    That's right, I own 4 different versions of Kingdom Hearts II.

    Anyways, I guess all that's left to say is that I look forward to getting reacquainted with those I knew before who are still here and getting to know all those who've arrived here since I've been gone a lot better.
    Thread by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 30, 2013, 15 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. The Enigmatic Superior
    It's Kingdom Hearts vs Kingdom Hearts II and as of this post it's:

    Kingdom Hearts - 4200
    Kingdom Hearts II - 4212
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Dec 10, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  9. The Enigmatic Superior
    And we've got a new Fave thanks to the recent release of 'Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann The Movie: Lagann-hen on DVD in Japan.

    So, to kick things off, unlike the original series, the only Dai Gurren member who dies before the final battle with the Anti-Spirals is Kitan, meaning that the rest of them are there for 'Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann vs Grand Zamboa. However, this time around, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is literally torn to shreds by Grand Zamboa, to the point where it looks like blood is just pouring out of it.

    Grand Zamboa rips the head off TTGL and just as it is about to destroy it with Simon inside, it is stopped by a drill from it's forehead, as Lagann has transformed into Tengen Toppa Lagann which then breaks free with the help of Nia and her own Tengen Toppa Gunman. She herself is then saved by Viral and his Tengen Toppa Enkidudu. After that, the rest of the gang all get cracks at Grand Zamboa with Tengen Toppa Gunmen. Even the crew of the Dai-Gurren get to pilot a Tengen Toppa Dai Gurren.

    Following this, Grand Zamboa once again uses his Infinity Big Bang Storm to destroy everyone and Lordgenome once again gives his life to save them. Although unlike the series where Lazengann bursts out of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, this time a naked Lordgenome (with areas censored by his burning Spiral Energy) strolls out onto the field of battle and has Lazengann form around him. He uses Lazengann's Overload to convert the Infinity Big Bang Storm into Spiral Energy which Tengen Toppa Lagann absorbs. Tengen Toppa Team Dai Gurren then combine into SUPER Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Think Spiral Energy taking on the form of the Mighty Kamina, cape and all) which towers over Grand Zamboa (Let's put it this way. Mind how Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is bigger than a galaxy? Well, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is smaller than SUPER Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's head).

    Grand Zamboa then grows to the same size as SUPER Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and both go at it with their own Giga Drill Breaks. We then get a slightly altered version of the Series Finale as SUPER (And yes, it must always be in capitals thankyou very much) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's Drill breaks. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann bursts out with it's drill, which is subsequently broken also. This is then followed by Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann, Arc Gurren Lagann and finally Gurren Lagann itself which manages to break through Grand Zamboa's drill. We then return to the series finale with Gurren Lagann flying toward the Anti Spiral homeworld and the Anti-Spiral itself which is trying to stop them. Viral rips Lagann off Gurren and hurls it the rest of the way. However, we once again hit a change as Simon doesn't defeat the Anti-Spiral with a Lagann Impact. Instead, just before Lagann is completely destroyed, he gets Lagann to pull him out and hurl himself at the Anti-Spiral. Simon and the Anti-Spiral then procceed to have a fairly brutal punch up before Simon manages to form the blood he has lost during the fight into a Drill upon his arm and then uses that to destroy the Anti-Spiral once and for all.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 28, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. The Enigmatic Superior
    Alright people, as you can probably tell from the topic title, I'm looking to take another crack at making some AMVs or more specifically KHMVs and I've hit a problem. My PC can't pick up the Video signal from my PS2. It picks up the sound ok, but no video.

    I've tried 3 different types of wires to connect the PS2 to the PC via a composite connection and each time the result is the same. I've also tried connecting the Wii and 360 and those have worked fine, both sound and video.

    So, why not the PS2? As always, help is appreciated and Thanks in Advance.
    Thread by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 26, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. The Enigmatic Superior
    If they at least gave us subtitles, I'd at least be able to import it...again since I already have Final Mix+. But hey, at least they made the effort to translate Re:CoM and...not release it in England :silence:

    Hey Square, Konami and Metal Gear Solid say Hi!
  12. The Enigmatic Superior
    Commando. To this day, one of the greatest Action Movies Ever Made!

    Arnie: You're a funny guy Sully. That's why I'm going to kill you last


    Arnie: (Holding 'Sully' over a cliff by his leg with one arm) Remember Sully, when I promised I'd kill you last?
    Sully: Yeah that's right Matrix, you did!
    Arnie: I Lied (Drops Sully)

    Woman:(After Arnie and her get in 'Sully's car) What happened to Sully?
    Arnie: I let him go.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  13. The Enigmatic Superior
    Focus on making the PS3 Region Free for Blu-Ray movies and I'll be one happy camper.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  14. The Enigmatic Superior
    But I couldn't seem to find an obligatory/generic AMV thread to post this in.

    Gurren Lagann - Welcome To The Black Parade

    No, it's not that one on Youtube. It is however in my opinion, better than the one on Youtube.

    And then this one, which I'm sure any Gurren Lagann fan knows:

    Be A Man
    Thread by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 23, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. The Enigmatic Superior
    I actually rather enjoyed this game. If there's one thing I particularly like, it'd have to be the fact that you have a little playable ending where you get to walk around and talk to people after you've 'saved the world.' It's a rare thing in games now. Kind of makes me hope for one when the KH Storyline draws to a close. A little Celebration on Destiny Islands or at the Disney Palace where you get to talk to everyone. Heck, let us fly to all the worlds and meet everyone one last time even.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 22, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  16. The Enigmatic Superior
    No no, it's just that when I was around before, there was a running trend of people posting 'Do you think I'm sexy?' topics. I on the other hand chose to break the routine slightly and posted one asking 'Do you think I'm Enigmatic?'. Enigmatic basically meaning 'Mysterious'. Except when I posted it, people believed that it was just another word that meant 'sexy'.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 22, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  17. The Enigmatic Superior
    Oooh, that reminds me:

    Random Dude: I'm the best Kagome!
    Naruto: I did not need to see that.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 21, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. The Enigmatic Superior
    Yeah, well I'm funny like that. Or should I say 'Enigmatic.' Come to think of it, I wonder if anyone actually did figure out what that meant in the end?
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 21, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. The Enigmatic Superior
    -'Hokuto No Ken' and 'Gurren Lagann' Revoltech Figures.
    -Transformers, but more specifically 'Optimus Primes' and Transformers who combine with versions of Optimus Prime.
    -Video Games. Seriously, I've got over 260 of them, I'd call that a collection.
    -Kingdom Hearts II. I've got the Japanese, US, PAL and Final Mix versions of it.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 21, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  20. The Enigmatic Superior
    Actually, I've got a great memory for remembering obscure random things, so yes Misty, I do remember you and our Highlander Threads.
    Post by: The Enigmatic Superior, Jan 21, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures